
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah pendidikan karakter pada siswa SMK. Penerapan pendidikan berkarakter dilakukan pada saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini  yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan pendidikan karakter di SMK Negeri 1 Blitar ditinjau dari segi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan pendidikan karakter di sekolah pada saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa dan guru di Departemen bangunan SMK Negeri 1 Blitar. Terdapat 12 guru di Departemen Bangunan dan setiap penelitian dilakukan dua kali observasi pada masing-masing guru. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi penerapan karakter dalam kelas dan angket  siswa terhadap kemampuan guru menerapkan pendidikan berkarakter. Secara umum penerapan pendidikan karakter dilihat dari 18 aspek mengenai  metode observasi mendapatkan nilai rerata (M) = 133 atau masuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil respon siswa diperoleh melalui pengamatan selama proses pembelajaran dengan cara siswa mengamati guru yang sedang mengajar mendapatkan nilai rerata (M) = 67,33 atau masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Kata kunci: penerapan pendidikan karakter, pembelajaran   ABSTRACT This observational background is subject to be settle character education problem on SMK'S student. Characterised education implement is done at the moment teaching and learning process happens. To the effect of observational it which is to know how character education implement at SMK Country 1 Blitar is sighted from learning facet. This research constitute descriptive research that aims to describe character education implement at schooled at the moment teaching and learning process happens. Subjek is research is student and teacher at SMK'S building Department Country 1 Blitar. Available 12 teachers at Building Department and each research is done two times observation on their teacher. Observational instrument that is utilized is implemented observation sheet character within class and student questionnaire for ability to learn apply characterised education. In common character education implement is seen from observation method gets to assess average (M ) = 132,58. So corresponds to average point that is gotten therefore character education implement within class by use of observation method comes in in good category. Of student response data is gotten through watch which done by student up to learning process by student observes to learn that teaching get average point (M ) = 67,33. So corresponds to average point that is gotten therefore character education implement terminologicals to respond input student in pretty good category. Key word: character education implement, learnin

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