21 research outputs found

    Hymenoptera of Canada

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    A summary of the numbers of species of the 83 families of Hymenoptera recorded in Canada is provided. In total, 8757 described species are recorded compared to approximately 6000 in 1979, which is a 46% increase. Of the families recognized in 1979, three have been newly recorded to Canada since the previous survey: Anaxyelidae (Anaxyleoidea), Liopteridae (Cynipoidea), and Mymarommatidae (Mymarommatoidea). More than 18,400 BINs of Canadian Hymenoptera are available in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (Ratnasingham and Hebert 2007) implying that nearly 9650 undescribed or unrecorded species of Hymenoptera may be present in Canada (and more than 10,300 when taking into account additional species that have not been DNA barcoded). The estimated number of unrecorded species is very similar to that of 1979 (10,637 species), but the percentage of the fauna described/recorded has increased from 36% in 1979 to approximately 45% in 2018. Summaries of the state of knowledge of the major groups of Hymenoptera are presented, including brief comments on numbers of species, biology, changes in classification since 1979, and relevant taxonomic references

    Data to the fauna of the Aculeata of the Ussuri area (Hymenoptera: Sapygidae, Pompilidae, Vespidae). (Contributions to the knowledge of East Palaearctic insects; 1).

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    Die Funddaten der während der ersten Expedition des Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts in den Fernen Osten Rußlands gesammelten Sapygidae, Pompilidae und Vespidae werden aufgelistet. 165 Exemplare von 35 Arten werden aufgeführt. Die Auflistung wird durch Angaben zur Verbreitung der Arten ergänzt.The records of Sapygidae, Pompilidae, and Vespidae collected during the first expedition of the German Entomological Institute to the Russian Far East are listed. 165 specimens of 35 species are cited. The list is accompanied by remarks on the distribution of the species

    On the Nest Structure in Two Species of the Genus Leptochilus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae)

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    Two nests of the wasps Leptochilus alpestris (de Saussure, 1855) and Leptochilus regulus (de Saussure, 1855) collected in the Crimea were described. The nest of L. alpestris was found in the empty snail shell of Monacha fruticola under a stone; it contained one cell sealed with plug made of glued gravel bits. The nest of L. regulus was found in 3 mm hole of a reed stem from trap-nest; it contained 9 cells separated with partitions made of gravel and mud. The unusual larval habit was discovered in L. regulus — they moved mud from the plug of the cell to its bottom before cocoon spinning. Distinctions of the studied nests from ones of the other species of the genus Leptochilus de Saussure, 1853 were discussed.Описано два гнезда ос Leptochilus alpestris (de Saussure, 1855) и Leptochilus regulus (de Saussure, 1855), собранных в Крыму. Гнездо L. alpestris обнаружено в пустой раковине улитки Monacha fruticola под камнем; оно содержало одну ячейку, запечатанную пробкой, изготовленной из склеенных мелких камешков. Гнездо L. regulus выявлено в трехмиллиметровом канале стебля тростника в искусственной гнездовой конструкции; оно содержало 9 ячеек, разделённых перегородками, изготовленными из мелких камешков и земли. У личинок L. regulus было обнаружено необычное поведение — перед плетением кокона они перемещали землю, содержащуюся в пробке ячейки, к её дну. Обсуждаются отличия изученных гнёзд от гнёзд других видов рода Leptochilus de Saussure, 1853