126 research outputs found

    Trastornos de la alimentación y Terapia Ocupacional: Anorexia nerviosa

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    Trabajo Fin de Grado Curso 2015-2016[ES]Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre la anorexia nerviosa y la terapia ocupacional, intentando analizar la evolución de este trastorno que actualmente está tan en apogeo, entre otros factores como los autores, las palabras de las cuales hacen más uso en sus títulos, el idioma y las revistas que más auge han tenido en dicho tema. Además, justificando la importancia que tiene la intervención desde la terapia ocupacional en los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, especialmente la anorexia nerviosa, para una mejor calidad de vida aplicando los marcos y modelos según las necesidades del paciente. Destacar la aplicación de una intervención desde la terapia ocupacional en un caso de anorexia infantil, explicando el motivo de consulta, los antecedentes, la evaluación, los objetivos y el plan de tratamiento mediante el juego. El enfoque del trabajo del terapeuta ocupacional es la importancia de la motricidad fina de la extremidad superior fundamentalmente, para la realización de las actividades de la vida diaria. [EN]A literature review on anorexia nervosa and occupational therapy was performed, trying to analyze the evolution of this disorder is now so in height, among other factors such as the authors, the words of which make more use in their titles, language and more boom magazines have had on the subject. In addition, it is justifying the importance of the intervention from occupational therapy in eating disorder, especially anorexia nervosa, for a better quality of life by applying frameworks and models according to the patient's needs. Highlighting the implementation of an intervention from occupational therapy in a case of child anorexia, explaining the reason for consultation, background, assessment, goals and treatment plan through play. The focus of the work of the occupational therapist is the importance of fine motor skills of upper extremity primarily, to carry out the activities of daily living

    Beneficio de la fisioterapia de suelo pelviano después de la implantación de biomateriales en la cirugía correctora de la incontinencia urinaria

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    [ES] Introducción: La fisioterapia del suelo pélvico se define como el arte y la ciencia del tratamiento por medio del ejercicio terapéutico, que tiene como fin prevenir y realizar el tratamiento de todas las disfunciones de la zona pélvica, hipogástrica, umbilical y lumbar sin importar la edad y el sexo. La incontinencia urinaria se define como la pérdida involuntaria de orina a través de la uretra. Puede clasificarse como incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo, incontinencia urinaria de urgencia e incontinencia urinaria mixta. Objetivos: Conocer la proporción de mujeres intervenidas por incontinencia urinaria utilizando biomateriales que precisan fisioterapia como tratamiento coadyuvante. Identificar el perfil clínico de las pacientes que precisan fisioterapia coadyuvante después del implante de biomateriales para corregir la incontinencia urinaria según el dispositivo implantado. Determinar los factores que influyen en el resultado de la utilización de la fisioterapia como tratamiento complementario en mujeres intervenidas por incontinencia urinaria utilizando biomateriales

    Comparación de la aplicabilidad de las técnicas DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-picril-hidrazilo) y Peróxidos para extractos resinosos y no resinosos en metanol y diclorometano

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    En la presente investigación se evaluó la capacidad antioxidante en extractos de hojas de Jungia rugosa Less y Desmodium molliculum, mediante las técnicas de DPPH y Peróxidos. La especie botánica, conocida tradicionalmente con el nombre de hierba del infante fue colectada en la provincia del Azuay y caracterizada taxonómicamente en el herbario UDA como “Desmodium molliculum”. Los extractos se obtuvieron por percolación, utilizando metanol y diclorometano como solventes de extracción. Una fracción de los mismos se utilizó para la caracterización fitoquímica empleando un método general de screening basado en cromatografía de capa fina (TLC). Los resultados mostraron la presencia de compuestos fenólicos (flavonoles y flavonas), así como compuestos terpenoides como los más importantes. Para evaluar la actividad antioxidante se aplicaron dos técnicas: la decoloración del radical 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazilo (DPPH) y la capacidad de barrido del peróxido de hidrógeno, empleándose como estándar ácido ascórbico cuyo valor de IC50 fue de 2.68 y 58.63 µg/ml respectivamente. En el ensayo de DPPH el valor de IC50 de los extractos metanólicos de Jungia rugosa Less se encontró en un rango de 40 – 129 µg/ml y en diclorometano entre 74 – 340 µg/ml. Para Desmodium molliculum fue 48 µg/ml y 80 µg/ml respectivamente. Al desarrollar el ensayo de barrido del peróxido de hidrógeno, el IC50 del extracto metanólico de Desmodium molliculum fue 61 ug/ml, y en Jungia rugosa Less se encontró en un rango entre 177 – 349 µg/ml. La actividad antioxidante de los extractos en diclorometano no pudo ser evaluada por esta técnica debido a una incompatibilidad con los reactivos empleados. Los hallazgos sugieren que los extractos evaluados de “Jungia” y “Desmodium” tienen actividad antioxidante, lo cual podría atribuirse a la presencia de polifenoles y compuestos terpenoides.In the present research, the antioxidant capacity present in methanol and di-chloro methane extracts obtained from leaves of Jungia rugosa Less and Desmodium molliculum was evaluated. Desmodium molliculum, a plant traditionally named “hierba del infante” was collected into the Azuay province and was botanically characterized at Herbarium Azuay (HA) into the Universidad del Azuay. Dried extracts were obtained by means of percolation, using methanol and dichloromethane as solvents for extraction. A fraction of those extracts was used for their phytochemical characterization using a general screening method based on Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Results show the presence of phenolic compounds (flavonols and flavone) and terpenoids as the more important compounds. To evaluate antioxidant activity, two different techniques were applied: discoloration of radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhidrazilo (DPPH) and the hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay, ascorbic acid was used as a standard, IC50 value for standard was determined as 2.68 ug/ml by the first method and 58.63 ug/ml by the second method. In the DPPH assay, IC50 value for methanolic extracts of Jungia rugose Less was between 40 – 129 µg/ml and for dichloromethane extracts was between 74 – 340 µg/ml. IC50 of Desmodium molliculum was 48 µg/ml in methanolic extract and 80 ug/ml in dichloromethane extract. When hydrogen peroxide assay was developed, the IC50 value of Desmodium molliculum methanolic extract was 61 µg/ml, and between 177 – 349 µg/ml for Jungia rugosa Less. Antioxidant activity of dichloromethane extracts was not evaluated by this technique due to incompatibility with the reagents used. The findings suggest that “Jungia” and “Desmodium” have antioxidant activity, which could be related to the presence of phenolic compounds.Bioquímico FarmacéuticoCuenc

    Motivación e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria || Motivation and emotional intelligence in high school students

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    This study explores the motivational and emotional intelligence level of students in Obligatory Secondary Education, and the relationship between the two essential components of an individual's personality. It has worked from a quantitative methodology with a sample of 500 students from public secondary schools, using the questionnaire motivation and learning strategies (CMEA) and Spanish version of the Trait goal-Mood Scale (TMMS-24). The results show a good motivational level in all factors with an adequate perception and understanding emotional regulation (intrinsic goals, tasks value, control beliefs, self-efficacy for performance anxiety and extrinsic goals), with an adequate perception, regulation and understanding emotional. In addition, they denote a positive and significant correlation of both, except in the factors that make emotional intelligence, and they are as follows: anxiety, understanding and regulation. In conclusion, both motivation and emotional intelligence are likely to be trained and improved in the field of education, with a capacity to put in place social skills and make the most of each adolescent.Este estudio explora el nivel motivacional y de inteligencia emocional del alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, y la relación existente entre ambos componentes esenciales en la personalidad del individuo. Se ha trabajado desde una metodología cuantitativa con una muestra de 500 alumnos de centros públicos de secundaria, utilizando el Cuestionario de Motivación y Estrategias de Aprendizaje (CMEA) y la versión en castellano de la Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24). Los resultados sostienen un buen nivel motivacional en todos los factores (metas intrínsecas, valor de las tareas, creencia de control, autoeficacia para el rendimiento, ansiedad y metas extrínsecas), con una adecuada percepción, regulación y comprensión emocional. Así mismo,  evidencian una correlación positiva y significativa de ambas, excepto entre el factor motivacional “ansiedad” y los factores “comprensión” y “regulación” que conforman la inteligencia emocional. En conclusión, tanto motivación como inteligencia emocional, son susceptibles de ser entrenadas y mejoradas en el ámbito educativo, con capacidad para poner en marcha las habilidades sociales y sacar el máximo rendimiento de cada adolescente

    Food-Based Dietary Guidelines around the World: A Comparative Analysis to Update AESAN Scientific Committee Dietary Recommendations

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    Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG) include dietary recommendations based on food groups according to the general and accepted nutrition principles and current scientific evidence. Adoption of FBDG contributes to the prevention of malnutrition in all its forms, promotes human health, and reduces environmental impact. The present review aims to perform an international comparative analysis of the FBDG adopted in different countries from three different continents (America, Asia, and Europe), with particular reference to the Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency (AESAN, Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición) Scientific Committee dietary recommendations. A total of twelve countries with the most updated FBDG and/or closest to the traditional and cultural preferences of Spain were finally selected. All the reviewed FBDG provided recommendations for fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts, milk and dairy products, meat and derivatives, fish, eggs, water, and oil; however, remarkable differences regarding recommended amounts were found among countries

    Early preventive treatment with Enalapril improves cardiac function and delays mortality in mice with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy type 5.

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    Background: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy type 5 (ARVC5) is an inherited cardiac disease with complete penetrance and an aggressive clinical course caused by mutations in TMEM43 (transmembrane protein 43). There is no cure for ARVC5 and palliative treatment is started once the phenotype is present. A transgenic mouse model of ARVC5 expressing human TMEM43-S358L (TMEM43mut) recapitulates the human disease, enabling the exploration of preventive treatments. The aim of this study is to determine whether preventive treatment with heart failure drugs (β-blockers, ACE [angiotensin-converting enzyme] inhibitors, mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonists) improves the disease course of ARVC5 in TMEM43mut mice. Methods: TMEM43mut male/female mice were treated with metoprolol (β-blockers), enalapril (ACE inhibitor), spironolactone (mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist), ACE inhibitor + mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist, ACE inhibitor + mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist + β-blockers or left untreated. Drugs were initiated at 3 weeks of age, before ARVC5 phenotype, and serial ECG and echocardiograms were performed. Results: TMEM43mut mice treated with enalapril showed a significantly increased median survival compared with untreated mice (26 versus 21 weeks; P=0.003). Enalapril-treated mice also exhibited increased left ventricular ejection fraction at 4 months compared with controls (37.0% versus 24.9%; P=0.004), shorter QRS duration and reduced left ventricle fibrosis. Combined regimens including enalapril also showed positive effects. Metoprolol decreased QRS voltage prematurely and resulted in a nonsignificant decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction compared with untreated TMEM43mut mice. Conclusions: Preventive enalapril-based regimens reduced fibrosis, improved ECG, echocardiographic parameters and survival of ARVC5 mice. Early metoprolol did not show positive effects and caused premature ECG abnormalities. Our findings pave the way to consider prophylactic enalapril in asymptomatic ARVC5 genetic carriers.pre-print326 K

    The Role of Autophagy in Eye Diseases

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    This research was funded by the Ophthalmological Network OFTARED (Enfermedades oculares: Prevención, detección precoz, tratamiento y rehabilitación de las patologías oculares) (RD16/0008/0005 and RD16/0008/0026) of the Institute of Health of Carlos III of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and by the European programme FEDER; and Network RETiBRAIN (La retina un modelo para investigar Neuroprotección en patologías del Sistema Nervioso Central) (RED2018-102499-T) of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. And J.A.F.-A. is currently funded by a Predoctoral Fellowship (FPU17/01023) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities; and I.L.-C. is currently funded by a Predoctoral Fellowship (CT42/18-CT43/18) from the Complutense University of Madrid.Autophagy is a catabolic process that ensures homeostasis in the cells of our organism. It plays a crucial role in protecting eye cells against oxidative damage and external stress factors. Ocular pathologies of high incidence, such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy are of multifactorial origin and are associated with genetic, environmental factors, age, and oxidative stress, among others; the latter factor is one of the most influential in ocular diseases, directly affecting the processes of autophagy activity. Alteration of the normal functioning of autophagy processes can interrupt organelle turnover, leading to the accumulation of cellular debris and causing physiological dysfunction of the eye. The aim of this study is to review research on the role of autophagy processes in the main ocular pathologies, which have a high incidence and result in high costs for the health system. Considering the role of autophagy processes in cell homeostasis and cell viability, the control and modulation of autophagy processes in ocular pathologies could constitute a new therapeutic approach.Depto. de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLFac. de MedicinaTRUEUnión EuropeaMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    The Absence of Caspase-8 in the Dopaminergic System Leads to Mild Autism-like Behavior

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    In the last decade, new non-apoptotic roles have been ascribed to apoptotic caspases. This family of proteins plays an important role in the sculpting of the brain in the early stages of development by eliminating excessive and nonfunctional synapses and extra cells. Consequently, impairments in this process can underlie many neurological and mental illnesses. This view is particularly relevant to dopamine because it plays a pleiotropic role in motor control, motivation, and reward processing. In this study, we analyze the effects of the elimination of caspase-8 (CASP8) on the development of catecholaminergic neurons using neurochemical, ultrastructural, and behavioral tests. To do this, we selectively delete the CASP8 gene in cells that express tyrosine hydroxylase with the help of recombination through the Cre-loxP system. Our results show that the number of dopaminergic neurons increases in the substantia nigra. In the striatum, the basal extracellular level of dopamine and potassium-evoked dopamine release decreased significantly in mice lacking CASP8, clearly showing the low dopamine functioning in tissues innervated by this neurotransmitter. This view is supported by electron microscopy analysis of striatal synapses. Interestingly, behavioral analysis demonstrates that mice lacking CASP8 show changes reminiscent of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Our research reactivates the possible role of dopamine transmission in the pathogenesis of ASD and provides a mild model of autism