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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif model Group Investigation terhadap pengembangan karakter siswa, (2) mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif model Group Investigation terhadap prestasi belajar alat ukur dasar siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain Non equivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas X jurusan teknik pemesinan SMK N 2 Wonosari yang berjumlah 96 siswa yang terbagi dalam 3 kelas. Dengan teknik random sampling, dimana sampel kelas dipilih secara acak dengan undian dan sampel yang terpilih adalah kelas X MA dan X MB masing-masing sebanyak 32 siswa. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari tes awal dan tes akhir, instrument yang digunakan berupa soal pilihan ganda dan lembar observasi nilai karakter yang telah divalidasi oleh dosen ahli dan diuji reliabilitasnya. Analisis data menggunakan uji T untuk mengetahui perbedaan atau peningkatan prestasi belajar dan pengembangan karakter siswa sebelum dan setelah diberi perlakuan Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan prestasi belajar dan pengembangan karakter siswa antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil uji t menunjukan bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel (t_h:4,293 (_X^-) = 65,87. Berdasarkan gain skor, selanjutnya diperoleh skor eksperimen > skor kontrol (17,40 > 7,21). Dari hasil tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa terjadi peningkatan prestasi belajar alat ukur dasar siswa kelas eksperimen. Penerapan pembelajaran model Group Investigation dapat diterapkan sebagai salah satu alternatif pengembangan pendidikan karakter

    Motivasi Masyarakat Palangka Raya Dalam Pelaksanaan Tradisi Menunggu Kuburan Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam

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    This study describe what lies behind the people of Palangkaraya carry out the tradition of waiting for the grave, the procedure of the implementation process waiting grave, awaiting a review of Islamic traditions graves in Palangkaraya. The method in this study the author uses descriptive qualitative approach. Batamat is last in the procession this tradition in which its implementation families prepare and sticky rice. In the execution authors found ethics or behavior that can not be justified performed by people who await the grave is sleeping on top of the grave. Tradition waite these graves can be said urf Saheeh because tradition is intended effort of a weak servant of Allah, to pray for the people who are in the grave so that God\u27s mercy for the deceased, aims In order to maintain the graves to prevent theft and does not result in harm those who carry out the tradition of waiting for the tomb, While the tradition waite these graves can be said urf elements are imperfect caused harm to people waiting tombs, such as the implementation of people waiting grave so sick. Constituted with the intention that does not rely upon Allah


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    Learning English is demanded in this sophisticated era. As a matter of fact, English is main tool to build the world contact. Talking about English, it means talking about skills. And speaking is one of those skills. The way we speak is complex process requiring not only the ability to recognize words but also ability to pronunciation and the fluently of communication. Therefore, teaching speaking effectively is very helpful. BEC(Basic English Course) established in order to help the student to master the English skill which consist of speaking, reading, writing and listening. Speaking skill emphasized in this research because speaking is very important for student in this modern life. If the right activities are taught in the right way, speaking in class can be a lot of fun, raising general learner motivation and making the English language classroom a fun and dynamic place to be. Furthermore, the teaching techniques of language skills should be applied in order to make progress in teaching learning process. So it is obvious that the purpose of this study is to know the use of technique in teaching speaking to the advance level student of BEC Pare, Kediri. Because the writer wants to get information or data and to describe the research about the technique used in teaching speaking of advance level at BEC Pare Kediri this study employs descriptive research design. The research subject of this study is female teacher who teaches speaking to the advance level of student at Basic English Course Pare Kediri. In order to know the use of speaking technique in teaching speaking, the writer does the classroom observation by using observational notes as an instrument. He also makes interview to support the data. In addition, the writer does the observation from the beginning of the class until it is over. Finally, the writer finds out four techniques game, role plays, small groups, and drills used by the teacher at the advanced level of student BEC Pare, Kediri to teaching speaking


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    Nightcrawler is a crime-thriller movie directed by Dan Gilroy. The movie is about an ambitious videographer who sells violent footage of accidents and brutal crimes to the local news TV. The focus of this study is to analyse the motivation of Louis Bloom, the main character in the movie, using Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs. This theory is illustrated in a shape of five layered pyramid which represents every need that must be fulfilled by human. Those needs are physiological needs, safety needs, love or belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. The result of the discussion shows the five phases of theory of needs reflected in Lou’s life

    Legal Assurance Analysis in Disputes Settlement of Rights Transfer to Land Due to Waqf

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    The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze: 1). Implementation of the registration of the transfer of ownership of land due to waqf based on Ministerial Regulation no. 2 of 2017 in Madiun Regency. 2). Obstacles and solutions in the process of registering the transfer of ownership rights to land due to waqf. 3). Legal certainty in the settlement of disputes over the transfer of land due to waqf in Madiun Regency. The approach method in this research is empirical juridical, namely research that focuses on individual or community behavior in relation to the law. The data used are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study, while the data analysis method is done by qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research concluded: 1) Implementation of the registration of transfer of ownership rights to land due to waqf based on Ministerial Regulation no. 2 of 2017 in Madiun Regency, namely for land that has not been certified, the documents are equipped such as the Waqf Pledge Deed, photocopy of ID card/KK, photocopy of ID card/right owner identity, certificate of land history, statement of physical possession, power of attorney for application, photocopy of land and building tax, proof of title/proof of ownership, certificate of non-dispute and letter of approval of Nadzir, while for land registration that has been certified, the completeness of the documents required is the Deed of Waqf Pledge, certificate of land rights, photocopy of the applicant's ID card/KK Photocopy of the right owner's ID card/KK, application letter, statement of waqf grace period, Nazhir approval letter, statement of non-disputed land, a statement that the land/building is physically controlled, and proof of SSP/PPH. 2) Obstacles and solutions in the process of registering the transfer of ownership rights to land due to waqf in Madiun Regency, namely there are still some people who are still reluctant to take care of waqf land certificates, because of the assumption that the waqf land certification process requires very expensive costs, the solution made by the government is to carry out socialization and outreach activities to the community 3). Legal certainty in the settlement of disputes over the transfer of land due to waqf is based in Madiun Regency, namely if there is a dispute regarding the property that has been waqf, then the lawsuit is submitted to the competent Religious Court. However, the law allows the settlement of waqf disputes to be settled out of court, as described in Article 62 of Act No. 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf by prioritizing settlement through deliberation

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Kerang simping sebagai bahan pengganti sebagian agregat halus pada campuran beton

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    Kusuma, Andre Ian. 2020. Perkembangan teknologi beton di masa ini menuntut dilakukannya usaha untuk meningkatkan kinerja pada beton, berbagai cara serta penelitian dilakukan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kekuatan beton, salah satunya pada material pembentuk beton itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu perlu mencari inovasi baru untuk campuran beton. Dengan memanfaatkan limbah cangkang kerang simping dari Desa Asemdoyong Kabupaten Pemalang. Hal tersebut memberikan alternatif untuk memanfaatkan limbah - limbah yang tidak termanfaatkan lagi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kuat tekan yang dihasilkan kulit kerang sebagai bahan pengganti sebagian agregat halus pada campuran beton dengan presentase 0%, 4%, 8%, dan 16% pada beton mutu normal dengan menggunakan cangkang kerang simping sebagai substitusi sebagian agregat halus. Benda uji yang digunakan berbentuk silinder berdiameter 150 mm dan tinggi 300 mm. Presentase cangkang kerang sebagai subtitusi sebesar 0%, 4%, 8%dan 16% dari jumlah benda uji sebanyak 8 buah sampel. Dari hasil uji yang telah dilakukan didapatkan kesimpulan pada 0% campuran menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata 21,97 MPa, campuran 4% menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata 13,04 MPa, campuran 8% menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata 16,35 MPa, dan campuran 16% menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata 20,22 MPa yang artinya semakin banyak campuran kerang simping dapat meningkatkan kuat tekan beton. Kata Kunci: Beton, Agregat, Kuat Tekan Beto

    Penggunaan Tepung Singkong sebagai Bioflokulan untuk Menyisihkan COD dan Warna dalam Lindi dengan Proses Koagulasi-Flokulasi. Studi Kasus: TPA Jatibarang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah

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    TPA Jatibarang menghasilkan limbah cair berupa air lindi yang berasal dari tumpukan sampah. Lindi ini memiliki kandungan COD yang tinggi sehingga berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar jika tidak diolah sebelum dibuang ke lingkungan. Salah satu alternatif pengolahannya adalah dengan menggunakan proses koagulasi-flokulasi. Penelitian dalam skala laboratorium ini menggunakan variasi konsentrasi bioflokulan tepung singkong yang ditambahkan pada saat proses koagulasi-flokulasi. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi tepung singkong optimum serta menganalisis hasil dan efisiensinya untuk menyisihkan COD pada lindi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyisihan kandungan COD pada lindi didapatkan optimum pada penambahan bioflokulan tepung singkong konsentrasi 10%, dengan efisiensi penyisihan 34,57%. Kata Kunci : Lindi, Koagulasi-Flokulasi, Tepung Singkong, CO


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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the performance of BPR in Surabaya in the periodDecember 2010 and December 2011 was assessed through financial ratios represented bythe Reserve Requirement (RR), ROA, and DER. RR which in general has increased, as seenfrom the Rural "A" is an increase of 0.9%, "B" 0.06%, "C" 0.16%, "E" of 0.25%, "H" 9.33%,return on assets ratio has increased BPR in Surabaya from December 2010 to December2011. The increase in ROA is represented BPR BPR "A" of 2.38%, "B" 0.32%, "C" 0.05%,"G" 0.28%, "H" 1.76%. The increase in the value of ROA shows that BPR had improvedperformance compared to the past. In general assessment of the ratio of DER in December2011 has increased compared to December 2010 the percentage value that can be seen fromRural "A" 23.78%, "B" 54.71%, "E" 277.43% "H" of 56, 17%. Rural health in general inSurabaya is in good healthy condition in December 2010 or December 2011Keywords: BPR, Financial Ratios, Came


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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah pendidikan karakter pada siswa SMK. Penerapan pendidikan berkarakter dilakukan pada saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini  yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan pendidikan karakter di SMK Negeri 1 Blitar ditinjau dari segi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan pendidikan karakter di sekolah pada saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa dan guru di Departemen bangunan SMK Negeri 1 Blitar. Terdapat 12 guru di Departemen Bangunan dan setiap penelitian dilakukan dua kali observasi pada masing-masing guru. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi penerapan karakter dalam kelas dan angket  siswa terhadap kemampuan guru menerapkan pendidikan berkarakter. Secara umum penerapan pendidikan karakter dilihat dari 18 aspek mengenai  metode observasi mendapatkan nilai rerata (M) = 133 atau masuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil respon siswa diperoleh melalui pengamatan selama proses pembelajaran dengan cara siswa mengamati guru yang sedang mengajar mendapatkan nilai rerata (M) = 67,33 atau masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Kata kunci: penerapan pendidikan karakter, pembelajaran   ABSTRACT This observational background is subject to be settle character education problem on SMK'S student. Characterised education implement is done at the moment teaching and learning process happens. To the effect of observational it which is to know how character education implement at SMK Country 1 Blitar is sighted from learning facet. This research constitute descriptive research that aims to describe character education implement at schooled at the moment teaching and learning process happens. Subjek is research is student and teacher at SMK'S building Department Country 1 Blitar. Available 12 teachers at Building Department and each research is done two times observation on their teacher. Observational instrument that is utilized is implemented observation sheet character within class and student questionnaire for ability to learn apply characterised education. In common character education implement is seen from observation method gets to assess average (M ) = 132,58. So corresponds to average point that is gotten therefore character education implement within class by use of observation method comes in in good category. Of student response data is gotten through watch which done by student up to learning process by student observes to learn that teaching get average point (M ) = 67,33. So corresponds to average point that is gotten therefore character education implement terminologicals to respond input student in pretty good category. Key word: character education implement, learnin
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