209 research outputs found

    «Årene 1950-1954 var de verste». En studie av hvordan myndighetene håndterte poliomyelittepidemien i Norge på 1950-tallet.

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    Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på den smittsomme sykdommen poliomyelitt, og hvordan de norske myndighetene reagerte og håndtere et epidemisk utbrudd i Norge. I sentrum for undersøkelsen står utbruddet på 1950-tallet for det er flere medisinere og historikere som sier at det er de verste epidemiårene. Oppgavens problemstilling er: Hva var myndighetenes reaksjon og aksjon på poliomyelittepidemien i Norge på 1950-tallet? Den historiske analysen fokuserer på poliomyelittepidemiene på 1950-tallet og hvordan myndighetene prøvde å håndtere smittespredningen. Hvilke tiltak kunne myndighetene iverksette for å forhindre smittespredning? Hvordan brukte de hjelpemidlene og ressursene de hadde tilgang på? Og hva eksisterte av lovverk om epidemiske sykdommer? Ble det etterhvert behov for nye lovbestemmelser? For å svare på problemstillingen er det blitt hentet en del materiale fra Stavanger byarkiv, samt digitaliserte avisartikler fra Nasjonalbiblioteket. Det har vært vesentlig for oppgaven å se på tidligere medisinvitenskapelige oppfatninger fra 1868 og utover. Det er derfor blitt henvist til tidligere forskning fra et historisk-medisinskperspektiv. I begynnelsen var målet om å bidra til ny kunnskap om et samfunns svar på en epidemis utfordringer, men på grunn av koronapandemien vil det være mulig å trekke linjer og gjenkjenne seg i utfordringene. Vi lever nå i 2021 i en lignende situasjon og de aller fleste som leser denne oppgaven vil kunne gjenkjenne seg i det som blir skrevet eller gjort for nesten 70 år siden.This master’s thesis focuses on the infectious disease poliomyelitis, and the reaction and handling by the Norwegian government following the epidemic outbreak in Norway. Most emphasis of the investigation will be given to the outbreak in the 1950s, which many doctors and historians consider the worst years of the epidemic. The main research question is: What were the government’s reaction and action to the poliomyelitis epidemic in Norway in the 1950s? The historical analysis therefore, focuses on the poliomyelitis epidemic and how the government tried to handle the spread of infection. What measures could the government put in place to stop the transmission of the disease? How did they use the tools and resources available to them? And what existed of legislation concerning epidemic diseases at the time? Was there any new legal provisions? To answer the research question, this thesis has used material from Stavanger city archive, as well as digitalized newspaper articles from National Library of Norway. It was essential for the thesis to look at earlier perceptions in the field of medical studies from 1868 and onwards. Therefore, references are made to earlier research from a historical-medical perspective. In the beginning, the goal of the research paper was to contribute towards knowledge of a society’s response to challenges stemming from an epidemic. However, following the Covid-19 pandemic, the thesis is perhaps more relevant than ever, and one can certainly draw lines between the past and present, recognize the challenges facing society in 2020/21. To the point where most people reading this thesis will identify with what was written or done almost 70 years ago

    Agrárpiaci Információk 2014. november

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    Az AKI Agrárpiaci Információk című, havi megjelenési gyakoriságú kiadványának elsődleges célja a kisebb üzemméretű mezőgazdasági termelők ellátása a gazdálkodásukhoz szükséges aktuális információkkal. Ezen információk körébe tartozik a fontosabb mezőgazdasági termékek és a mezőgazdasági inputok piaci helyzetének alakulása. Emellett árinformációk, külkereskedelmi és egyéb agrárstatisztikai adatok és ahhoz kapcsoló elemzések is közlésre kerülnek a kiadványban

    «En ny hverdag» - fra skoleelev til lærling i bedrift

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    Denne studien har hatt som mål å bidra til større innsikt i hvordan ungdommer kan erfare overgangen fra det å være elever på skolen, til å bli lærlinger i bedrift. Dette er en stor og viktig overgang i ungdommers liv, og det kan være store forskjeller på hvordan denne overgangen oppleves. Det overordnede temaet for denne oppgaven er karriereveiledning, og jeg har derfor ment at det er relevant å se denne overgangen i lys av hvilke karriereferdigheter som står sentralt når ungdommene gjennomfører denne overgangen. For å undersøke dette temaet har jeg valgt å gjennomføre en kvalitativ analyse, basert på fire ungdommers erfaringer med overgang ut i bedrift og i læretid. Selv om det kan være store individuelle forskjeller i hvordan overgangen oppleves, har de fire ungdommene som jeg har snakket med, hatt en ganske lik oppfatning av overgangen ut i bedrift. De har sett frem til overgangen, og gledet seg til å bli lærlinger i bedrift. Det ser også ut til at de har taklet overgangen svært godt, og det virker som om de både trives og lykkes i sin nye hverdag som lærlinger. Gjennom å snakke med disse ungdommene, har jeg sett hvilken fantastisk arena for karrierelæring, læretiden kan være. Tidligere arbeidserfaringer, samt god veiledning og støtte fra blant annet skole og opplæringskontor har bidratt til at disse lærlingene har hatt positive forventinger til læretiden og taklet oppstart i bedrift på en svært god måte. Det oppleves som om samfunnet har et stort trykk på å få ungdommer til å velge yrkesfag, samt velge å være lærlinger. Jeg har derfor ansett det som viktig å relevant å løfte ungdommenes egne stemmer frem i lyset, og få større innsikt i hvordan de som faktisk gjennomfører denne overgangen, opplever den. Dette anser jeg som verdifullt i seg selv. Samtidig har arbeidet med denne undersøkelsen fått meg til å stille spørsmål om vi utnytter potensialet som ligger i læretiden, godt nok? Kan vi i enda større grad enn i dag, anvende systematisk karriereveiledning som et middel til å øke læringsutbyttet og kvalitetssikre overgangen til læretid? Denne overgangen representerer uten tvil en stor og viktig overgang, i starten av unge menneskers yrkeskarriere. Dermed tenker jeg det kan være klokt for samfunnet å investere i denne viktige læringsarenaen. Til det beste for individ og samfunn, samt i et livslangt perspektiv for ungdommene

    Perceptions of Contextual Stressors in Physical Education. A Qualitative Case Study

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    Background: Daily stressors have a significant impact on students' educational outcomes. However, research on students perceived and common contextual stressors in physical education (PE) lessons is limited. Purpose: To identify potential contextual stressors in PE contexts and what students perceive as stressors. Participants: Ninth-grade students (age 14-15) and their PE teachers recruited from three classes in one lower secondary school in Norway. Research Design: This qualitative case study used data generated from descriptive field notes from participant observations in PE lessons, formal interviews and informal conversations with PE teachers, focus group and individual interviews with students, and a supplementary survey using the TurningPoint student response system. Conversations were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006; Tolmie et al., 2011; Braun et al., 2019) and the NVivo 12 Pro analysis software. The survey was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Findings: This study supports and expands previous research exploring students' stressors in PE and highlights the volume and variety of potential stressors in PE contexts. The findings shed light on certain similarities and differences that may exist between students of different genders and grades and with different past physical activity experiences. In the present study, spectators, in addition to difficult tasks and low self-efficacy, seemed particularly stressful for girls. This article presents nuances revealed by various qualitative approaches and a supplementary survey. Conclusion: Students in this study experience a multitude of stressors during PE lessons. These include stressors in the teaching, physical, and social environments, as well as personal factors. The stressors experienced depend on the situation, the lesson content, the parties involved, students' past experiences, and their appraisal of these stressors. In our sample, girls seemed to be more vulnerable to contextual stressors in PE than boys.publishedVersio

    Influence of pore-scale disorder on viscous fingering during drainage

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    We study viscous fingering during drainage experiments in linear Hele-Shaw cells filled with a random porous medium. The central zone of the cell is found to be statistically more occupied than the average, and to have a lateral width of 40% of the system width, irrespectively of the capillary number CaCa. A crossover length wfCa1w_f \propto Ca^{-1} separates lower scales where the invader's fractal dimension D1.83D\simeq1.83 is identical to capillary fingering, and larger scales where the dimension is found to be D1.53D\simeq1.53. The lateral width and the large scale dimension are lower than the results for Diffusion Limited Aggregation, but can be explained in terms of Dielectric Breakdown Model. Indeed, we show that when averaging over the quenched disorder in capillary thresholds, an effective law v(P)2v\propto (\nabla P)^2 relates the average interface growth rate and the local pressure gradient.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys Rev Letter

    Students’ perceptions of visibility in physical education

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    The purpose of this study is to explore students’ perceptions of visibility in physical education (PE) using a single cumulative case study approach. Data were generated from the descriptive field notes of seven participant observations (n = 77), individual semi-structured interviews (n = 13) and five focus group interviews (n = 18) with ninth-grade students (ages 14–15 years) from three classes in a public lower secondary school in Norway. The findings show that students perceive visibility differently depending on the context; some students like being visible in PE, while others dread it. Perceptions change rapidly and are situation-specific, influenced by the lesson content, the way the teacher facilitates the lessons, self-perception shaped by past experiences, the presence, actions, and attitudes of fellow students, body pressure and societal body ideals. The findings actualise the relevance of the transaction model of stress and coping ( Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) in determining when visibility in PE is and is not perceived as stressful. Consequently, the organization of the PE environment benefits from these insights.publishedVersio

    Transcription of reference genes used for quantitative RT-PCR in Atlantic salmon is affected by viral infection

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    Relative quantification using RT-qPCR is a widely used method for transcription profiling. Transcript levels of target genes in fish after experimental infection is often reported without documentation of stably transcribed reference genes. We present results demonstrating that transcription of typically used reference genes in Atlantic salmon is not stable during experimental infection with salmon pancreas disease virus (SPDV). Transcript levels 0 to 6 weeks after challenge revealed statistically significant changes between time-points that corresponded with a peak in viral load 3 weeks after challenge. The results emphasize the need for thorough method validation prior to transcriptional studies during viral infections

    Immunohistochemical detection of piscine reovirus (PRV) in hearts of Atlantic salmon coincide with the course of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI)

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    Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector in the world. However, the increased production has been accompanied by the emergence of infectious diseases. Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) is one example of an emerging disease in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). Since the first recognition as a disease entity in 1999 it has become a widespread and economically important disease in Norway. The disease was recently found to be associated with infection with a novel reovirus, piscine reovirus (PRV). The load of PRV, examined by RT-qPCR, correlated with severity of HSMI in naturally and experimentally infected salmon. The disease is characterized by epi-, endo- and myocarditis, myocardial necrosis, myositis and necrosis of the red skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of PRV antigens in heart tissue of Atlantic salmon and monitor the virus distribution in the heart during the disease development. This included target cell specificity, viral load and tissue location during an HSMI outbreak. Rabbit polyclonal antisera were raised against putative PRV capsid proteins μ1C and σ1 and used in immunohistochemical analysis of archived salmon heart tissue from an experimental infection. The results are consistent with the histopathological changes of HSMI and showed a sequential staining pattern with PRV antigens initially present in leukocyte-like cells and subsequently in cardiomyocytes in the heart ventricle. Our results confirm the association between PRV and HSMI, and strengthen the hypothesis of PRV being the causative agent of HSMI. Immunohistochemical detection of PRV antigens will be beneficial for the understanding of the pathogenesis of HSMI as well as for diagnostic purposes

    Kunsten å gå : Pilegrimsvandring og subjektiv livskvalitet

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