354 research outputs found

    Lenguaje amoroso, soporte comunicativo, pavimento, grafiti.

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    Este artículo se propone analizar a partir de un corpus de 750 mensajes la huella que el sentimiento amoroso deja en el pavimento callejero. Para ello, se ha dividido el trabajo en tres partes: comienza con una introducción temática sobre el amor; continúa con la descripción y explicación de las características de la narración sentimental plasmada en aceras y calzadas; y finaliza con unas conclusiones en las que se insiste en cómo el asfalto se ha convertido en un soporte comunicativo para los enamorados.Love messages on the pavement. The objective of this research is to analyze a corpus of 750 messages of love expressed on urban pavement. This paper is divided into three sections, beginning with an introduction to the question of love and followed by a detailed characterization of how feelings are expressed on sidewalks and public thoroughfares. Finally, conclusions highlight how asphalt has become a means of communication for lovers

    Comparación de dos métodos de evaluación simplificada del riesgo químico por inhalación en un laboratorio universitario (COSHH Essentials y método basado en el INRS)

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    En conclusión, hemos comprobado que ambos métodos pueden ser un recurso sencillo para planificar la prevención en entornos laborales con riesgo químico. El método basado en el INRS contempla más determinantes del riesgo que el COSHH Essentials, pero las características dispares de ambos métodos deben determinar la mejor elección para cada situación; o incluso, como sugieren nuestros resultados, su utilización complementaria. Se debe añadir que, "es razonable iniciar el proceso de evaluación con un análisis cualitativo, a pesar de que, en muchas ocasiones no es posible alcanzar conclusiones sobre el riesgo y es necesario realizar una evaluación cuantitativa"; también sería recomendable, ante situaciones que se conoce que presentan riesgo, y los resultados de las mediciones se van a demorar para establecer las medidas preventivas necesarias con antelación

    Disseny d’una EDAR a Sant Julià de Cerdanyola

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    El present projecte planteja complir la necessitat legal i ambiental d’establir un sistema de depuració d’aigües a totes aquelles poblacions que no en tinguin un de propi ni derivin les aigües residuals a un sistema pròxim, abans de ser abocades al medi. Així, pretén dissenyar una EDAR a la població de Sant Julià de Cerdanyola, comunitat de 239 habitants, i per tant amb la possibilitat d’aplicar-hi sistemes tous, considerats els més adequats per a petites poblacions. En aquest sentit, sabent que els impactes generats en un sistema no convencional front a un de convencional són menors i tenint en compte la població en qüestió, es dissenyarà una EDAR que treballi mitjançant aiguamolls construïts. El projecte inclou una recopilació de mètodes de depuració d’aigües residuals per a valorarlos abans de definir la solució definitiva. Es contemplen doncs, tan els convencionals com els no convencionals. S’explica amb detall el concepte i aspectes més importants dels aiguamolls construïts, doncs finalment és el punt clau en la tria del tractament a realitzar. Per tant, es presenta el dimensionament de les diferents etapes de depuració i es fa una estimació del pressupost i de l’impacte ambiental que generaria la construcció de l’EDAR. Es creu que aquest projecte es pot plantejar com a proposta a l’Ajuntament de Sant Julià de Cerdanyola o a l’empresa a la que se l’hi hagi assignat el projecte. Actualment, la gran majoria de les estacions depuradores estan construïdes per constructores on el dimensionament de les instal·lacions es excessiu, generant així grans costos de construcció i manteniment i comportant un gran impacte visual i medi ambiental. Amb el present projecte, es pretén adoptar una solució que s’adeqüi a les necessitats de la població

    Evaluating inclusivity using quantitative personas

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    Exclusion assessment is a powerful method for assessing inclusivity in a quantitative way. However, its focus on capability data makes it difficult to consider the effect of other factors such as different ways of using a product. We propose addressing this by combining exclusion assessment with quantitative personas. Each persona represents a group of people with similar capabilities, and is enhanced with other personal information. The capabilities of each persona are compared against the product demands to assess whether they (and thus the group they represent) could do a task. The additional persona information helps to determine how they approach and conduct the task. By examining personas that cover the whole of the target population, it is possible to estimate the proportion of that population who could complete the task. We present a proof-of-concept study using personas created from Disability Follow-up Survey data. These were used to assess the task of carrying a tray of food across a cafe, taking into account how using mobility aids restricts hand use

    Carácter vinculante de la consulta previa para los proyectos mineros- pueblos indígenas u originarios del Perú - 2017

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    La presente investigación se basa en una situación alarmante en el cual nuestra sociedad es la más amenazada. La problemática gira en torno al carácter vinculante de la consulta previa para los proyectos mineros. Si bien es cierto existen normativas diversas que protege el derecho a la consulta previa. Sin embargo, gracias a la investigación realizada se pudo concluir que es la falta de carácter imperativo que no posee la Ley de Consulta previa que hace que acontezcan diversos conflictos sociales

    Nanostructuration by self-assembly in N-alkyl thiazolium and triazolium side-chain polymethacrylates

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    Amphiphilic polymers are tunable systems to construct supramolecular hierarchically self-assembled structures. Six families of heterocyclic polymethacrylates (PMTAs) bearing 1,3-thiazole and 1,2,3-triazole pendant groups with alkyl and succinate spacers were chemically modified by quaternization reaction of the azole heterocycles with five alkylating agents (methyl, butyl, octyl, dodecyl, and hexadecyl iodide) leading to a library of 30 different amphiphilic poly(ionic liquid)s (PMTAs-RI). These polymers have been characterized in bulk by small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS, WAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Quaternization induces a dramatic effect (increase) on the glass-transition temperature Tg, being strongest for methyl iodide members. Increasing the length of the quaternizing agent, plasticization is first observed, followed by a further increase of Tg. This effect, together with evidence of a second Tg and crystallization for the members with the longest quaternizing agents, could be attributed to the presence of well-developed alkyl nanodomains evidenced by the structural investigation. WAXS and SAXS results have been consistently interpreted by assuming nanostructuration driven by the amphiphilicity balance of poly(ionic liquid)s. The different morphologies revealed by SAXS have been characterized, assigning a plausible chemical nature to the phases involved in each case. The nonpolar fraction has been considered as the control parameter defining the main features of the achieved morphology. By increasing this parameter, structures ranging from hexagonally packed nonpolar cylinders in a polar matrix to the inverse situation have been found, passing through lamellar phases. Under some conditions, within the polar lamellae a third phase formed by cylinders of heterocycles has even been determined. We have checked the validity of the scenario proposed by comparing the sizes deduced from the SAXS analysis with the expected characteristic lengths of the associated moieties, inferring thereby how alkyl side groups arrange within the nanodomains. On the basis of the complete picture achieved, the type of nanostructures formed by this class of polymers can be predicted, if the chemical composition including the quaternization degree is known.This work has been supported by MAT2013-47902 and MAT2011-24797 (Spanish-MINECO and EU). R.T. acknowledges CSIC for his JAE-Pre grant. A.A. acknowledges financial support from the Projects MAT2012-31088 (Spanish-MINECO and EU) and IT-654-13 (Basque Government).Peer Reviewe

    Effect of Ru loading on Ru/CeO2 catalysts for CO2 methanation

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    The conversion of CO2 towards added valuable products is considered as a potential alternative to achieve the increase of the petrochemical industry while reducing the CO2 emissions. In the present work, the effect of Ru loading on CeO2 supports has been studied for the CO2 methanation reaction, and catalysts with different Ru loading in the 1–5 wt. % range have been prepared, characterized, and tested. The optimum Ru loading has been found to be 2.5 wt. %. Ruthenium cations are reduced at the lowest temperature for this optimum loading according to H2-TPR experiments (even at room temperature), and the highest proportion of ruthenium cations with strong interaction with ceria is achieved, as deduced from XPS. XRD characterization suggests partial insertion of ruthenium cations into the ceria lattice. In situ DRIFTS experiments evidenced that the balance between formation upon CO2 chemisorption and further hydrogenation of surface carbon intermediates is optimum for 2.5 wt. % Ru/CeO2. For low metal contents, the CO2 chemisorption is limited and no relevant, while as the metal content is increased, the hydrogenation of carbon species is less favourable. The 2.5 wt.% Ru/CeO2 catalyst comprises a balance between surface-carbon groups formation and further hydrogenation.Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2018/0765); MICINN (PID2019-105960RB-C22); Junta de Andalucía (Project P18-RTJ-2974); European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713567); Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre (award 12/RC/2278_P2)

    Confinement by COVID-19 and Degree of Mental Health of a Sample of Students of Health Sciences

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    Background: In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, most countries have taken important measures to control the spread of the virus, such as population confinement and the closure of universities. Objective: The main objective of this study is to evaluate how the situation resulting from COVID-19 has affected the mental health of a group of health sciences students. Material and methods: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study with a sample of 160 people, conducted through an online survey of final-year students of dentistry, nursing and medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona. Results: A total of 82.4% of students reported having suffered stress, anxiety and distress due to the pandemic situation, and 83.10% of participants are worried about not knowing when the academic year will restart. Conclusions: Confinement has negatively affected the mental health of students


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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016La historia del catolicismo siempre ha sido contada por la Iglesia, y los medios de comunicación se han mantenido más bien al margen de esta realidad, ya sea por posturas políticas y/o sociales. Sin embargo, la actualidad cinematográfica y sus diferentes formas de expresión, nos permiten cruzar los límites y llegar más allá. El Papa Luna, uno de los papas más importantes del siglo XIV Y XV, fue considerado el antipapa del momento por su negativa de renunciar a su posición de papa. Su incansable lucha por continuar en el papado lo llevó a enfrentamientos con los diferentes poderes del momento, pero, finalmente, logró su objetivo de ser el único papa y poner fin al tan conocido Cisma de Occidente. Su iniciativa de crear un equilibrio social entre judíos y cristianos supuso un gran cambio en ambas partes religiosas. A día de hoy, aún hay mucha historia escondida detrás de la vida de Pedro de Luna, ex profesor de la Universidad de MontpellierCatholicism’s history has always been told by the Church, having been avoided or side-lined by the media, either due to its political and/or social connotations. However, todays film industry and its different forms of expression allow us to cross these limits and reach beyond them. Papa Luna (as he is known in Spanish), one of the most important Popes of the of the XIV and XV centuries, was considered an antipope by the Church due to his reluctance to resign the Papacy. His tireless fight to remain Pope brought him head to head with the different forces of the time, but finally, he achieved his objective of being the sole Pope and putting an end to the Western Schism. His ambition to create a social balance between Jews and Christians entailed a great shift in both religions. Even today there is a lot that is still unknown about the hidden history behind Pedro de Luna’s life, ex professor at Montpellier University