301 research outputs found

    Comparative dynamics of self-consciousness of schizophrenic patients and patients with acute and transient psychotic disorders in the process of compulsory treatment.

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    Article presents the materials of empirical research of life sense orientations, self-relation and level of claims of schizophrenic patients and patients with acute and transient psychotic disorders, who have committed socially hazardous actions and to whom forced measures of medical character are temporarily applied. Changes in the self- consciousness of patients with schizophrenia in dynamics were examined: in com­paring the results obtained at first and fourth stages of patients' stay in mental hospital with strict supervision (the first stage – adaptation and diagnostics, the fourth stage – the consolidation of treatment results and preparation of patient to be discharged). Research was done by D. Leontiev’s test of life sense orientations (LSO), by S. Pantileyev – V. Sto­lin’s techniques and by Shwarzlander’s “Motor test”. Statistical processing of the obtained results of differences by indices of life sense orientations, of selfattitude and level of claims between the group under study with Student's t-criterion was used

    Endoparasites of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus) in Southern Ukraine

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    One of the main tasks of ecological parasitology at the present stage is to establish patterns of spread of invasive diseases of animals in the environment through a thorough epidemiological examination, as well as to determine the main directions and factors of spread of parasites in Ukraine. Among the many pathogens, endoparasites play a major role in a number of diseases in rabbits with increased morbidity and mortality. In the body of both wild and domestic rabbits several species of parasites that form a parasitocenosis can be localized. The latter have a pathogenic effect on organs and tissues, leading to reduced weight gain, premature slaughter and even mortality. The prevalence of endoparasitoses was studied in weaned rabbits 60 days of age, 120 days of age at fattening, 180 days of age – mating age and adults of 320 days of age to determine the extensiveness and intensity of the dominant invasion. A total of 720 head was studied, 180 animals from each age group. Three species of nematodes were recorded in the rabbits: Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder, 1800), Nematodirus leporis (Ransom, 1907) and Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi, 1819); the cestode Taenia pisiformis (Bloch, 1780); three species of Emeria: Eimeria stiedae (Lindermann, 1865), which parasitizes in the bile ducts of the liver and gallbladder, E. magna (Perard, 1925) and E. media (Kessel, 1929) – in the epithelial cells of the intestine. The prevalence of the infestation depends on the age of the animals. According to the data obtained, eimeriosis was one of the main parasitic diseases of the rabbits. Dominant invasions of Eimeria in the intestines of 60-day-old rabbits were found in the studied animals, their extensiveness reached 19.4%, while the spread of hepatic Eimeria was registered in 13.3% of the examined rabbits. The total infestation of weaned rabbits with helminths was 22.2%, in rabbits for fattening – 26.7%, and in rabbits of mating age and adults – 20.0% and 20.6%, respectively. Global climate change will change the distribution and dynamics of soil-borne helminthiases, but host immunity may also affect host-parasite interactions. Subsequent studies will be aimed at elucidating the effect of mono and mixed invasions on the body of rabbits. Updated data on helminthiasis will expand the screening strategy to maintain rabbit health and reduce economic losses

    Svitlana Talan`s work. The figure of a woman-doctor in modern prose

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    Мета роботи: Проаналізувати суть нового типу особистості жінки-лікаря в сучасній жіночій прозі та своєрідність художнього вираження, а це передбачає такі завдання: 1. Охарактеризувати процес становлення і розвитку жіночої прози в українській літературі. 2. Визначити місце творчості Світлани Талан в сучасному контексті письменства. 3.Висвітлити особливості поетики жіночої прози. Сучасна українська проза набуває свого розвитку та популярності в непрості часи для українського суспільства й існування жіночої прози в цьому суспільстві надає величезні можливості осмислити нездоланні суперечності жіночої душі, її прагнення до само ідентифікації та пошуків гармонії буття

    Прибор точного позиционирования координаты касания инструмента

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    Розглянуто метод визначення точного положення верхівки різця та запропоновано пристрій для його реалізації.The method definition for an exact position a cutting edge tool is proposed and the device for its realization is offered.Рассмотрен метод определение точного положения вершины резца и предложен прибор для его реализации

    Electron and hole transmission through superconductor - normal metal interfaces

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    We have investigated the transmission of electrons and holes through interfaces between superconducting aluminum (Tc = 1.2 K) and various normal non-magnetic metals (copper, gold, palladium, platinum, and silver) using Andreev-reflection spectroscopy at T = 0.1 K. We analyzed the point contacts with the modified BTK theory that includes Dynes' lifetime as a fitting parameter G in addition to superconducting energy gap 2D and normal reflection described by Z. For contact areas from 1 nm^2 to 10000 nm^2 the BTK Z parameter was 0.5, corresponding to transmission coefficients of about 80 %, independent of the normal metal. The very small variation of Z indicates that the interfaces have a negligible dielectric tunneling barrier. Fermi surface mismatch does not account for the observed transmission coefficient.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Magnetism ICM2012 (Busan 2012

    Оцінка різних методів контролю якості зернової сировини

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    The article highlights the need of the control of the quality of grain raw materials, because the increasing of the competitiveness of the grain industry is one of the leading in the national agrarian economy of Ukraine and largely its determines the place in the global agrarian market. In competition, only those enterprises retain and improve their position in the market, which consistently work to support and improve the quality of the products according to the important indicators for consumers. The main indicators of the grain quality are: protein content, and also humidity, smell, impurities, crude fat, ash content, etc. Todays, domestic enterprises introduce into the manufacturing the unique scientific and technical developments, which allow quickly and qualitatively conduct the research of raw materials and finished products. However, sometimes when controlling grain raw materials on such enterprises where the modern (spectrometric) research methods are used, some physico-chemical parameters do not coincide with the normative (arbitration) research methods. Therefore, in a comparative aspect were investigated samples of soybean, corn, barley and rapeseed by some qualitative indicators, such as humidity, crude protein and fat. By comparing two methods, it was found out that in the soybean and corn samples, both the arbitrage and the spectrometric methods were almost identical. In some rapeseed and barley samples, the difference between the same samples was small and was not more than 4.8 %. In determining the crude protein in the same samples in soybeans, the difference was from 0.9 to 5.1 %, corn grains – 2.6–5.6 %, barley grains – 0.9 to 5.8 %, rapeseed – 1.4–9.8 %. In determining the fat content of identical samples in soybeans, the difference was small and ranged from 3.8–6.2 %, corn grains 2.6–4.8 %, barley grains – 4.2–6.4 %, seeds rapeseed – 7.1–11.6 %. In the conducted interlaboratory researchers, in determining moisture, crude protein and fat in grain and oil raw materials, by both arbitration and spectrometric methods it was found out, that the results of the studies were within the statistically probable error, which indicate on the high efficiency the last one. In addition, the values of qualitative indicators of the researches samples responses the requirements of regulatory documents.У статті висвітлено необхідність контролю якості зернової сировини, оскільки підвищення конкурентоспроможності зернової галузі є однією із провідних у національній аграрній економіці України та значною мірою визначає її місце на світовому аграрному ринку. У конкурентній боротьбі лише ті підприємства зберігають і поліпшують своє становище на ринку, які послідовно ведуть роботу з підтримання і вдосконалення якості продукції за важливими для споживачів показниками. Основними показниками якості зерна є вміст у ньому білка, а також вологість, запах, домішки, сирий жир, зольність тощо. Сьогодні на вітчизняних підприємствах впроваджують у виробництво унікальні науково-технічні розробки, які дозволяють швидко та якісно проводити дослідження сировини та готової продукції. Однак інколи при контролюванні зернової сировини на таких підприємствах, де використовують сучасні (спектрометричні) методи досліджень, деякі фізико-хімічні показники не збігаються з нормативними (арбітражними) методами досліджень. Тому в порівняльному аспекті досліджували зразки сої, кукурудзи, ячменю та ріпаку за деякими якісними показниками, а саме вологістю, сирим протеїном та жиром. При порівнянні двох методів було встановлено, що у зразках сої та кукурудзи як арбітражним, так і спектрометричним методами результати досліджень майже збігалися. В окремих зразках ріпаку та ячменю різниця між однаковими зразками була невеликою і становила не більше ніж 4,8 %. При визначенні сирого протеїну в однакових зразках у бобах сої різниця становила від 0,9 до 5,1 %, зерні кукурудзи – 2,6–5,6 %, зерні ячменю – 0,9 до 5,8 %, насінні ріпаку – 1,4–9,8 %. При визначенні вмісту жиру в однакових зразках у бобах сої різниця була невелика і коливалася в межах 3,8–6,2 %, зерні кукурудзи 2,6–4,8 %, зерні ячменю – 4,2–6,4 %, насінні ріпаку – 7,1–11,6 %. При проведенні міжлабораторних випробувань при визначенні вологості, сирого протеїну та жиру в зерновій та олійній сировині як арбітражними, так і спектрометричним методами було встановлено, що результати досліджень перебували в межах статистично вірогідної похибки, що вказує на високу ефективність останнього. Окрім того, значення якісних показників дослідних зразків відповідали вимогам нормативних документів

    Intercomparison of the northern hemisphere winter mid-latitude atmospheric variability of the IPCC models

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    We compare, for the overlapping time frame 1962-2000, the estimate of the northern hemisphere (NH) mid-latitude winter atmospheric variability within the XX century simulations of 17 global climate models (GCMs) included in the IPCC-4AR with the NCEP and ECMWF reanalyses. We compute the Hayashi spectra of the 500hPa geopotential height fields and introduce an integral measure of the variability observed in the NH on different spectral sub-domains. Only two high-resolution GCMs have a good agreement with reanalyses. Large biases, in most cases larger than 20%, are found between the wave climatologies of most GCMs and the reanalyses, with a relative span of around 50%. The travelling baroclinic waves are usually overestimated, while the planetary waves are usually underestimated, in agreement with previous studies performed on global weather forecasting models. When comparing the results of various versions of similar GCMs, it is clear that in some cases the vertical resolution of the atmosphere and, somewhat unexpectedly, of the adopted ocean model seem to be critical in determining the agreement with the reanalyses. The GCMs ensemble is biased with respect to the reanalyses but is comparable to the best 5 GCMs. This study suggests serious caveats with respect to the ability of most of the presently available GCMs in representing the statistics of the global scale atmospheric dynamics of the present climate and, a fortiori, in the perspective of modelling climate change.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Rossby wave dynamics of the North Pacific extra-tropical response to El Niño: importance of the basic state in coupled GCMs

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    The extra-tropical response to El Nino in a "low" horizontal resolution coupled climate model, typical of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change fourth assessment report simulations, is shown to have serious systematic errors. A high resolution configuration of the same model has a much improved response that is similar to observations. The errors in the low resolution model are traced to an incorrect representation of the atmospheric teleconnection mechanism that controls the extra-tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during El Nino. This is due to an unrealistic atmospheric mean state, which changes the propagation characteristics of Rossby waves. These erroneous upper tropospheric circulation anomalies then induce erroneous surface circulation features over the North Pacific. The associated surface wind speed and direction errors create erroneous surface flux and upwelling anomalies which finally lead to the incorrect extra-tropical SST response to El Nino in the low resolution model. This highlights the sensitivity of the climate response to a single link in a chain of complex climatic processes. The correct representation of these processes in the high resolution model indicates the importance of horizontal resolution in resolving such processes

    Electrochemical Determination of Sudan Dyes and Two Manner to Realise it a Theoretical Investigation

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    In this work, a general theoretical description of the electrochemical determination of Sudan dyes by cathodic and anodic route has been made. Two mathematical models have been developed for each case, being, afterward, analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that in both cases, the systems are efficient from the electroanalytical point of view. The possibility for the oscillatory and monotonic instability has also been verified