1,865 research outputs found

    Pattern formation in a predator-prey system characterized by a spatial scale of interaction

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    We describe pattern formation in ecological systems using a version of the classical Lotka-Volterra model characterized by a spatial scale which controls the predator-prey interaction range. Analytical and simulational results show that patterns can emerge in some regions of the parameters space where the instability is driven by the range of the interaction. The individual-based implementation captures realistic ecological features. In fact, spatial structures emerge in an erratic oscillatory regime which can contemplate predators' extinction.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A sequence stratigraphic based geological model for constraining hydrogeological modeling in the urbanized area of the Quaternary Besòs delta (NW Mediterranean coast, Spain)

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    The Quaternary Besòs delta is located on the Mediterranean coast in NE Spain. The Besòs Delta Complex includes 3 aquifers constituted by 3 sandy and gravelly bodies, separated by lutitic units. These aquifers supply water for domestic and industrial use in this area. Management of groundwater has been problematic in the Besòs delta since the 1960s, and continues to pose major problems for subsurface engineering works in this highly urbanized region. This study seeks to demonstrate the advantages of detailed geological characterization and modeling for designing and constructing a hydrogeological model. Available information of the subsurface was compiled, integrated and homogenized in a geospatial database. The interpretation of these data enabled us to delimit geological units by means of a sequence stratigraphic subdivision. A three-dimensional facies belt-based model of the Besòs delta was built on the basis of this geological characterization. This model was used to constrain the distribution of hydraulic parameters and thus to obtain a consistent hydrogeological model of the delta, which was calibrated by data of water management and production over the last hundred years. The resulting hydrogeological model yielded new insights into water front displacements in the aquifer during the time-span considered, improving predictions in an attempt to optimize aquifer management

    A sequence stratigraphic based geological model for constraining hydrogeological modeling in the urbanized area of the Quaternary Besòs delta (NW Mediterranean coast, Spain)

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    The Quaternary Besòs delta is located on the Mediterranean coast in NE Spain. The Besòs Delta Complex includes 3 aquifers constituted by 3 sandy and gravelly bodies, separated by lutitic units. These aquifers supply water for domestic and industrial use in this area. Management of groundwater has been problematic in the Besòs delta since the 1960s, and continues to pose major problems for subsurface engineering works in this highly urbanized region. This study seeks to demonstrate the advantages of detailed geological characterization and modeling for designing and constructing a hydrogeological model. Available information of the subsurface was compiled, integrated and homogenized in a geospatial database. The interpretation of these data enabled us to delimit geological units by means of a sequence stratigraphic subdivision. A three-dimensional facies belt-based model of the Besòs delta was built on the basis of this geological characterization. This model was used to constrain the distribution of hydraulic parameters and thus to obtain a consistent hydrogeological model of the delta, which was calibrated by data of water management and production over the last hundred years. The resulting hydrogeological model yielded new insights into water front displacements in the aquifer during the time-span considered, improving predictions in an attempt to optimize aquifer management

    Comparación de las escalas APACHE II y BISAP en el pronóstico de pancreatitis aguda en un hospital del Perú: Comparison of the APACHE II and BISAP scales in the prognosis of acute pancreatitis in a hospital of Peru

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    Introduction:  Acute pancreatitis continue to be a disease with significant morbidity and mortality. It is diagnosed by clinical criteria and the inflammatory process can lead to organ failure. The objective of the present study was to compare the scales of APACHE II and BISAP in the development of organic failure in acute pancreatitis from a public hospital of Perú. Pacients and methods: An analytical from validation of a diagnostic test. There were clinical records of patients who were hospitalized with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in the Internal Medicine service and the Intensive Care Unit were evaluated. The APACHE II and BISAP scales were applied and the ROC curve, the sensitivity, the specificity, the positive and negative predictive value was calculated for each one. SPSSv23 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Were reviewed 146 stories that met the inclusion criteria. An area under the curve of 0.957 was obtained for BISAP and 0.996 for APACHE II; with a sensitivity and specificity for APACHE II of 83% and  99%,  for BISAP of 66% and 99%. In addition, the positive and negative predictive value for APACHE II is 83% and 99% ,  for BISAP 80% and 98% . Conclusion: The APACHE II scale was superior for detecting organ failure. It was determined that both scales have high specificity, however the APACHE II scale presented a higher sensitivity than the BISAP scale.Introducción: La pancreatitis aguda continúa siendo una enfermedad con morbilidad y mortalidad significativas. Se diagnostica mediante criterios clínicos y el proceso inflamatorio puede llegar hasta una falla de órganos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar las escalas de APACHE II y BISAP en el desarrollo de falla orgánica en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda de un hospital público del Perú. Pacientes y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de validación de prueba diagnóstica. Se evaluaron las historias clínicas de pacientes que estuvieron hospitalizados con el diagnostico de pancreatitis aguda en el servicio de Medicina Interna y la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Se aplicó las escalas APACHE II y BISAP, se calculó la curva ROC, sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el SPSSv23. Resultados: Se evaluaron 146 historias de pacientes que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Se obtuvo un área bajo la curva de 0.957 para BISAP y 0.996 para APACHE II; con una sensibilidad y especificidad para APACHE II de 83% y 99%,  para BISAP de 66% y 99%. El valor predictivo positivo y negativo para APACHE II es 83% and 99% y para BISAP 80% y 98%. Conclusiones: La escala de APACHE II fue superior para detectar falla de órganos. Se determinó que ambas escalas poseen alta especificidad, siendo mayor la sensibilidad en la escala BISAP

    Effect of exercise on sleep quality and insomnia in middle-aged women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effects of programmed exercise (PE) on sleep quality and insomnia in middle-aged women (MAW). METHODS: Searches were conducted in five databases from inception through December 15, 2016 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects of PE versus a non-exercising control condition on sleep quality, sleep disturbance and/or insomnia in MAW. Interventions had to last at least 8 weeks. Sleep quality was assessed with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and insomnia with the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). Random effects models were used for meta-analyses. The effects on outcomes were expressed as mean differences (MDs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI). RESULTS: Five publications reported data from four RCTs on PE effects during 12-16 weeks on sleep quality (n=4 studies reporting PSQI results) and/or insomnia (n=3 studies reporting ISI results), including 660 MAW. Low-moderate levels of exercise significantly lowered the PSQI score (MD=-1.34; 95% CI -2.67, 0.00; p=0.05) compared with controls. In a subgroup analysis, moderate PE (aerobic exercise) had a positive effect on sleep quality (PSQI score MD=-1.85; 95% CI -3.62, -0.07; p=0.04), while low levels of physical activity (yoga) did not have a significant effect (MD-0.46, 95% CI -1.79, 0.88, p=0.50). In three studies (two studies of yoga, one study of aerobic exercise), there was a non-significant reduction in the severity of insomnia measured with the ISI score (MD -1.44, 95% CI -3.28, 0. 44, p=0.13) compared with controls. Heterogeneity of effects among studies was moderate to high. CONCLUSION: In middle-aged women, programmed exercise improved sleep quality but had no significant effect on the severity of insomnia.Actividad Física y Deport

    High spatial resolution optical imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkH{\alpha} 262/LkH{\alpha} 263

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    We report high spatial resolution i' band imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkHα\alpha 262/LkHα\alpha 263 obtained during the first commissioning period of the Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI) at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope, using its Lucky Imaging mode. AOLI images have provided photometry for each of the two components LkHα\alpha 263 A and B (0.41 arcsec separation) and marginal evidence for an unresolved binary or a disc in LkHα\alpha 262. The AOLI data combined with previously available and newly obtained optical and infrared imaging show that the three components of LkHα\alpha 263 are co-moving, that there is orbital motion in the AB pair, and, remarkably, that LkHα\alpha 262-263 is a common proper motion system with less than 1 mas/yr relative motion. We argue that this is a likely five-component gravitationally bounded system. According to BT-settl models the mass of each of the five components is close to 0.4 M_{\odot} and the age is in the range 1-2 Myr. The presence of discs in some of the components offers an interesting opportunity to investigate the formation and evolution of discs in the early stages of multiple very low-mass systems. In particular, we provide tentative evidence that the disc in 263C could be coplanar with the orbit of 263AB.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted 2016 May

    Conscientious Objection in Spanish Podiatrists Students: A Questionnaire Survey

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    [Abstract] Objective: To explore attitudes towards conscientious objections among podiatrists students in Spain. Methods: Podiatrists students at University of A Coruña, King Rey Juan Carlos University, University of Sevilla and Complutense University of Madrid were emailed a link to complete an anonymous online questionnaire, hosted by an online survey company. A total of 432 podiatrists students responded. Results: Nearly half of the students in this survey stated that they believed in the right of podiatrist to conscientiously object to any procedure. Demand for the right to conscientiously object is greater in Roman Catholic podiatrists students when compared with other groups of religious podiatrists students. Discussion: Examining patients and podiatric treatments continues to be controversy issues among podiatrists students and this may contribute to the looming crisis in podiatry services over next years. This project sheds some light on how future podiatrist view some of their ethical rights and obligations. Using empirical evidence, it reveals that conscientious objection is an issue in the Spain podiatrists student body today. These data could help anticipate problems that may arise when these podiatrists students qualify and practice podiatry in the community. Conclusion: Clearer guidance is needed for podiatrists students about the issue of conscientious objection at podiatry school.[Resumen] Objetivo: Explorar actitudes hacia la objeción de conciencia entre estudiantes de podología en España. Métodos: Se realizó un cuestionario anónimo online vía email a estudiantes de podología de la Universidad del Rey Juan Carlos de la Coruña, la Universidad de Sevilla y la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, organizado por una empresa de encuestas online. Respondieron un total de 432 estudiantes de podología. Resultados: Casi la mitad de los estudiantes afirmaron en la encuesta que creían en el derecho del podólogo a la objeción de conciencia en cualquier procedimiento. La exigencia del derecho a objeción de conciencia fue mayor en estudiantes de podología católicos que en otros grupos de otras religiones. Discusión: Examinar a pacientes y los tratamientos de podología continúan siendo temas controversiales entre los estudiantes de podología y esto puede que contribuya a la inminente crisis en servicios de pedicura en los próximos años. Este proyecto derrama algo de luz sobre como futuros podólogos ven algunos de sus derechos y obligaciones éticas. Usando evidencia científica, revela que la objeción de conciencia es un tema para los estudiantes de podología en España hoy día. Estos datos pueden ayudar a anticipar problemas que puedan surgir cuando estos estudiantes de podología califiquen y practiquen podología en la comunidad. Conclusión: Se necesitan pautas más claras para estudiantes de podología sobre el tema de objeción de conciencia en la Escuela de Podología.[Resumo] Objetivo: Explorar atitudes com relação à objeção de consciência entre os estudantes de podologia na Espanha. Método: Aos estudantes de podologia da Universidade Universidade Rei Juan Carlos, de Corunha, da Universidade de Sevilla e da Universidade Complutense de Madri foram enviados por email um link para completar um questionário online anônimo, hospedado por uma empresa de pesquisa on-line. Um total de 432 alunos de podologia responderam. Resultados: Quase metade dos alunos nesta pesquisa afirmaram que acreditavam no direito de podólogo se opor conscientemente a qualquer procedimento. A demanda para o direito de se opor conscientemente é maior em estudantes católicos romanos, quando comparado com outros grupos religiosos de estudantes. Discussão: O exame de pacientes e tratamentos podiátricos continuam a ser problema de controvérsia entre os alunos de podologia e isso pode contribuir para a crise iminente nos serviços de podologia para os próximos anos. Este projeto lança alguma luz sobre a forma de o futuro podólogo conhecer alguns dos seus direitos e obrigações éticas. Usando a evidência empírica, revela que a objeção de consciência é um problema no corpo discente de podologia da Espanha, hoje. Estes dados poderiam ajudar a antecipar problemas que podem surgir quando esses estudantes de podología se qualificarem e praticarem a podologia na comunidade. Conclusão: Orientação mais esclarecida é necessária para alunos de podologia sobre a questão da objeção de consciência no curso de graduação

    The blaSHV-5 gene is encoded in a compound transposon duplicated in tandem in Enterobacter cloacae

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    AbstractThe presence of blaSHV-5 is described in a compound transposon, duplicated in tandem and flanked by IS26 copies on a 70-kb conjugative plasmid (pHNM1), in an Enterobacter cloacae strain associated with a nosocomial outbreak that occurred in Mexico

    The mental and subjective skin: Emotion, empathy, feelings and thermography

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    [EN]We applied thermography to investigate the cognitive neuropsychology of emotions, using it as a somatic marker of subjective experience during emotional tasks. We obtained results that showed significant correlations between changes in facial temperature and mental set. The main result was the change in the temperature of the nose, which tended to decrease with negative valence stimuli but to increase with positive emotions and arousal patterns. However, temperature change was identified not only in the nose, but also in the forehead, the oro-facial area, the cheeks and in the face taken as a whole. Nevertheless, thermic facial changes, mostly nasal temperature changes, correlated positively with participants’ empathy scores and their performance. We found that temperature changes in the face may reveal maps of bodily sensations associated with different emotions and feelings like love

    Characterization of scintillator screens under irradiation of low energy 133Cs ions

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    An imaging heavy ion beam probe (i-HIBP) diagnostic, for the simultaneous measurement of plasma density, magnetic field and electrostatic potential in the plasma edge, has been installed at ASDEX Upgrade. Unlike standard heavy ion beam probes, in the i-HIBP the probing (heavy) ions are collected by a scintillator detector, creating a light pattern or strike-line, which is then imaged by a camera. Therefore, a good characterization of the scintillator response is needed. Previous works focused on the scintillator behaviour against irradiation with light ions such as hydrogen and alpha particles. In this work we present the characterization of several scintillator screens — TG-Green (SrGa2S4:Eu2+), YAG-Ce (Y3Al5O12:Ce3+) and P11 (ZnS:Ag) — against irradiation with 133Cs+ ions, in an energy range between 5 and 70 keV and ion currents between 105 and 107ions/(s·cm2). Three main properties of the scintillators have been studied: the ionolumenescence efficiency or yield, the linearity and the degradation as a function of the fluence. The highest yield was delivered by the TG-Green scintillator screen with > 8·103 photons/ion at 50 keV. All the samples showed a linear response with increasing incident ion flux. The degradation was quantified in terms of the fluence F1/2, which leads to a reduction of the emissivity by a factor of 2. TG-Green showed the lowest degradation with F1/2= 5.4·1014ions/cm2. After the irradiation the samples were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE). No trace of Cs was found in the irradiated regions. These results indicate that, among the tested materials, TG-Green is the best candidate for the i-HIBP detector.European Union’s Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No. 805162)Helmholtz Association VHNG-1350Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation FJC2019-041092-I