5,666 research outputs found

    Powers in the Lucas sequence when the index is divisible by three

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    In this paper the m-powers with m ≥ 2 included in the Lucas sequences when the index satisfies some conditions are foun

    Bosnia and Herzegovina: a Case Study for the Unfinished EU Agenda in the Western Balkans. ZEI Discussion Paper C 250 / 2018

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has signed a Stability and Association Agreement with the EU. It is also a recipient of Pre-Accession Assistance that seeks to improve its observance of rule of law and human rights with the end in view of transforming it to a functional state and eventually join the EU. Experiencing the consequences of a tumultuous and conflict-ridden history, the country faces problems on governance, economic development, discrimination among many others. International organizations, including the EU, have been involved in securing and implementing needed reforms. The paper examines relevant interventions, challenges and prospects for completing the unfinished work of the EU in the country


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    In this paper we consider the interactions between the use of strategic delegation and mergers in the context of a Cournot oligopoly with linear demand and cost functions. It is assumed that, after the merging process is completed, the owner of every independent firm decides its managerial incentive for his manager. In the context of endogenous mergers through acquisitions, we show that the incentive to merge, under delegation, is considerably increased with respect to the setting without delegation. In fact, we prove that the level of welfare in the setting with delgation is, in some cases, lower than the corresponding under non delegation.Strategic delegation, endoqenous mergers, cournot oligopoly

    Artin’s Conjecture on primes with prescribed primitive roots

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    La Conjectura d’Artin sobre la densitat del conjunt de nombres primers amb una arrel primitiva prescrita és un dels problemes matemàtics oberts més fàcils d’enunciar. En la seva versió més clàssica, es planteja la següent pregunta: hi ha infinits nombres primers p tal que 2 és una arrel primitiva mòdul p? El propósit d’aquest treball és introduir les tècniques més importants que s’han utilitzat per donar resultats parcials en aquesta àrea. En particular, fem una revisió detallada de [LT65, Artin’s Observation], [Bil37], [Hoo67], [W77] i [KR20; KM22]. A la Secció 4.2.3 i a la Secci´o 5.2 l’autor ha pogut fer dues contribucions modestes a problemes oberts a l’area.La Conjetura de Artin sobre la densidad del conjunto de números primos con una raíz primitiva prescrita es uno de los problemas matemáticos abiertos más fáciles de enunciar. En su versión más clásica, plantea la siguiente pregunta: hay infinitos números primos p tal que 2 es una raíz primitiva módulo p? El propósito de este trabajo es introducir las técnicas más importantes que se han utilizado para dar resultados parciales en este área. En particular, hacemos una revisión detallada de [LT65, Artin’s Observation], [Bil37], [Hoo67], [W77] y [KR20; KM22]. En la Sección 4.2.3 y en la Sección 5.2 el autor ha podido hacer dos contribuciones modestas a problemas abiertos en el áreaArtin’s Conjecture about primes with a prescribed primitive root is one of the simplest to state open questions in mathematics. In its most classical form it asks the following question: are there infinitely many primes p such that 2 is a primitive root modulo p? The purpose of this work is to introduce some of the most important results towards answering this and related questions. In particular, we give an in depth review of [LT65, Artin’s Observation], [Bil37], [Hoo67], [W77] and [KR20; KM22]. In Section 4.2.3 and Section 5.2 the author has been able to make modest contributions about some open questions in the area.Outgoin

    Design and implementation of a cognitive node for heterogeneous wireless ad-hoc

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    In this thesis, the design of a cognitive network layer solution for a scenario with mobile devices is presented. Cognitive networks are able to sense the environment and adapt in order to find the best performance of the network at any moment. The final objective is to carry out a design of a node of the network which has incorporated in it up to three different technologies, which are WLAN, Bluetooth and ZigBee. The node is able to determine whether a technology should be used or not based on the network state. In order to find out the network state, a routing protocol based on Link State to provide the full view of the network is designed. Adaptive routing metrics have been designed in order to determine the best performance of the network to meet the QoS requirements considering what service is being required by the application and therefore to choose what technology is more appropriated for the connection. Those metrics are based on the capacity of the link, which takes into account the technology, the delay and the packet error rate of itself, and the utilization level. Then, Dijkstras’ algorithm is computed to solve the routing problem based on the adaptive weights instead of using the traditional hop-based count as a cost function. Furthermore, a heterogeneous cognitive wireless ad-hoc network testbed is implemented to analyze the behavior of the cognitive network when different types of services are used. On top of the cognitive network layer, an application to arrange meetings is implemented. Meeting rooms offer two different type of service for the guests, video and data service. Thus, clients are able to configure a video conference with the meeting room in case they cannot attend the meeting

    Plasma enhanced terahertz rectification and noise in InGaAs HEMTs

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    In this work we explore high frequency collective phenomena present in InGaAs HEMTs which lead to a peak in the current noise spectrum and enhance their DC response to THz signals, thus originating a resonance in the rectification of AC signals. These phenomena have been evidenced in recent experiments, in which THz detection as a result of plasma wave resonances has been demonstrated. In this paper, by means of Monte Carlo simulations, the noise spectra and the AC to DC rectification properties of the devices have been calculated and linked to the properties of the plasma oscillations within two distinct parts of the source-gate region: the capped and the recessed sections of the channel.ROOTHz (FP7-243845