16 research outputs found

    Software para evaluar el indicador Tiempo de Reacción en estudios de trabajo mental

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    The situation created with mental work demands is a worldwide phenomenon with an increasing tendency. It is essential to study the subject due to the limitations of the Ergonomics laboratory of the University of Matanzas to measure the reaction time with traditional equipment in studies of human behavior in the face of mental work fatigue. It is proposed in the present investigation.  As an objective to evaluate the reaction time indicator in behavioral studies of mental work fatigue using the software Alteration in Milliseconds of Interfaces and Sounds. The process model for software engineering called Sequential Linear Model and a data flow diagram were used to describe the evaluation process of the Reaction Time indicator from the proposed software, fulfilling to define a set of verifiable requirements once the software was developed. As a result, the developed software allowed measuring three variants of the reaction time indicator to different stimuli through hands and feet, visual stimuli with a variety of four colors or sound stimuli with the variation of frequency and sound pressure levels. With the development of the software and its accessory, it was guaranteed to obtain reliable results, demonstrated in the validation tests carried out to prove the non-existence of technical problems and the reliability of the software. The economic valuation of the study was presented and a total value of 94.00 USD was obtained.La situación creada con las exigencias laborales mentales es un fenómeno de carácter mundial de tendencia ascendente. Se hace imprescindible el estudio sobre el tema debido a las limitaciones que presenta el laboratorio de Ergonomía de la Universidad de Matanzas para medir el tiempo de reacción con equipos tradicionales en estudios del comportamiento humano ante la fatiga mental de trabajo. Se propone en la presente investigación como objetivo: evaluar el indicador tiempo de reacción en estudios del comportamiento de la fatiga mental de trabajo a partir del software Alteración en Milisegundos de Interfaces y Sonidos. Se utilizó el modelo de procesos para la ingeniería del software denominado Modelo Lineal Secuencial y un diagrama de flujo de datos para describir el proceso de evaluación del indicador Tiempo de Reacción a partir del software propuesto, cumpliendo definir un conjunto de requisitos verificables una vez desarrollado el software. Como resultado, el software desarrollado permitió medir tres variantes del indicador tiempo de reacción a diferentes estímulos a través de manos y pies, los estímulos visuales con variedad en cuatro colores o sonoros la variación de la frecuencia y niveles de presión sonora. Con el desarrollo del software y su accesorio se garantizó obtener resultados confiables, demostrado en las pruebas de validación efectuadas para probar la inexistencia de problemas técnicos y la fiabilidad del software. Fue presentada la valoración económica del estudio y se obtuvo un valor total de 94.00 USD

    Global prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus infection in 2015 : A modelling study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Elsevier LtdBackground The 69th World Health Assembly approved the Global Health Sector Strategy to eliminate hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection by 2030, which can become a reality with the recent launch of direct acting antiviral therapies. Reliable disease burden estimates are required for national strategies. This analysis estimates the global prevalence of viraemic HCV at the end of 2015, an update of—and expansion on—the 2014 analysis, which reported 80 million (95% CI 64–103) viraemic infections in 2013. Methods We developed country-level disease burden models following a systematic review of HCV prevalence (number of studies, n=6754) and genotype (n=11 342) studies published after 2013. A Delphi process was used to gain country expert consensus and validate inputs. Published estimates alone were used for countries where expert panel meetings could not be scheduled. Global prevalence was estimated using regional averages for countries without data. Findings Models were built for 100 countries, 59 of which were approved by country experts, with the remaining 41 estimated using published data alone. The remaining countries had insufficient data to create a model. The global prevalence of viraemic HCV is estimated to be 1·0% (95% uncertainty interval 0·8–1·1) in 2015, corresponding to 71·1 million (62·5–79·4) viraemic infections. Genotypes 1 and 3 were the most common cause of infections (44% and 25%, respectively). Interpretation The global estimate of viraemic infections is lower than previous estimates, largely due to more recent (lower) prevalence estimates in Africa. Additionally, increased mortality due to liver-related causes and an ageing population may have contributed to a reduction in infections. Funding John C Martin Foundation.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    La Cruz Roja Española, la repatriación de los soldados de las guerras coloniales y el desarrollo de la ciencia médica en España, 1896-1950

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    Biomarkers in Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: Towards A New Perspective

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    Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury (CI-AKI) remains a frequent iatrogenic condition since radiological procedures using intra-vascular iodinated contrast media (CM) are being widely administered for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Despite the improvement of the medical healthcare system worldwide, CI-AKI is still associated with direct short-term and indirect long-term outcomes including increased morbidity and mortality, especially in patients with underlying pre-existing renal function impairment, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes that could rapidly progress into Chronic Kidney Disease. Although the RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End-Stage Kidney Disease), AKIN (Acute Kidney Injury Network), and KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) clinical criteria and recommendation guidelines are based on traditional “gold standard” biomarkers known as serum creatinine, glomerular filtration rate, and urinary output, new reliable serum and urinary biomarkers are still needed for an effective unified diagnostic strategy for AKI. Starting from previous and recent publications on the benefits and limitations of validated biomarkers responding to kidney injury, glomerular filtration, and inflammation among others, this review unravels the role of new emerging biomarkers used alone or in combination as reliable tools for early diagnosis and prognosis of CI-AKI, taking into account patients and procedures-risk factors towards a new clinical perspective

    ISAR Score (Identification of Seniors At Risk) predicts mortality in patients older than 75 years admitted in Intensive Care

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    Antecedentes y objetivos Actualmente, la situación basal del paciente es un factor pronóstico más importante que la edad. El propósito de este estudio es estimar el valor pronóstico de ISAR score (Identification of Senior at Risk) en pacientes ≥ 75 años ingresados en Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Pacientes y métodos Estudio multicéntrico prospectivo incluyendo a pacientes ≥ 75 años ingresados en UCI > 24 h. Al ingreso, 28 días y 6 meses después del alta de UCI, se evaluaron la mortalidad y la situación basal utilizando el ISAR score, la escala de Lawton y Brody (LB) y el índice de Barthel (BI), la escala de fragilidad Frail scale (FS), el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson (ICC), Dementia Rating Score (DRC). Resultados Treinta y ocho de 94 pacientes (40%) eran de alto riesgo (ISAR ≥ 3) y se caracterizaron por BI 90 (65-100), LB 4 (3-5) y CDR 1 (0-2), ICC 7,5 (6-10). El 58% tenía FS ≥ 3. A largo plazo, quedaron en una situación de dependencia (BI 50 [2,5-77,5], LB 3 [0-4], CDR 1 [0-1,5]). La mortalidad en UCI, a los 28 días y a los 6 meses fue del 18,4, el 25,7 y el 35,3%, respectivamente, siendo estadísticamente significativos. El área bajo la curva ROC del ISAR score fue 0,749 a 0,797 en todos los periodos de mortalidad estudiados, aunque la diferencia con otras variables predictivas no fue significativa, pero el valor de la p fue el más bajo. Conclusiones El ISAR score predice la mortalidad en pacientes ancianos críticos con una capacidad discriminativa comparable con otras variables predictivas.Background and objectives Currently, the patient's baseline situation is a more important prognostic factor than age. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prognostic value of the ISAR score (Identification of Senior at Risk) in patients ≥75 years admitted to intensive care (ICU). Patients and methods Prospective multicenter study including patients ≥75 years admitted to the ICU > 24hours. On admission, 28 days and 6 months after discharge from the ICU, mortality and baseline were evaluated using the ISAR score, the Lawton and Brody scale (LB) and the Barthel index (BI), the Frail fragility scale. scale (FS), the Charlson comorbidity index (ICC), Dementia rating score (DRC). Results 38 of 94 patients (40%) were high risk (ISAR ≥ 3) and were characterized by BI 90 (65-100), LB 4 (3-5), and CDR 1 (0-2), ICC 7.5 (6-10). 58% had FS ≥ 3. In the long term, they were in a situation of dependency [BI 50 (2.5-77.5), LB 3 (0-4), CDR 1 (0-1.5)]. The ICU mortality at 28 days and 6 months was 18.4%, 25.7% and 35.3%, respectively, being statistically significant. The area under the ISAR score ROC curve was 0.749 to 0.797, in all the mortality periods studied, although the difference with other predictive variables was not significant, but the p value was the lowest. Conclusions The ISAR score predicts mortality in critically elderly patients with a discriminative capacity comparable to other predictive variables.Sin financiaciónNo data JCR 20210.243 SJR (2021) Q4, 32/36 AgingNo data IDR 2021UE

    Percepciones del Desarrollo, dentro y fuera del continente africano

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    Departing from Sandra Wallman's edited book, Perceptions of Development (Cambridge University Press, 1977), authors emphasize the relevance of documenting and analyzing contexts, discourses and practices of development, especially within the field of International Cooperation (Programs, Plans, Projects), and most certainly in Development Studies. Thus people have agency and respond to economic and social change by organizing themselves, resisting, mobilizing and so on. The concept "perceptions of development" (Wallman, 1977) helps to clarify and contextualize local discourses and practices of development, quite often ignored by policy makers and technicians working in Africa and beyond.AFRICAInEs - Investigación y Estudios Aplicados al Desarrollo (SEJ-491), Departamento de Antropología Social, Universidad de Granada

    Intraregional Migration in Latin America: Psychological perspectives on acculturation and intergroup relations.

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    This book addresses the psychosocial causes, consequences, and underpinnings of intraregional migration in Latin America. War, political instability, and disparities in wealth and opportunity have long driven migration within Latin America, and this process shows no sign of slowing. In this book, cross-cultural and social psychologists address the urgent issues that face migrants throughout Central and South America. This includes overt prejudice and discrimination, particularly toward immigrants of indigenous or African-American origin; microaggressions; the tendency to positively value fair skin and European surnames; as well as political questions regarding the nature of citizenship and nationhood and links between legacies of colonialism and slavery and present-day inequality. Contributors offer conceptual, theoretical, and methodological tools for understanding the psychological processes that underlie migration and intergroup contact. Chapters focus on migration between and within countries in Central and South America, including Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and Brazil.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (IIP

    El bosque seco tropical en Colombia

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    Más de cuarenta investigadores nacionales e internacionales de más de 20 instituciones contribuyeron a este libro que recoge el estado del conocimiento sobre la biodiversidad, el estado de fragmentación y transformación, y la restauración del bosque seco en Colombia. Sin duda nos quedaron por fuera investigadores e instituciones que realizan un trabajo muy valioso en el BST. Con este libro queremos extenderles la invitación a ellos y a todos los demás interesados en BST para que continúen el trabajo en este ecosistema que es clave para la conservación de la biodiversidad y la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos en áreas secas de Colombia. Sobretodo porque hasta ahora empezamos a entender la importancia ecológica de estos ecosistemas.Bogotá, D. C.Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humbold