108 research outputs found

    Aplasia del arco posterior del Atlas

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    Las anomalías congénitas del arco posterior del Atlas son poco frecuentes. Se presenta el caso de una paciente, que tras sufrir un accidente se diagnosticó de aplasia parcial del atlas. Esta lesión es considerada como una variante anatómica benigna de la región cráneovertebral. Se expone el desarrollo y el significado de esta anomalía.Congenital anomalies of the posterior arch of the atlas are uncommon. This paper presents the case of a patient who, as result of an accident, was diagnosed as having a congenital partial agenesia of the posterior arch of the atlas. This finding is considered as a benign anatomical variation of the craniovertebral junction region. The development and clinical significance of this anomaly are discussed

    Fracturas diafisarias de húmero en adultos: estudio retrospectivo de 53 casos

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    Se estudian retrospectivamente 53 pacientes adultos con fractura diafisaria de húmero, 36 de los cuales siguieron el tratamiento ortopédico funcional. En otros 17 casos, pacientes politraumatizados o con fracturas de tercio medio transversas, realizamos tratamiento quirúrgico. La edad media de los pacientes fue 48 ± 2 2 años. Se afectó más el lado derecho, siendo el antecedente etiológico más frecuente el accidente casual. No hubo diferencia entre el tiempo de consolidación con el tratamiento ortopédico-funcional (60 ± 14 días) y el tratamiento quirúrgico (56 ±1 2 días). Como complicaciones hubo 7 pseudoartrosis (4 tras tratamiento ortopédico-funcional y 3 tratamiento quirúrgico). La edad media de los pacientes con pseudoartrosis fue superior a la de los pacientes con consolidación completa. Ocho casos cursaron con lesión del nervio radial, obteniendo una recuperación funcional del 100% en un tiempo medio de 38 ± 30 semanas. Valorando los resultados con arreglo a los criterios de Gayet, hemos obtenido un 80% de buenos y muy buenos resultados con tratamiento ortopédico funcional y un 70% con tratamiento quirúrgico.Fifty three adult patients with fracture of the humeral shaft were retrospectively studied. Orthopaedic-functional treatment was applied in 36 cases. Seventeen patients with either multiple injuries or transverse middle-shaft fractures were surgically treated. The mean age of patients was 48 ± 21 years. Right side was most frecuently affected and casual fall was the predominated etiology. There were no differences regarding the average consolidation period between fractures treated conservatively (60 ± 14 days) and those undergoing surgery (56 ± 12 days). As complications, there were 7 monounions (4 conservative and 3 operative treatment). The mean age of patients with non-unions was higther than those with complete fracture consolidation. Radial nerve injury was seen in 8 cases. In all there patients, a complete functional were recovery was obtained with a mean average time of 38 ± 30 weeks. When evaluating functional results according to Gayet, satisfactory results were found in 80 per cent of patients with conservative treatment and 70 per cent of those surgically treated

    Luxación Traumática de Cadera en el Niño

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    La luxación traumática de cadera en el niño es una lesión poco frecuente. Los autores presentan un caso de luxación anterior de cadera en un niño de 4 años producida por traumatismo mínimo. La exploración realizada en urgencias mostró impotencia funcional para la deambulación y gran dolor. El seguimiento ha sido de 18 meses tras los cuales el paciente no presenta complicaciones. Exponen su experiencia en el caso y revisión de la bibliografía.Traumatic hip dislocation of the hip is rare in children. The authors report a case of anterior hip dislocation in a 4-year-old boy who received relatively minor trauma. He was unable to walk and was in severe pain when seen in emergency room. He was followed-up for 18 months and no complications have appeared. They report here their experience with one case and review the literature

    Sustitución ureteral bilateral con asa ileal

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloUreteral replacement by a loop of defunctionalized ileum was described more than 2 centuries ago and continues to be a therapeutic option at present. This series describes the technique of bilateral ureteral replacement with ileum. Aim: To report 4 cases of bilateral ileal ureteral replacement performed at our institution, its indications, the surgical technique, complications, and a review of the literature. Material and Method: We report 4 cases of extensive bilateral ureteral injury of different etiologies, whose treatment with curative intent was to replace the damaged ureter with a isoperistaltic small bowel segment. Results: The surgical technique used was standard in all cases. There were no intraoperative complications and only one patient had hyperchloremic acidosis. No patient has shown loss of renal function in the long-term follow up. Conclusion: Is an effective therapeutic, safe and reproducible technique to replacement of major bilateral ureteral injuries, independent of the original cause.La sustitución ureteral por un asa de íleon desfuncionalizada fue descrita hace más de 2 siglos y continúa siendo una alternativa terapéutica en la actualidad. Esta serie describe la técnica de sustitución ureteral bilateral con íleon. Objetivo: Presentar 4 casos de sustitución ureteral ileal bilateral realizados en nuestro centro, indicaciones de la técnica quirúrgica, complicaciones y revisión de la literatura. Material y Método: Presentamos 4 casos de lesión ureteral bilateral extensa, de etiologías diferentes, cuyo tratamiento con intención curativa fue la sustitución de la lesión ureteral por un segmento intestinal isoperis-táltico. Resultados: La técnica quirúrgica empleada fue estándar en todos los casos. No hubo complicaciones intraoperatorias, y sólo una paciente presentó descompensación metabólica por acidosis hiperclorémica. En ningún paciente se ha demostrado pérdida en la función renal. Conclusión: El segmento intestinal de íleon desfuncionalizado es una alternativa terapéutica eficaz, segura y reproducible, para el reemplazo de importantes lesiones ureterales bilaterales, independiente de la causa original.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-40262012000500012&nrm=is

    Welfare and performance traits of meat rabbit females. A review

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    [ES] El manejo de reproductoras en grupo o semigrupo, con objeto de mejorar su bienestar, proporciona solo un ligero enriquecimiento del comportamiento locomotor y social, y algunos resultados zootécnicos próximos pero estadísticamente inferiores a los obtenidos en jaula individual, sin conseguir así compensar los resultados negativos del método: mayor mortalidad de gazapos lactantes, estrés, agresividad, heridas y mortalidad de las madres, unido a la complejidad, tiempo y trabajo requeridos por este manejo. Enriquecer la jaula individual mediante plataforma no deteriora los resultados zootécnicos, permite incrementar la movilidad y el repertorio comportamental de las conejas (saltar, erguirse), aumentando además la superficie disponible, pero empeora la higiene y aumentan los problemas sanitarios (pododermatitis, fracturas). Reposapatas y elementos para roer, así como refinar el enriquecimiento en las jaulas estándar, parece una vía útil para mejorar el bienestar mientras se profundiza en la gestión de la respuesta agresiva, así como en la idoneidad y en el modelo de grupo en las reproductoras de carne.[EN] Continuous and part-time group housing systems have been tested to improve the welfare of reproducing rabbit does. Part-time group provides some improvements in locomotor and social behavior, some good reproductive results ¿still significantly lower than individual cages¿, without making up for its negative effects: higher kit mortality, rates of aggression, injured and does mortality, on top of the complexity, time and effort invested. The continuous group system increases more the aforementioned problems. Individual cages enriched by a platform have no negative effect on productive performances, provide more opportunities for movements and behavioral repertoire in does (jumping, stand up), increase space availability, but deteriorate hygiene and health (pododermatitis, fractures). Plastic footrests, gnawing blocks, have a positive impact on improving welfare in rabbits. In conclusion, refining the enrichment of standard cages seems a useful way to improve welfare while studying how to reduce aggression, as well as the suitability of the breeding group and the group model in the meat rabbit does.López, M.; Cervera Fras, MC.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2020). Bienestar y resultados zootécnicos en conejas de aptitud carne. Revisión bibliográfica. ITEA-Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria. 116(2):131-149. https://doi.org/10.12706/itea.2020.002S131149116

    Eocene-Oligocene magnetostratigraphy from the central part of the SE margin of the Ebro Basin

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    Previous magnetostratigraphic studies focused in the Eocene successions of the eastern Ebro Basin have provided some absolute age for the basin infill. These results were based on some biostratigraphic constraints wich have been recently challenged. Our new results from the approximately 3000 m thick Montserrat and Maians-Rubió magnetostratigraphic sections have been integrated into the both marine and continental biochronology data, providing a more independent chronology. The resulting absolute chronology of the Montserrat-Rubió composite section represents about 10 My, covering the Lutetian to Rupelian (approximately 40.7 to 30.5 Ma). This leads to the re-evaluation of the age of the La Salut Fm. (Lutetian to Bartonian) and the Montserrat conglomerates (Bartonian to Priabonian). The last marine regression in the central part of the SE margin of the Ebro Basin yields an approximate age of about 36.0 Ma (Priabonian)

    Quantitative characterization of multicomponent polymers by sample-controlled thermal analysis

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    This paper explores the potential of sample-controlled thermal analysis (SCTA) in order to perform compositional analysis of multicomponent polymeric materials by means of thermogravimetric experiments. In SCTA experiments, the response of the sample to the temperature determines the evolution of the temperature by means of a feedback system; thus, what is controlled is not the temperature-time profile, as in conventional analysis, but rather the evolution of the reaction rate with time. The higher resolving power provided by the technique has been used for determining the composition of polymer blends composed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and different commercial plasticizers, a system where the individual components have very similar thermal stabilities, thereby rendering useless thermogravimetric experiments run under conventional conditions. Different SCTA procedures, such as constant rate thermal analysis (CRTA), which has received special attention, and high-resolution and stepwise isothermal analysis have been tested, and the results obtained have been compared with linear heating rate technique. It has been proven that CRTA can be used to effectively determine the exact composition of the blend.Junta de Andalucía TEP-03002Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT 2008- 06619/MA

    Emprendedorismo y políticas públicas. Una introducción a la literatura

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    In this paper we study entrepreneurship and its relationto public policy through an introductory review of theliterature on the main concepts of entrepreneurship andthe different conceptions of the entrepreneur. We concludethe paper stating that the channels that determine entrepreneurshipand its causal relationship with economic de-velopment are extensive, generating intense debate aboutthe effectiveness and appropriate practices of public policiestherein. In this regard we advocate for the promotionof public policies involving sustainable efforts in bothpublic and private sectors to foster strong entrepreneurshipprocesses.En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar la temáticadel emprendedorismo y su relación con laspolíticas públicas. Para ello, realizamos una revisiónintroductoria de la literatura partiendo de losprincipales conceptos que definen el emprendedorismoy las distintas concepciones del emprendedor.Concluimos el trabajo afirmando que loscanales que determinan la actividad emprendedoray su relación causal con el desarrollo económicoson extensos, generando arduos debates en tornoa la efectividad y prácticas adecuadas de las políticaspúblicas. Es necesario impulsar políticas quecomprometan de manera sostenible esfuerzos delos sectores públicos y privados para mantener vigorososlos procesos de emprendedorismo

    Chromogenic Chemodosimeter Based on Capped Silica Particles to Detect Spermine and Spermidine

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    [EN] A new hybrid organic-inorganic material for sensing spermine (Spm) and spermidine (Spd) has been prepared and characterized. The material is based on MCM-41 particles functionalized with an N-hydroxysuccinimide derivative and loaded with Rhodamine 6G. The cargo is kept inside the porous material due to the formation of a double layer of organic matter. The inner layer is covalently bound to the silica particles, while the external layer is formed through hydrogen and hydrophobic interactions. The limits of detection determined by fluorimetric titration are 27 mu M and 45 mu M for Spm and Spd, respectively. The sensor remains silent in the presence of other biologically important amines and is able to detect Spm and Spd in both aqueous solution and cells.This research was funded by Spanish Government (RTI2018-100910-B-C42 and RTI2018100910-B-C44 (MCUI/AEI/FEDER, UE) and grant GRISOLIAP/2019/023.Barros, M.; López-Carrasco, A.; Amorós, P.; Gil Grau, S.; Gaviña, P.; Parra Alvarez, M.; El Haskouri, J.... (2021). Chromogenic Chemodosimeter Based on Capped Silica Particles to Detect Spermine and Spermidine. Nanomaterials. 11(3):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano1103081811211