100 research outputs found

    Cutaneous profile and nail fold dermoscopy in patients with scleroderma

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    The primary objective was to describe the cutaneous manifestations and nailfold dermoscopy in Scleroderma. The secondary objective was to study interleukin 6 levels in subset of diffuse systemic sclerosis patients. Methodology: We recruited 35 patients between a study period of February 2014 to September 2015. All patients were examined for cutaneous manifestation of systemic sclerosis and dermoscopy of the nail fold capillary was performed using Heine delta 20 dermoscope. The severity of the disease was assessed using a Modified Rodnan Skin score. In a subset of patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis interleukin -6 levels were assessed. The prelevence was expressed in term of percentage along with 95% confidence interval. The association of dermoscopic capillary pattern and Rodnan skin score with various clinical manifestations was evaluated using χ² tests. Results: In our study we had a female preponderance with 91% of patients with diffuse type of disease. Cutaneous sclerosis was present in 97.1 % of our patients with upper limb being the commonest site of involvement. Pigmanetary disturbances were commoner in our study (94.3%) with commonest abnormality being salt and pepper pigmentation. Commonent systemic manifestation was interstitial lung disease (74.3%). The commonest pattern in nalifold dermoscopy was dilated capillaries (91.4%). Scleroderma pattern was seen in 77.1% of our patients. Interleukin 6 was elevated in 2 of 7 of our patents

    Trends in caesarean section rates in a rural block of southern India

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    Background: Over the last decade many programmes have been implemented to improve the health of pregnant women and neonates. This study aims to look at the changes in modes of delivery and perinatal mortality rates in a rural block of Tamil Nadu between 2006 and 2015.Methods: Data on all the births that have occurred in this rural block of Tamil Nadu that has been prospectively collected between 2006 and 2015 was analysed. A longitudinal analysis was done to calculate the primary and overall caesarean section rate and the average annual rate of increase. The perinatal mortality rate was also calculated.Results: The primary LSCS rate has increased from 9.08% in 2005 to 16.1% in 2015. The overall caesarean section rate has increased from 11.7% to 19.2% in the same time with an average annual rate of increase of 5.1%. During this period the perinatal mortality has decreased from 33 per 1000 live births to 17 per 1000 live births.Conclusions: Though the overall caesarean section rate is higher than the 15% prescribed by WHO the rates are lower than the rest of the country and rural Tamil Nadu

    The histone chaperones Vps75 and Nap1 form ring-like, tetrameric structures in solution

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    NAP-1 fold histone chaperones play an important role in escorting histones to and from sites of nucleosome assembly and disassembly. The two NAP-1 fold histone chaperones in budding yeast, Vps75 and Nap1, have previously been crystalized in a characteristic homodimeric conformation. In this study, a combination of small angle X-ray scattering, multi angle light scattering and pulsed electron–electron double resonance approaches were used to show that both Vps75 and Nap1 adopt ring-shaped tetrameric conformations in solution. This suggests that the formation of homotetramers is a common feature of NAP-1 fold histone chaperones. The tetramerisation of NAP-1 fold histone chaperones may act to shield acidic surfaces in the absence of histone cargo thus providing a β€˜self-chaperoning’ type mechanism

    The Ino80 complex prevents invasion of euchromatin into silent chromatin

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    Here we show that the Ino80 chromatin remodeling complex (Ino80C) directly prevents euchromatin from invading transcriptionally silent chromatin within intergenic regions and at the border of euchromatin and heterochromatin. Deletion of Ino80C subunits leads to increased H3K79 methylation and noncoding RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription centered at the Ino80C-binding sites. The effect of Ino80C is direct, as it blocks H3K79 methylation by Dot1 in vitro. Heterochromatin stimulates the binding of Ino80C in vitro and in vivo. Our data reveal that Ino80C serves as a general silencing complex that restricts transcription to gene units in euchromatin

    Architecture of the chromatin remodeler RSC and insights into its nucleosome engagement.

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    Eukaryotic DNA is packaged into nucleosome arrays, which are repositioned by chromatin remodeling complexes to control DNA accessibility. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RSC (Remodeling the Structure of Chromatin) complex, a member of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler family, plays critical roles in genome maintenance, transcription, and DNA repair. Here, we report cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and crosslinking mass spectrometry (CLMS) studies of yeast RSC complex and show that RSC is composed of a rigid tripartite core and two flexible lobes. The core structure is scaffolded by an asymmetric Rsc8 dimer and built with the evolutionarily conserved subunits Sfh1, Rsc6, Rsc9 and Sth1. The flexible ATPase lobe, composed of helicase subunit Sth1, Arp7, Arp9 and Rtt102, is anchored to this core by the N-terminus of Sth1. Our cryo-EM analysis of RSC bound to a nucleosome core particle shows that in addition to the expected nucleosome-Sth1 interactions, RSC engages histones and nucleosomal DNA through one arm of the core structure, composed of the Rsc8 SWIRM domains, Sfh1 and Npl6. Our findings provide structural insights into the conserved assembly process for all members of the SWI/SNF family of remodelers, and illustrate how RSC selects, engages, and remodels nucleosomes

    Effects of parental origins and length of residency on adiposity measures and nutrition in urban middle school students: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The prevalence of obesity in U.S. has been rising at an alarming rate, particularly among Hispanic, African, and Asian minority groups. This trend is due in part to excessive calorie consumption and sedentary lifestyle. We sought to investigate whether parental origins influence eating behaviors in healthy urban middle school students. Methods: A multiethnic/racial population of students (N = 182) enrolled in the ROAD (Reduce Obesity and Diabetes) Study, a school-based trial to assess clinical, behavioral, and biochemical risk factors for adiposity and its co-morbidities completed questionnaires regarding parental origins, length of US residency, and food behaviors and preferences. The primary behavioral questionnaire outcome variables were nutrition knowledge, attitude, intention and behavior, which were then related to anthropometric measures of waist circumference, BMI z-scores, and percent body fat. Two-way analysis of variance was used to evaluate the joint effects of number of parents born in the U.S. and ethnicity on food preference and knowledge score. The Tukey-Kramer method was used to compute pairwise comparisons to determine where differences lie. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyze the joint effects of number of parents born in the US and student ethnicity, along with the interaction term, on each adiposity measure outcome. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to examine the relationships between maternal and paternal length of residency in the US with measures of adiposity, food preference and food knowledge. Results: African Americans had significantly higher BMI, waist circumference and body fat percentage compared to other racial and ethnic groups. Neither ethnicity/race nor parental origins had an impact on nutrition behavior. Mothers’ length of US residency positively correlated with students’ nutrition knowledge, but not food attitude, intention or behavior. Conclusions: Adiposity measures in children differ according to ethnicity and race. In contrast, food behaviors in this middle school sample were not influenced by parental origins. Longer maternal US residency benefited offspring in terms of nutrition knowledge only. We suggest that interventions to prevent obesity begin in early childhood

    Diagnostic pathways and direct medical costs incurred by new adult pulmonary tuberculosis patients prior to anti-tuberculosis treatment - Tamil Nadu, India.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) patients face substantial delays prior to treatment initiation, and out of pocket (OOP) expenditures often surpass the economic productivity of the household. We evaluated the pre-diagnostic cost and health seeking behaviour of new adult pulmonary TB patients registered at Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in Vellore district, Tamil Nadu, India. METHODS: This descriptive study, part of a randomised controlled trial conducted in three rural Tuberculosis Units from Dec 2012 to Dec 2015, collected data on number of health facilities, dates of visits prior to the initiation of anti-tuberculosis treatment, and direct OOP medical costs associated with TB diagnosis. Logistic regression analysis examined the factors associated with delays in treatment initiation and OOP expenditures. RESULTS: Of 880 TB patients interviewed, 34.7% presented to public health facilities and 65% patients sought private health facilities as their first point of care. The average monthly individual income was 77.79(SD57.14).About6977.79 (SD 57.14). About 69% incurred some pre-treatment costs at an average of 39.74. Overall, patients experienced a median of 6 days (3-11 IQR) of time to treatment initiation and 21 days (10-30 IQR) of health systems delay. Age ≀ 40 years (aOR: 1.73; CI: 1.22-2.44), diabetes (aOR: 1.63; CI: 1.08-2.44) and first visit to a private health facility (aOR: 17.2; CI: 11.1-26.4) were associated with higher direct OOP medical costs, while age ≀ 40 years (aOR: 0.64; CI: 0.48-0.85) and first visit to private health facility (aOR: 1.79, CI: 1.34-2.39) were associated with health systems delay. CONCLUSION: The majority of rural TB patients registering at PHCs visited private health facilities first and incurred substantial direct OOP medical costs and delays prior to diagnosis and anti-tuberculosis treatment initiation. This study highlights the need for PHCs to be made as the preferred choice for first point of contact, to combat TB more efficiently.Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Developmen
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