44 research outputs found

    Mid-Holocene Palaeoenvironment, Plant Resources and Human Interaction in Northeast Iberia: An Archaeobotanical Approach

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    MDPI accés obert UTPThe role of the adoption of farming economies in the transformation of mid-Holocene landscapes in Northeast Iberia is under discussion given that the Neolithization coincides with the cold climatic phase dated ca. 7500-7000 cal BP. The main aim of this paper is to assess whether human activities or climate were the main driver of vegetation changes during the Middle Holocene through the study of the archaeobotanical data from three case studies: Cova del Sardo, La Draga, and Coves del Fem. The application of diverse archaeobotanical techniques to the different plant remains provides a complete picture of the vegetation composition and plant uses. During the early Neolithic, settlement surroundings were intensively exploited for firewood, wood raw material, timber, and plant fibers. The resources were obtained mainly from deciduous and pine forests, de-pending on the site localization, but also from riparian zones. The diversity of plants exploited was high, not only trees but shrubs and herbs. Evidence of deforestation has been identified in the settlement surroundings in La Draga and Cova del Sardo. The combination of plant exploitation with other agropastoral activities favored the expansion of colonizing species and enhanced biodiversity at a local scale

    Models of Neolithisation of Northeastern Iberian

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    Altres ajuts: The archaeological excavation at La Draga and Coves del Fem was funded by the Departament de Cultura (Generalitat de Catalunya) CLT009/18/00026 and CLT009/18/.The goal of this article is to discuss the significance of the archaeological evidence from the sites of La Draga (Banyoles, Spain) and Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Spain), in the context of the neolithisation of Northeastern Iberia. The 14C dates have been analysed using Bayesian statistics. The stratigraphy of Coves del Fem covers the transition between the last hunter-gatherers of the region and the first farmers. The chronological sequence covers approximately 1,300 years, from 6065-5990 cal BC to 4700-4550 cal BC. The site of La Draga was occupied by the first farmers circa 5300-5230 cal BC when a wooden platform was constructed and first used. Subsequent repairs of the wooden piles have been dated as well. Another use of the wooden platform is documented around 5200-5085 cal BC, although until now new construction evidence has not been documented. La Draga site was reoccupied later, when several travertine structures dated in two moments between the years 5100-4900 cal BC and 4950-4700 cal BC were constructed and used. The radiocarbon dates of Coves del Fem and La Draga support the existence of two different models of neolithisation in Northeastern Iberia. In the southern part of the territory, Coves del Fem suggests that the Holocene hunter-gatherer populations remained in the area until the arrival of the first farmers, in a model similar to the one observed at the Ebro basin. On the contrary, the site of La Draga supports the hypothesis of the first farmers colonising a previously unoccupied territory

    Nuevo hallazgo de arte mueble de estilo Paleolítico en el Noreste peninsular: la plaqueta grabada de les Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona)

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    El hallazgo de un canto de esquisto con 7 zoomorfos (ciervos, cápridos y/o bóvidos) y restos informes grabados en el yacimiento de Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona), contribuye a enriquecer el exiguo repertorio de arte mueble de tradición paleolítica del noreste de la península Ibérica. Su análisis detallado y su comparación con el registro artístico de la vertiente mediterránea peninsular resultan claves para determinar su adscripción crono-cultural. La pieza conserva un complejo palimpsesto de motivos figurativos y no figurativos distribuidos por ambas caras, cuyas características formales, técnicas y compositivas (asociaciones no escénicas), nos remiten al final del ciclo artístico paleolítico. Este hallazgo amplía el inventario de arte paleolítico catalán, reafirma la importancia de la provincia de Tarragona, que concentra la mayoría de los hallazgos de arte mueble paleolítico de Cataluña, y abre nuevas perspectivas en el estudio del yacimiento, al ampliar su cronología hasta momentos finales del Paleolítico superior. ABSTRACT: This paper reports the discovery of a schist slab with 7 zoomorphic figures (deer, wild goats and/or bulls) and other engraved remains at Coves del Fem site (Ulldemolins, Priorat, Tarragona) in 2020. This find adds to the limited, although unique, repertoire of portable art of Palaeolithic style found so far in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. A detailed analysis of this piece and comparison with the artistic record known so far for the Mediterranean side of Iberia are key to establish the relative chronology of this find. The themes (a combination of animals and non-figurative motifs), the formal (simplified representations of animals with elongated bodies), technical (a schist slab with fine incised engravings filled with striated strokes) and compositional patterns of the motifs, with a complex palimpsest of figurative and non-figurative engravings distributed on both sides creating two non-scenic compositions, recall an art from the end of the Paleolithic artistic cycle. To these common elements, this slab adds certain singularities. First, two animals of different species are involved in a mirror symmetry composition, which is not unique to this site, but it is more common in older periods and with the animals distributed on both sides of a vertical axis, rather than horizontal, as in this case. Such distribution has no parallels in this final phase of the artistic sequence. Second, the microscopic analysis of the art reveals the preservation of red pigment inside the engraved grooves, showing the use of a mixed technique, involving a combination of incision and painting. This practice, used probably to enhance motifs and improve visualization, has been recorded in a limited number of Palaeolithic sites, most likely due to conservation problems. Third, the slab includes the first example of an engraved goat known in the Catalan repertoire. Overall, this find contributes to expand the repertoire of Catalan Paleolithic art, confirms the importance of the Tarragona province, concentrating most of the finds of Paleolithic portable art in Catalonia, and opens new perspectives in the study of Coves del Fem, substantially expanding the chronology of this site until the end of the Upper Paleolithic period. Finally, it brings a new example with its own peculiarities (the type of composition) for characterizing the art of the Pleistocene/Holocene transition in south-western Europe

    Nuevo hallazgo de arte mueble de estilo Paleolítico en el Noreste peninsular : la plaqueta grabada de les Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona)

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    El hallazgo de un canto de esquisto con 7 zoomorfos (ciervos, cápridos y/o bóvidos) y restos informes grabados en el yacimiento de Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona), contribuye a enriquecer el exiguo repertorio de arte mueble de tradición paleolítica del noreste de la península Ibérica. Su análisis detallado y su comparación con el registro artístico de la vertiente mediterránea peninsular resultan claves para determinar su adscripción crono-cultural. La pieza conserva un complejo palimpsesto de motivos figurativos y no figurativos distribuidos por ambas caras, cuyas características formales, técnicas y compositivas (asociaciones no escénicas), nos remiten al final del ciclo artístico paleolítico. Este hallazgo amplía el inventario de arte paleolítico catalán, reafirma la importancia de la provincia de Tarragona, que concentra la mayoría de los hallazgos de arte mueble paleolítico de Cataluña, y abre nuevas perspectivas en el estudio del yacimiento, al ampliar su cronología hasta momentos finales del Paleolítico superior.This paper reports the discovery of a schist slab with 7 zoomorphic figures (deer, wild goats and/or bulls) and other engraved remains at Coves del Fem site (Ulldemolins, Priorat, Tarragona) in 2020. This find adds to the limited, although unique, repertoire of portable art of Palaeolithic style found so far in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. A detailed analysis of this piece and comparison with the artistic record known so far for the Mediterranean side of Iberia are key to establish the relative chronology of this find. The themes (a combination of animals and non-figurative motifs), the formal (simplified representations of animals with elongated bodies), technical (a schist slab with fine incised engravings filled with striated strokes) and compositional patterns of the motifs, with a complex palimpsest of figurative and non-figurative engravings distributed on both sides creating two non-scenic compositions, recall an art from the end of the Paleolithic artistic cycle. To these common elements, this slab adds certain singularities. First, two animals of different species are involved in a mirror symmetry composition, which is not unique to this site, but it is more common in older periods and with the animals distributed on both sides of a vertical axis, rather than horizontal, as in this case. Such distribution has no parallels in this final phase of the artistic sequence. Second, the microscopic analysis of the art reveals the preservation of red pigment inside the engraved grooves, showing the use of a mixed technique, involving a combination of incision and painting. This practice, used probably to enhance motifs and improve visualization, has been recorded in a limited number of Palaeolithic sites, most likely due to conservation problems. Third, the slab includes the first example of an engraved goat known in the Catalan repertoire. Overall, this find contributes to expand the repertoire of Catalan Paleolithic art, confirms the importance of the Tarragona province, concentrating most of the finds of Paleolithic portable art in Catalonia, and opens new perspectives in the study of Coves del Fem, substantially expanding the chronology of this site until the end of the Upper Paleolithic period. Finally, it brings a new example with its own peculiarities (the type of composition) for characterizing the art of the Pleistocene/Holocene transition in south-western Euro

    Los objetos elaborados con fibras vegetales del Neolítico Antiguo de Coves del Fem, Ulldemolins (Tarragona)

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    Los objetos manufacturados con materias orgánicas raramente se conservan excepto bajo condiciones ambientales específicas, ya sea en medios de sequedad constante, en contextos anaeróbicos sumergidos, bajo congelación o por carbonización. Por ello, las técnicas de cestería y cordelería, así como las materias primas utilizadas están escasamente documentadas en el registro arqueológico del Neolítico peninsular. Se aporta aquí nueva información acerca de las técnicas cesteras y de cordelería, así como de las materias primas utilizadas en Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona). Estos restos fueron recuperados en una fosa adscribible al Neolítico antiguo. La cestería estudiada se encuentra manufacturada a través de la técnica de espiral cosida, mientras que en el caso de la cordelería se trata de un único fragmento torsionado. Se discute su funcionalidad en un contexto de hábitat en cueva, así como su tecnología y materias primas usadas, contextualizándolos con otros ejemplos de cestería de espiral cosida de la península ibérica.Plant-based artefacts are considered one of the first technologies used by human populations playing an important role in the daily life of all societies. Even though, they are made of perishable material which usually disappears in archaeological contexts except for some specific environmental conditions that permit their conservation as arid, anaerobic, waterlogged atmospheres or carbonization. Some examples of the f irst implements produced by organic materials are baskets and cords which are documented since the very beginning of human populations. Nevertheless, these fibre-based materials have been excluded from archaeological studies. The lack of knowledge in this vegetal technology is a consequence of the difficulty of organic material preservation and the non-suitable analysis and identification methodologies. Even they represent a living material culture as history and ethnography demonstrate, vegetal fibres were probably used for producing indispensable everyday objects and artefacts in the past. The aim of this paper is to provide new information about vegetal technology as basketry and cordage techniques, as well as the raw materials used in Neolithic chronologies in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula. The materials analyzed in this study were recovered at the site of Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona) which is a rock shelter preserved thanks to the fallen rock blocks. Basketry and cordage fragments came from the archaeological fieldwork of 2019 and were recovered inside a pit in levels of the final Early Neolithic. They were preserved thanks to the carbonization and dehydration they were submitted to. Both basketry and cordage examples from Coves del Fem, were deeply described considering their morphology and technology, as well as the raw materials they were made of. The methodology consisted of describing the technique used and taking measures of the different fragments aiming to obtain information about the way the basket and the cord were made. The identification of raw materials was performed by observing cross, peridermal and longitudinal sections of samples using a transmitted optical microscope. Descriptions were based on microanatomical observation by comparing with reference modern material and specialized technical literature. The results showed the basketry assemblage was produced using the coiling technique and all the fragments belong to a single object. In the case of the cordage fragment, it was made by twisting the fibres which had been previously mechanically processed. The identification of raw materials revealed at least the use of sedges for basketry and non-identified herbaceous plants for making cordage. The functionality of the objects is discussed, and they are also contextualized with other Neolithic fibre productions examples from the Iberian Peninsula and the Middle East, both technologically and the chosen raw materials. In summary, fibre-based productions from Coves del Fem, along with the assemblage from the lake dwelling site of La Draga, fill the gap of this archaeological record from the Iberian Peninsula to Europe, demonstrating the long history of the technical skills related to plant exploitation

    Registro, análisis y conservación de los objetos de madera del yacimiento neolítico de La Draga (Banyoles, Catalunya)

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    [EN] The most significant characteristic of the Neolithic site of La Draga is, undoubtedly, the superb preservation of organic matter. The characteristics of the site make it necessary to develop a protocol that begins during the excavation. Wooden objects are registered by photogrammetry and a systematic documentation which involves determining the species, the record of technological and functional traces, 3D scanning and sampling is done. The methods for the conservation of organic materials involve preventive treatment in the field, lyophilization and monitoring the subsequent post-preservation.[ES] El hecho más relevante del yacimiento neolítico de La Draga es sin duda la magnífica conservación de la materia orgánica. Las características del yacimiento hacen necesario desarrollar un protocolo de actuación que se inicia ya durante la excavación. Se lleva a cabo una exhaustiva documentación de los objetos de madera que comporta el registro por fotogrametría, la determinación de la especie, el registro de huellas tecnológicas y funcionales, escaneado 3D y toma de muestras. Los métodos utilizados para la conservación implican el tratamiento preventivo en el campo, la posterior liofilización y seguimiento post-conservación de los materiales orgánicos.Proyecto desarrollado con el apoyo de: Ajuntament de Banyoles, Centre d’Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya/Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura Generalitat de Catalunya, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya. Los trabajos fueron realizados en el marco del proyecto coordinado CSIC-UAB financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: «Ocupaciones lacustres y gestión de recursos en las primeras sociedades agrícola-ganaderas del NE peninsular: Tecnología de las producciones materiales y usos instrumentales (HAR2009-13494-CO1). Estrategias agroforestales y ganaderas (HAR2009-13494-C02)» y por el Ministerio de Economía y competitividad: «Organización social de las primeras comunidades agrícola-ganaderas a partir del espacio doméstico: Arquitectura en madera y áreas de procesado y consumo de alimentos. Elementos estructurales y áreas de producción y consumo de bienes (HAR2012-38838-C01). Elementos estructurales y áreas de producción y consumo de bienes (HAR2012-38838-C02)».Peer Reviewe

    Los niveles epicardiales de les Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona)

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    Les Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins) es una gran cavidad situada en el macizo del Montsant, a 490 m snm, en el interior de Tarragona. Los trabajos iniciados el año 2013 han permitido documentar una amplia estratigrafía que abarca desde el Mesolítico Reciente hasta el Neolítico Postcardial. Los resultados de las intervenciones arqueológicas ponen de relieve el interés de este yacimiento por lo se refiere a la transición entre los últimos cazadores recolectores y los primeros grupos de agricultores y ganaderos en el norestes peninsular. En el marco de un nuevo proyecto de investigación se ha llevado a cabo una nueva intervención arqueológica en la parte central del abrigo, en un área que ocupa 9 m2. La zona intervenida colinda con los perfiles realizados en las campañas de 2013 y 2015 sobre un corte resultante de intervenciones clandestinas previas. La intención es obtener, en un futuro próximo, una sección transversal completa desde este punto hasta el fondo de la cueva. La excavación en extensión de esta área ha hecho patente la complejidad estratigráfica del yacimiento donde las unidades se presentan de forma muy heterogénea con sucesiones de niveles de arenas de fracción muy fina depositadas por la acción de las crecidas del río Montsant y por sedimentación eólica. Aunque el área intervenida no es muy amplia se han documentado un número relevante de estructuras como fosas, elementos de sostenimiento y estructuras de combustión de diversa tipología y función, algunas de las cuales se organizan en relación a una gran estructura compleja que, pese a que debería confirmarse en futuras intervenciones, podría interpretarse como una base de una cabaña. Los niveles excavados hasta la fecha corresponden a las ocupaciones epicardiales documentadas en las intervenciones anteriores, las cuales han proporcionado un abundante y variado conjunto material. Cabe destacar la industria lítica tallada en sílex, que abarca restos representativos de todas las fases del proceso de producción, la industria ósea, los elementos cerámicos, los restos antracológicos y carpológicos, así como restos de madera no carbonizada o semicarbonizada en buen estado de conservación.Peer reviewe

    Productions and technical knowledge in the Early Neolithic in Catalonia

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    The development of the economic activities inherent to the establishment of Neolithic farming activities entails an increasing technical specialization. This is often visible through the exploitation of specific resources, the development of suitable techniques for the manufacture of consumption goods as well as new ways of using and consuming them. We briefly present the main features of the technical productions carried out by the first Neolithic populations in the northeast of Iberia, trying to characterize the technical knowledge spent on all of them and making their signs of specialization clear.[FR] Le développement des activités économiques inhérent à l’implantation des activités agricoles et d’élevage du Néolithique entraîne une spécialisation technique croissante. Cela se traduit souvent par l’exploitation de ressources spécifiques, le développement de techniques appropriées pour la fabrication de biens de consommation, et de nouvelles façons de les utiliser et de les consommer. Nous présentons brièvement les principales caractéristiques des productions techniques réalisées par les premières populations néolithiques du nord-est de la péninsule ibérique, en essayant de caractériser les connaissances techniques dépensées dans chacune d’elles et en mettant en évidence leurs indications de spécialisation

    A Middle Palaeolithic wooden digging stick from Aranbaltza III, Spain

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    Aranbaltza is an archaeological complex formed by at least three open-air sites. Between 2014 and 2015 a test excavation carried out in Aranbaltza III revealed the presence of a sand and clay sedimentary sequence formed in floodplain environments, within which six sedimentary units have been identified. This sequence was formed between 137±50 ka, and includes several archaeological horizons, attesting to the long-term presence of Neanderthal communities in this area. One of these horizons, corresponding with Unit 4, yielded two wooden tools. One of these tools is a beveled pointed tool that was shaped through a complex operational sequence involving branch shaping, bark peeling, twig removal, shaping, polishing, thermal exposition and chopping. A use-wear analysis of the tool shows it to have traces related with digging soil so it has been interpreted as representing a digging stick. This is the first time such a tool has been identified in a European Late Middle Palaeolithic context; it also represents one of the first well-preserved Middle Palaeolithic wooden tool found in southern Europe. This artefact represents one of the few examples available of wooden tool preservation for the European Palaeolithic, allowing us to further explore the role wooden technologies played in Neanderthal communities