326 research outputs found

    Un cànon de còmic com a proposta de lectures per a l'aula de secundària

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    Des de l’any 2011, l’associació Unicòmic. Jornades del Còmic de la Universitat d’Alacant ha treballat en la concreció d’un cànon artístic del còmic amb un fort objectiu didàctic. Aquesta selecció d’obres a càrrec d’experts ens permet introduir aquest mitjà com a base d’un corpus del qual podem extraure lectures idònies per a l’aula d’educació secundària a partir de la interdisciplinarietat

    Location, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostic Algorithm and Open vs. Arthroscopic Surgery of Knee Synovial Haemangioma: A Report of Four Cases and a Literature Review

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    Objective: The aim was to report 4 patients with intra-articular knee synovial haemangioma (KSH) and to perform a systematic review to describe the patient characteristics, patterns of tumor location, clinical presentation, usefulness of imaging examinations, pros and cons of arthroscopic vs. open resection, and follow-up in the literature. Design: From 1996 to 2016, four patients with KSH were retrospectively reviewed. A literature search was conducted in PubMed from 2000/01 to 2020/06 using the search terms "synovial haemangioma" and "knee." Fifty full-text articles that included a total of 92 patients were included for further discussion. Results: Four adults (20-40 years) were diagnosed with KSH. Three lesions located in the suprapatellar pouch, two eroding the patella and one the supratrochlear bone, and one in the posterior compartment. Persistent anterior knee pain was the main complain. MRI revealed a benign tumor mass in all cases except one. Open excisional biopsy and regional synovectomy were performed in three patients, and by arthroscopy of the posterior compartment in the fourth. Histological type was arteriovenous in three cases and capillary in one. A pain-free knee without recurrence was achieve in all cases except one, which was successfully reoperated. Average follow-up time was 3.5 years. A literature review showed that KSH appears most frequently in children and teenagers (64.6%) and does not differ by gender. The suprapatellar and patella-femoral joint compartment was the most frequent location (47.9%). The bony tissue of the knee was rarely affected (13.5%). Pain, swelling and haemarthrosis were frequently reported (88.2, 66.7, and 47.1%). MRI was the most commonly used imaging test (98%). Treatment consisted of regional synovectomy by open surgery or arthroscopy in 66.7 and 15.6% of cases, respectively. Conclusions: KSH should be considered in the differential diagnosis of adult patients with chronic low-intensity knee pain. MRI is the most useful exam because it establishes the location, extent and benign characteristics of the tumor. Definitive diagnosis requires histological examination. We believe excisional biopsy and regional synovectomy by arthroscopy should be the treatments of choice for intra-articular tumors, but we recommend open surgery when the lesion extends to the tendons, muscle or bone

    Introduction to «Comics and education: didactic panels» dossier issue

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    Del cómic a la narración transmedia en la formación universitaria. Mapa transmedia de Los Vengadores

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    Dentro de las nuevas perspectivas educativas, el multimedia y la hipertextualidad son elementos imprescindibles en la formación del alumnado universitario que debe navegar en Internet de una manera efectiva. Entre los múltiples conceptos, el de la narración transmedia (Henry Jenkins 2003; Carlos Scolari 2013) ha asumido una especial relevancia, ya que supone la construcción de un objeto artístico y comercial a través de múltiples medios, digitales y tradicionales, con especial relevancia para distintas áreas de conocimiento. Con el reciente éxito de las adaptaciones cinematográficas del Universo Marvel, el cómic ha resurgido como un elemento vertebrador de muchas de estas obras transmedia. La relación entre texto e imagen, intrínseca en la concepción de la narración gráfica, hace que en los principales ejemplos transmedia se utilice el cómic como un elemento más. Esta investigación es una propuesta para explicar las características principales de la narración transmedia al alumnado universitario a través de los múltiples elementos que nos ofrece la saga de Los Vengadores. Cómic, cine, series, dibujos animados, videojuegos, fanfiction y publicidad son elementos que integran este complejo universo y aportan nuevos significados a la narración, ofreciéndonos nuevas estrategias metodológicas en la difusión del conocimiento

    Comics for working on Spanish poetry through ELE classroom: Machado, Lorca and Hernández

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    Este trabajo elabora una propuesta didáctica para la clase de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) centrada en tres novelas gráficas sobre la vida de tres poetas españoles: Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca y Miguel Hernández. La narrativa gráfica recibe cada vez mayor atención académica (Ibarra-Rius, 2011), por lo que su uso como herramienta educativa es habitual en muchas asignaturas. El objetivo de esta investigación es reivindicar las posibilidades de las biografías literarias gráficas para introducir la figura de referentes literarios en la clase de ELE. Se realiza un análisis artístico de las tres obras a partir de los criterios de selección de Unicómic, las jornadas del cómic de la Universitat d’Alacant (Rovira-Collado, 2017) para, posteriormente, señalar las intertextualidades más destacadas de cada obra y sus posibilidades para el aprendizaje del español. El trabajo en el aula con estos cómics puede acompañar la lectura de los poemas más destacados de tres autores centrales del siglo XX. En definitiva, se concluye que las posibilidades comunicativas de las viñetas nos permiten trabajar estas lecturas en distintos niveles de ELE.This paper offers a didactic proposal for Spanish as a Foreign Language classroom (ELE in Spanish terminology) to be focused on three graphic novels about three Spanish poets’ lives: Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca and Miguel Hernández. Graphic narrative is getting an increasing academic attention (Ibarra-Rius, 2011), and its use as an educational tool is common in many academic subjects. The goal of this research is to vindicate the possibilities of graphic literary biographies for introducing literary referents in ELE classroom. An artistic analysis of these three works is carried out based on a selection criteria devised by Unicómic, las jornadas del cómic de la Universitat d’Alacant (Rovira-Collado, 2017), to point out the most outstanding intertextualities of each work and its possibilities for learning Spanish. Working with these comics in the classroom may accompany the reading of the most outstanding poems by these three central authors in the 20th century. In short, it is concluded that the communicative possibilities of panels allow researchers to work on these readings for diverse ELE levels.Esta investigación está dentro del proyecto europeo Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels in the Iberian Cultural Area - iCOn-MICS (CA19119) y de la Red de Investigación en docencia universitaria de la Universitat d’Alacant Multimodalidad y alfabetización transmedia en asignaturas de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura en Educación Infantil (5741)

    Aplasia of the lacrimal and major salivary glands (ALSG). First case report in spanish population and review of the literature

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    Aplasia of the lacrimal and the major salivary glands (ALSG) is a rare disorder with scarce cases described in the recent literature. The pattern of genetic inheritance is autosomal dominant with variable expressivity. A 40 years male patient was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Service at the Hospital Universitario de A Coruña diagnosed with complete agenesis of all salivary glands. Our case it is the first of ALSG syndrome in the Spanish literature. Imaging tests are necessary to confirm the lack of formation of salivary glands and alteration of lacrimal system. A mutation of FGF10 has been proposed as the responsible of the syndrome. The management of the lacrimal alteration depends of the clinical findings. Clinical suspicion remains the principal tool to diagnose the syndrome

    Red-Emitting Tetracoordinate Organoboron Chelates: Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and Fluorescence Microscopy

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    Seven tetracoordinate organoboron fluorophores with heterobiaryl N,O- or N,N-chelate ligands were prepared and photophysically characterized (in toluene). The electronic variation of the heteroaromatic moiety provided a means for the fine-tuning of the UV/vis absorption and emission spectra. In the most interesting cases, the spectra were red-shifted to maximum absorbance at wavelengths longer than 500 nm and emission maxima between 620 and 660 nm. The pronounced intramolecular charge-transfer character of the dyes yielded large Stokes shifts (3500-5100 cm), while maintaining appreciable fluorescence quantum yields of up to 0.2 for emission maxima longer than 600 nm. The lipophilic character of the dyes enabled their application as stains of vesicle substructures in confocal fluorescence microscopy imaging.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2014-54729 - C2 - 1 - P for U.P., CTQ2013 - 48164 - C2 - 1 - P , CTQ2013 - 48164 - C2 - 2 - P for A.R., CTQ2013 - 41339 - P, CTQ2015 - 71896 - REDT for E.P.I., Ramón y Cajal contract RYC - 2013 - 12585 for A.R.FEDER FundJunta de Andalucía 2012/FQM - 2140 for U.P., 2009/FQM - 4537 and 2012/FQM - 1078 for A.R

    Assessment of arsenic bioaccessibility in raw and cooked edible mushrooms by a PBET method

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    The present study reports arsenic analysis in Lentinula edodes, Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus ostreatus before and after being cooked. Furthermore, arsenic in raw and cooked mushroom was determined in the gastric and gastrointestinal bioaccessible fractions obtained after simulating human digestion by means of an in vitro physiologically based extraction test (PBET). Several certified reference materials (SRM 1568a, SRM 1570a, CRM 7503-a, BC211 and IPE-120) were analysed to evaluate the proposed methods. Total arsenic content was 1393, 181 and 335 μg As kg-1 for L. edodes, A. bisporus and P. ostreatus, respectively, and decreased by between 53% and 71% in boiled mushroom and less than 11% in griddled mushroom. High bioaccessibility was observed in raw, boiled and griddled mushroom, ranging from 74% to 89% and from 80% to 100% for gastric and gastrointestinal extracts, respectively, suggesting the need to consider the potential health risk of consumption of the mushrooms analysed

    Algoritmo para la caracterización univoca de metamateriales basados en inclusiones quirales

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    Electromagnetic characterization is perfomed from the reflection and transmission coefficients by making use of retrieval algorithms. However, it is known the existence of uncertainties in the determination of these electromagnetic parameters. Here, we present a new algorithm that uses some techniques in order to avoid these uncertainities, some based on continuity conditions of physical magnitudes and some others based on causality relations, that is, exploiting Kramers-Kronig relations.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció