1,016 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Marketing Mix Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada Perusahaan Furniture PT. Citra Agung Surakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh marketing mix terhadap volume penjualan pada perusahaan furnitur PT. Citra Agung Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa kuntitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan data dokumen, observasi dan wawancara. Alat analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, uji F dan uji t. Simpulan yang yang berguna dan dapat memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dalam menentukan kebijaksanaan pimpinan PT. Citra Agung Surakarta dalam menganalisa pengaruh marketing mix terhadap volume penjualan. Persamaan regresi adalah Y = 25,786 + 0,135 X1 + 3,162 X2 + 7,7586 X3 + 7,447 X4. Secara bersama-sama variabel independen (produk, harga jual, biaya distribusi dan biaya promosi) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap volume penjualan pada PT. Citra Agung Surakarta (423,819 > 2,53). Hasil uji t diperoleh variabel produk sebesar thitung = 3,553 > ttabel = 1,671 yang berarti variabel produk berpengaruh terhadap volume penjualan, variabel harga jual sebesar thitung = 25,558 > ttabel = 1,671 yang berarti variabel harga jual berpengaruh terhadap volume penjualan, variabel biaya distribusi sebesar thitung = 14,116 > ttabel = 1,671 yang berarti bahwa variabel biaya distribusi berpengaruh terhadap volume penjualan, dan variabel biaya promosi sebesar thitung = 13,145 > ttabel = 1,671 yang berarti bahwa variabel promosi berpengaruh terhadap volume penjualan. Variabel yang memberi pengaruh paling dominan terhadap volume penjualan produk furniture PT. Citra Agung Surakarta adalah harga jual

    Fabrication of graphene-based resistive sensor for eschericia coli bacteria sensing

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    The presence of fecal coliform bacteria like Escherichia coli (E. coli) in aquatic environments indicates that the water has been contaminated with the fecal material of human or animals. The risk of health threatening to humans become high when E. coli bacteria are exposed to water, not only causes diarrhea but also lead to death if not treated immediately. Many existing sensors to detect E. coli bacteria are not portable and expensive, while the conventional methods are time consuming and need the sterile procedure. Therefore, it is important to develop a sensor to detect E. coli rapidly, portable and user friendly. In this work, bacteria sensor based on resistivity was developed using graphene nanostructure as a sensing layer, since carbon material like graphene has been known to have a biocompatibility and excellent electrical property. The E. coli bacteria used in this experiment were collected from domestic wastewater and commercial of E. coli strain no. ATCCC 25922. A biochemical test was performed to detect the presence of E. coli in wastewater. The physical characterization of the bacteria was carried out by using FESEM and it was found that the E. coli has size ranging from 1.4-1.6 μm in length. The wettability properties of graphene confirmed that graphene surface is hydrophobic with contact angle of 108.9o which is suitable for bacterial detection. Raman spectroscopy measurements shows that the ratio of G peak and D peak intensity increase due to increase in the number of E. coli. Moreover, the electrical property of graphene shows increasing the number of the bacteria from 4 to 273 colony forming-unit (cfu) result decreasing the resistance from 4.371 to 3.903 ohm gradually. Finally, the sensor was successfully designed using SolidWorks and fabricated by integrating graphene film as a sensing layer with Arduino micro-controller. The validation of the sensor was performed by comparing the data obtained by sensor device and plate culture and has been found to have an error rate of ±12.3%

    Promoting Psycho-social-spiritual Response in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Through Aplication on Self Care Management Modul

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus was a kind of incurable chronic disease that actually manageable. The global prevalence tends to increase due to less self management of the disease and the impact of it was severe health condition. There were so many interventions implemented but failed to give optimal improvement in patient's condition and there are so many DM patients have insufficient ability to manage their own disease. Patients need to have knowledge, skills, and self confident to be able to manage their disease. Patient's self-management depends on patient's education, empowerment, and self monitoring in evaluating their self-care management. The purpose of this research was promoting patient's psychological, social, and spiritual conditions through Self Care Management. Improvement in psychological, social, and spiritual conditions in patients with DM will lead to better level of blood glucose and HbA1C. Method: Patient newly diagnose with Type 2 DM at Puskesmas Kebonsari was selected with purposive sampling and divided into two groups. Each group contains 25 patients. Intervention group was given Self Diabetes Management Module. Before and after intervention patient was given Questionnaire. The data then analyzed using Student-T test, McNemar and Chi-Square. Result: The result of this research showed patient have constructive coping, increase interpersonal relation. Patients also have better acceptance about the disease and involve in its management. Discussion: Self Care Management Module promotes psychological, social, and spiritual conditions in patients with type 2 DM

    Self Care Management-holistic Psychospiritual Care on Independence, Glucose Level, and Hba1c of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a kind of incurable chronic disease that actually manageable. The global prevalence tends to increase due to less self management of the disease and the impact of it was health condition declines physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. There were so many interventions implemented but failed to give positive improvement in patient's holistic condition which is lead to complications. The purpose of this research was to improve patient independency in managing the disease and to explain changes in blood glucose and HbA1C levels through self care management-holistic psychospiritual care model. Method: Patient newly diagnose with type 2 diabetes mellitus at Public Health Centre Kebonsari was selected with purposive sampling and divided into two groups. Each group contains 25 patients. Intervention group was given self care management model development with self diabetes management module. The intervention was given five times in three months. Before and after intervention patient was observed for blood glucose level of 2 hours before and after meal, and also HbA1C level. Questionnaire was given to patient. The data then analyzed using wilcoxon, mann whitney, and student-t test. Result: The result of this research showed patient with type 2 diabetes have independency improvement and lower blood glucose level of 2 hours before and after meal and also decreased HbA1C after intervention. Discussion: Self Care Management-Holistic Psychospiritual Care Model improves patient independency in managing their disease, lowering blood glucose and HbA1C levels


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    Unscheduled removal is the replacement of components outside of the scheduled component replacement package due to a failure finding found outside the scheduled component replacement package. Ineffective maintenance planning can result in cost losses for airlines because unscheduled component replacement planning has not been carried out in accordance with the process suggested by the literature so it is not effective. This ineffectiveness can cause delays in the treatment process. Therefore, this study aims to provide preventive maintenance recommendations for the autobrake system components.The repair of unscheduled component replacement planning is carried out using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) method. First, knowing the function, failure mode, and failure effect of the system using FMECA. Second, determine the level of risk of failure of these components using the Risk Priority Number (RPN) based on the results of the pareto reliability report and the results of FMECA. Third, determine the treatment time interval using the weibull distribution. Fourth, provide types of recommendations on components to prevent unscheduled removal.The results of this evaluation and analysis are used as input in the recommendations for the preparation of a new planning process. In the new planning process it is recommended to add inspections to the High Pressure Valve component at 8,684 FH, the Pressure Regulating Valve at 8,018 FH and the Thermostat at 10,007 FH


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    Background: RSIA Bunda Jakarta's medical record data in 2022 saw an average of 60% of emergency room visits, and in 2023 it will increase to 84%. Emergency Room (ER) nurses and doctors have a very big role and responsibility, namely carrying out triage of patients who will be admitted to the ER. Apart from that, the speed and accuracy of response time in providing assistance to patients greatly determines patient treatment. Purpose: Knowing the relationship between triage accuracy and service response time in the Emergency Room. Methods: Analytical with cross sectional design. The sample in this study was all 30 health workers working in the emergency room at RSIA Bunda Jakarta in January 2024. The sampling technique uses total sampling. Results: The frequency distribution of triage accuracy is mostly appropriate (76,6%) and the response time of nurses and doctors in the ER is mostly correct (80,0%). There is a relationship between the accuracy of triage and the response time of emergency services at RSIA Bunda Jakarta (p value 0,001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the accuracy of triage and the response time of emergency services. It is hoped that health workers on duty in the emergency room can improve services in accordance with hospital standards so that triage accuracy and fast response time can be created

    Peningkatan Densitas Dan Kekeuatan Mekanis Silikon Karbida (SIC)_ Dengan Kombinasi Sinter Dan HIP

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    Bahan struktur keramik silikon karbida telah dibuat dengan cara mencampur serbuk silikon karbida dengan perekat novolalc Untuk membuat sampel uji digunakan alat tekan arah tunggal dengan kekuatan tekan sebesar 80 kN. Ukuran sampel sebesar 5 x 4 x 50 mm. Sampel yang dibuat disinter pada temperatur 1960°C, yang kemudian diikuti dengan proses HIP (Hot Isostatic Press) untuk meningkatkan densitas dan kekuatan mekanisnya. Densitas SiC tertinggi yang dicapai dengan proses sinter dan HIP secara simultan adalah sebesar 99,7% dari densitas teorinya. Bending strength tertinggi bernilai sebesar 440 MPa. Bahan bantu sinter yang dipakai adalah boron dan aluminium masing-masing sebanyak 0,6%. Temperatur sinter dan HIP masing-masing 1960°C dan 2000°C