18 research outputs found

    Modelling driving behaviour at motorway weaving sections

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    This research focuses on the understanding of driving behaviour in motorway weaving sections, particularly the lane-changing and acceleration behaviours which are significant factors in characterising the operations of weaving section. Drivers’ lane-changing behaviour is a series interdependent decisions according to a particular lane-changing plan (latent). An intensive interaction with neighbouring traffic increases the lane-changing complexity in weaving section. The drivers’ choices in weaving section can be significantly affected by the actions of the neighbourhood drivers and moving as a group (i.e. platoon and weaving). Furthermore, the intensity of lane-changing has significant impact on the acceleration behaviour in weaving section traffic which may response differently from the stimulus (i.e. leave a space for pre-emptive lane-changing). An analysis of detailed trajectory data collected from moderately congested traffic flow of a typical weaving section in the M1 motorway, UK (J 42-43). The data reveals that a substantial proportion (23.4%) of the lane-changing at weaving section exhibits such group behaviour (i.e. platoon and weaving). The current study extends the state-of-the-art latent plan lane-changing model which account explicitly the various mechanisms. The model constitutes that the driver is most likely performing a pre-emptive lane-changing at the beginning of weaving section and moving toward kerbside (left direction). Moreover, the driver aggresiveness affects significantly on weaving and least on platoon lane-changing. The proposed acceleration model allows the car-following behaviour (acceleration/deceleration) corresponds with both stimulus (positive/negative relative speed). The model is conditional on gap threshold and reaction time distributions (probabilistic model) capturing the heterogeneity across drivers. most of traffic response differently from the stimulus condtions where 43.5% falls in deceleration with positive relative speed. All the parameters in each model are estimated jointly using Maximum Likelihood Estimation technique and reveal significant differences. The results show promising contribution towards improving the fidelity of microscopic traffic performance analysis


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    The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the countries with a strategic path to world trade, and this has become a favorable supporting factor in various sectors in Indonesia. The territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, which is also very broad, has implications for national defense that is complex and very open so that it is easily entered by anyone from various directions. The territory of the Republic of Indonesia consists of 7.7 million km2, stretching from Sabang to Merauke, from P. Miangas to P. Rote consisting of 17,504 islands united by vast seas and oceans. The problem that arises now is where the Army defense equipment especially in the Bekang Battalion is old and ineffective in supporting logistical activities. However, technically, the modernization of the Army defense equipment prior to comprehensive considerations, mainly based on the effectiveness of activities that can support the main tasks and the use of defense equipment in an effective and efficient operation, besides that in terms of modernizing military equipment and weapons in addition to supporting logistical activities, they must also be able to be tested in Combat Proven. In fulfilling modern defense equipment, it is highly expected to support the main tasks of the Army, especially support for defense equipment in the Bekang Battalion, the fulfillment of modern logistical transport vessels. This study analyzes the effect of modernization of the Bekang Battalion defense system on the readiness of the Army logistical support with a research sample in the Bekang Battalion Unit of the Army with data analysis using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) method to obtain an objective assessment of the effect of the readiness of the support units of the data analysis on the basic tasks of the Army. With the modernization of defense equipment, it is hoped that Battalion's readiness can be maximized in carrying out its duties in the future.Keywords: defense equipment, modernization, logistics, SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science

    The Characteristics of Potential Passengers of an Indonesian High-Speed Train (Case Study: Jakarta-–Bandung)

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    Indonesia is one of the largest economics compared to others in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), with a population of 240 million in 2016. Most of the country’s economic and service-related activities are located on the island of Java, which is home to 50% of the population. A good and reliable transport infrastructure is therefore critical to ensuring that the movement of both passengers and goods is efficient, fast, reliable, and safe. The Indonesian government has initiated a High-Speed Train (HST) service to connect Jakarta and Surabaya, two big cities in the west and east of Java, respectively, in order to improve mobility and connectivity on Java. The first phase of the HST project is planned to connect Jakarta and Bandung. This study aims to understand the travel characteristics of potential HST passengers, which is important for predicting demand for the HST. The study conducts roadside interviews using a stated preference methodology for several passenger transport modes serving the Jakarta–Bandung route, namely the private car, 10-seater bus (shuttle), coach, and conventional rail. The survey asks respondents about their potential for shifting from their current transit mode to HST. The HST stations will be located in Halim (Jakarta) and Gedebage (Bandung). The study finds that most of the respondents have good economic welfare. A total of 64% of the respondents agreed that they would pay an HST ticket price of between 200,000 and 300,000 rupiahs to save 90 minutes’ travel time. Furthermore, the average amount paid to use a passenger car on the same trip is 200,000 rupiahs, which is slightly higher than the amount paid by a train passenger (Rp. 150,000). This finding demonstrates that the passenger traffic vehicle capitulates the benefit of choosing HST in comparison with the existing transport modes. It should also be noted that there is greater uncertainty with regard to traffic conditions for road traffic in comparison to that faced by railway passengers. In more detail, a sensitivity analysis indicates that passengers traveling from Jakarta could be more easily shifted to the HST than could passengers traveling from Bandung. The fact that those in Jakarta indicate a greater preference to shift to a faster transport mode than those in Bandung indicates that people in Jakarta place a higher value on time. This information is also useful for operational policy, including ticket price differentiation based on travel time period and travel origin–destination


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    Traffic performance on the Narogong highway has problems with the desired speed of the highway, as a result of the large number of heavy vehicles that pass through the Narogong Highway, this study was conducted to see that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane can have a positive impact on road traffic performance. observed. Data processing uses microscopic simulations to get the desired road simulation, from this simulation calibration and validation are carried out first to get the existing simulation conditions similar to the observed conditions of the road section being reviewed. From the results of the existing conditions that have been validated, a simulation of the design road model is carried out to see if there are changes that affect the design made by the author. Based on the simulation results, it was found that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane had an impact on increasing the speed of other vehicles such as motorcycles and cars significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to add new policies about heavy vehicle. ABSTRAK Kinerja lalu lintas di jalan raya Narogong memiliki permasalahan dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan dari jalan raya tersebut, akibat dari banyaknya kendaraan berat yang melewati ruas jalan raya Narogong, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur kiri dapat berdampak positif pada kinerja lalu lintas ruas jalan yang diamati. Pengolahan data menggunakan simulasi mikroskopis untuk mendapatkan simulasi jalan yang diinginkan, dari simulasi ini dilakukan kalibrasi dan validasi terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kondisi simulasi eksisting yang mirip dengan kondisi observasi ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Dari hasil kondisi eksisting yang sudah divalidasi, dilakukan simulasi model jalan desain untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan yang berpengaruh dari desain yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi ditemukan bahwa pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur sebelah kiri berdampak pada peningkatan kecepatan kendaraan lain seperti motor dan mobil secara signifikan, sehingga diperlukannya kebijakan yang baru untuk kendaraan berat


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    Abstract Walking is an important transportation mode in people daily commute. Pedestrian perspective and walking distance assessment are necessary on aiding the design the public transportation system for better system coverage and the pedestrian facility on the corresponding area. This research aims to asses the perspective of people when they willing to walk instead of taking other modes corresponding toward the recent pedestrian facility improvement around Universitas Indonesia. Data were colected by asking samples of pedestrains about their walking preference over using the campus buses and later processed using the theory of discrete choice model and utility function. Data analysis shows people naturally choose walking as their mode for last mile trip instead of other modes. The distance of walking distance add the constrain for people to walk while the time saving from other modes will encourage people to walk instead of taking other modes. In addition, facility improvement futher helped the encouragement. Keywords: walking distance, pedestrian perspective, pedestrian facility, discrete choice  Abstrak Berjalan merupakan moda transportasi yang penting dalam keseharian seseorang. Perspektif pejalan kaki dan analisis jarak berjalan kaki diperlukan dalam membantu perencanaan sistem transportasi umum dalam pembuatan cakupan sistem serta dalam pengembangan fasilitas pejalan kaki pada lokasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk perspektif seseorang ketika orang tersebut lebih memilih untuk berjalan kaki dibandingkan dengan mengambil moda lainnya terkait dengan pengembangan fasilitas pejalan kaki di sekitar Universitas Indonesia. Data diambil dengan memberikan rangkaian pertanyaan terhadap sampel pejalan kaki mengenai pilihan berjalan kaki dibadingkan dengan penggunaan bus kampus untuk kemudian diproses dengan teori discrete choice model dan utility function. Analisis data menunjukkan secara alami bahwa orang lebih memilih untuk berjalan kaki dibandingkan memilih moda lain dalam bagian akhir perjalanan harian. Jarak untuk berjalan memberikan hambatan bagi orang untuk berjalan, sementara penghematan waktu dibandingkan moda lainnya akan mendorong orang untuk berjalan dibandingkan dengan memilih moda lainnya. Lebih lanjut pengembangan fasilitas pejalan kaki akan mendorong orang untuk berjalan kaki. Kata-kata kunci: jarak berjalan, perspektif pejalan kaki, fasilitas pejalan kaki, pilihan diskri


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    Walkability refers to the ease of walking in an area, considering factors like safety, comfort, and security due to the presence of interconnected pathways. In this study, an assessment of walkability was conducted from Manggarai Station to the Manggarai TransJakarta Bus Stop to evaluate the quality of the infrastructure for pedestrian. Data was collected through both on-site observations and the distribution of online through social meadia. Findings from the observations indicate that the walkability score for the path from Manggarai Station to the Manggarai TransJakarta Bus Stop is 68.5, categorizing as "waiting to walk/somewhat walkable." Several parameters received lower scores, including the availability of crosswalks, the presence of obstacles, security against crime, and facilities for individuals with disabilities. It's worth noting that the walkability parameter scores decreased, especially in terms of obstacles and security from crime, after the 5th switch-over at Manggarai Station, which coincided with a change in the KRL route. ABSTRAK Walkability merujuk pada kemudahan berjalan kaki di suatu area, yang mempertimbangkan faktor keamanan, kenyamanan, dan keselamatan karena adanya jaringan akses yang terhubung. Dalam studi ini, dilakukan penilaian walkability dari Stasiun Manggarai menuju Halte TransJakarta Manggarai untuk mengevaluasi kualitas infrastruktur pejalan kaki, terutama ketika terjadi pergantian moda dari KRL ke TransJakarta atau sebaliknya. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi langsung dan penyebaran kuesioner secara online. Temuan dari observasi menunjukkan bahwa skor walkability untuk jalur dari Stasiun Manggarai ke Halte TransJakarta Manggarai adalah 68,5, yang menandakan kawasan tersebut tergolong sebagai "waiting to walk/ somewhat walkable." Beberapa parameter mendapatkan skor rendah, termasuk ketersediaan penyeberangan, kehadiran hambatan, keamanan dari kejahatan, dan fasilitas untuk penyandang disabilitas. Perlu dicatat bahwa skor parameter walkability menurun, terutama dalam hal hambatan dan keamanan dari kejahatan, setelah terjadi pergantian moda ke-5 di Stasiun Manggarai yang berdampak pada perubahan rute KRL


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    Walkability refers to the ease of walking in an area, considering factors like safety, comfort, and security due to the presence of interconnected pathways. In this study, an assessment of walkability was conducted from Manggarai Station to the Manggarai TransJakarta Bus Stop to evaluate the quality of the infrastructure for pedestrian. Data was collected through both on-site observations and the distribution of online through social meadia. Findings from the observations indicate that the walkability score for the path from Manggarai Station to the Manggarai TransJakarta Bus Stop is 68.5, categorizing as "waiting to walk/somewhat walkable." Several parameters received lower scores, including the availability of crosswalks, the presence of obstacles, security against crime, and facilities for individuals with disabilities. It's worth noting that the walkability parameter scores decreased, especially in terms of obstacles and security from crime, after the 5th switch-over at Manggarai Station, which coincided with a change in the KRL route. ABSTRAK Walkability merujuk pada kemudahan berjalan kaki di suatu area, yang mempertimbangkan faktor keamanan, kenyamanan, dan keselamatan karena adanya jaringan akses yang terhubung. Dalam studi ini, dilakukan penilaian walkability dari Stasiun Manggarai menuju Halte TransJakarta Manggarai untuk mengevaluasi kualitas infrastruktur pejalan kaki, terutama ketika terjadi pergantian moda dari KRL ke TransJakarta atau sebaliknya. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi langsung dan penyebaran kuesioner secara online. Temuan dari observasi menunjukkan bahwa skor walkability untuk jalur dari Stasiun Manggarai ke Halte TransJakarta Manggarai adalah 68,5, yang menandakan kawasan tersebut tergolong sebagai "waiting to walk/ somewhat walkable." Beberapa parameter mendapatkan skor rendah, termasuk ketersediaan penyeberangan, kehadiran hambatan, keamanan dari kejahatan, dan fasilitas untuk penyandang disabilitas. Perlu dicatat bahwa skor parameter walkability menurun, terutama dalam hal hambatan dan keamanan dari kejahatan, setelah terjadi pergantian moda ke-5 di Stasiun Manggarai yang berdampak pada perubahan rute KRL


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    Traffic performance on the Narogong highway has problems with the desired speed of the highway, as a result of the large number of heavy vehicles that pass through the Narogong Highway, this study was conducted to see that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane can have a positive impact on road traffic performance. observed. Data processing uses microscopic simulations to get the desired road simulation, from this simulation calibration and validation are carried out first to get the existing simulation conditions similar to the observed conditions of the road section being reviewed. From the results of the existing conditions that have been validated, a simulation of the design road model is carried out to see if there are changes that affect the design made by the author. Based on the simulation results, it was found that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane had an impact on increasing the speed of other vehicles such as motorcycles and cars significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to add new policies about heavy vehicle. ABSTRAK Kinerja lalu lintas di jalan raya Narogong memiliki permasalahan dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan dari jalan raya tersebut, akibat dari banyaknya kendaraan berat yang melewati ruas jalan raya Narogong, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur kiri dapat berdampak positif pada kinerja lalu lintas ruas jalan yang diamati. Pengolahan data menggunakan simulasi mikroskopis untuk mendapatkan simulasi jalan yang diinginkan, dari simulasi ini dilakukan kalibrasi dan validasi terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kondisi simulasi eksisting yang mirip dengan kondisi observasi ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Dari hasil kondisi eksisting yang sudah divalidasi, dilakukan simulasi model jalan desain untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan yang berpengaruh dari desain yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi ditemukan bahwa pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur sebelah kiri berdampak pada peningkatan kecepatan kendaraan lain seperti motor dan mobil secara signifikan, sehingga diperlukannya kebijakan yang baru untuk kendaraan berat

    Implementation of non-pharmaceutical intervention of COVID-19 in MRT through engineering controlled queue line using participatory ergonomics approach

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    The viral transmission in public places and transportations can be minimized by following the world health organization (WHO) guideline. However, the uncertainty in a dynamic system complicates the social engagement to the physical distancing regulation. This study aims to overcome this obstacle in MRT stations and train by developing an adaptive queue line system. The system was developed using low-cost hardware and open-source software to guide passengers using visual information. The system works by capturing seat images and identify the presence of humans using a cloud machine learning service. The physical representation of MRT was translated to data representation using the internet of things (IoT). The data then streamed using an asynchronous API with a representative endpoint. The endpoint is then accessed by a display computer in the destination station platform to provide visual information. The visual information was ergonomically designed with visual display principles, including the minimum content load, layout, color combination, and dimension of contents. The design of the system was evaluated by Markov simulation of virus transmission in train and usability testing of the visual design. The implementation of the system has balanced the queue line capacity in station and crowd spots distribution in MRT. The system was effective due to the visual cortex manipulation by visual information. Consequently, the aerosol and falling droplets' viral transmission radius can be reduced. Accordingly, the chance for airborne transmission can be lowered. Therefore, the adaptive queue line system is a non-pharmaceutical intervention of viral transmission diseases in public transportatio