409 research outputs found

    Sondeo de la obra bibliográfica de Carlos Manuel Trelles en las ciencias de la salud

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    On the occasion of the 140 th anniversary of his birth, a space is dedicated to honor the memory of the famous Cuban bibliographer Carlos Manuel Trelles and Govín, with the disclosure of some important data about his work in the field of bibliography. A synthesis of his life and work is made, including succinct information of his activity as a historian and a patriot. At the same time, the value of his contribution as a bibliographer of the medical literature in particular is stressed. His first results obtained in gathering and systematizing the scientific production of the Cuban doctors from the colonial period to late in the republican stage, independently of the privileged place he occupies in the history of Library Science and of Information Sciences as the most outstanding Cuban bibliographer of all times, are highlighted. Some of the titles dedicated to medical bibliography that corroborate the scope of his work in the specific sector of the health sciences are presented and commented

    Dos novedades corológicas importantes de orquídeas raras en el sureste ibérico

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    Two important chorological novelties of rare orchids in the south-east of the Iberian PeninsulaPalabras clave. Corología, sureste de España, orquídeas, Aceras anthropophorum, Epipactis microphylla.Key words. Geographical distribution, south-east of Spain, orchids, Aceras anthropophorum, Epipactis microphylla

    El primer incunable cubano: la tarifa general de precios de medicinas

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    Una de las grandes creaciones del hombre que más ha contribuido al desarrollo de la civilización, ha sido sin duda la invención de la imprenta, considerada por más de una generación como un beneficio casi divino concedido al mundo por el ingenioso alemán Johannes Gutenberg (1400-1468). El concepto “incunable”, proveniente de la voz latina incunabula, que significa comienzo de un arte, se aplica a toda edición surgida a partir del disfrute de los beneficios del hallazgo del teutón en la segunda mitad del siglo XV, hasta principios del XVI. No obstante la limitación en el plano temporal de tal definición, procede considerar como primer incunable cubano a un documento que fue impreso en La Habana en 1723, por cuanto la introducción de la imprenta en Cuba tuvo lugar casi cuatro siglos después del revolucionario descubrimiento y de la impresión en 1457 de Salterio de Maguncia, el primer incunable de la historia, por los también alemanes Meter Schöffer (1420-1502) y Hans Fust (1410-1466)

    Current contents : análisis de una experiencia

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    In the present economic conditions of the acquisition of important scientific journals becomes difficult, the possibility of compensating such situation with the obtaining of reprints through the Current Contents is presented

    Multilateralismo y desarrollo en la cooperación española

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    Depto. de Relaciones Internacionales e Historia GlobalFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Procesamiento de las publicaciones seriadas biomédicas cubanas en las bases de datos LILACS y MEDLINE en el periodo 1989-1992

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    The data bases LILACS and MEDLINE were consulted, with the intention of identifying biomedical publications from Cuba processings by them between 1989 and 1992. The amount of numbers published per year, the fulfillment of the publication plan and the dates of edition were considered like factors of possible relation with their processing

    Anacamptis × dafnii nothosubsp. solanoi Serra & López Esp., nothosubsp. nov. (Orchidaceae), un híbrido nuevo

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    Anacamptis × dafnii nothosubsp. solanoi Serra & López Esp., nothosubsp. nov. is described and illustrated. It is a hybrid of A. collina and A. papilionacea subsp. grandiflora. Its known distribution and current situation in Spain are here presented, as well as its relationships with other hybrids of the A. papilionacea group.Se describe e ilustra Anacamptis ? dafnii nothosubsp. solanoi Serra & López Esp., nothosubsp. nov., un híbrido de A. collina y A. papilionacea subsp. grandiflora. Se ofrece su distribución y situación actual en España, así como su relación con otros híbridos del grupo de A. papilionacea

    Current contents : análisis de una experiencia

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    In the present economic conditions of the acquisition of important scientific journals becomes difficult, the possibility of compensating such situation with the obtaining of reprints through the Current Contents is presented