216 research outputs found

    Economic Crises, Maternal and Infant Mortality, Low Birth Weight and Enrollment Rates: Evidence from Argentina’s Downturns

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    Este estudio investiga el impacto de las recientes crisis en Argentina (incluyendo la grave recesión de 2001-2002) en la salud y la educación. La estrategia de identificación se basa en la covarianza entre los cambios en el PIB regional y los resultados por provincia en términos intertemporales e interprovinciales. Estos resultados indican efectos significativos e importantes de las fluctuaciones agregadas en la mortalidad materna e infantil y en el bajo peso al nacer, así como un patrón contracíclico aunque no significativo para las tasas de matrícula. Finalmente, el gasto público provincial en salud y educación se correlacionan con la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer y la matriculación escolar de los adolescentes, con peores resultados ante una disminución del PIB.crisis, infant mortality, maternal mortality, low birth weight, poverty, Argentina

    Olimpiodoro (in Grg. 26.20) y la Antíope de Eurípides

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    The author proposes the recovering of a fragment from Euripides’ Antiope neglected by previous scholars. The paraphrase of Zethos’ advise to his brother Amphion rJi÷yon th;n luvran kai; kevcrhso o{ploi", which Olympiodorus gives in his commentary On Plato’s Gorgias at 26.20, may cover parts of two iambic trimeters. They can be recovered basically by substituting the forms Euripides could have used for the imperatives rJi÷yon and kevcrhso. The result would be rJi÷pte th;n luvran, / crh÷sai d! o{ploisi, which is related to a similar fragment from a mythological comedy or a satyr play where a satyr recommends Athena to throw away the aulos (TrGF Adesp. 381 tou;" aujlou;" mevqe" / kai; qwpla lavzeu).Se propone la recuperación de un fragmento de la Antíope de Eurípides desestimado por los estudiosos anteriores del drama. La paráfrasis del consejo de Zeto a Anfión que Olimpiodoro recoge en su comentario Sobre el Gorgias de Platón (26.20), rJi÷yon th;n luvran kai; kevcrhso o{ploi", puede cubrir parte de dos trímetros yámbicos. Éstos se recuperan mediante la sustitución de los imperativos rJi÷yon y kevcrhso por formas susceptibles de haber sido usadas por Eurípides. El resultado es rJi÷pte th;n luvran, / crh÷sai d! o{ploisi, pasaje relacionado con un fragmento semejante de una comedia mitológica o un drama satírico en el que un sátiro aconseja a Atenea arrojar el aulos (TrGF Adesp. 381 tou;" aujlou;" mevqe" / kai; qwpla lavzeu)

    Anfis sobre Platón (fr. 13 K.-A.)

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    In this study of Amphis fr. 13 K.-A., the author (1) examines the meaning of Dexidemides the title of the comedy, and (2) explores the possible developments of the comparison of Plato with a snail. (3) He proposes that the model Amphis is parodying is Soph. fr. 945 Radt. Finally, (4) he studies the elements of the Sophoclean verses which, in the light of the parody, could be reinterpreted as jibes directed against Plato, and (5) tentatively suggests that, thanks to Amphis’ parody, Diogenes the Cynic may have seen the anti-Platonic potential of the Sophoclean verses and reused them against Plato in one of his tragedies; this would explain why they have been attributed to Diogenes in some strands of the gnomological tradition.En este estudio del fr. 13 K.-A. de Anfis, el autor examina (1) la significación del título de la comedia, Dexidémides, y (2) los posibles desarrollos cómicos de la comparación de Platón con un caracol. (3) Propone reconocer en el fr. 945 Radt de Sófocles el modelo del fragmento. Finalmente, (4) estudia los elementos del modelo sofocleo que, aplicados a Platón, podrían reinterpretarse como burlas del filósofo, y (5) sugiere la posibilidad de que Diógenes el Cínico reconociera ese potencial antiplatónico de los versos sofocleos gracias a la parodia de Anfis y los reutilizara contra el filósofo en una de sus tragedias; ello permitiría explicar la atribución al Cínico de los versos de Sófocles en parte de la tradición gnomológica

    Los métodos de liquidación en las cooperativas hortofrutícolas

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    The particular nature of Spanish agrarian cooperatives makes it very difficult to carry out an exhaustive analysis of their internal management processes. Nevertheless, the great increase in competition in the European agrarian sector in recent years, mainly from Mediterranean countries, means that these organizations must improve their management information systems. The valuation of products provided by members for processing and marketing by the cooperative is one of the key issues in cooperative management theory. The aim of this study is to review the pricing and payment methods used by Spanish fruit and vegetable cooperatives and to identify the specific characteristics of each one in order to analyze and compare them.Costing, pricing and payment methods, management of cooperatives, profitability, efficiency, fruit and vegetable cooperatives.

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    Sobre los verbos umbílicos de la semántica topológica

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    In this paper we propose a verbs classification from the Topological Semantic. A distinction is made between semiophysic verbs, mainly linked to «world behaviors» and non-semiophysic verbs, which are generally metalinguistic. Among the semiophysic verbs, we essentially deal with parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic-type verbs

    Energy-based critical plane fatigue methods applied to additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel

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    In this work, the uniaxial and biaxial fatigue behaviour of maraging steel (18Ni300) obtained by additive manufacturing was studied. The material was evaluated using several biaxial load paths and different load levels. The predictive capacity of the fatigue life and crack initiation angle of the critical plane methods of Liu (I and II), and Chu, Conle, and Bonnen (CCB) were evaluated. The results obtained showed that normal stresses had a strong effect on the fatigue life. In general, the best estimates of the useful life and initial crack angle prediction were obtained with the CCB method.FEDER Programa Operativo by Junta de Andalucia (Spain) - grant reference UMA18-FEDERJA-250; COMPETE2020 Program from European Funds, under Eureka Smart label S0129-AddDies (Grant reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-042536) and funds by the Portuguese Fundaç˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia with Grant UIDB/00285/2020 and Grant LA/P/0112/2020. We would also like to acknowledge funding for open access charge: Universidad de Malaga / CBUA. Authors would also like to acknowledge industrial support from Dr. Alfonso Garcia-Priego (Prosthetic Unit), Mr. Alfonso Exposito, Ubeda San Juan de la Cruz Hospital (Jaen, Spain) and the High Resolution Cazorla Hospital (Jaen, Spain)

    Une Antiope cynique?

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    Diogenes the Cynic (TrGF 88 F 6-7) analyzes the opposition between active and contemplative life. This idea is already attested in Euripides’ Antiope, in Eubulus’ parody (e.g. fr. *9 K.-A.), and in Plato’s Gorgias

    Reflexiones sobre el Amasis herodoteo (a propósito de Hdt. II 173)

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    The author examines the passage II 173 of Herodotus' Histories and the topos of the need of minimizing the tension of the serious with the comic.Heródoto consagró el libro II de sus Historias a Egipto, una tierra cuyos habitantes, bárbaros por no hablar griego, lo eran también por ignorar la estructura de la pólis y por vivir sometidos a un rey. En esta medida, el repaso a su historia no podía hacerse sino narrando las gestas que sus reyes llevaron a cabo y las portentosas obras públicas que acometieron. Al final de esta sucesión de reyes egipcios encontramos a Amasis, de quien Heródoto ofrece, a través de tres lógoi, una imagen "mezcla de sophós, polymétis, ladrón reformado y playboy"