12 research outputs found

    Purkukeskustelun ohjaajien nÀkemyksiÀ kriittisten tilanteiden jÀlkitoimien jÀrjestÀmisestÀ poliisihallinnossa

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    Poliisin työssÀ riski joutua kohtaamaan erilaisia jÀrkyttÀviÀ tapahtumia on suuri. KÀsittelemÀttÀ jÀÀneet traumaattiset kokemukset voivat altistaa ja laukaista monia psyykkisiÀ hÀiriöitÀ. Traumaattisten kokemusten purkamatta jÀttÀminen voi johtaa ongelmiin niin työ- kuin siviilielÀmÀssÀkin. Toimivilla jÀlkipuintitoimilla on tÀssÀ merkittÀvÀ rooli. TÀmÀ opinnÀytetyö kÀsittelee purkukeskustelun ohjaajan koulutuksen suorittaneiden, poliisivirassa olevien henkilöiden nÀkemyksiÀ kriittisten tilanteiden jÀlkitoimien jÀrjestÀmisen tilasta poliisihallinnossa. LisÀksi selvitetÀÀn, kuinka jÀlkitoimien jÀrjestÀminen on kehittynyt heidÀn virkauransa aikana ja kuinka sitÀ voitaisiin edelleen kehittÀÀ nykytilastaan. Tutkimustulosten perusteella on pÀÀteltÀvissÀ, ettÀ kriittisten tilanteiden jÀlkitoimet ovat nykymuodossaan hyvÀllÀ tasolla. Toiminnan vastuunjako ja esimiesvastuu toimivat varsin hyvin. Kehityskohteina nÀhtiin muun muassa harjoittelijoiden parempi huomiointi jÀlkipuinnin tarpeen kartoituksen suhteen sekÀ tehokkaampi toiminnasta tiedottaminen. Purkukeskustelun ohjaajien jatko-ja kertauskoulutukselle koettiin myös olevan tarvetta. OpinnÀytetyö on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena teemahaastattelumenetelmÀllÀ. Haastattelemani poliisivirassa olevat, purkukeskustelun ohjaajan koulutuksen suorittaneet henkilöt esiintyvÀt tutkimuksessa anonyymisti. Teoriaosuudessa avataan keskeisimmÀt tutkimukseen liittyvÀt kÀsitteet ja selvitetÀÀn teoriatasolla kriittisten tilanteiden jÀlkihoitokÀytÀnteet poliisiorganisaatiossa

    Changes in Physical Activity and Incidence of Nonfatal Cardiovascular Events in 47 153 Survivors of Myocardial Infarction.

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    Background The majority of patients survive the acute phase of myocardial infarction (MI) but have an increased risk of recurrent cardiovascular disease (CVD) events. To be regularly physically active or change activity level is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality. The objective was to explore to what extent physical activity (PA) levels or change in PA levels during the first year post-MI was associated with any recurrent nonfatal CVD events and specific CVD events (eg, MI, ischemic stroke, and vascular dementia). Methods and Results This cohort study among MI survivors was based on Swedish national registries between 2005 and 2020. PA levels were self-rated at 2 and 12 months post-MI, and patients were classified into remaining physically inactive, increasing, decreasing, or remaining active. A total of 6534 nonfatal CVD events occurred during 6 years of follow-up among the 47 153 included patients. In fully adjusted analyses, the risk of any nonfatal CVD event was lower (P<0.05) among patients remaining active (37%), increasing (22%), or decreasing (18%) PA level compared with remaining inactive. Compared with remaining inactive, the risk of recurring MI and stroke was lower (P>0.05) among remaining active (41% versus 52%, respectively), increasing (20% versus 35%, respectively), or decreasing PA level (24% versus 34%, respectively). For vascular dementia, patients remaining physically active had an 80% lower risk compared with remaining inactive (P<0.05). Conclusions Remaining physically active or change in PA levels during the first year post-MI was associated with a lower risk of recurrent nonfatal CVD events. This emphasizes the importance of supporting patients to continue to be or become physically active

    Convergent validity of commonly used questions assessing physical activity and sedentary time in Swedish patients after myocardial infarction

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    Background Guidelines recommend regular physical activity (PA) and decreased sedentary time (SED) for patients after myocardial infarction (MI). Therefore, valid self-assessment of PA is vital in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to assess the convergent validity of commonly used PA and SED questions recommended by the National Board of Health and welfare (NBHW) and national SWEDEHEART-registry using accelerometers as the reference method in patients after MI. Methods Data were obtained 2017–2021 among Swedish men and women (180 assessments). Participants answered five commonly used PA and SED-questions (by NBHW and SWEDEHEART) and wore an accelerometer (Actigraph GT3X) for seven days. Convergent validity was assessed gradually by; Kruskall Wallis-, Sperman rho, Weighted Kappa- and ROC-analyses. Misclassification was explored by Chi-square analyses with Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment. Results The strongest correlation (r = 0.37) was found for the SED-GIH question (NBHW). For PA, no specific question stood out, with correlations of r = 0.31 (NBWH), and r = 0.24–0.30 (SWEDEHEART). For all questions (NBHW and SWEDEHEART), there was a high degree of misclassification (congruency 12–30%) affecting the agreement (0.09–0.32) between self-report and accelerometer assessed time. The SED-GIH, PA-index and SWEDEHEART-VPA had the strongest sensitivity for identifying individuals with high SED (0.72) or low PA (0.77 and 0.75). Conclusion The studied PA and SED questions may provide an indication of PA and SED level among patients with MI in clinical practice and could be used to form a basis for further dialogue and assessment. Further development is needed, since practical assessment tools of PA and SED are desirable

    Lifestyle-related habits and factors before and after cardiovascular diagnosis: a case control study among 2,548 Swedish individuals

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    Abstract Background Healthy lifestyle habits are recommended in prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, there is limited knowledge concerning the change in lifestyle-related factors from before to after a CVD event. Thus, this study aimed to explore if and how lifestyle habits and other lifestyle-related factors changed between two health assessments in individuals experiencing a CVD event between the assessments, and if changes varied between subgroups of sex, age, educational level, duration from CVD event to second assessment and type of CVD event. Methods Among 115,504 Swedish employees with data from two assessments of occupational health screenings between 1992 and 2020, a total of 637 individuals (74% men, mean age 47 ± SD 9 years) were identified having had a CVD event (ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrythmia or stroke) between the assessments. Cases were matched with controls without an event between assessments from the same database (ratio 1:3, matching with replacement) by sex, age, and time between assessment (n = 1911 controls). Lifestyle habits included smoking, active commuting, exercise, diet, alcohol intake, and were self-rated. Lifestyle-related factors included overall stress, overall health (both self-rated), physical capacity (estimated by submaximal cycling), body mass index and resting blood pressure. Differences in lifestyle habits and lifestyle-related factors between cases and controls, and changes over time, were analysed with parametric and non-parametric tests. Multiple logistic regression, OR (95% CI) was used to analyse differences in change between subgroups. Results Cases had, in general, a higher prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle habits as well as negative life-style related factors prior to the event compared to controls. Nevertheless, cases improved their lifestyle habits and lifestyle factors to a higher degree than controls, especially their amount of active commuting (p = 0.025), exercise (p = 0.009) and non-smoking (p < 0.001). However, BMI and overall health deteriorated to a greater extent (p < 0.001) among cases, while physical capacity (p < 0.001) decreased in both groups. Conclusion The results indicate that a CVD event may increase motivation to improve lifestyle habits. Nonetheless, the prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle habits was still high, emphasizing the need to improve implementation of primary and secondary CVD prevention

    Cardiorespiratory fitness and lifestyle on severe COVID-19 risk in 279,455 adults : a case control study.

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    BACKGROUND: The impact of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and other lifestyle-related factors on severe COVID-19 risk is understudied. The present study aims to investigate lifestyle-related and socioeconomic factors as possible predictors of COVID-19, with special focus on CRF, and to further study whether these factors may attenuate obesity- and hypertension-related risks, as well as mediate associations between socioeconomic factors and severe COVID-19 risk. METHODS: Out of initially 407,131 participants who participated in nationwide occupational health service screening between 1992 and 2020, n = 857 cases (70% men, mean age 49.9 years) of severe COVID-19 were identified. CRF was estimated using a sub-maximum cycle test, and other lifestyle variables were self-reported. Analyses were performed including both unmatched, n = 278,598, and sex-and age-matched, n = 3426, controls. Severe COVID-19 included hospitalization, intensive care or death due to COVID-19. RESULTS: Patients with more severe COVID-19 had significantly lower CRF, higher BMI, a greater presence of comorbidities and were more often daily smokers. In matched analyses, there was a graded decrease in odds for severe COVID-19 with each ml in CRF (OR = 0.98, 95% CI 0.970 to 0.998), and a two-fold increase in odds between the lowest and highest (&lt; 32 vs. ≄ 46 ml·min-1·kg-1) CRF group. Higher BMI (per unit increase, OR = 1.09, 1.06 to 1.12), larger waist circumference (per cm, OR = 1.04, 1.02 to 1.06), daily smoking (OR = 0.60, 0.41 to 0.89) and high overall stress (OR = 1.36, 1.001 to 1.84) also remained significantly associated with severe COVID-19 risk. Obesity- and blood pressure-related risks were attenuated by adjustment for CRF and lifestyle variables. Mediation through CRF, BMI and smoking accounted for 9% to 54% of the associations between low education, low income and blue collar/low skilled occupations and severe COVID-19 risk. The results were consistent using either matched or unmatched controls. CONCLUSIONS: Both lifestyle-related and socioeconomic factors were associated with risk of severe COVID-19. However, higher CRF attenuated the risk associated with obesity and high blood pressure, and mediated the risk associated with various socioeconomic factors. This emphasises the importance of interventions to maintain or increase CRF in the general population to strengthen the resilience to severe COVID-19, especially in high-risk individuals.HPI-gruppe

    Dietary patterns and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in a global study of high-risk patients with stable coronary heart disease

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    Objectives To determine whether dietary pattern assessed by a simple self-administered food frequency questionnaire is associated with major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in high-risk patients with stable coronary artery disease. Background A Mediterranean dietary pattern has been associated with lower cardiovascular (CV) mortality. It is less certain whether foods common in western diets are associated with CV risk. Methods At baseline, 15 482 (97.8%) patients (mean age 67 +/- 9 years) with stable coronary heart disease from 39 countries who participated in the Stabilisation of atherosclerotic plaque by initiation of darapladib therapy (STABILITY) trial completed a life style questionnaire which included questions on common foods. A Mediterranean diet score (MDS) was calculated for increasing consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, and alcohol, and for less meat, and a 'Western diet score' (WDS) for increasing consumption of refined grains, sweets and deserts, sugared drinks, and deep fried foods. A multi-variable Cox proportional hazards models assessed associations between MDS or WDS and MACE, defined as CV death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, or non-fatal stroke. Results After a median follow-up of 3.7 years MACE occurred in 7.3% of 2885 subjects with an MDS &gt;= 15, 10.5% of 4018 subjects with an MDS of 13-14, and 10.8% of 8579 subjects with an MDS &lt;= 12. A one unit increase in MDS &gt; 12 was associated with lower MACE after adjusting for all covariates (+1 category HR 0.95, 95% CI 0.91, 0.98, P = 0.002). There was no association between WDS (adjusted model +1 category HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.97, 1.01) and MACE. Conclusion Greater consumption of healthy foods may be more important for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease than avoidance of less healthy foods typical of Western diets

    Lifestyle Habits and Mental Health in Light of the Two COVID-19 Pandemic Waves in Sweden, 2020

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has become a public health emergency of international concern, which may have affected lifestyle habits and mental health. Based on national health profile assessments, this study investigated perceived changes of lifestyle habits in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and associations between perceived lifestyle changes and mental health in Swedish working adults. Among 5599 individuals (50% women, 46.3 years), the majority reported no change (sitting 77%, daily physical activity 71%, exercise 69%, diet 87%, alcohol 90%, and smoking 97%) due to the pandemic. Changes were more pronounced during the first wave (April–June) compared to the second (October–December). Women, individuals &amp;lt;60 years, those with a university degree, white-collar workers, and those with unhealthy lifestyle habits at baseline had higher odds of changing lifestyle habits compared to their counterparts. Negative changes in lifestyle habits and more time in a mentally passive state sitting at home were associated with higher odds of mental ill-health (including health anxiety regarding one’s own and relatives’ health, generalized anxiety and depression symptoms, and concerns regarding employment and economy). The results emphasize the need to support healthy lifestyle habits to strengthen the resilience in vulnerable groups of individuals to future viral pandemics and prevent health inequalities in society.HPI-gruppe

    Prospective observational cohort study on grading the severity of postoperative complications in global surgery research

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    Background The Clavien–Dindo classification is perhaps the most widely used approach for reporting postoperative complications in clinical trials. This system classifies complication severity by the treatment provided. However, it is unclear whether the Clavien–Dindo system can be used internationally in studies across differing healthcare systems in high- (HICs) and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods This was a secondary analysis of the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS), a prospective observational cohort study of elective surgery in adults. Data collection occurred over a 7-day period. Severity of complications was graded using Clavien–Dindo and the simpler ISOS grading (mild, moderate or severe, based on guided investigator judgement). Severity grading was compared using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Data are presented as frequencies and ICC values (with 95 per cent c.i.). The analysis was stratified by income status of the country, comparing HICs with LMICs. Results A total of 44 814 patients were recruited from 474 hospitals in 27 countries (19 HICs and 8 LMICs). Some 7508 patients (16·8 per cent) experienced at least one postoperative complication, equivalent to 11 664 complications in total. Using the ISOS classification, 5504 of 11 664 complications (47·2 per cent) were graded as mild, 4244 (36·4 per cent) as moderate and 1916 (16·4 per cent) as severe. Using Clavien–Dindo, 6781 of 11 664 complications (58·1 per cent) were graded as I or II, 1740 (14·9 per cent) as III, 2408 (20·6 per cent) as IV and 735 (6·3 per cent) as V. Agreement between classification systems was poor overall (ICC 0·41, 95 per cent c.i. 0·20 to 0·55), and in LMICs (ICC 0·23, 0·05 to 0·38) and HICs (ICC 0·46, 0·25 to 0·59). Conclusion Caution is recommended when using a treatment approach to grade complications in global surgery studies, as this may introduce bias unintentionally