724 research outputs found

    A Glance at a Twisted Mind: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2019-2020The Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde, 1890) is a novel that has aroused the interest of many scholars because of this darkness and the complexity of the character in the title. Dorian Gray is presented as a handsome young man who is easily corrupted by his friend Lord Henry into a life of pleasure which stands in contrast with the Victorian morality of the time and which Wilde himself pursued, connected in his case to the Aesthetic Movement of which he was part. This character is particularly interesting to analyse because of his peculiar philosophy of life and his notorious behaviour. His later attempt at redemption at the end of Wilde’s novel is also remarkable. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse from a psychoanalytic perspective the psyche of the main character and how it stands in conflict with the Victorian morality of late-19th-century London. For this, I will have recourse to central concepts of psychoanalytical theory such as paranoia, neurosis, and narcissism that in Dorian may be said to achieve pathological proportions and that, in a way, explain his tragic ending. Freudian notions of the double and the triad Ego-Id-Superego will further serve to offer a wider picture of Dorian Gray, particularly in relation to the influence that Lord Henry and Basil exert over him. Major works by the father of psychoanalysis such as The Ego and the Id (1923) or On Narcissism (Freud, 1914) will be explicitly referred to and commented upo

    Identification of Specific Somatic Stem Cell Markers in the Human Endometrium and Mechanisms of the Bone Marrow for Endometrial Regeneration

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    INTRODUCTION The endometrium is a unique tissue with a high reconstitution potential during the menstrual cycle throughout the women’s reproductive life. This high regenerative potential seems to be due to the presence of somatic stem cells (SSCs) residing in the endometrial niche inside this tissue. Apart from this endogenous source, an exogenous source of stem cells composed by bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMDSCs) is postulated to exist. The endometrial contribution of bone marrow has been described in healthy and diseased women. Specifically, transplanted BMDSCs release soluble factors under tissue damage that contribute to tissue repair. To be able to differentiate both populations of stem cells, endogenous and exogenous sources, screening of specific SSC markers would allow us to locate the endogenous stem cell pool inside the tissue and, therefore, to locate the endometrial stem cell niche. However, a universal endometrial SSC marker has not been described so far. OBJECTIVES With this background our aim was, first, to test postulated human SSC markers contributing to endometrial reconstruction in a murine model as endogenous reservoir, in order to identify a specific endometrial SSC marker. In addition, we aimed to study the role of regenerative factors released by BMDSCs as exogenous origin in women with endometrial pathologies. MATERIALS AND METHODS A xenotransplantation model was carried out by injecting several cell subsets (according to SSC markers ICAM1, W5C5 and Side Population, SP) under the kidney capsule of immunocompromised female mice. The characterization of the newly formed tissue was performed by the expression of three endometrial markers: vimentin, cytokeratin 18 and progesterone receptor, as well as by the endometrial SSC marker Musashi-1. We also studied these stem cell populations in endometriosis samples to study its relation with the disease. In parallel, we tried to identify paracrine factors released by BMDSCs transplanted in women with Asherman’s syndrome and/or endometrial atrophy. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For the stem cell markers’ part, we obtained that positive cells for W5C5 and ICAM1 need the supplementation with total endometrial cells as support or niche-like cells to improve the reconstitution efficiency, probably mimicking the endometrial stem cell niche and promoting the undifferentiated state. Moreover, the Side Population is a heterogeneous population that would harbor a stem cell population in human endometrium, supported by the high regeneration capability demonstrated in the animal model. Regarding to paracrine factors involved in endometrial regeneration, we obtained that downregulated genes are implied in immune response, inflammation and apoptosis, while upregulated ones are involved in cell growth, angiogenesis, migration, differentiation and tissue repair, being midkine a good candidate as paracrine factor responsible for endometrial regeneration. CONCLUSSIONS 1. The xenotransplantation model demonstrated that pure “putative stem cell populations” like W5C5+ and ICAM1+ from the human endometrium do not have the ability to efficiently reconstruct endometrium. 2. Supplementing with total endometrial cell fraction must include niche-like/neighbor cells belonging to the stem cell niche that would enhance the regenerative potential of pure “putative stem cell populations”. 3. The Side Population is a heterogeneous population harboring stem cells in the human endometrium, because of its high regeneration capability demonstrated in the animal model. 4. The identification of specific endometrial stem cell markers, as endogenous source, is essential for the study of endometrial biology, stem cell isolation, and the understanding of endometrial pathologies. 5. Exogenous stem cells secrete multiple factors that may exert a therapeutic effect via paracrine actions, as we observed after treating patients suffering from endometrial pathologies with bone marrow stem cells. 6. Stem cells secreted factors could exogenously promote the regulation of the PI3K-Akt pathway, which is associated with the maintenance of multipotency in mesenchymal stem cells. 7. The genes downregulated after cell therapy may imply an immunomodulatory scenario favoring this tissue remodeling. In contrast, the upregulated ones (including MK) are implicated in cell growth, angiogenesis, migration, differentiation and tissue repair. 8. These factors secreted by transplanted cells may influence the microenvironment or activate endometrial somatic stem cells for tissue regeneration

    La necesidad de reencontrarnos con el dibujo: mi propia experiencia. / The need to meet the drawing: my own experience.

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    This article is coming from my need to be reconciled with the drawing, to understand my relationship with it, because it is something I have always been linked, in one way or another, in spite of that I have sought ways to break free of it on several occasions. Analyzing my personal experience through this autobiographical research, I find answers that would otherwise not have been able to achieve. It’s time to put things in place and to be usefull to anyone who Could be in the same situation or like this, either drawing or some other natural language expression has been taken from us, in our schooling process. Today, I see that in the field of expression and critical attitude not only we have not advanced, but we have shown that you can always go back more.Este artículo surge de mi necesidad de reconciliarme con el dibujo, de entender mi relación con él, ya que es algo a lo que siempre he estado vinculada, de una manera u otra, a pesar de que en diversas ocasiones he buscado la manera de zafarme de el. Analizando mi experiencia personal a través de esta investigación autobiográfica, encuentro respuestas que de otro manera no hubiera podido alcanzar. Ya es hora de poner las cosas en su sitio y de paso servir a aquellas personas que, puedan estar en la misma situación o similar, ya sea con el dibujo o con algún otro lenguaje natural de expresión que nos ha sido arrebatado a las bravas, en nuestro proceso de escolarización.Hoy, veo que en el ámbito de la expresión y la actitud crítica no solo no hemos avanzado, sino que hemos demostrado que siempre se puede retroceder mas.The need to meet the drawing: my own experience.This article is coming from my need to be reconciled with the drawing, to understand my relationship with it, because it is something I have always been linked, in one way or another, in spite of that I have sought ways to break free of it on several occasions. Analyzing my personal experience through this autobiographical research, I find answers that would otherwise not have been able to achieve. It’s time to put things in place and to be usefull to anyone who Could be in the same situation or like this, either drawing or some other natural language expression has been taken from us, in our schooling process. Today, I see that in the field of expression and critical attitude not only we have not advanced, but we have shown that you can always go back more

    Bloqueo instrumental y emocional en el aprendizaje del dibujo

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    En este texto nos cuestionamos por qué dejamos de dibujar; por qué aunque de niños todos tenemos el impulso de hacerlo, a lo largo de la escolarización poco a poco vamos dejándolo pues llega un momento que el dibujo no fluye, la persona se bloquea y, ya adulta, tiene miedo a dibujar “mal”. Pero el dibujo, no es solo una herramienta artística, es también un lenguaje al que no podemos permitirnos el lujo de renunciar; es una vía de expresión, conocimiento y de autoconocimiento. Por eso, debemos, pues indagar en el origen del abandono del dibujo y los bloqueos que nos llevan a que esto se produzca

    El aprendizaje del dibujo como herramienta de conocimiento y desarrollo personal

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    [ES] El principal objetivo de la investigación es hacer una aproximación al dibujo como herramienta esencial en el conocimiento de uno mismo y del entorno en el que vive y se desarrolla, que favorezca la capacidad de observación, pensamiento y actitud crítica. Se busca un camino que permita integrar el dibujo en nuestra cotidianidad con tanta naturalidad como la palabra escrita. Se analizan las razones que impiden disfrutar de su práctica plenamente. Desde la experiencia personal y profesional de la autora se lleva a cabo y analiza una propuesta para trabajar desde el dibujo intuitivo, basada en el método de aprendizaje de Kimon Nicolaides. A partir de la observación y el análisis de los talleres en los que se aplican ejercicios de este método, se señalan las posibilidades, dificultades y beneficios de esta propuesta para conseguir nuestro objetivo.[EN] The main objective of the research is to make an approach to the drawing as an essential tool in the knowledge of self and the environment in which it lives and develops, that promotes the ability of observation, thinking and critical attitude. It seeks a path that allows to integrate the drawing in our everyday life so naturally as the written word. The reasons that impede enjoyment of its practice are discussed. From personal and professional experience of the author it is carried out and analyzes a proposal to work from the intuitive drawing, based on the method of learning of Kimon Nicolaides. From the observation and analysis of the workshops in which this method exercises are applied, are designated the possibilities, challenges and benefits of this proposal to achieve our goal.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Leída el 10 de mayo de 201

    Programación didáctica de la Unidad de Trabajo "Efectos de los contaminantes atmosféricos" de la F.P. de Grado Superior en Química Ambiental del I.E.S. Ramón y Cajal (Valladolid)

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    El trabajo consiste en la programación didáctica de la Unidad de Trabajo “Efectos de los contaminantes atmosféricos”, correspondiente al Módulo Profesional “Control de emisiones a la atmósfera” referentes al Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Química Ambiental. A lo largo del trabajo se desarrollan los contenidos, los objetivos, las competencias y la metodología correspondiente, junto con el desarrollo de las actividades a realizar y recursos materiales empleados. Estas actividades estarán acompañadas de presentaciones PowerPoint y todo tipo de anexos necesarios para la impartición de la Unidad Didáctica. He tratado de implementar todo mi trabajo basándome en la experiencia del período de prácticas, así como los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de la impartición del Master, tratando de aplicar actividades de innovación docente y el uso de las TIC´s.Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Comparison of the Results of a Parkinson's Holter Monitor With Patient Diaries, in Real Conditions of Use: A Sub-analysis of the MoMoPa-EC Clinical Trial

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    Parkinson's disease; Automatic ambulatory monitoring; Wearable sensorsEnfermedad de Parkinson; Monitorización ambulatoria automática; Sensores portátilesMalaltia de Parkinson; Monitorització ambulatòria automàtica; Sensors portàtilsBackground: For specialists in charge of Parkinson's disease (PD), one of the most time-consuming tasks of the consultations is the assessment of symptoms and motor fluctuations. This task is complex and is usually based on the information provided by the patients themselves, which in most cases is complex and biased. In recent times, different tools have appeared on the market that allow automatic ambulatory monitoring. The MoMoPa-EC clinical trial (NCT04176302) investigates the effect of one of these tools—Sense4Care's STAT-ON—can have on routine clinical practice. In this sub-analysis the agreement between the Hauser diaries and the STAT-ON sensor is analyzed. Methods: Eighty four patients from MoMoPa-EC cohort were included in this sub-analysis. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated between the patient diary entries and the sensor data. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficient of both methods was 0.57 (95% CI: 0.3–0.73) for the OFF time (%), 0.48 (95% CI: 0.17–0.68) for the time in ON (%), and 0.65 (95% CI%: 0.44–0.78) for the time with dyskinesias (%). Furthermore, the Spearman correlations with the UPDRS scale have been analyzed for different parameters of the two methods. The maximum correlation found was −0.63 (p < 0.001) between Mean Fluidity (one of the variables offered by the STAT-dON) and factor 1 of the UPDRS. Conclusion: This sub-analysis shows a moderate concordance between the two tools, it is clearly appreciated that the correlation between the different UPDRS indices is better with the STAT-ON than with the Hauser diary.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (DTS17/00195), the European Fund for Regional Development (‘A way to make Europe'), and AbbVie S.L.U

    Estimación de los flujos de transporte de mercancías interregionales trimestrales mediante técnicas de interpolación temporal

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    En el presente artículo se presenta la metodología y los resultados obtenidos en la trimestralización de los flujos de mercancías dentro de España. Partiendo de los datos anuales de movimientos de mercancías (1995-2007) según los principales modos de transporte disponibles en la base de datos C-intereg, se estiman los correspondientes vectores de movimientos de mercancías intra e interregionales de cada región con el Resto de España, en unidades físicas (toneladas) para el periodo 1995.I-2009.II. Para ello se utilizan métodos de interpolación y extrapolación temporal de carácter uni-variante Chow-Lin, (1971) y multivariante Denton, (1971); Di Fonzo, (1994), aplicados sobre indicadores de alta frecuencia relativos a los movimientos de mercancías en España. Los resultados obtenidos son analizados en comparación con otros indicadores trimestrales de referencia, y la capacidad de predicción del método es evaluada mediante el MAPE para el último año con datos observados (2007).Comunidad de Madrid. S2007/HUM/49

    Estimación de los Flujos de Transporte de Mercancías Interregionales Trimestrales mediante Técnicas de Interpolación Temporal

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    En el presente artículo se presenta la metodología y los resultados obtenidos en la trimestralización de los flujos de mercancías dentro de España. Partiendo de los datos anuales de movimientos de mercancías (1995-2007) según los principales modos de transporte disponibles en la base de datos C-intereg, se estiman los correspondientes vectores de movimientos de mercancías intra e interregionales de cada región con el Resto de España, en unidades físicas (toneladas) para el periodo 1995.I-2009.II. Para ello se utilizan métodos de interpolación y extrapolación temporal de carácter uni-variante Chow-Lin (1971) y multivariante Denton, (1971); Di Fonzo, (1994), aplicados sobre indicadores de alta frecuencia relativos a los movimientos de mercancías en España. Los resultados obtenidos son analizados en comparación con otros indicadores trimestrales de referencia, y la capacidad de predicción del método es evaluada mediante el MAPE para el último año con datos observados (2007).comercio interregional; flujos de transporte; métodos de interpolación temporal; método chow-lin.

    Gathering and consumption of wild fruits in the East of the Iberian Peninsula from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BC

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    The multiple archaeobotanical studies from the east Iberian Peninsula from 2800 cal. BC to 200 BC have provided around twenty wild fruit taxa of varying importance. The aim of this work is to present these taxa and analyse the most important wild fruits, some of them being cultivated since the First Iron Age. Considering sites with comparable sampling methods, a quantitative difference is not observed between wild species exploited in the several life zones represented in this synthesis: Thermo-, Meso-, Supra- and Montane-Mediterranean zones. Three taxa are common in the three life zones considered: Quercus sp., Sambucus sp. and Rubus sp. More thermophilic taxa, Ficus carica and Olea europaea, are present in the two lower zones, although their values decrease to the north we go and with height, in contrast to what happens with Vitis vinifera. The exploitation of wild resources as a food supplement, in addition to other uses, developed during the 2600 years with several differences. These differences are explained in part by the plants that grow in each of the territories and in part by the organization of the human groups and the forms of land exploitation. Protohistoric human groups would have exploited nearby resources as in the previous periods, and all data confirm the continuity of this fundamental activity. However, gathering seems to have had a fairly small economic importance when considering the low rates of ubiquity of these plants in contrast to those of staple crops.The participation of Natàlia Alonso in this work was supported by the projects HAR2012-36877 and SGR2014-273