80 research outputs found

    The nearest extreme starburst: bubbles, young star clusters, and outflow in NGC 3256

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    In this Work we report, for the extreme starburst in the IR merger NGC 3256: (i) The detection of 4 galactic bubbles, associated with SN explosions.(ii) The first analysis of the spatial distribution of young star clusters (YSC) candidates.(iii) The kinematic study of the ionized gas in the core of of the main optical nucleus, performed with HST STIS spectra. The shape of the rotation curve and the emission line profile could be explained by the presence in the core of YSC with outflow.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Contect Replac., accepted MN-RA

    Evolutive Unification in Composite Active Galactic Nuclei

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    In this paper we explore an evolutionary Unified scenario involving super massive black hole and starburst with outflow, that seems capable of explaining most of the observational properties of at least part of AGNs. Our suggestion is explored inside the expectations of the Starburst model close associated with the AGN where the NLR, BLR and BAL region are produced in part by the outflow process with shells and in compact supernova remnants. The outflow process in BAL QSOs with extreme IR and Fe II emission is studied. In addition, the Fe II poblem regarding the BLR of AGN is analysed. Neither the correlations between the BAL, IR emission, FeII intensity and the intrinsic properties of the AGN are clearly understood. We suggest here that the behaviour of the BAL, IR and FeII emission in AGNs can be understood inside an evolutionary and composite model for AGNs. In our model, strong BAL systems and Fe II emission are present (and intense) in young IR objects. Orientation/ obscuration effects take the role of a second parameter providing the segregation between Sy1/Sy2 and BLRG/NLRG.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures (submitted MNRAS

    GEMINI 3D spectroscopy of BAL+IR+Fe II QSOs: II. IRAS 04505-2958 an explosive QSO with hypershell and a new scenario for galaxy formation and galaxy end

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    From a study of BAL + IR + Fe II QSOs (using deep Gemini GMOS-IFU spectroscopy) new results are presented: for IRAS 04505-2958. Specifically, we have studied in detail the out flow (OF) process and their associated structures, mainly at two large galactic scales: (i) two blobs/shells (S1, S2) at radius r = 1.1 and 2.2 kpc; and (ii) an external hypergiant shell (S3) at r = 11 kpc. In addition, the presence of two very extended hypergiant shells (S4, S5) at r = 80 kpc is discussed. From this GMOS study the following main results were obtained: (i) For the external hypergiant shell S3 the kinematics GMOS maps of the ionized gas show very similar features to those observed for the prototype of exploding external supergiant shell: in NGC 5514. (ii) The main knots K1, K2 and K3 -of this hypergiant shell S3- show a stellar population and emission line ratios associated with the presence of a starburst + OF/shocks. (iii) The internal shells S1 and S2 show structures, OF components and properties very similar to those detected in the nuclear shells of Mrk 231. (iv) The shells S1+S2 and S3 are aligned at PA = 131: i.e. suggesting that the OF process is in the blow-out phase with bipolar structure. In addition, the shells S4 and S5 (at 80-100 kpc scale) are aligned at PA = 40, i.e.: a bipolar OF perpendicular to the internal OF. Finally, the generation of UHE cosmic rays and neutrino/ dark-matter -associated with HyNe in BAL + IR + Fe II QSOs- is discussed.Comment: Submitted MNRAS, 81 pages, 25 Figure

    Galaxias con emisión extrema en el IR y Fe II

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    In this communication we present the main results obtained in the study of AGNs showing extreme IR continuum and Fe II emission lines. Furthermore, we discuss that these objects can be young QSOs at the end phase of a strong starburst with superwind and superbubbles (suggested by Lipari, Terlevich &: Machetto 1993). Also, we discuss the origin of broad absorption lines (BAL) systems, associated to the phase of young QSO.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    La construcción discursiva del tema de la inmigración en los diarios Clarín y El País

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    El presente trabajo aborda la construcción discursiva del tema “Inmigración de argentinos a España”, analizado por los medios gráficos Clarín y El País, a partir de la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000 y sus respectivas modificaciones: la LO 8/2000, la LO 11/2003 y la LO 14/2003, todas sancionadas en España. Al mismo tiempo, se comparan los diferentes discursos que hicieron los medios respecto al mencionado tema durante finales del año pasado y principios de 2009 para comparar cual es la mirada actual en relación con los años anteriores. Para ello, se escogió el método del análisis del discurso como conjunto de distintos enfoques metodológicos (textual, metadiscursivo, crítico, conversacional) para explicar la presencia del enunciador en los textos y de qué manera construye ese discurso. De ahí que interesa utilizar el enfoque discursivo para hacer una descripción de los recursos lingüísticos que los enunciadores utilizan para marcarse y desmarcarse en sus textos.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Deep GEMINI GMOS-IFU spectroscopy of BAL QSOs: I. Decoupling the BAL, QSO, starburst, NLR, supergiant bubbles and galactic wind in Mrk 231

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    In this work we present the first results of a study of BAL QSOs (at low and high redshift), based on very deep Gemini GMOS integral field spectroscopy. In particular, the results obtained for the nearest BAL IR QSO Mrk 231 are presented. Very deep three-dimensional spectra and maps clearly show that the BAL systems I and II are extended (reaching 1.4-1.6" = 1.2-1.3 kpc, from the nucleus) and clearly elongated at the position angle close to the radio jet PA. Which suggest that the BAL systems I and II are both associated with the radio jet, and supporting the bipolar jet-wind model for some BALs. For the nuclear region of Mrk 231, the QSO and host-galaxy components were modelled, using a new technique of decoupling 3D spectra. From this study, the following main results were found: (i) in the pure host galaxy spectrum an extreme nuclear starburst component was clearly observed, mainly as a very strong increase in the flux, at the blue wavelengths; (ii) the BAL system I is observed in the spectrum of the host galaxy; (iii) in the clean/pure QSO emission spectrum, only broad lines were detected. 3D GMOS individual spectra (specially in the IR Ca II triplet) and maps confirm the presence of an extreme and young nuclear starburst (8 < age < 15 Myr), which was detected mainly in a ring or toroid with a radius r = 0.3" = 200 pc, around the very nucleus. The physical properties of the four expanding nuclear bubbles were analysed, using the GMOS 3D spectra and maps. These results suggest that an important part of the nuclear NLR is generated by the OF process and the associated low velocity ionizing shocks.Comment: 51 pages, 20 figures, Submitted MNRA

    Thermal decoupling in W UMa binary systems

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    A study of thermal decoupling in short period near contact binaries is presented. Statistics of well-observed W UMa systems (now including data of EB-type light curve objects) characterize completely A- and W- type objects. W-type systems show a good linear correlation in the thermal decoupling vs. spectral type diagram. The same correlation is valid for the lower border of the distribution of A-type systems, otherwise scattered in an area of large thermal decoupling. These empirical facts are discussed in terms of contact on near contact configurations. A complete version of this paper will be published in Publication Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Estudio de variación de período en sistemas binarios de contacto marginal con desacople térmico

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    Se presenta un estudio de variación de período de los sistemas V1010 Oph, V758 Cen, V502 Oph, EZ Hya y TY Men. Se efectuaron observaciones fotoeléctricas (en la Estación Astrofísica de Bosque Alegre) de los seis sistemas mencionados, las que fueron analizadas junto con los datos publicados. En el análisis se emplearon subrutinas del paquete de Software IMSL en lo referente a regresión multilineal. Se ha determinado con precisión en cuatro sistemas variación de tipo parabólico, atribuible a transferencia de materia (calculándose dm/dt). En un caso (V758 Cen) la variación es recurrente implicando un interesante estado evolutivo que puede ser interpretado mediante la Teoría TRO de Lucy; finalmente hay un caso (TY Men) en que la corta base de tiempo de observación no permite determinar la existencia de cambios en el período.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    GY Tel: a new thermally decoupled near contact binary system

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    GY Tel is a short period (0.446 d) eclipsing binary system of 12th magnitude showing a large difference(0.85 mag) in the depths of minima. The first UBV observations obtained at Bosque Alegre (Córdoba) and at CASLEO (San Juan) are presented. The light curves are covered by 400 observations. Eight photoelectric times of minima were determined and a period study was carried out. GY Tel is another near contact binary system with large thermal decoupling of special interest for the theories of evolution of near contact systems. A complete version of this paper will be published in Pub. Astron. Soc. of the Pacific.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    A New Luminous IR Galaxy with Composite Nucleus: Seyfert 1.5 and Starburst

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    Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta espectroscopía óptica de apertura e imágenes CCD en banda ancha y angosta para la galaxia barreada Seyfert 1 IRAS 22117-3903, utilizándose también datos IRAS. Las imágenes CCD en banda ancha muestran interesantes características morfológicas: un núcleo compacto con una barra prominente, dos brazos espirales brillantes y un anillo interior parcialmente segmentado. Las imágenes en banda angosta muestran que la emisión nuclear H+[NII] está concentrada principalmente en el núcleo compacto. De los espectros ópticos del núcleo encontramos rasgos característicos correspondientes a Seyfert 1.5, es decir, aparecen líneas de emisión permitidas del Hidrógeno con componentes anchas y angostas bien separadas en FWHM. Detectamos, asimismo, líneas de emisión de alta excitación (por ejemplo, [CaV]+[FeXIV], [FeVII] y Fe II). También estudiamos la población estelar de la región nuclear. Encontramos que el ?template? de Bica & Alloin (1987, A&A, 186, 49) que mejor lo representa es el promedio entre galaxias espirales con población vieja más la contribución de estrellas jóvenes. Las condiones físicas fueron derivadas de la región de formación de línea de emisión angosta, detectando temperaturas electrónicas muy elevadas (Te = 44000-45000 K), atípicas para los AGNs est´andar y probablemente relacionada con una componente ?starburst?. Con los datos ópticos e infrarrojos hallamos características de un núcleo compuestos (AGN+?starburst?), tal como lo predice el modelo evolutivo de AGN/QSOs de Lípari & Terlevich (2006, MNRAS, 368, 1001).Fil: Lípari, Sebastián Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Merlo, David. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Moyano, Martín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentina.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8IXKVybuLyGQXE5aWxIb1l4blU/edit?usp=sharingÓptica (incluida Óptica Láser y Óptica Cuántica), Acústic