680 research outputs found

    Los problemas medioambientales en la formación del profesorado de educación primaria

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    Los problemas medioambientales constituyen un reto para la sociedad actual; de ahí que sea un área de interés en el ámbito educativo en los diferentes niveles de formación. Planteamos una investigación desde la didáctica de las ciencias sociales, en la formación del profesorado, para analizar la representación social de esta problemática y el modo en el que se incluirían los retos ambientales en las aulas de educación primaria por las y los futuros docentes. En este trabajo, presentamos los resultados obtenidos respecto a esta última cuestión. La investigación, que corresponde a un estudio de caso, se establece desde un enfoque socio-crítico, buscando la obtención de resultados que puedan ayudar en el proceso de formación docente. Los datos han sido obtenidos a través de un cuestionario, desarrollado con la finalidad de lograr información tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa. La investigación se ha realizado durante el curso 2017-2018, en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba. Los resultados muestran la concepción de los problemas medioambientales como una preocupación relevante para los estudiantes; sin embargo, destaca un conocimiento conceptual bastante ambiguo marcado por la influencia de los medios de comunicación, así como una escasa capacidad para proponer secuencias didácticas que inciten a un cambio social necesario y una educación ambiental holística e integralEnvironmental problems are a challenge for today's society; hence, it is an area of interest in the educational field at different levels of education. We propose an investigation from the didactics of the social sciences, in the teacher training, to analyze the social representation of this problem and the way in which the environmental challenges in the classrooms of primary education by the future teachers would be included. In this work, we present the results obtained with respect to this last question. The research, which corresponds to a case study, is established from a socio-critical approach, seeking the obtaining of results that can help in the process of teacher training. The data has been obtained through a questionnaire, developed with the purpose of obtaining both qualitative and quantitative information. The research was carried out during the 2017-2018 academic year, at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Córdoba. The results show the conception of environmental problems as a relevant concern for students; however, it highlights a fairly ambiguous conceptual knowledge marked by the influence of the media, as well as a limited capacity to propose didactic sequences that encourage a necessary social change and a holistic and comprehensive environmental educatio

    Sensibilidad y especificidad del registro de observación de variables asociadas con el lenguaje y su desarrollo (Rol)

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    [Resumen] Ante la falta de instrumentos que permitirían la evaluación rápida y sencilla de las dificultades del lenguaje infantil en el contexto escolar, en un trabajo anterior se diseñó a modo de prueba piloto un Registro de Observación de Variables Asociadas con L enguaje y su Desarrollo (ROL) en el que se incluyeron siete grandes áreas objeto de evaluación. L as áreas incluidas fueron aquellas que, en caso de alteración, podrían incidir directa o indirectamente en la aparición de dificultades en el desarrollo del lenguaje infantil. En el presente trabajo se trató de comprobar si el ROL resultaba un instrumento válido y fiable para la detección de dificultades del lenguaje en educación infantil. Para ello, se determinó la sensibilidad y especificidad del ROL a la hora de evaluar determinadas áreas similares a las evaluadas por la Prueba de Lenguaje Oral de N avarra Revisada (PLON-R). Para ello fueron evaluados 98 niños (54 niños y 44 niñas) de segundo ciclo de educación infantil. Los resultados indicaron que el ROL presentaba una elevada sensibilidad y especificidad respecto a tres (fonología/forma, categorías/semántica, órdenes sencillas/atención y reconocimiento visual) de las cinco áreas analizadas[Abstract] In the absence of tools for quick and easy assessment of child language difficulties in the school context, in a previous paper was designed as a pilot test a record to assess oral language which included seven major areas. Areas involved were those that, when altered, could either directly or indirectly affect the occurrence of difficulties in child language development. This paper checks if the Observational Record Variables A ssociated with Developmental L anguage (ROL) was a valid and reliable tool for detecting language difficulties in early childhood education. For this, the sensitivity and specificity of the ROL to evaluate specific areas similar to those assessed by the For this, the sensitivity and specificity of ROL was determined assessing specific similar to those assessed by the Test of Oral L anguage N avarra Revised (PLON-R) areas. The assessment was performed at 98 children (54 boys and 44 girls) second cycle early childhood education. The results indicated that the ROL had a high sensitivity and specificity for three (phonology/form, categories/semantics, simply orders/ attention and visual recognition) of the five areas analyzed

    Different modulation by dietary restriction of adipokine expression in white adipose tissue sites in the rat

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    White adipose tissue (WAT) is a disperse organ acting as energy storage depot and endocrine/paracrine controlling factor in the management of energy availability and inflammation. WAT sites response under energy-related stress is not uniform. In the present study we have analyzed how different WAT sites respond to limited food restriction as a way to better understand the role of WAT in the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome

    Recycling Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste: Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends

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    The authors appreciate the support of the research group TEP-968 (Technologies for Circular Economy) of the University of Granada.The organic fraction is usually the predominant fraction in municipal solid waste, so its recycling is a potential alternative to disposal in landfill sites, as well as helping to reach targets included in the European Circular Economy Package. The existing body of knowledge in this research field is very large, so a comprehensive review of the existing scientific literature has been considered of interest to provide researchers and professionals with a detailed understanding of the status quo and predict the dynamic directions of this field. A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis have been performed to provide objective criteria for evaluating the work carried out by researchers and a macroscopic overview of the existing body of knowledge in this field. The analysis of 452 scientific articles published from 1980 to 2019 has shown that the application of composting technologies is relevant, especially since 2014, when policies aimed at reducing emissions to the atmosphere were increased and focused on the use of this waste fraction to produce biogas. Nevertheless, the scientific field is still evolving to impose a model of a circular economy; in fact, emerging studies are being conducted on the production of biomethane, contributing to the decarbonised energy system.Research group TEP-968 (Technologies for Circular Economy) of the University of Granad

    Biosynthesis, Purification and Biotechnological Use of Exopolysaccharides Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria

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    32 p.-6 fig.-1 tab.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant AGL2009-12998-C03-01). Sara Notararigo and Montserrat Nácher are recipients of predoctoral fellowships from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasPeer reviewe