269 research outputs found

    Distribution of Plagionotus andreui (Fuente, 1908) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and proposal of conservation actions for its host plant Lavatera triloba L. (Malvaceae) in Andalusia

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    Durante las dos últimas décadas los cambios en el uso del suelo, como la intensificación de la agricultura, han provocado un impacto ambiental sin precedentes. La pérdida y fragmentación de los hábitats ha aislado y puesto en peligro a numerosas especies y especialmente a aquellas relacionadas con el paisaje agrario y ruderal. Plagionotus andreui (Fuente, 1908) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) es un endemismo ibérico con una distribución dispersa por la mitad sur de la península ibérica y siempre muy localizada. Actualmente, se encuentra amenazado debido al declive de su planta hospedadora Lavatera triloba L. (Malvaceae) como consecuencia del cambio en el uso del suelo, especialmente por la intensificación de la agricultura. Debido a esto la planta ha quedado relegada a setos aislados o comportándose como viaria, constituyendo poblaciones muy fragmentadas y con bajas densidades de individuos. En el presente trabajo se actualiza la distribución de L. triloba y de P. andreui en Andalucía. P. andreui se cita por primera vez en las provincias de Huelva y Granada y se aportan tres nuevas localidades en las provincias de Sevilla y Jaén. El estado actual de algunas poblaciones de L. triloba y las amenazas detectadas y potenciales son revisados a escala de rodal en Andalucía. Los resultados generados de las observaciones realizadas permiten proponer acciones de conservación autonómicas para esta malvácea. Algunas de estas acciones son el seguimiento de las poblaciones conocidas, búsqueda de nuevas localidades de presencia, recolecta y conservación de semillas en bancos de germoplasma, cultivo de plantas en la Red de Viveros de Andalucía, refuerzo de poblaciones y reintroducción en áreas de presencia histórica. Estas propuestas podrían ayudar a conservar y mejorar este amenazado binomio específico hospedador-huésped en Andalucía.During the last two decades land use changes such as intensive agriculture have led to an environmental impact without precedents. Loss and fragmentation of habitats have isolated and threatened several species, especially those related to arable lands and ruderal areas. Plagionotus andreui (Fuente, 1908) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) is an Iberian endemic species with a scattered distribution along the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula. Currently, the species is highly threatened due to decline of its host plant Lavatera triloba L. (Malvaceae). This decline is the result of the land use changes (increase of the arable land) within the distribution area. As a consequence, this plant has been relegated to isolated populations in roadsides and crop edges with low population sizes. In the present survey, the distribution of P. andreui and L. triloba is updated. P. andreui is recorded for first time in the provinces of Huelva and Granada. Three new locations in the provinces of Seville and Jaen are provided. The current status of L. triloba populations and potential and observed threats in the known occurrence localities in Andalusia are evaluated at the patch scale. Conservation actions for L. triloba are proposed. These actions could include the monitoring of known populations, locating new populations, collection and preservation of seeds in seed banks, growing plants in the Andalusian nursery network, strengthening of populations, reintroduction in historical patches of occurrence. These proposals could be of help to preserve this threatened specific host-guest complex in Andalusia

    Opinion of the Spectators of a Grand Tour in Spain: A Qualitative Analysis

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    The objective of this study is to carry out a qualitative analysis of the ratings of tourists and residents attending the road cycling sporting event "La Vuelta" held in Spain in 2019, 2020 and 2021 editions. Methods: The sample consisted of 1,203 comments/observations from tourists and residents in the in situ and post-event phase of each edition. For this qualitative analysis, an open question was used at the end of a quantitative questionnaire on social and tourism impact. Once each comment had been categorised, a summary was made of the responses and frequencies of each idea according to each category, positive and negative comments and the words most used in each type of comment. Nvivo v.10 software (QSR International, Burlington, MA 01803, USA) was used to analyse the comments and frequencies of each idea. Results: Most of the positive comments focus on the positive feelings and emotions generated by attending the event (emotion or enjoyment; 12.4%), great experience (14.8%), atmosphere of the event (10.4%), good organisation of the event (12.1%) and future intentions to return and recommend the event (7.4%). Negative comments mainly refer to the COVID-19 pandemic (11.8%), the advertising caravan (7.4%) and traffic and parking problems (5.9% of comments). Among the words associated with negative comments, the word "advertising caravan" stands out, while the most used words in positive reviews were "experience" and "emotion". Conclusion: Most of the positive comments focus on positive feelings and emotions generated by attending the event (emotion or enjoyment) and the great experience and atmosphere surrounding the sporting event. In the 2020 edition, the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the event, although parking problems and traffic congestion are the worst-rated categories


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    eSports events are a great tourist attraction for event organizations, for this reason, the objective of the study is to analyse the tourist impact of the eSports event “Iberian Cup 2019”. The sample consisted of 390 participants who attended the tournament in the city of Barcelona. The instrument used was a questionnaire that analyses the tourism impact in sport events. In relation to the results, the variables “Emotion-Environment” obtained a greater correlation and the variable “personal of the event” was the best evaluated. The attendees had a good satisfaction of the event and future intentions, being the intention to return in the future to the city of Barcelona the best valued item. Finally, the attendees who did physical activity valued most of the parameters analysed better, finding significant differences between the group that does not do physical activity. These results are useful to create strategies to attract more tourists in future events.eSports events are a great tourist attraction for event organizations, for this reason, the objective of the study is to analyse the tourist impact of the eSports event “Iberian Cup 2019”. The sample consisted of 390 participants who attended the tournament in the city of Barcelona. The instrument used was a questionnaire that analyses the tourism impact in sport events. In relation to the results, the variables “Emotion-Environment” obtained a greater correlation and the variable “personal of the event” was the best evaluated. The attendees had a good satisfaction of the event and future intentions, being the intention to return in the future to the city of Barcelona the best valued item. Finally, the attendees who did physical activity valued most of the parameters analysed better, finding significant differences between the group that does not do physical activity. These results are useful to create strategies to attract more tourists in future events.Электронные спортивные мероприятия являются большой туристической достопримечательностью для организаторов мероприятий, поэтому целью исследования является анализ туристического воздействия электронного спортивного мероприятия «Кубок Иберии 2019». Выборка состояла из 390 участников, которые присутствовали на турнире в Барселоне. В качестве инструмента использовался вопросник, который анализировал влияние туризма на спортивные мероприятия. По сравнению с результатами, переменные «эмоции-окружение» получили большой уровень корреляции, а переменная «персонал мероприятия» была оценена наилучшим образом. Лучше всего оценивалось измерение мероприятия: «я в восторге от мероприятия», за которым следовало «наличие интересных мест для посещения в городе» по отношению к имиджу места назначения. Участники мероприятия остались довольны мероприятием и намерениями на будущее. Наконец, участники, которые были физически активны, добились значительных успехов. Эти результаты полезны для создания стратегий привлечения большего количества туристов на будущих мероприятиях.电子体育赛事可以为赛事组织城市带来巨大的旅游吸引力,因此,本研究的目的是分析“2019年伊比利亚杯”电子竞技赛事对旅游的影响。样本包括390位参加了巴塞罗那市比赛的选手。研究使用工具为一份用于分析体育赛事中的旅游影响的问卷。结果表明,有关“情绪-环境”的变量具有较高的相关性,“赛事人员”变量获得最积极评估。评分最高的赛事维度是“我对赛事举办感到兴奋”,其次是与目的地图片有关的“在参观的城市中有有趣的地方”。参与者对活动和未来的打算非常满意。最终显示,进行体育锻炼的参与者表现出显着性差异。这些结果有助于在将来活动中制定吸引更多游客的策略

    Fan’s perspective on professional leagues and sporting events during COVID-19 confinement period

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    The restriction imposed by COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great social change in the world and has affected many sectors, including the sport industry by having an impact and altering the normal development of the sport competitions and events. Therefore, it is fundamental to know sport fans’ opinions about the professional championships during the confinement period. The sample is composed by 1025 professional sports leagues fans and major sporting events celebrated in Spain, with people in the age range 18-70. The instrument used to collect data was an adaptation of the American questionnaire designed by Seton Hall University. The results show that 55% of fans thought that sport leagues and events were cancelled on time. Furthermore, 92.8% of the survey respondents would not attend a live match without social distancing measures or without the existence of a vaccine; 67.4% would follow it through mass media resources with the same interest. The population group under 25 feels safe attending sports leagues or events (9.7%). These results might help to take decisions based on preventive measures to guarantee security within the sport context

    Electrochemical Characterization of Clean Shape-Controlled Pt Nanoparticles Prepared in Presence of Oleylamine/Oleic Acid

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    A collection of shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles has been prepared using two different and previously described methodologies, both using oleylamine/oleic acid as capping material/solvent. A new decontamination protocol is presented to effectively clean the surface of the different nanoparticles thus allowing a full exposure of their surface area and consequently to make the most of their surface structure dependent reactivity. Subsequently, the clean shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles have been electrochemically characterized and their electrocatalytic properties evaluated towards some surface structure reactions of interest. The results indicate that the full characterization of the surface structure cannot be done exclusively by the available microscopy techniques, since it is very difficult to determine the presence of surface defects. Additional surface characterization probes, such as those provided by electrochemical surface sensitive reactions, have been used to assess the surface structure of the samples.This work has been financially supported by the MICINN (Feder) of Spain and Generalitat Valencia through Projects CTQ2013-44083-P and PROMETEOII/2014/013, respectively

    In vitro gastrointestinal digestion of pomegranate peel (Punica granatum) flour obtained from co-products: changes in the antioxidant potential and bioactive compounds stability

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    The effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (GID) on the recovery, bioaccessibility and stability of polyphenolic compounds, the changes in antioxidant activity and the short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) production of pomegranate peel flour (PPF) were evaluated. The extracts obtained in each step of GID were used to determine the stability of polyphenolic profile using HPLC whilst the antioxidant properties were determined using five methodologies. The SCFAs production from PPF fermentation was also determined. At the end of GID process, the bioaccessibility of phenolic and flavonoid compounds was 35.90 and 64.02%, respectively. The polyphenolic compounds decreased after GID except that for ellagic acid which increased. GID increased the chelating activity and reducing power. However, the scavenging properties were reduced. Fermentation of PPF by colonic bacteria generated acetic, propionic and butyric acids. PPF could be used in the food industry as a potential ingredient to develop functional foods that promote health benefits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Can Our Fingers Alone Raise Us Up to the Sky? Analysis of the Digit Ratio Association with Success in Olympic Wrestling

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the contribution of the second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) to success in wrestling. A total of 180 elite wrestlers who participated in the 2011 Spanish Wrestling Championship took part in this study (132 men, 23.6±6.1 years old; 48 women, 21.7±4.9 years old). Prior to competition, wrestlers were interviewed about their years of training experience and their hands were scanned. 2D:4D was calculated using computer-assisted image analysis. A multinomial logistic regression coefficient to calculate odd ratios (OR’s) and 95% confidence intervals (CI’s) were established to determine the contribution of digit ratio and training experience to success in Olympic wrestling. Additionally, mean and median analyses were calculated between males and females, and between successful and non-successful wrestlers in order to establish differences in 2D:4D and training experience between these groups. There were no differences between successful and non-successful wrestlers in 2D:4D (p=0.87 for right hand, and p=0.46 for left hand), whereas having high training experience supposed an increase up to 4.38 (1.70 – 11.01) times more likely to be successful. Our results suggest that 2D:4D fails in predicting wrestling success, whereas training background is a good predictor of competition prowess in highly trained wrestlers

    Optimismo versus pesimismo precompetitivo en los deportes de combate olímpicos. Diferencias de género, ranking y campeones

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la inuencia previa del optimismo y pesimismo en los Campeonatos de España de cada una de las disciplinas de combate olímpicas examinadas, así como observar las diferencias de género, ranking campeonato y campeones. La muestra total fue de 183 hombres y mujeres especialistas en las modalidades de combate de lucha olímpica, taekwondo y boxeo que cumplimentaron a el cuestionario LOT-R, en su versión española, entre 30 y 60 minutos antes del pesaje o- cial de sus respectivos campeonatos nacionales. Los resultados demuestran un mayor número de deportistas optimistas de sexo masculino (85,2%), en relación con las atletas del sexo femenino (72,7%). Con respecto a los competidores que subieron a lo más alto del podio, sólo podemos encontrar 5 deportistas pesimistas, frente a los 17 del resto de clasicados. Los datos referentes al ranking del campeonato, medallistas y no medallistas, fueron muy similares, tanto para pesimistas como optimistas. Los resultados de este estudio van a facilitar la elaboración de escalas de puntuación pre-competitivas a los deportistas de combate y sus entrenadores, así como orientar y ayudar en los métodos habituales de selección y detección talentos en deportes de combate.

    Psychological factors and sports injuries in olympic wrestling and taekwondo

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    En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés por el estudio de la relación entre las variables psicológicas y las lesiones deportivas. Considerando éstas como acontecimientos negativos e inevitables en el contexto deportivo, en el presente estudio abordamos dos disciplinas que tradicionalmente han registrado altas cifras de incidencia, lucha olímpica y taekwondo. Con una muestra de 34 deportistas de ambas modalidades, los resultados más destacados indican puntuaciones similares, aunque algo superiores en todas las escalas del IPED (Inventario Psicológico de Ejecución Deportiva) en los practicantes de taekwondo, si bien no se obtienen diferencias estadísticamente significativas, al igual que en la comparación entre deportistas internacionales y competidores nacionales. El índice de lesión es de 2,42 lesiones por deportista y temporada en lucha, y de 2,60 en taekwondo, y se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p< ,01) al comparar a deportistas de nivel nacional (1,90 lesiones) e internacionales (3,46 por temporada). También se obtienen correlaciones significativas entre el número de lesiones y las escalas del IPED Autoconfianza, Control de Afrontamiento Negativo y Control de Afrontamiento Positivo, siendo éstas de signo negativo.In the last years it has increased the interest for the study of the relation between psychological factors and sport injuries. Considering these as negative and inevitable events in the sports context, in the present study we approach two disciplines that have traditionally experienced high incidence rates, Olympic wrestling and taekwondo. With a sample of 34 athletes of both modalities, the most important results indicate similar scores, though slightly higher on all scales of IPED (Sports Performance Psychological Inventory) in taekwondo, but statistically significant differences are not obtained, as in the comparison between international and national competitors athletes. The injury rate is 2,42 injuries for athlete and season in wrestling, and 2,60 in taekwondo, and they appreciate statistically significant differences (p <, 01) on having compared to athletes of national level (1,90 injuries) and international (3,46 for season). Significant correlations have been also obtained between the number of injuries and the scales of the IPED Self-confidence, Negative Energy Control and Positive Energy Control, being these of negative sign.peerReviewe

    Modernismo frente a noventa y ocho: el caso de las andanzas de Unamuno

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é de analisar a relação entre o construto otimista, a síndrome de burnout e o estado de humor em esportistas em situação pré-competitiva. A amostra foi constituída por 227 lutadores que participaram do Campeonato de Espanha de Lutas Olímpicas. Os instrumentos utilizados são o LOT-R adaptação espanhola de Otero et al. (1998) do teste de Scheier e Carver (1985), em sua revisão Scheier, Carver e Bridges (1994) em o Inventario de Burnout para Esportistas (IBD). O IBD é uma adaptação para populações desportivas realizadas por Garcés de Los Fayos (1999) do Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach & Jackson, 1981) e o Profile of Mood States (POMS). Para a avaliação dos estados de humor foi aplicado de forma abreviada e adaptada por Fuentes, Balguer, Melía e García-Merita (1995), do instrumento original de McNair, Loor y Dropplemam (1971). Os questionários foram administrados durante o Campeonato de Espanha de Lutas Olímpicas, nos escalões Cadete e Sénior. Os resultados indicam uma relação entre otimismo e algumas dimensões do burnout como o esgotamento emocional e a despersonalização, assim como estados de humor como depressão, fadiga e cólera