139 research outputs found

    Photoelektronenspektroskopie an reagierten Metallclustern - Dynamik der Ligandenresorption, elektronische Struktur und Geometrie

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    Metal-adsorbate-clusters have been studied using femtosecond-time-resolved and conventional photoelectron spectroscopy. Information concerning the dissociation dynamics as well as the electronic and geometric structures of these systems could be deduced. The photodesorption of CO from Au2_{2}CO- and Pt2_{2}(CO)5_{5} after excitation with an 1.5 eV-photon could be studied with pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy. The desorption occurs in a statistical manner via statistical fluctuations of the hot phonon system. The time constants of desorption are (470 ± 50) fs (Au2_{2}CO−^{-}) and (3 ± 2) ps (Pt2_{2}(CO)5_{5}). From the measured time constant one can deduce the energy barrier for CO-desorption. The photodissociation process of Pt2_{2}N2_{2} occurs rather slowly on a time scale of τ\tau = (100 ± 25) ps. The relaxation of the electronic system after excitation and the thermalisation of the excitation energy could be studied as well. The electronic relaxation in Au2_{2}CO−^{-} and Pt2_{2}(CO)5_{5} occurs very fast on an time scale < 70 fs. Using conventional photoelectron spectroscopy the electronic and geometric structures of platinum-, palladium and lead-dimmes with benzene-molecule adsorbed an them were studied. A strong interaction of the benzene-frontier-orbitals with the metal orbitals of the dimer can be deduced from the spectra. In the spectra of Pt2_{2}Bz and Pd2_{2}Bz a vibrational progression could be resolved. It could be concluded that the benzenemolecules adsorbs in an C6v_{6v}-like symmetry perpendicular to the axis of the dimer. Fitting a Franck-Condon-Profile to the vibrational progression the spectroscopy constants of Pt2_{2}Bz, Pd2_{2}Bz and the anions could be deduced. Contrary to this situation benzene was found to adsorb parallel to the main group metal dimer Pb2_{2} forming a Pb2_{2}Bz-cluster with C2v_{2v} symmetry

    Ein stochastisches Simulationsmodell zur Planung der Finanzierung landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, ein Simulationsgrundkonzept zur EntscheidungsunterstĂŒtzung sowie Unternehmensberatung in der strategischen Planung zu entwickeln und Finanzierungsstrategien zu beurteilen. Durch eine gezielte Analyse der Fragenkomplexe, wie sich das Unternehmen zur Zeit verhĂ€lt, was im Umfeld des Unternehmens geschieht und was das Unternehmen tun sollte, werden Handlungsalternativen generiert, bei denen zudem die mehrschichtigen Ziele des Unternehmers berĂŒcksichtigt wurden. Im Sinne einer problemadĂ€quaten Modelllösung wurde die Simulation in Form der simulativen Risiko-Chancen-Analyse umgesetzt. Diese Vorgehensweise ermöglicht einen grafischen Zielwertvergleich einzelner Alter-nativen und entsprechende Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten. Durch den modularen Modellaufbau wird es ermöglicht, dem Berater und dem Ratsuchenden verschiedene Modellvarianten und -einstellungen an die Hand zu geben, um so Handlungsalternativen zu generieren. Auf Grund des Mangels an geeigneten Modellen zur Finanzplanung wurde ein Modul in Form eines semantischen Reglers (Fuzzy Logik Regler) in das Modell integriert, der es ermöglicht, die Konsequenzen aus dem Finanzierungsverhalten in Form von wenig prĂ€zisierten Regeln zu formulieren. Diese Vorgehensweise ermöglicht es, im Klienten-Berater-Dialog eindeutige Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten. Landwirtschaftliche Unternehmen haben nur eine begrenzte Möglichkeit Beteiligungskapital zu akquirieren, so dass diesen nur ein Bankdarlehen als unternehmensexterne Finanzierungsquelle zur VerfĂŒgung steht. Hierdurch kommt dem Zinsmarkt in der Unternehmensfinanzierung eine bedeutende Rolle zu, der in der Modellbetrachtung durch ein separates Simulationsmodell (Modul: Zinssimulation) berĂŒcksichtigt wird. Zur besseren Durchdringung der Konsequenzen des volatilen Zinsmarktes wird das Zinsmarktmodell zunĂ€chst in ein einfaches Unternehmensmodell integriert. Auf Basis der ermittelten Ergebnisse ist es möglich, in den weiteren Modellbetrachtungen, mit Hilfe des „komplexeren“ fuzzygeregelten Unternehmensmodells, den Focus auf die relevanten Auswirkungen der Finanzierungsdauer, des Zinssatz und der Darlehensart zu lenken. An Hand eines Bullenmastbetriebes werden die Unternehmensentwicklung mit sowie ohne Wachstumsstrategien und typischen Unternehmensfinanzierungsstrategien dargestellt. Aus der Darlegung von Experten (Finanzierungsberater der Banken) werden die Finanzierungsstrategien „bedĂ€chtiger Investor“ und „tilgungsorientierter Investor“ abgeleitet. Die Verhaltensannahmen werden mit Hilfe von Fuzzy Regeln aufbereitet und mit dem fuzzy-gestĂŒtzten Simulationsmodell untersucht.A stochastic simulation model for farm financial planning This book aims to develop a simulation concept for the decision support management in strategic planning and judging financing strategies, analysing the questions: How the enterprise behaves at present, what happens in the environment of the enterprise and what should the enterprise do. Action alternatives are generated, which consider the multilevel goals of the entrepreneur. In the sense of an adjusted model solution the simulation was build in form of a risk chance analysis. The simulation model enables a graphic goal value comparison of the alternatives, in order to derive the consequences of the actions. The modular structure of the model with the different submodels allows to generate various action alternatives as requested by the advisor and the consulter. A module in form of a semantic controller (Fuzzy logic controller) was integrated into the model, due to the lack of suitable models for financial planning. So it is possible to formulate the consequences of financing behaviour in form of few specified rules. This proceeding makes it possible to generate clear recommendations. For agricultural enterprises there exists only a limited possibility to acquirer capital as venture capital, so only bank loans are available as external financial resource. This point shows the important role of the interest terms for the entrepreneurs financial planning. A separate simulation model was developed to clarify the consequences of volatile interest rates (module: Interest simulation). To understand the consequences of the volatile interest market, the interest market model is integrated in a simple enterprise model. The results of this simple model support the user to handle the more complex model, making it possible to shift the focus on the relevant effect of the financing duration, interest rate and the kind of loan in the complex model. Based on the statement of a bank expert, two typical financing strategies are developed for a cattle farm. On strategy shows an deliberate farm manager, in contrast to this strategy the second does focus to “paying off orientated” farmer. Both strategies are tested in two scenarios with and without farm growth

    Business Model Patterns Used as a Tool for Creating (new) Innovative Business Models

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    Purpose: As companies need to be able to identify whether their business model is under threat and also to make the right decisions concerning the development of a potential new business model, we have adopted Porter`s Five forces in order to analyze different threats to a business model. Furthermore, we have evaluated different business model patterns and rated them according to their impact on each of Porter’s forces. By be- ing aware of patterns, managers and decision makers can generate a new business model or adapt an existing one in a more systematic way. Design: Data were gathered through surveys. Data were analyzed by median analysis. Findings: We were able to identify clear trends in the performance of patterns against Porter’s forces. The results can furthermore help companies to make systematic combinations of these patterns to mitigate the threats. For the forces “bargaining power of buyers”, “bargaining power of suppliers”, and “competitive rivalry” we were able to identify specific value dimensions of the BM patterns. Research limitations / Implications: We have de ned ve steps for using business model patterns as a tool to counteract the pressure of any of Porter’s ve forces. Managers and decision makers can use these patterns to generate systematically a new business model or adapt an existing one. Originality / Value: Scholars propose a pattern-based methodology in order to develop business models (Rudtsch et al., 2014). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to nd out how companies are able to overcome business model threats by using business model patterns and linking these to the value dimensions of a business model

    Editorial: New Ways of Developing and Analyzing Business Model Innovation

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    The aim of this Special Issue is to expand and advance the current knowledge on these aspects, highlighting work that makes signi cant theoretical and empirical advances on new ways of developing and analyzing BM innovation. Consistently with this aim, the papers included in this Special Issue address several di erent new facets and aspects of BM innovation, thus adding new perspectives to this research stream.

    Ultrafast relaxation dynamics of optically excited electrons in Ni3-

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    Photon-induced ultrafast energy dissipation in small isolated Ni-3(-) has been studied by two-color pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy. The time-resolved photoelectron spectra clearly trace the path from a single-electron excitation to a thermalized cluster via both inelastic electron-electron scattering and electron-vibrational coupling. The relatively short electron-electron-scattering time of 215 fs results from the narrow energy spread of the partially filled d levels in this transition-metal cluster. The relaxation dynamics is discussed in view of the cluster size and in comparison to the totally different relaxation behavior of s/p-metal clusters

    Autonomous navigation of ships by combining optimal trajectory planning with informed graph search

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    Autonomous trajectory generation plays an essential role in the navigation of vehicles in space as well as in terrestrial scenarios, i.e. in the air, on solid ground, or water. For the latter, the navigation of ships in ports has specific challenges since ship dynamics are highly nonlinear with limited agility, while the manoeuvre space in ports is limited. Nevertheless, for providing support to humanly designed control strategies, autonomously generated trajectories have not only to be feasible, i.e. collision-free but shall also be optimal with respect to manoeuvre time and control effort. This article presents a novel approach to autonomous trajectory planning on the basis of precomputed and connectable trajectory segments, the so-called motion primitives, and an A*-search algorithm. Sequences of motion primitives provide an initial guess for a subsequent optimization by which optimal trajectories are found even in terrains with many obstacles. We illustrate the approach with different navigation scenarios

    Mapping the impact of social media for innovation: the role of social media in explaining innovation performance in the PDMA Comparative Performance Assessment Study

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    Social media (SM) allow users to easily create, edit, or share content. The vast numbers of individuals that converge around sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter embody a rich source of external knowledge that could be utilized for new product development (NPD). Complementing other channels for open innovation, SM can provide access to novel information about customer needs and technological solutions unknown to the firm. Anecdotal evidence suggests that there are considerable benefits from using SM during an innovation project, but empirical evidence is scare. Contributing to the perspective of openness in search, a number of hypotheses propose how SM as a new channel for open innovation can contribute to firm performance. This model is tested using data from the PDMA Comparative Performance Assessment Study (CPAS), identifying factors influencing the relationship between SM and NPD performance. The findings indicate that utilizing information from SM channels can lead to higher performance, but that this link is influenced by the formalization of a firm's NPD process. This study also finds that the ability of a firm to benefit from external search in SM strongly depends upon complementary internal processes when organizing and conducting this activity. Furthermore, managers have to take care when utilizing information from SM channels in radical projects, as for this kind of projects only a weak significant performance contribution of SM could be found

    Brightening of Long, Polymer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes by sp3^{3} Functionalization in Organic Solvents

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    The functionalization of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with sp3^{3} defects that act as luminescent exciton traps is a powerful means to enhance their photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) and to add optical properties. However, the synthetic methods employed to introduce these defects are so far limited to aqueous dispersions of surfactant-coated SWNTs, often with short tube lengths, residual metallic nanotubes and poor film formation properties. In contrast to that, dispersions of polymer-wrapped SWNTs in organic solvents feature unrivaled purity, higher PLQY and are easily processed into thin films for device applications. Here, we introduce a simple and scalable phase-transfer method to solubilize diazonium salts in organic nonhalogenated solvents for the controlled reaction with polymer-wrapped SWNTs to create luminescent aryl defects. Absolute PLQY measurements are applied to reliably quantify the defect-induced brightening. The optimization of defect density and trap depth results in PLQYs of up to 4 % with 90 % of photons emitted through the defect channel. We further reveal the strong impact of initial SWNT quality and length on the relative brightening by sp3^{3} defects. The efficient and simple production of large quantities of defect-tailored polymer-sorted SWNTs enables aerosol-jet printing and spin-coating of thin films with bright and nearly reabsorption-free defect emission, which are desired for carbon nanotube-based near-infrared light-emitting devices

    ‘To own or not to own?’ A study on the determinants and consequences of alternative intellectual property rights arrangements in crowdsourcing for innovation contests

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    Firms are increasingly engaging in crowdsourcing for innovation to access new knowledge beyond their boundaries; however, scholars are no closer to understanding what guides seeker firms in deciding the level at which to acquire rights from solvers and the effect that this decision has on the performance of crowdsourcing contests. Integrating Property Rights Theory and the problem solving perspective whist leveraging exploratory interviews and observations, we build a theoretical framework to examine how specific attributes of the technical problem broadcast affect the seekers’ choice between alternative intellectual property rights (IPR) arrangements that call for acquiring or licensing‐in IPR from external solvers (i.e. with high and low degrees of ownership respectively). Each technical problem differs in the knowledge required to be solved as well as in the stage of development it occurs of the innovation process and seeker firms pay great attention to such characteristics when deciding about the IPR arrangement they choose for their contests. In addition, we analyze how this choice between acquiring and licensing‐in IPR, in turn, influences the performance of the contest. We empirically test our hypotheses analyzing a unique dataset of 729 challenges broadcast on the InnoCentive platform from 2010 to 2016. Our results indicate that challenges related to technical problems in later stages of the innovation process are positively related to the seekers’ preference toward IPR arrangements with a high level of ownership, while technical problems involving a higher number of knowledge domains are not. Moreover, we found that IPR arrangements with a high level of ownership negatively affect solvers’ participation and that IPR arrangement plays a mediating role between the attributes of the technical problem and the solvers’ self‐selection process. Our article contributes to the open innovation and crowdsourcing literature and provides practical implications for both managers and contest organizers
