2,997 research outputs found

    Dimensions of Charity versus Development: The Century-Old Debate in the Profession of Social Work

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    The social work profession seeks different objectives and utilizes different methodologies and interventions in the countries in which it operates around the world. Furthermore, it operates within drastically different political, economic and cultural contexts. For these reasons, it is difficult to identify an ideal universal method of intervention.For approximately a century, social work practitioners and academicians have debated whether the profession should focus its efforts on providing charity and relief services or promoting socio-economic development and self-sufficiency. This article defines the concepts of charity and socioeconomic development and analyzes the main dimensions of this debate in an effort to deepen our understanding of how to best promote the wellbeing of individuals and communities

    Talleres de automóviles en Miller Bajo. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - España

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    Comprising three storeys: semibasement (repair of house-hold appliances), ground floor (car workshop and offices) and tween floor (office and spares stores). The article briefly describes the layout and construction of this building, stressing the structure, entirely of reinforced concrete with flat reticular pugging and roofs made of 5 cm thick hyperbolic paraboloid-shaped membranes, and 18.50 m spans.Se compone de tres plantas: semisótano (reparación de electrodomésticos), baja (taller de automóviles y oficinas) y entreplanta (oficina y almacén de repuestos). El artículo describe someramente la distribución y construcción de este edifico, destacando la estructura, totalmente de hormigón armado, con forjados reticulares planos, y cubiertas a base de membranas en forma de paraboloides hiperbólicos de 5 cm de espesor y 18,50 m de luces

    Casa de campo. Urbanización «Los Almendros», Valsequillo, Gran Canaria

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    This small country house, built within the «Los Almendros» rural development, is characterized by a simple but adequate layout and distribution of all rooms. Worth pointing out in the exterior are the bearing walls, projecting out from the façades and the roof designed as hyperbolic paraboloids, and the contrast created between the whitewashed walls and the wooden fenestration.En la parte delantera de una pequeña parcela perfectamente rectangular, de 600 metros cuadrados de superficie, localizada en la Urbanización «Los Almendros», se ha levantado esta sencilla casa de campo, cuya planta es un cuadrado de unos 10 m de lado al que se le han practicado diversos retranqueos para crear las zonas exteriores cubiertas, correspondientes al porche de entrada, terraza y lavadero

    Disorder-induced domain wall velocity shift at high fields in perpendicularly magnetized thin films

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    [EN]Domain wall dynamics in a perpendicularly magnetized system is studied by means of micromagnetic simulations in which disorder is introduced as a dispersion of both the easy-axis orientation and the anisotropy constant over regions reproducing a granular structure of the material. High field dynamics show a linear velocity-field relationship and an additional grain size dependent velocity shift, weakly dependent on both applied field and intrinsic Gilbert’s damping parameter. We find the origin of this velocity shift in the nonhomogeneous in-plane effective field generated by the tilting of anisotropy easy axis introduced by disorder. We show that a one-dimensional analytical approach cannot predict the observed velocities and we augment it with the additional dissipation of energy arising from internal domain wall dynamics triggered by disorder. This way we prove that the main cause of higher velocity is the ability of the domain wall to irradiate energy into the domains, acquired with a precise feature of disorder.Comisión Europea (P7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN 608031) Gobierno de España (MAT2014-52477-C5-4-P) Junta de Castilla y León (SA282U14 y SA090U16

    Edificio de apartamentos Santa irónica Gran Canaria-España

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    A steeply sloped property imposed the two major features of this aparthotel: main access arranged through the upper level and the design in stepping down terraces. 192 Apartments are distributed in the building's five stories, laid out parallel and lengthwise to the beach with the vertical traffic core and services in a central location. The project also contains a parking area and ample landscaping and sportgrounds.La fuerte pendiente del terreno fue causa de dos de las características más notables de este apartahotel: la disposición del acceso por la planta más elevada, y la construcción de terrazas escalonadas. El edificio distribuye, en sus cinco plantas, 192 apartamentos, según una organización longitudinal —paralela a la línea de playa— que sitúa en la parte central los núcleos de comunicación y les locales de servicio. La construcción se completa con una playa de aparcamientos y una amplia zona ajardinada y deportiva

    Edificio de viviendas, locales comerciales y oficinas - Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

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    This building stands on a square plot, between party walls, in a narrow old city street. The ground and basement levels are used for commercial spaces, the next levels above for office space and the last three upper levels for apartments, plus a setback penthouse. Each apartment, consisting of living-dining room, services and four double bed-rooms, is layed out lengthwise along a line perpendicular to the Street front, so as to better use the narrow available space, while the natural lighting and ventilation of the inner rooms is achieved by means of numerous shafts distributed throughout the surface. The building features reinforced concrete structure and special concrete panel partitions. The façade combines the same concrete panels, faced with ceramic tiles, with large aluminium windows and artificial, modular shaped, window sills and spandrels.En una parcela cuadrada, situada en una estrecha calle de la ciudad, se ha levantado este edificio entre medianerías que destina la planta baja y el sótano a locales comerciales, los dos niveles siguientes a oficinas y a viviendas las tres plantas superiores y el ático retranqueado. Cada vivienda —compuesta por estar-comedor, zona de servicio y cuatro dormitorios dobles— se desarrolla en sentido longitudinal, perpendicularmente a la calle, a fin de aprovechar la escasa fachada del edificio, obteniéndose la iluminación y ventilación naturales de las dependencias interiores mediante pequeños patios diseminados en la superficie. La construcción emplea estructura de hormigón armado y tabiquería constituida por piezas especiales de hormigón. En la fachada se combinan las mismas piezas de hormigón revestidas con plaquetas cerámicas, con grandes ventanales de aluminio y antepechos de piedra artificial de conformación reglada

    Cloud-Based Collaborative 3D Modeling to Train Engineers for the Industry 4.0

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    In the present study, Autodesk Fusion 360 software (which includes the A360 environment) is used to train engineering students for the demands of the industry 4.0. Fusion 360 is a tool that unifies product lifecycle management (PLM) applications and 3D-modeling software (PDLM—product design and life management). The main objective of the research is to deepen the students’ perception of the use of a PDLM application and its dependence on three categorical variables: PLM previous knowledge, individual practices and collaborative engineering perception. Therefore, a collaborative graphic simulation of an engineering project is proposed in the engineering graphics subject at the University of La Laguna with 65 engineering undergraduate students. A scale to measure the perception of the use of PDLM is designed, applied and validated. Subsequently, descriptive analyses, contingency graphical analyses and non-parametric analysis of variance are performed. The results indicate a high overall reception of this type of experience and that it helps them understand how professionals work in collaborative environments. It is concluded that it is possible to respond to the demand of the industry needs in future engineers through training programs of collaborative 3D modeling environments