1,211 research outputs found

    Contrasting human perceptions of and attitudes towards two threatened small carnivores, Lycalopex fulvipes and Leopardus guigna, in rural communities adjacent to protected areas in Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus.The interaction between humans and small carnivores is a phenomenon especially frequent in rural fringes, as is the case of communities surrounding natural areas. In Chile, two species of threatened carnivores, the Darwin's Fox and the Guigna, have increased their contact with humans due to human-induced changes in their habitat. The objective of this study was to characterize the interactions of these species with humans by assessing human perceptions and attitudes toward them, and to assess livestock and poultry ownership and management practices in local communities to evaluate their possible roles in the phenomenon. We conducted semi-structured interviews in rural communities adjacent to natural protected areas of two different regions in southern Chile. We found that people have a more positive perception of Darwin's Foxes than Guignas, but both species are considered damaging due to poultry attacks. Livestock and poultry management was generally deficient. Improvements in animal management and education programs could lead to a significant decrease in negative interactions. © Sacristan et al. 2018.https://www.threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/article/view/4030/442

    SPH simulations of thixo-viscoplastic fluid flow past a cylinder

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    Thixotropic materials are complex fluids that display time-dependent viscosity and/or yield-stress response upon the application of a fixed deformation, while recovering their original structured-state when the deformation is discontinued. Thixotropic effects are presents in many different systems and applications, ranging from food products, such as ketchup, to metals, such as molten aluminum. In this work we present a first attempt to simulate the rheological properties of thixo-viscoplastic flows using a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) method. The study set up is a 2D flow around a circular cylinder as well as a simple shear flow between parallel plates to validate our numerical results. SPH solutions are compared with simulations performed using the open-source Finite Volume Method solver RheoTool, based on OpenFOAM. The viscoplastic model used in this work is the Papanastasiou model combined with a recently developed microstructural one, in order to include thixotropy. In this thixo-viscoplastic framework, we analyze the flow properties in terms of yield-fronts, streamlines and structure-parameter fields at different Bingham and Thixotropy numbers, through microstructural thixotropic and yield-stress parameters variation. Obtained results show an important novelty: an asymmetry in the thixo-viscoplastic flow around the cylinder

    The management of lifeguards in natural acuatic spaces (beaches)

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    Este estudio nace con la necesidad de establecer criterios básicos y descripción de recomendaciones para mejorar el nivel de atención de los socorristas acuáticos profesionales en los espacios acuáticos naturales, concretamente en el trabajo realizado en las playas, con el objetivo de aumentar la seguridad de estas zonas de baño. El estudio se ha desarrollado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña, concretamente en tres playas de varios municipios de la provincia de Barcelona. Se puede afirmar que tras esta investigación la mayor parte de los socorristas acuáticos que han participado en el estudio valoraron positivamente las medidas y criterios propuestos, asumiendo que con los mismos se puede desempeñar mejor su trabajoThis study arises from the need to establish basic criteria and the description of recommendations to improve the level of responsiveness of lifeguards in natural aquatic areas, specifically in the work done on the beaches, in order to increase the safety of these bathing areas. The study was developed Cataluña, in three beaches of different municipalities in the province of Barcelona. We can aver after this research that most of the lifeguards who participated in the study value positively the proposed measures and criteria, through the assumption that these features help improve their wor

    Fundamental care and knowledge interests: implications for nursing science

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this discursive paper was to characterize the intra-theoretical interests of knowledge in nursing science as an epistemological framework for fundamental care. Background: For Jürgen Habermas, theory does not separate knowledge interests from life. All knowledge, understanding and human research is always interested. Habermas formulated the knowledge interests in empirical-analytical, historical hermeneutic and critical social sciences; but said nothing about health sciences and nursing science. Design: Discursive paper. Results: The paper is organised into five sections that develop our argument about the implications of the Habermasian intra theoretical interests in nursing science and fundamental care: the persistence of a technical interest, the predominance of a practical interest, the importance of an emancipatory interest, “being there” to understand individuals’ experience and an “existential crisis” that uncovers the individual’s subjectivity. Conclusions: The nursing discipline can take on practical and emancipatory interests (together with a technical interest) as its fundamental knowledge interests. Nurses’ privileged position in the delivery of fundamental care gives them the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the patient’s experience and illness process through physical contact and empathic communication. Relevance to clinical practice and nursing research: In clinical, academic and research environments, nurses should highlight the importance of fundamental care, showcasing the value of practical and emancipatory knowledge. This process could help to improve nursing science’s leadership, social visibility and idiosyncrasy

    Numerical simulations of thixotropic semi-solid aluminium alloys in open-rotor and rotor-stator mixers

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    This research uses the Bautista-Manero-Puig (BMP) model to examine flow patterns of semi-solid aluminium alloys (Al) in open-rotor and stator-rotor mixers via numerical solutions. The model captures the distinct thixo-viscoelastic behavior of the Al-alloys at low temperatures, near melting point. The analysis involves using 2D structured-meshes for open-rotor and rotor-stator geometries. Solutions for Newtonian and thixo-viscoelastic model fluids are reported through fields of velocity, strain-rate, stress, fluidity, and streamlines, revealing distinct features. Findings reveal nonlinear thixo-viscoelastic vortex patterns that vary with rotational speed, resulting in different fluidity and stress profiles compared to the invariant response of Newtonian fluids. At lower rotational speeds, rotor-pallets are dominated by structured material that gradually becomes unstructured to cover the outer vessel walls. When including a stator, the inner stator region resembles the Newtonian solution, but the outflow through stator gaps is reduced due to flow-structure levels outside. This information is of interest for industrial design and optimization of molten Al-alloy processing.Programa de Transferencia de Tecnología de la DFB FEDER Consejo Nacional de Ciencias, Humanidades y Tecnologı́as (CONAHCYT, Mexico) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNA

    Shape detection algorithm applicable to solar estimation

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    [EN] This paper presents a bio-inspired hybrid algorithm for shape detection applicable to solar estimation in solar power plants. The objective is to locate and characterise the shape of a cloud over a solar power plant based on low level irradiance measurement with a small fleet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with direct normal irradiance sensors. Toe hybrid algorithm takes inspiration and adapts ideas of the ant colony optimisation algorithm (ACO) and also uses a standard cover area algorithm, separating the field into two grids, one for each layer of the algorithm, to find the area affected by the cloud. Once the low irradiance zone is located by one of the UAVs, the others go to help it. This team delimits the cloud border using concepts of an image processing technique. Finally, the algorithm is tested by simulations.[ES] En este artículo se presenta un algoritmo híbrido bio-inspirado para la detección de formas aplicado a la estimación solar en plantas solares. Se tiene como objetivo localizar y caracterizar la forma de una nube sobre una planta solar basándose en medidas de niveles bajos de la irradiancia con una pequeña flota de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs en inglés) equipados con sensores capaces de medir la irradiancia directa normal. El algoritmo híbrido propuesto se inspira y adapta las ideas del algoritmo de optimización de colonia de hormigas (ant colony optimization, ACO) y también usa un algoritmo estándar de cobertura de área, separándose el campo de la planta solar en dos mallados, uno para cada capa del algoritmo, para encontrar el área afectada por la nube. Cuando un UAV localiza la zona de baja irradiancia, los otros van a ayudarle. Dicho equipo delimita el borde de la nube usando conceptos de técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes. Finalmente, se prueba el algoritmo propuesto mediante simulaciones.Este proyecto ha recibido fondos del European Research Council (ERC) en el marco del programa 'European Union's Horizon 2020 and innovation programme' (grant agreement No 789051).Aguilar-López, JM.; García, RA.; Camacho, EF. (2021). Algoritmo para la detección de formas aplicable a la estimación solar. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 18(3):277-287. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2021.14765OJS277287183Aasen, H., Burkart, A., Bolten, A., Bareth, G., 2015. Generating 3d hyperspectral information with lightweight uav snapshot cameras for vegetation monitoring: From camera calibration to quality assurance. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 108, 245-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.08.002Acar, E. U., Choset, H., 2000. Critica! point sensing in unknown environments. In: Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. 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Biomimetics?using nature to inspire human innovation. Bioinspiration & biomimetics 1 (1), Pl. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-3182/1/1/P01Camacho, E. F., Gallego, A., 2013. Optimal operation in solar trough plants: A case study. Solar Energy 95, 106-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2013.05.029Camacho, E. F., Soria, M. B., Rubio, F. R., Martínez, D., 2012. Control of Solar Energy Systems. Springer Science & Business Media. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-85729-916-1Cesetti, A., Frontoni, E., Mancini, A., Zingaretti, P., Longhi, S., 2010. A visionbased guidance system for uav navigation and safe landing using natural landmarks. Joumal of intelligent and robotic systems 57 (1-4), 233. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-009-9373-3Choi, Y., Choi, Y., Briceno, S., Mavris, D. N., 2020. Energy-constrained multiuav coverage path planning for an aerial imagery mission using column generation. 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    On the use of continuous spectrum and discrete-mode differential models to predict contraction-flow pressure drops for Boger fluids

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    Over recent years, there has been slow but steady progress towards the qualitative numerical prediction of observed behaviour when highly elastic Boger fluids flow in contraction geometries. This has led to an obvious desire to seek quantitative agreement between prediction and experiment, a subject which is addressed in the current paper. We conclude that constitutive models of non-trivial complexity are required to make headway in this regard. However, we suggest that the desire to move from qualitative to quantitative agreement between theory and experiment is making real progress. In the present case with differential models, this has involved the introduction of a generalized continuous spectrum model. This is based on direct data input from material functions and rheometrical measurements. The class of such models assumes functional separability across shear and extensional deformation, through two master functions, governing independently material-time and viscous-response. The consequences of such a continuous spectrum representation are compared and contrasted against discrete-mode alternatives, via an averaged single-mode approximation and a multi-modal approximation. The effectiveness of each chosen form is gauged by the quality of match to complex flow response and experimental measurement. Here, this is interpreted in circular contraction-type flows with Boger fluids, where large experimental pressure-drop data are available and wide disparity between different fluid responses has been recorded in the past. Findings are then back-correlated to base-material response from ideal viscometric flow

    ACV de la manufactura regional de ladrillos

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    This document presents a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study to quantify the environmental cradle-to-gate impact of the manufacture of brick for the construction industry, produced with material of igneous source. Its mineral composition and thermal isolation properties were characterized for use in real estate construction. The LCA results for brick manufacture using this material identified the greatest environmental impact to be associated with material extraction and its proportional cement content. Additionally, this document presents an evaluation of the environmental impact of the manufacturing process by comparing traditional fired clay brick and brick of the material under study. In conclusion, the studied material shows thermal insulation qualities and suitability for the manufacture of bricks with low incorporated energy.Este trabajo presenta un estudio de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) para cuantificar los impactos ambientales de la cuna a la puerta de la manufactura de ladrillos para la industria de la construcción, fabricados de un material de origen ígneo. Se caracterizó su composición mineralógica y propiedades de aislamiento térmico para ser usado en la construcción de inmuebles. Los resultados ACV de la fabricación de ladrillos de este material, identificaron la mayor contribución a los impactos ambientales asociados a la extracción del material y la cantidad proporcional de cemento. Adicionalmente, se presenta una evaluación comparativa del impacto ambiental entre la manufactura de un ladrillo tradicional de arcilla cocido y de un ladrillo del material en estudio. En conclusión el material estudiado muestra cualidades de aislamiento térmico y es adecuado para la fabricación de ladrillos con baja energía incorporada

    Active study: undetected prevalence and clinical inertia in the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP)

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    Aims To prove if there is clinical inertia in the identification and treatment of episodes of breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP), comparing actual results from clinical practice with clinical oncologists’ prior perception. Design Observational and descriptive study, using information collected by practising medical oncologists, at three moments: (a) questionnaire regarding their professional judgement of the handling of patients with BTcP in their practice, (b) cross-sectional clinical screening, to detect possible existing cases of BTcP in a representative sample of their patients, (c) retrospective self-audit of clinical case histories of patients diagnosed with BTcP to find out about how it has been handled. Participants and study period A random sample on a state level of 108 specialists in medical oncology. 540 patients who suffer some type of cancer pain on the designated study date for each specialist (July–December 2016). Results The global prevalence of BTcP in the study sample covered 91.3% of the patients who were suffering some type of cancer pain. Barely 2% of the doctors surveyed suspected figures around this mark. 40.9% of the cases had not been previously detected as BTcP by their doctors. Although 90% of the patients who had previously been diagnosed with BTcP received a specific analgesic treatment for the symptoms, 42% of those patients with known BTcP were not able to control their episodes of pain. Conclusions Clinical inertia is a serious problem in the handling of BTcP in medical oncology services, where it is the subject of a significantly low level of detection and treatment, despite the contrasting perception of specialists.pre-print339 K

    Propuesta de un índice de calidad de grasas (ICG)

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    This paper presents the concept of the fat quality index (FQI), which is based and established in pursuancet of the current food regulations. It is a numerical value representing the correlated information of all parameters that provide the definition of fat according to the international guidelines. With the implementation of this index, it is possible to compare different types of fats using a single numerical value, which facilitates the elucidation of the effects of treatment processes or origins of fats. The FQI includes all the parameters considered in the regulations by incorporating a sub-index for each parameter and using the minimum and maximum limit values to model and adjust an equation describing the quality of fat according to the standard. Finally, the procedure is used to obtain indices based on other experimental works that assessed the quality of fat samples produced under different operating conditions, treatment, origin or processes, allowing for better comparison and evaluation. Therefore, this index is an excellent analytical tool for assessing the quality of fats from different origins for human consumption.En este artículo se presenta el concepto de índice de calidad de una grasa (ICG), que se basa y se establece en virtud de los reglamentos alimentarios actuales. Es un valor numérico que representa la información correlacionada de todos los parámetros que proporcionan la definición de la grasa de acuerdo con las directrices internacionales. Con la implementación de este índice es posible comparar los diferentes tipos de grasas usando un único valor numérico, lo que facilita la elucidación de los efectos de los procesos de tratamiento u orígenes de las grasas. El ICG incluye todos los parámetros considerados en la normativa mediante la incorporación de un sub-índice para cada parámetro y utilizando el valor límite máximo y mínimo para componer y ajustar una ecuación que describe la calidad de la grasa de acuerdo con la norma. Por último, el procedimiento se utiliza para obtener los índices en base a otros trabajos experimentales que evaluaron la calidad de las muestras de las grasas producidas bajo diferentes condiciones operacionales, tratamientos, orígenes o procesos, permitiendo una mejor comparación y evaluación. Por lo tanto, este índice es una herramienta analítica excelente para evaluar la calidad de las grasas de diferentes orígenes para el consumo humano