990 research outputs found

    Anti-Ciudad como infraestructura.El sistema lineal continuo de Oskar Hansen

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    Durante las décadas de la Guerra Fría, el continente europeo se encuentra sumido en un complejo proceso de transformación, reconstrucción y planteamiento de nuevos proyectos políticos y territoriales. Esta situación es especialmente convulsa en la franja centroeuropea, donde en estados como Hungría, Polonia o la antigua Yugoslavia se daban profundos debates acerca de su identidad y su organización geopolítica. El progresivo aperturismo hacia los países occidentales, junto a la necesidad de modernizar en profundidad los sistemas e infraestructuras estatales, sirvieron como catalizadores para la proliferación de grandes proyectos territoriales y urbanos con el fin no solo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes, sino también de reforzar la posición de dichos estados en el continente y el resto del mundo. Este texto se centra en el caso de la República Popular de Polonia, donde estas cuestiones se trataron con gran profusión desde diversas ramas. Concretamente, la propuesta del arquitecto Oskar Hansen para un Sistema Lineal Continuo aúna la visión socialista del estado como agente productor del espacio con la participación individual dentro del colectivo –siguiendo su Teoría de la Forma Abierta y sus conexiones con el Team X- sobre un soporte arquitectónico : un modelo de “anti-ciudad” que abriría cuestiones que todavía hoy permanecen vigentes.During the decades of the Cold War, Europe was plunged into a complex process of transformation, reconstruction and the emergence of new political and territorial projects. This situation caused particular upheaval in the central European strip, where states such as Hungary, Poland and the former Yugoslavia were struck by a profound quandary as to their identity and their geopolitical organisation. As they gradually opened up towards western countries and understood the need to drastically modernise the states’ systems and infrastructures, this triggered the proliferation of large-scale land planning and urban planning projects with a view to not only improving the quality of life of their inhabitants, but also strengthening their position on the continent and worldwide. This paper focusses particularly on the case of the People’s Republic of Poland, where such issues were tackled profusely from a number of angles. As a specific example, the idea by architect Oskar Hansen of a Linear Continuous System combines the socialist vision of the State as a producer of space with the concept of individual participation within a group – following his Theory on Open Form and his connections with Team X – based on an architectural substrate: the model of an “anti-city”, which gave rise to issues that remain relevant to this day


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    El abordaje del linfedema secundario a cáncer de mama desde una perspectiva educacional y rehabilitadora. Revisión narrativa.

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción y justificación: El linfedema es una patología crónica que se produce como consecuencia de alteraciones en la función del sistema linfático. La etiología más frecuente del linfedema secundario es el tratamiento del cáncer de mama. Se caracteriza por un desarrollo progresivo y evolutivo hacia la cronicidad e irreversibilidad, que afecta tanto a la esfera física como psicosocial de las personas que lo padecen. Objetivos: Analizar la evidencia de abordaje rehabilitador y valorar el abordaje educativo en pacientes en riesgo de desarrollar linfedema o con este instaurado secundario a tratamiento de cáncer de mama. Metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión narrativa. Las siguientes bases de datos fueron utilizadas para la búsqueda bibliográfica: Pubmed, Cinahl y Cuiden; incluyendo artículos publicados entre los años 2005-2015 a los que se aplicó criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: En la búsqueda se identificaron 109 artículos, de los cuales 20 han sido incluidos. Respecto al abordaje rehabilitador, la comparación de una intervención de ejercicio físico frente a un grupo control no muestra diferencias significativas respecto al volumen de la extremidad; lo mismo ocurre con el drenaje linfático manual. Sin embargo, la terapia de compresión y un abordaje multimodal ofrecen mejoras en el volumen del brazo Respecto al abordaje educativo existen gran cantidad de recomendaciones y cuidados del miembro afectado no basadas en evidencia. No se conoce el personal de referencia al que acudir. La percepción de las pacientes respecto al linfedema varía en relación a la información recibida. Conclusiones: Se recomienda instruir a las pacientes a que realicen programas de actividad física de forma temprana y de intensidad progresiva. A su vez, es fundamental el apoyo educativo para empoderar a estas pacientes sobre su condición.Introduction and justification: Lymphedema is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of alterations in the function of the lymphatic system. The most common cause of secondary lymphedema is the treatment of breast cancer. It is characterized by a progressive and evolutionary development towards chronicity and irreversibility, which affects both the physical and psychosocial aspects of people who suffer. Objectives: To analyze the evidence of the rehabilitation approach and to evaluate the educational approach in patients at risk of developing secondary lymphedema or with this already established as a result of treatment for breast cancer. Methodology: This was a narrative review. The following databases were used for the search: Pubmed, Cinahl and Cuiden; including published articles between 2005-2015 on which inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Results: After the literature search 109 articles were obtained, of which 20 have been included. Regarding the rehabilitation approach, there are no significant differences in the volume of the affected limb between an exercise intervention and a control group; No does it when evaluating manual lymphatic drainage. However, a compression therapy combined with a multimodal approach produces improvements in the volume of the limb. Regarding the educational approach, there are many recommendations and cares of the affected limb not based on any evidence. There is no knowledge of which professional to go to. The perception of patients regarding lymphedema varies in relation to the information received. Conclusions: It is recommended that patients be instructed to engage in physical activity programmes early and to progress in intensity. At the same time educational support is an essential factor in empowering these patients regarding their condition

    Dereito e persoas con discapacidade. Unha experiencia universitaria

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    [Resumo] A Universidade da Coruña dispón dun servizo para a promoción da accesibilidade e a igualdade de oportunidades das persoas con discapacidade: a Unidade universitaria de atención á diversidade (ADI). Nela participa un grupo de estudantes, persoal de administración e servizos e persoal docente e investigador da Facultade de Dereito (Grupo de Dereito-ADI). A súa actuación se reflicte na elaboración de tres informes, nos que se reflexiona desde unha perspectiva xurídica sobre diversos aspectos relacionados co desenvolvemento cotián das persoas con discapacidade, sobre a remoción de barreiras para a súa integración na comunidade universitaria e sobre a tutela dos seus dereitos.[Abstract] The University Diversity Attention Service (ADI) is a Service of the University of A Coruña for improving the accessibility and equality in opportunities for people with disabilities. The Faculty of Law is represented by the Law-ADI Group, which consists of some members of the administrative and service staff, some members of the teaching and research staff, and a group of students. The Law-ADI Group has drawn up three reports, reflecting from the legal point of view on some matters related to the daily development of disabled people at the University, the removal of different barriers in order to encourage the integration of people with disability in the university community and the protection of their rights

    Arginylated calreticulin at plasma membrane increases susceptibility of cells to apoptosis

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    Post-translational modifications of proteins are important for the regulation of cell fate and functions; one of these post-translational modifications is arginylation.Wehave previously established that calreticulin (CRT), an endoplasmic reticulum resident, is also one of the arginylated substrates found in the cytoplasm. In the present study, we describe that arginylated CRT (R-CRT) binds to the cell membrane and identified its role as a preapoptotic signal.Wealso show that cells lacking arginyltRNA protein transferase are less susceptible to apoptosis than wild type cells. Under these conditions R-CRT is present on the cell membrane but at early stages is differently localized in stress granules. Moreover, cells induced to undergo apoptosis by arsenite show increased R-CRT on their cell surface. Exogenously applied R-CRT binds to the cell membrane and is able to both increase the number of cells undergoing apoptosis in wild type cells and overcome apoptosis resistance in cells lacking arginyl-tRNA protein transferase that express R-CRT on the cell surface. Thus, these results demonstrate the importance of surface R-CRT in the apoptotic response of cells, implying that post-translational arginylation of CRT can regulate its intracellular localization, cell function, and survival.Fil: López Sambrooks, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Carpio, Marcos Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Hallak, Marta Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Química Biológica de Córdoba; Argentin

    Diel pattern of circadian clock and storage protein gene expression in leaves and during seed filling in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    Background Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an important source of protein supply for animal and human nutrition. The major storage globulins VICILIN and LEGUMIN (LEG) are synthesized from several genes including LEGA, LEGB, LEGJ and CVC (CONVICILIN). The current hypothesis is that the plant circadian core clock genes are conserved in a wide array of species and that primary metabolism is to a large extent controlled by the plant circadian clock. Our aim was to investigate a possible link between gene expression of storage proteins and the circadian clock. Results We identified cowpea orthologues of the core clock genes VunLHY, VunTOC1, VunGI and VunELF3, the protein storage genes VunLEG, VunLEGJ, and VunCVC as well as nine candidate reference genes used in RT-PCR. ELONGATION FACTOR 1-A (ELF1A) resulted the most suitable reference gene. The clock genes VunELF3, VunGI, VunTOC1 and VunLHY showed a rhythmic expression profile in leaves with a typical evening/night and morning/midday phased expression. The diel patterns were not completely robust and only VungGI and VungELF3 retained a rhythmic pattern under free running conditions of darkness. Under field conditions, rhythmicity and phasing apparently faded during early pod and seed development and was regained in ripening pods for VunTOC1 and VunLHY. Mature seeds showed a rhythmic expression of VunGI resembling leaf tissue under controlled growth chamber conditions. Comparing time windows during developmental stages we found that VunCVC and VunLEG were significantly down regulated during the night in mature pods as compared to intermediate ripe pods, while changes in seeds were non-significant due to high variance. The rhythmic expression under field conditions was lost under growth chamber conditions. Conclusions The core clock gene network is conserved in cowpea leaves showing a robust diel expression pattern except VunELF3 under growth chamber conditions. There appears to be a clock transcriptional reprogramming in pods and seeds compared to leaves. Storage protein deposition may be circadian regulated under field conditions but the strong environmental signals are not met under artificial growth conditions. Diel expression pattern in field conditions may result in better usage of energy for protein storage.This work was supported by the 7th Research Framework Programme of the European Union “Eurolegume (Enhancing of Legumes Growing in Europe through Sustainable Cropping for Protein Supply for Food and Feed)” FP7– 613781. The funding body had no role in the experimental design, analysis or results shown in the manuscript

    Transcriptional Structure of Petunia Clock in Leaves and Petals

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    The plant circadian clock coordinates environmental signals with internal processes including secondary metabolism, growth, flowering, and volatile emission. Plant tissues are specialized in different functions, and petals conceal the sexual organs while attracting pollinators. Here we analyzed the transcriptional structure of the petunia (Petunia x hybrida) circadian clock in leaves and petals. We recorded the expression of 13 clock genes in petunia under light:dark (LD) and constant darkness (DD). Under light:dark conditions, clock genes reached maximum expression during the light phase in leaves and the dark period in petals. Under free running conditions of constant darkness, maximum expression was delayed, especially in petals. Interestingly, the rhythmic expression pattern of PhLHY persisted in leaves and petals in LD and DD. Gene expression variability differed among leaves and petals, time of day and photoperiod. The transcriptional noise was higher especially in leaves under constant darkness. We found that PhPRR7, PhPRR5, and PhGI paralogs showed changes in gene structure including exon number and deletions of CCT domain of the PRR family. Our results revealed that petunia petals presented a specialized clock.This work was developed under projects Fundación Séneca 19398/PI/14, MICINN-FEDER BFU-2013-45148-R and BFU-2017-88300-C2-1-R

    Caracterización de una población de boca de dragón (Antirrhinummajus, L. 1753) transgénica

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    [SPA] El reloj circadiano es un mecanismo que proporciona ventajas adaptativas y está presente en todos los seres vivos. En plantas superiores, y según el modelo establecido en Arabidopsis thaliana, este reloj se divide en una serie de bucles siendo los más relevantes el bucle de la mañana formado por los genes LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) y CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED I (CCAI) entre otros, y el de la noche, en el que destaca TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1 (TOCI). Las plantas que presentan mutaciones en genes del reloj pueden mostrar fenotipo marcado como floración independiente del fotoperiodo o un tamaño inferior. En el presente trabajo, se estudian los posibles cambios fenotípicos en una población transgénica de Antirrhinum majus en la que se ha silenciado el gen AmLHY.[ENG] The circadian clock is a mechanism that provides adaptative advantages being present in all living organisms. In plants, this clock is divided into a series of loops being the most relevant morning loop formed by LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) CLOCK ASSOCIATED CIRCADIAN I (CCAI) and night, which highlights TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1 (TOCI). Plants that have mutations may show marked phenotype independent of photoperiod flowering or smaller. In this paper, the possible phenotypic changes are studied in a transgenic population of Antirrhinum majus where AmLHY was silence.Centro Universitario de la Defensa. Escuela de Turismo de Cartagena. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial UPCT. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos y Minas (EICM). Escuela de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de Edificación (ARQ&IDE). Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo. Navantia. Campus Mare Nostrum. Estación Experimental Agroalimentaria Tomás Ferr

    A mesoscale index to describe the regional ocean circulation around the Balearic Islands

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    Historical oceanographic surveys carried out around the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) suggest two different scenarios for the regional ocean circulation. In one scenario, occurring during cold winters, cool water is formed at intermediate layers (100–300 m) in the Gulf of Lions. This Western Mediterranean Intermediate Water (WIW) usually moves southward reaching the Balearic Channels, deflecting the warmer Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) coming from the Eastern Mediterranean, and even blocking the Ibiza Channel. On the other hand, during mild winters, less WIW is formed and then LIW flows through the channels, appearing at their characteristic depths. The oceanographic surveys around the Balearic Islands (1985–2004) have provided a qualitative index, indicating the presence or not of WIW in the Ibiza Channel, based on the analyses of θS diagrams. A quantitative index based on mean water temperature between 100 and 300 m depth in the channels may also be defined. Both indexes, the qualitative and the quantitative, give consistent information on WIW presence for the period 1985–2004, however, both are short in time and have gaps in the series. In order to obtain a longer and continuous index for WIW presence and then for regional circulation, air–sea heat fluxes at the Gulf of Lions during winter months were obtained from the meteorological NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset and compared with other meteorological data such as surface air temperature. The standardized air temperature anomalies at 1000 hPa in the Gulf of Lions during winter (December–March) has been shown to be the simplest and best indicator of absence/presence of WIW in the Balearic Islands channels in late spring. Values above 1.0 of the standardized temperature anomaly would indicate absence of WIW in the Ibiza Channel. The high correlation obtained with available in-situ oceanographic data allows the use of this index as an indicator of presence of WIW and then of different regional circulation scenarios backwards in time and in those years for which the oceanographic data are missing or scarc

    ReActivate: una propuesta de recreos activos en un Colegio Rural Agrupado (CRA).

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    La actividad física tiene un papel muy importante en la salud de niños y adolescentes. Hoy en día, numerosos estudios indican que la mayoría de los niños incumplen las recomendaciones propuestas de actividad física. Por este motivo, en la escuela se tratará de fomentar la actividad física.A lo largo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se ha realizado una fundamentación teórica sobre la actividad física, donde se han determinado los beneficios, recomendaciones y las enfermedades causadas por la inactividad física. También, se destaca la importancia que tienen los centros escolares, más concretamente el área de Educación Física, para la promoción de la actividad física. Asimismo, se determinan numerosos proyectos con el objetivo de fomentar la actividad física en los centros escolares.El propósito de este Trabajo de fin de Grado es diseñar, analizar y evaluar una propuesta de innovación de recreos activos, en un tercer ciclo de un colegio rural agrupado. El objetivo principal del proyecto es aumentar el nivel de actividad física durante el horario del recreo escolar.<br /