138 research outputs found

    Influence of Blending Ratio and Polymer Matrix on the Lasing Properties of Perylenediimide Dyes

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    Perylenediimide (PDI) dyes dispersed in polymer films have demonstrated great success as active materials in thin-film organic lasers (TFOLs). The type of matrix used to host the dye and the dye doping rate are both crucial parameters to optimize laser performance. This work reports the study of two soluble PDIs, the comercial derivative perylene orange (PDI-O) emitting at around 580 nm, and a new dye (b-PDI-A) with substituents at the 1,7 bay positions of the PDI core emitting at around 620 nm, dispersed at different doping levels (up to 8 and 50 wt %, for PDI-O and b-PDI-A, respectively) in two widely used polymers for optoelectronics, polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). The main goal is to determine which of these two polymers, and at which dye concentration, provides the best results for their use in TFOLs. The assessment of the active materials has been carried out through the analysis of their absorption, photoluminescence, and amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) properties. Their capability to form high-quality optical waveguides has also been studied by determining gain coefficients and waveguide losses. Results have shown that for both types of PDI derivatives PS is better than PMMA at any concentration, which means larger photoluminescence efficiency, lower ASE thresholds, longer ASE operational lifetimes, larger gain, and lower propagation waveguide losses. In addition, the onset concentration at which dye aggregation becomes significant as to negatively affect the optical properties is lower in PMMA than in PS; thus, the larger the blending ratio, the larger the superiority of PS with respect to PMMA is.Financial support from Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (MINECO) and the European FEDER funds through Grants MAT2015-66586-R and CTQ2016-77039-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) is gratefully acknowledged. R.M-M is supported by a MINECO FPI contract (no. BES-2016-077681). M.A.D-G acknowledges support from the University of Alicante and to the Spanish Ministry of Education (grant no. PR2015-00390) to perform a sabbatical stay at UCSB

    Exploring the Role of Mutations in Fanconi Anemia Genes in Hereditary Cancer Patients

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is caused by biallelic mutations in FA genes. Monoallelic mutations in five of these genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, BRIP1 and RAD51C) increase the susceptibility to breast/ovarian cancer and are used in clinical diagnostics as bona-fide hereditary cancer genes. Increasing evidence suggests that monoallelic mutations in other FA genes could predispose to tumor development, especially breast cancer. The objective of this study is to assess the mutational spectrum of 14 additional FA genes (FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG, FANCI, FANCL, FANCM, FANCP, FANCQ, FANCR and FANCU) in a cohort of hereditary cancer patients, to compare with local cancer-free controls as well as GnomAD. A total of 1021 hereditary cancer patients and 194 controls were analyzed using our next generation custom sequencing panel. We identified 35 pathogenic variants in eight genes. A significant association with the risk of breast cancer/breast and ovarian cancer was found for carriers of FANCA mutations (odds ratio (OR) = 3.14 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.4-6.17, p = 0.003). Two patients with early-onset cancer showed a pathogenic FA variant in addition to another germline mutation, suggesting a modifier role for FA variants. Our results encourage a comprehensive analysis of FA genes in larger studies to better assess their role in cancer risk

    Treatment-resistant psychotic symptoms and the 15q11.2 BP1–BP2 (Burnside-Butler) deletion syndrome: case report and review of the literature

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    The 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 (Burnside-Butler) deletion is a rare copy number variant impacting four genes (NIPA1, NIPA2, CYFIP1, and TUBGCP5), and carries increased risks for developmental delay, intellectual disability, and neuropsychiatric disorders (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, and psychosis). In this case report (supported by extensive developmental information and medication history), we present the complex clinical portrait of a 44-year-old woman with 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 deletion syndrome and chronic, treatment-resistant psychotic symptoms who has resided nearly her entire adult life in a long-term state psychiatric institution. Diagnostic and treatment implications are discussed

    Proceedings of the 11th Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: pushing the forefront of neuromodulation with functional network mapping, biomarkers for adaptive DBS, bioethical dilemmas, AI-guided neuromodulation, and translational advancements

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    The Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Think Tank XI was held on August 9–11, 2023 in Gainesville, Florida with the theme of “Pushing the Forefront of Neuromodulation”. The keynote speaker was Dr. Nico Dosenbach from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. He presented his research recently published in Nature inn a collaboration with Dr. Evan Gordon to identify and characterize the somato-cognitive action network (SCAN), which has redefined the motor homunculus and has led to new hypotheses about the integrative networks underpinning therapeutic DBS. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 and provides an open platform where clinicians, engineers, and researchers (from industry and academia) can freely discuss current and emerging DBS technologies, as well as logistical and ethical issues facing the field. The group estimated that globally more than 263,000 DBS devices have been implanted for neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. This year's meeting was focused on advances in the following areas: cutting-edge translational neuromodulation, cutting-edge physiology, advances in neuromodulation from Europe and Asia, neuroethical dilemmas, artificial intelligence and computational modeling, time scales in DBS for mood disorders, and advances in future neuromodulation devices

    Dendritic Cell‐Mediated Cross‐Priming by a Bispecific Neutralizing Antibody Boosts Cytotoxic T Cell Responses and Protects Mice against SARS‐CoV‐2

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    SARS-CoV-2 B.1.351 and B.1.167.2 viruses used in this study were obtained through the European Virus Archive Global (EVA-GLOBAL) project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653316. SARS-CoV-2 B.1 (MAD6 isolate) was kindly provided by JosĂ© M. Honrubia and Luis Enjuanes (CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain). The authors thank Centro de InvestigaciĂłn en Sanidad Animal (CISA)-Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA-CSIC) (Valdeolmos, Madrid, Spain) for the BSL-3 facilities. Research in LAV laboratory was funded by the BBVA Foundation (Ayudas FundaciĂłn BBVA a Equipos de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica SARS-CoV-2 y COVID19); the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PID2020-117323RB-I00 and PDC2021-121711-I00), partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) (DTS20/00089), partially supported by the ERDF, the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC 19084); the CRIS Cancer Foundation (FCRISIFI-2018 and FCRIS-2021-0090), the FundaciĂłn Caixa-Health Research (HR21-00761 project IL7R_LungCan), and the Comunidad de Madrid (P2022/BMD-7225 NEXT_GEN_CART_MAD-CM). Work in the DS laboratory was funded by the CNIC; the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement ERC-2016-Consolidator Grant 725091; MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PID2019-108157RB); Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3733 Immunothercan-CM); Atresmedia (Constantes y Vitales prize); Fondo Solidario Juntos (Banco Santander); and “La Caixa” Foundation (LCF/PR/HR20/00075). The CNIC was supported by the ISCIII, the MCIN and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (CEX2020- 001041-S funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Research in RD laboratory was supported by the ISCIII (PI2100989) and CIBERINFEC; the European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (grant numbers 731868 project VIRUSCAN FETPROACT-2016, and 101046084 project EPIC-CROWN-2); and the FundaciĂłn CaixaHealth Research (grant number HR18-00469 project StopEbola). Research in CNB-CSIC laboratory was funded by Fondo Supera COVID19 (Crue Universidades-Banco Santander) grant, CIBERINFEC, and Spanish Research Council (CSIC) grant 202120E079 (to J.G.-A.), CSIC grant 2020E84 (to M.E.), MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PID2020- 114481RB-I00 to J.G-A. and M.E.), and by the European CommissionNextGenerationEU, through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global) to J.G.-A. and M.E. Work in the CIB-CSIC laboratory was supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PID2019-104544GB-I00 and 2023AEP105 to CA, and PID2020-113225GB-I00 to F.J.B.). Cryo-EM data were collected at the Maryland Center for Advanced Molecular Analyses which was supported by MPOWER (The University of Maryland Strategic Partnership). I.H.-M. receives the support of a fellowship from la Caixa Foundation (ID 100010434, fellowship code: LCF/BQ/IN17/11620074) and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 71367. L.R.-P. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Immunology Chair, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria/Merck.S

    Deep brain stimulation for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): emerging or established therapy?

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    A consensus has yet to emerge whether deep brain stimulation (DBS) for treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be considered an established therapy. In 2014, the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (WSSFN) published consensus guidelines stating that a therapy becomes established when “at least two blinded randomized controlled clinical trials from two different groups of researchers are published, both reporting an acceptable risk-benefit ratio, at least comparable with other existing therapies. The clinical trials should be on the same brain area for the same psychiatric indication.” The authors have now compiled the available evidence to make a clear statement on whether DBS for OCD is established therapy. Two blinded randomized controlled trials have been published, one with level I evidence (Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) score improved 37% during stimulation on), the other with level II evidence (25% improvement). A clinical cohort study (N = 70) showed 40% Y-BOCS score improvement during DBS, and a prospective international multi-center study 42% improvement (N = 30). The WSSFN states that electrical stimulation for otherwise treatment refractory OCD using a multipolar electrode implanted in the ventral anterior capsule region (including bed nucleus of stria terminalis and nucleus accumbens) remains investigational. It represents an emerging, but not yet established therapy. A multidisciplinary team involving psychiatrists and neurosurgeons is a prerequisite for such therapy, and the future of surgical treatment of psychiatric patients remains in the realm of the psychiatrist

    Epidemiología y características del ictus isquémico en el adulto joven en Aragón

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    IntroducciĂłn Alrededor de 15 millones de personas sufren un ictus cada año, de los que un 10-15% ocurre en menores de 50 años (ictus en el adulto joven). La prevalencia de los distintos factores de riesgo vascular y las estrategias sanitarias para el manejo del ictus varĂ­an a nivel mundial, siendo interesante conocer la epidemiologĂ­a y las caracterĂ­sticas especĂ­ficas de cada regiĂłn. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los diferentes factores de riesgo vascular, la etiologĂ­a y las caracterĂ­sticas de los ictus isquĂ©micos en el adulto joven en la comunidad autĂłnoma de AragĂłn. MĂ©todos Estudio multicĂ©ntrico, de corte transversal, realizado por los Servicios de NeurologĂ­a de todos los hospitales del Servicio AragonĂ©s de Salud (SALUD). Se identificĂł a todos los pacientes entre 18 y 50 años que ingresaron en cualquiera de estos hospitales con el diagnĂłstico de ictus isquĂ©mico o AIT entre enero del 2005 y diciembre del 2015. Se recogieron variables demogrĂĄficas, factores de riesgo vascular y tipo de ictus isquĂ©mico entre otras. Resultados En el periodo de estudio, 786 pacientes entre 18 y 50 años ingresaron con el diagnĂłstico de ictus isquĂ©mico o AIT en algĂșn hospital del SALUD, con una tasa anual promedio de 12, 3 por 100.000 habitantes. La mediana de su edad fue de 45 años (RIQ: 40-48 años). El factor de riesgo vascular mĂĄs prevalente fue el tabaquismo, 404 (51, 4%). La mayorĂ­a fue de causa indeterminada (36, 2%), seguida por «otras causas» (26, 5%). La mediana de puntuaciĂłn en la escala NIHSS fue de 3, 5 (RIQ: 2, 07, 0). En total, 211 (26, 8%) de los ingresos fueron por AIT. De los pacientes que ingresaron con el diagnĂłstico de ictus isquĂ©mico, 59 (10, 3%) se fibrinolizaron. Conclusiones El ictus isquĂ©mico en el adulto joven no es infrecuente en AragĂłn y en un importante nĂșmero de casos es de etiologĂ­a indeterminada, por lo que es necesario implementar medidas que nos permitan mejorar su estudio, disminuir su incidencia y prevenir su recurrencia. Introduction: Stroke affects around 15 million people per year, with 10%-15% occurring in individuals under 50 years old (stroke in young adults). The prevalence of different vascular risk factors and healthcare strategies for stroke management vary worldwide, making the epidemiology and specific characteristics of stroke in each region an important area of research. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of different vascular risk factors and the aetiology and characteristics of ischaemic stroke in young adults in the autonomous community of Aragon, Spain. Methods: A cross-sectional, multi-centre study was conducted by the neurology departments of all hospitals in the Aragonese Health Service. We identified all patients aged between 18 and 50 years who were admitted to any of these hospitals with a diagnosis of ischaemic stroke or TIA between January 2005 and December 2015. Data were collected on demographic variables, vascular risk factors, and type of stroke, among other variables. Results: During the study period, 786 patients between 18 and 50 years old were admitted with a diagnosis of ischaemic stroke or TIA to any hospital of Aragon, at a mean annual rate of 12.3 per 100 000 population. The median age was 45 years (IQR: 40-48 years). The most prevalent vascular risk factor was tobacco use, in 404 patients (51.4%). The majority of strokes were of undetermined cause (36.2%), followed by other causes (26.5%). The median NIHSS score was 3.5 (IQR: 2.0-7.0). In total, 211 patients (26.8%) presented TIA. Fifty-nine per cent of the patients admitted with a diagnosis of ischaemic stroke (10.3%) were treated with fibrinolysis. Conclusions: Ischaemic stroke in young adults is not uncommon in Aragon, and is of undetermined aetiology in a considerable number of cases; it is therefore necessary to implement measures to improve study of the condition, to reduce its incidence, and to prevent its recurrence

    Multiwavelength behaviour of the blazar 3C 279: decade-long study from γ-ray to radio

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    We report the results of decade-long (2008–2018) Îł-ray to 1 GHz radio monitoring of the blazar 3C 279, including GASP/WEBT, Fermi and Swift data, as well as polarimetric and spectroscopic data. The X-ray and Îł-ray light curves correlate well, with no delay ≳3 h, implying general cospatiality of the emission regions. The Îł-ray–optical flux–flux relation changes with activity state, ranging from a linear to a more complex dependence. The behaviour of the Stokes parameters at optical and radio wavelengths, including 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array images, supports either a predominantly helical magnetic field or motion of the radiating plasma along a spiral path. Apparent speeds of emission knots range from 10 to 37c, with the highest values requiring bulk Lorentz factors close to those needed to explain Îł-ray variability on very short time-scales. The Mg II emission line flux in the ‘blue’ and ‘red’ wings correlates with the optical synchrotron continuum flux density, possibly providing a variable source of seed photons for inverse Compton scattering. In the radio bands, we find progressive delays of the most prominent light-curve maxima with decreasing frequency, as expected from the frequency dependence of the τ = 1 surface of synchrotron self-absorption. The global maximum in the 86 GHz light curve becomes less prominent at lower frequencies, while a local maximum, appearing in 2014, strengthens toward decreasing frequencies, becoming pronounced at ∌5 GHz. These tendencies suggest different Doppler boosting of stratified radio-emitting zones in the jet
