22 research outputs found

    Graeber, David (2011). Debt: The First 5,000 Years

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    Brooklyn: Melville House, 534 pp. Traducido también al castellano. Graeber, David (2012): En Deuda. Una historia alternativa de la economía. Barcelona: Ariel, 720 pp

    Lo que “significa” el castillo de Turégano (Segovia, España): Un ensayo metodológico entre diacronía y sintaxis espacial

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    The castle of San Miguel Arcángel is a very unique building not only because of the debates on its complex building process, resulted from fortifying a Romanesque church, but also because Turégano was the seat of the Segovia Bishop’s domains in a time when this diocese played a crucial role in the history of the Kingdom of Castile (13th-15th centuries). This paper deals with the interpretation of such a building by focusing on the production of non-discursive meanings in its spatial structure by applying a fairly innovative methodology or, at least, little exploited for the archaeological analysis of this type of constructions. In order to do so, a hypothetical restoration of the original conditions of the castle will be necessary, making this possible to lead to an experimental feedback between the results of space syntax analyses and an even tentative stratigraphic reading, which indeed reveals more than one fortification process.El castillo de San Miguel Arcángel constituye un edificio verdaderamente singular no solo por los debates generados en torno a las complejidades de su secuencia constructiva, resultado de la fortificación de una iglesia románica, sino, en parte explicando tal complejidad, porque Turégano ejerció como cabecera del señorío episcopal de Segovia cuando desempeñaba su papel más crucial en la historia del Reino de Castilla (ss. XIII-XV). Este trabajo persigue abordar su interpretación desde la perspectiva de la producción de significados no discursivos en su estructura espacial mediante la aplicación de una metodología relativamente novedosa; o al menos, poco explotada en el análisis arqueológico de este tipo de edificios. Para ese fin, será necesario ensayar una restitución hipotética de las condiciones originales del castillo, permitiendo así retroalimentar experimentalmente lo extraído de su sintaxis espacial y de una lectura estratigráfica indiciaria que por lo pronto revela varios procesos de fortificación superpuestos

    Registro tridimensional acumulativo de la secuencia estratigráfica. Fotogrametría y SIG en la intervención arqueológica de lo Boligni (Alacant)

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    [ES] En el siguiente trabajo se presenta, a través de la experiencia de su puesta en práctica en el sitio arqueológico de lo Boligni, una metodología de registro estratigráfico que ha permitido, en base a pares estereoscópicos de fotografías cenitales, digitalizar superficies interfaciales por renderización de nubes de puntos de alta densidad a medida que avanzaba la excavación, para obtener, finalmente, un Modelo Tridimensional Acumulativo (MTA) de la secuencia estratigráfica. Se expondrá cómo la recuperación masiva de datos volumétricos gracias a unas herramientas digitales relativamente sencillas y asequibles ha supuesto para dicha intervención, y con su integración en entornos CAD y SIG, nuevas posibilidades en el tratamiento cotidiano de la información arqueológica.[EN] In this paper a stratigraphic recording methodology is presented after a practial experience at the lo Boligni archaeological site. This experience has allowed, on the basis of cenital stereo-photo pairs, the digitalization of interfacial surfaces through high density point clouds renderization as the excavation went on, in order to obtain a Three-dimmensional Cummulative Model (TCM) of the stratigraphical sequence. It will be exposed the way some easy and affordable digital tools are used at the excavation in order to achieve a massive data recovery, and how their integration in CAD and GIS environments opens new possibilities for the everyday archaeological information treatement.Charquero Ballester, AM.; López Lillo, JA. (2012). Registro tridimensional acumulativo de la secuencia estratigráfica. Fotogrametría y SIG en la intervención arqueológica de lo Boligni (Alacant). Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(5):81-88. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4529818835ANTOÑANZAS, M. A. et al. (2003): "El Sequeral (Calahorra, La Rioja). Investigación fotogramétrica y arqueología", Arqueología de la Arquitectura, nº 2, pp. 13-16.BARKER, Ph. (1977): Techniques of Archaeological Excavation, Londres.BUILL, F.; NÚÑEZ, M. A.; RODRÍGUEZ, J. J. (2007): Fotogrametría arquitectónica, Barcelona.CABALLERO, L.; ARCE, F.; FEIJOO, S. (1996): "Fotogrametría y el análisis arqueológico", Revista de Arqueología, nº 186, pp. 14-25.CABALLERO ZOREDA, L. (2006): "El dibujo arqueológico. Notas sobre el registro gráfico en arqueología", Papeles de Parta, 3, pp. 75-95.CARANDINI, A. (1997): Historias en la tierra. Manual de excavación arqueológica, Barcelona.CATTANI M.; FIORINI A.; RONDELLI B. (2004): "Computer applications for a reconstruction of archaeological stratigraphy as a predictive model in urban and territorial contexts", en AUSSERER K.F. et al.: Enter the Past: the E-way into four dimensions of Cultural Heritage, CAA 03 Computer Application and Quantitative Methods in Arcaheolohy, Proceedings of the 31st Conference, Vienna.FIORINI A. (2008): "Esperienze di fotomodellazione e stereofotogrammetria archeologica" en VOLPE, G.; DE FELICE, G.; SIBILANO, M. G. (eds.): Digitalizzare la pesantezza. L'Informatica e il metodo della stratigrafia, Atti del Workshop, Foggia, pp. 175-186.GRAU MIRA, I., ed. (2006): La aplicación de los SIG en la Arqueología del Paisaje, Alicante.HARRIS, E. C. (1979): Principles of archaeological Stratigraphy, Londres.KOISTINEN, K.; LATIKKA, J.; PÖNTINEN, P. (2002): "The cumulative 3D data collection and management during archaeological project", en XVIII International Symposium CIPA 2001, pp. 223-228.LÓPEZ LILLO, J. A. (2010): "Estructuras de combustión en el entorno de la sierra de Fontcalent (Alacant). Un primer acercamiento a su estudio", Lucentum, XXIX, pp. 199-216.MANACORDA, D. (1989): "Introduzione", en HARRIS, E. C.: Principi di stratigrafia archaologica, pp. 9-36, Roma.PÉREZ GARCÍA, J. L.; MOZAS CALVACHE, A. T. et al. (2009): "Fotogrametría de bajo coste para estudios arqueológicos de la arquitectura: aplicación a la muralla este de la fortaleza de la mota. Alcalá la Real (Jaén)", en Mapping, nº 138, pp. 6-13

    Methamphetamine Blocks Adenosine A2A Receptor Activation via Sigma 1 and Cannabinoid CB1 Receptors

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    Methamphetamine is, worldwide, one of the most consumed drugs of abuse. One important side effect is neurodegeneration leading to a decrease in life expectancy. The aim of this paper was to check whether the drug affects one of the receptors involved in neurodegeneration/neuroprotection events, namely the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR). First, we noticed that methamphetamine does not affect A2A functionality if the receptor is expressed in a heterologous system. However, A2AR becomes sensitive to the drug upon complexes formation with the cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R) and the sigma 1 receptor (σ1R). Signaling via both adenosine A2AR and cannabinoid CB1R was affected by methamphetamine in cells co-expressing the two receptors. In striatal primary cultures, the A2AR-CB1R heteromer complex was detected and methamphetamine not only altered its expression but completely blocked the A2AR- and the CB1R-mediated activation of the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. In conclusion, methamphetamine, with the participation of σ1R, alters the expression and function of two interacting receptors, A2AR, which is a therapeutic target for neuroprotection, and CB1R, which is the most abundant G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) in the brain. Keywords: G protein-coupled receptor GPCR, striatal neurons, heteromer, drug of abuse, neuroprotectio

    Spatiality and temporality of early village landscapes in the southern Cumbres Calchaquies: La Ciénega and Anfama, Tucumán

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    La vertiente oriental de las Cumbres Calchaquíes, en la provincia de Tucumán, es un área donde se expandieron amplias y complejas ocupaciones humanas que dieron forma a paisajes aldeanos tempranos. Su estudio arqueológico se ha caracterizado por un heterogéneo conocimiento de distintas localidades. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de investigaciones realizadas por nuestro equipo desde el año 2014, abordando en clave comparativa las configuraciones materiales de la cuenca de Anfama y el valle de La Ciénega, datadas entre los siglos I y VII d.C. El objetivo principal es realizar una síntesis de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo hasta el momento y definir similitudes y particularidades en las maneras de habitar que desarrollaron las poblaciones de los sectores estudiados. Principalmente se analizan tres ejes articuladores: características generales de los paisajes, estructuración de los espacios domésticos y temporalidad.The eastern slopes of the Cumbres Calchaquíes, in the province of Tucumán, is an area where large and complex human occupations have expanded rising early villager landscapes. Their archaeological research has been characterized by a heterogeneous knowledge of different localities. This paper presents the results of research carried out by our team since 2014, addressing in comparative key the material configurations of the Anfama basin and the valley of La Ciénega, dating between the 1st and 7th century A.D. The main objective is to synthesize the researches carried out so far, in order to determine similarities and particularities of the ways of living developed by the populations of the studied sectors. We mainly address three articulating axes: general characteristics of the landscapes, structuring of domestic spaces, and temporality.Trabajos presentados en las I Jornadas de Arqueología del Noroeste Argentino: Trayectorias, diálogos y saberes (IJAN) (Jujuy, 28 de marzo al 1 de abril del 2022).Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    Search for eccentric black hole coalescences during the third observing run of LIGO and Virgo

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    Despite the growing number of confident binary black hole coalescences observed through gravitational waves so far, the astrophysical origin of these binaries remains uncertain. Orbital eccentricity is one of the clearest tracers of binary formation channels. Identifying binary eccentricity, however, remains challenging due to the limited availability of gravitational waveforms that include effects of eccentricity. Here, we present observational results for a waveform-independent search sensitive to eccentric black hole coalescences, covering the third observing run (O3) of the LIGO and Virgo detectors. We identified no new high-significance candidates beyond those that were already identified with searches focusing on quasi-circular binaries. We determine the sensitivity of our search to high-mass (total mass M>70 M⊙) binaries covering eccentricities up to 0.3 at 15 Hz orbital frequency, and use this to compare model predictions to search results. Assuming all detections are indeed quasi-circular, for our fiducial population model, we place an upper limit for the merger rate density of high-mass binaries with eccentricities 0<e≤0.3 at 0.33 Gpc−3 yr−1 at 90\% confidence level

    Furnaces in the Sierra of Fontcalent (Alicante): a preliminary study

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    Partiendo de la localización de varios grupos de hornos dispersos en las partidas noroccidentales del Camp d’Alacant para los que no existía registro arqueológico previo, se aporta una descripción de las evidencias superficiales y se ensaya una caracterización funcional. Para ello, se buscan las analogías morfológicas de las estructuras con las generadas por procesos productivos conocidos y se cruzan los restos documentados con las posibilidades económicas e históricas de contexto, llegando a poder articular dos hipótesis-marco en este punto de la investigación.After determining the location of various groups of furnaces scattered around the north-western rural districts of the Camp d’Alacant for which there was no previous archaeological record, we describe the superficial material evidence, and attempt a functional characterization. We look for morphological similarities between these structures and those made using previously-known productive processes, and check the documented remains against the economic and historical possibilities of the context. At this point in our research, we have been able to formulate two broad hypotheses

    ¿Quiénes son los sin Estado? Epílogo a la edición Española

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    The State prior to the State itself: Sovereignty and otherness in Lowland South America ethnographic village plans

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    Trabajo presentado en Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future, celebrado online del 14 al 18 de septiembre de 2020.[Paper Short Abstract ]This paper will discuss the connection between identity and space patterns on the basis of the ethnographic record of so-called egalitarian societies. Its point will be that despite the trascendental deviation of State societies, principles structuring all human experience are essentially the same.[Paper long abstract] Despite that was not its original purpose, the term "centrifugal logic" used by Pierre Clastres in 1977 to characterize the so-called primitive societies -which he himself had better defined as societies against the State- gave some insight on their spatial arrangement, at least in the middle range. Not for nothing, Cultural Ecology was pointing at the same time to "environmental blockages" as the most probable historical scenarios for increasing social stratification towards the State; an hypothesis not debunked, but merely ignored together with virtually all materialist approach during the following decades. This paper has a twofold aim given that context. Firstly, it implies an attempt to define such a centrality, avoided by human actors within society but in turn starting point of any social interaction. In order to do so, it will readress the processes of identity construction in Lowland South America from the point of view of current Theories of practice. On the other hand, it will explore the spatial materialization of this kind of operative logics in an even lower, basic level by broaching and linking together another discussion thread: the one regarding village structural patterns, boosted by the wellknown reflections of Claude Lévi-Strauss on circularity and segmentation. This last exercise will be of particular relevance since case studies on recently reduced populations stress how national and international foreigners are experimented and signified beyond "cultural humanity"; a phenomenon that might shed new light on the precise nature of the political accidents which historically resulted in longstanting State societies

    The “significance” of Turégano castle (Segovia, Spain): A methodological essay between diachrony and space syntax

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    [ES] El castillo de San Miguel Arcángel constituye un edificio verdaderamente singular no solo por los debates generados en torno a las complejidades de su secuencia constructiva, resultado de la fortificación de una iglesia románica, sino, en parte explicando tal complejidad, porque Turégano ejerció como cabecera del señorío episcopal de Segovia cuando desempeñaba su papel más crucial en la historia del Reino de Castilla (ss. XIII-XV). Este trabajo persigue abordar su interpretación desde la perspectiva de la producción de significados no discursivos en su estructura espacial mediante la aplicación de una metodología relativamente novedosa; o al menos, poco explotada en el análisis arqueológico de este tipo de edificios. Para ese fin, será necesario ensayar una restitución hipotética de las condiciones originales del castillo, permitiendo así retroalimentar experimentalmente lo extraído de su sintaxis espacial y de una lectura estratigráfica indiciaria que por lo pronto revela varios procesos de fortificación superpuestos.[EN] The castle of San Miguel Arcángel is a very unique building not only because of the debates on its complex building process, resulted from fortifying a Romanesque church, but also because Turégano was the seat of the Segovia Bishop’s domains in a time when this diocese played a crucial role in the history of the Kingdom of Castile (13th-15th centuries). This paper deals with the interpretation of such a building by focusing on the production of non-discursive meanings in its spatial structure by applying a fairly innovative methodology or, at least, little exploited for the archaeological analysis of this type of constructions. In order to do so, a hypothetical restoration of the original conditions of the castle will be necessary, making this possible to lead to an experimental feedback between the results of space syntax analyses and an even tentative stratigraphic reading, which indeed reveals more than one fortification process