50 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the validity, effectiveness and practicality of the product development of picture book media based on local wisdom. The type of research is development research (R&D) with the type of ADDIE research model. Product trials were conducted using limited and extended trials. The research subjects were on a small scale in the fourth grade of SDN Mrican 1, which amounted to 10 students, while the subjects of the large-scale trial were conducted on the fourth grade students of SDN Mrican 2, which amounted to 43 students. The feasibility analysis test of the product developed was determined through the results of material validation, media validation, and the practice of trial use by students and teachers using descriptive analysis. Test the effectiveness and practicality using a t-test using a questionnaire. The results of the study show (1) product validity scores 92 very valid categories, while material validation scores 89 very valid categories. (2) Product effectiveness gets an average score of 88 in the effective category. (3) The practicality of the product received a score of 92 very practical categories. It can be concluded that the development of picture book media based on local wisdom is very feasible to use in the learning process and can improve learning outcomes for students in learning material

    Efektifitas Penerapan Penilaian Portopolio terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia kelas III MI Jamiatul Khaerat Malengkeri Makassar

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    Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan peserta didik kelas III MI jamiatu khaerat Makassar setelah menerapkan penilaian portopolio berada pada kategori tinggi dengan persentase 60%, sedangkan sebelum menerapkan portopolio peserta didik kelas III MI jamiatul khaerat Makassar berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 40%. Hasil analisis inferensial menunjukkan bahwa uji normalitas berdistribusi normal dengan tingkat signifikansi Ξ± lebih kecil dari sig SPSS (0,05< 0,080), sedangkan hasil uji-t adalah

    Mengungkap Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Kediri Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Budaya Bangsa Indonesia

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    Indonesia is currently experiencing a national identity crisis. This is evidenced by the scientific study of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) that Indonesia is considered not ready to face the phenomenon of globalization in various aspects such as geography, economy, and culture. One effort that can be done by local communities as an effort to deal with the adverse effects of globalization is to use the values of local wisdom as a force. Local wisdom can serve as a filter for values that come from outside that are less suited to local cultural culture. This research is a qualitative research that express comprehensively some cases. The purpose of this research is to explore the potentials of local wisdom of Kediri people include (1) cultural background, (2) social background, and (3) agriculture and irrigation system in three subdistricts namely Kepung Subdistrict, Ngancar Subdistrict, and Semen Subdistrict. The results of this study indicate that (1) the majority of Kediri people are Javanese with strong Javanese custom by performing several rituals for nature conservation, (2) Kediri community social background with religious diversity but all goes well and peaceful and cultural preservation Strongly maintained, (3) the management of agricultural systems and irrigation society is very good and derived from generations of the Kediri kingdom proved by the existence of Harijing inscription

    Penggunaan Campur Kode Pada Novel Banjarmelati Karya Ahmad Zaenudin (Kajian Kesusastraan)

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    This study analyzes the presence of code-mixed forms in Ahmad Zaenudin's novel Banjarmelati. This study aims to describe: 1) The use of code-mixed forms in Ahmad Zaenudin's novel Banjarmelati. 2) Knowing the function of code mixing in the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin. This study uses a qualitative method, namely descriptive analysis. In this study using data in the form of dialogue between characters. The research data was sourced from the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin. The data collection technique in this study is by observing method and note-taking method, because the data source is in the form of text. Based on the research results, it was found that there is a form of code mixing in the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin. The code-mixing functions that cause code-mixing to occur in the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin include: 1) Making it easier to convey intentions, 2) Demonstrating familiarity, 3) Vocabulary requirements, 4) Talking about certain topics, 5) Demonstrating regional languageKata kunci: Literature; Mixed code; Novel Banjarmelati.This study analyzes the presence of code-mixed forms in Ahmad Zaenudin's novel Banjarmelati. This study aims to describe: 1) The use of code-mixed forms in Ahmad Zaenudin's novel Banjarmelati. 2) Knowing the function of code mixing in the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin. This study uses a qualitative method, namely descriptive analysis. In this study using data in the form of dialogue between characters. The research data was sourced from the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin. The data collection technique in this study is by observing method and note-taking method, because the data source is in the form of text. Based on the research results, it was found that there is a form of code mixing in the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin. The code-mixing functions that cause code-mixing to occur in the novel Banjarmelati by Ahmad Zaenudin include: 1) Making it easier to convey intentions, 2) Demonstrating familiarity, 3) Vocabulary requirements, 4) Talking about certain topics, 5) Demonstrating regional languag

    Perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa yang diajar menggunakan strategi Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) dengan konvensional dengan memperhatikan motivasi belajarnya

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    Salah satu karakteristik guru profesional adalah mengusai berbagai model dan strategi pembelajaran sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa agar dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Peneliti menerapkan strategi pembelajaran Aptitude Treadment Interaction (ATI), karena strategi ini menggabunglcan beberapa model pembelajaran yang diterapkan dalam satu waktu dengan menyesuaikan karakteristik kemampuan siswa. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa antara yang mendapat strategi pembelajaran ATI dan konvensional dengan memperhatikan aspek motivasinya. Penelitian yang dilalcukan merupakan penelitian eksperimen. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah dengan cara Random Sampling atau sampel acak. Sampel penelitian terdiri dan i kelas VIII-C sebagai kelas kontrol dengan menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional clan VIII-E sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan strategi pembelajaran ATI. Instrument yang digunakan meliputi angket motivasi clan lembar soal tes. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik yang meliputi uji normalitas, homogenitas dan uji kesamaan dua rata-rata. Berdasarkan analisis data yang diperoleh menggunakan SPSS18, menunjukkan ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunaan pembelajaran matematika dengan strategi Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) dan konvensional untuk siswa yang memiliki motivasi tinggi ditunjukkan dengan diperolehnya t hitung sebesar 2,167 dengan dk = 7, sedang untuk t tabel diperoleh sebesar 1,895, yang artinya thitung> ttabel, sedang untuk kelas sedang t hitung = 5,223 dengan dk = 26, sedang untuk t tabel diperoleh sebesar 1,706, yang artinya t-hitung> ttabei. Hal ini berarti ada perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa yang menggunakan ATI dengan konvensional ditinjau dan i tingkatan motivasinya


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    The research background is the results of interview observations of class II teachers at SDN Pare II. Based on the results of observations, it is known that in learning Indonesian, students still have difficulty understanding the content of reading texts due to the lack of use of learning media. The aim of the research is to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of digital book learning media. This type of research is Research and development (R&amp;D). The development model used in this research is the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The subjects of this research were class II students at SDN Pare II. The trials carried out in this research were limited trials on 8 students and extensive trials on 30 students. The results obtained from the research are: this digital book learning media received an average score of 90% from the two expert lecturers and was declared valid; digital book learning media was declared practical and received an average score of 90%. This score was obtained from teacher and student questionnaires; The digital book learning media was declared effective, obtained from an average score of 84.6%. The conclusion from the results of this research is that digital book learning media in understanding fable narrative texts for class II students is valid, practical and effective for use in learning


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    Students' understanding of the volume geometry is still not enough. This is because the teacher only explains the material on the volume of space with the blackboard media. The media is less interactive for learning the material of the volume of geometrical space so that the concept of volume of geometric space cannot be understood by students optimally. The purpose of this development research is to describe the validity of interactive multimedia-based media to explain and determine the volume of 5th grade student room building. The development model used in this study is the ADDIE model. The procedure of the ADDIE model consists of 5 stages, but this study only uses four stages. The stages carried out in this study did not go through the implementation stage because of the existence of Covid-19 so that it did not support the implementation of the learning program by applying the learning media that had been made. Data collection techniques in this study were to conduct observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is the validity criteria. From the results of media validation and material in interactive multimedia, the values were 97.6% and 96%. Thus interactive multimedia for the volume of 5th grade building materials at SDN Damarwulan IV was declared to be very valid and could be used without the need for improvement


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    One type of highway pavement is currently being widely used in rigid pavement. Rigid pavement applied to the Jawar road Surabaya section, which connects the city of Surabaya and the city of Gresik, intended to improve the quality of roads in the West Surabaya industrial area, which is integrated with the North Gresik area and increases the economy's pace around the location. This planning uses the 2017 Road Pavement Design Manual Method with a focus on the thickness of the pavement. With a design life of 40 years and using a continuous pavement system with reinforcement, the capacity of this road is calculated based on the LHR survey carried out on this road segment, resulting in a vehicle load of 3.4 x 107ESA5. Based on the results of the analysis, the pavement thickness was 29.5 cm with the addition of 10cm thin concrete and 15cm drainage layer, longitudinal reinforcement Ø12 – 200, transverse reinforcement Ø8 – 150, dowels Ø28 – 300, and tie bars Ø16 – 300


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi hasil observasi awal di SDN Gedangsewu 2 yang menunjukkan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada kompetensi dasar menceritkan kembali isi dongeng di kelas III SD, guru masih belum mampu mengembangkan media pembelajaran sesuai dengan harapan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan pengembangan media Komedo (Kotak Mendongeng) materi menceritakan kembali isi dongeng. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian RnD (Research and Develoment). Model pengembangan yang digunakan Borg & Gall (1979) yang diadaptasi oleh Punaji Setyosari dengan tahapan 1) analisis kebutuhan, 2) perumusan tujuan, 3) mengembangkan materi/bahan, 4) pengembangan instrument, 5) penulisan naskah media, 6) uji coba produk, 7) revisi dan 8) produksi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kevalidan, kepraktisan,dan keefektifan. Yang telah dilakukan dengan uji coba terbatas dan uji coba luas. Kriteria kevalidan menghasilkan nilai rata-rata 89. Berdasarkan hasil uji kepraktisan media dengan skor kuantitatif dari guru dan siswa pada uji coba terbatas dan uji coba luas dengan memperoleh skor sebanyak 90 dan 95 dengan keterangan sangat praktis. Sedangkan pada uji keefektifan media pada siswa dengan menggunakan soal evaluasi nilai skor uji coba terbatas 83,3 dan pada uji coba luas mendapat skor 84,5 dengan kriteria sangat baik


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    Transport intends to ease the movement from one place to another. KMP Dharma Bahari Sumekar III belongs to one of transport facilities operated at Kalianget Port in Sumenep.This research aimed at investigating the satisfaction level of passengers taking KMP Dharma Bahari Sumekar III by implementing the methods of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The research result indicated several essential attributes i.e. Quadrant II (toilet cleanliness in KMP Dharma Bahari Sumekar III and facility convenience for passengers in KMP Dharma Bahari Sumekar III and Quadrant II (safety in KMP Dharma Bahari Sumekar III, cleanliness in KMP Dharma Bahari III, the ability of officer in KMP Dharma Bahari Sumekar III to respond fast the emergent problems and be responsible on the safety and cozines of passengers). Meanwhile, the result of CSI method obtained 71,47%