29 research outputs found

    Ecological and economic significance of the Middle Don sand arenas

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    The research purpose is a comprehensive assessment of the Middle part of the Don river sand massifs soil and hydrological conditions. The research objects are the sandy massifs of the Middle Don on an area of 527 thousand hectares. The sand arenas water balance dynamics for the period from November to March and for the period from April to October has been revealed. It has been established that atmospheric precipitation is the main source of river water supply. The basis of river systems flood filling are clay soils that form an intra-soil runoff. The low water period level is supported by sandy soils. A decrease in the density of plant formations contributes to an increase in groundwater supply. The total underground runoff reaches 599 million m3 from the sandy massifs of the Middle Don. The volume and dynamics of the moisture movement in the soil depend on the system of sandy areas use. Therefore, the load on sandy arenas should be regulated. Pasture farming should remain the dominant form of sand use. An effective method of sandy arenas afforestation is the planting of pine plantations according to the savanna type


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    Abstract. Crisis phenomena in the modern economy of Russia, as well as the world as a whole, unstableinternational relations with sanctions, destabilization of the political situation in Ukraine cause the relevance of the study of the development of border regions as a sphere of interaction of neighboring states, depending on social and economic development, needs and level of conflict. It can cover trade, investment, agro-industrial complex; cross-border cooperation can develop in multiple areas, contributing to the development and strengthening of economic, cultural, humanitarian relations between the border territories of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, facilitating the creation and effective development of economic and social infrastructure in the border areas. Due to the situation in Ukraine, the question arises of the need to study the influence of the unstable political and economic development of the neighboring state on the social and economic development of the Belgorod region as a border area. Main results: the features of the development of the Belgorod region as a border territory, the impact of the political and economic crisis in Ukraine on the socio-economic development prospects of the region, and the features of international cooperation of the neighboring regions at the present time are considered.Keywords: Social and economic development, border region, border, import, export, migration flow, embargo, patent

    Psychological conditions for improving the subjective quality of life in an extreme region

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    The article presents summarized results of theoretical and empirical research on the problem of achieving and improving the subjective quality of life in an extreme region. One of the crucial factors influencing the assessments of the quality of life in various groups of respondents is found to be the principle of personal activity; the internal and external factors contributing to the “subject-environment” harmony are identified and a targeted model for achieving a high level of quality of life involving a combination of lifestyle parameters, personal resources, and external opportunities is proposed; the strategies of interaction within the “subject-environment” system in an extreme region at different levels of quality of life are described. The obtained results can give a start to new theoretical and empirical research on the specifics of the quality of life in different social groups and allow specifying the goals, objectives, directions, and the main ways of helping and assisting different segments of the population to ensure a high quality of life depending on both the nature of external influences and the subjective assessment of the environment.

    Identificação de pólos de crescimento a longo prazo como um instrumento fundamental da política federal dos territórios regionais da Rússia

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    In the current economic situation, in the time of limited resources and opportunities, as well as the number and severity of unresolved social and economic problems, the possibility of using the theory of "growth poles" is increasingly important. Determination of the most promising sectors of development of regions, levels of development of industries contribute to improving the effectiveness of strategic planning of the region, as well as the specific focus of investment activities within the region. Due to the limited budgetary funds in the region, it is necessary to identify unstable industries in the region, as well as the development prospects characteristic of the Belgorod Region, for the implementation of support and regulation. The main results are presented in the given article: the concept of “growth poles” for the region is characterized, and the algorithm for determining promising growth poles is considered using the example of the Belgorod region, the main promising sectors are identified, as well as the level of development of each of the sectors at present.En la situación económica actual, en el tiempo de recursos y oportunidades limitados, así como en el número y la gravedad de los problemas sociales y económicos no resueltos, la posibilidad de utilizar la teoría de los "polos de crecimiento" es cada vez más importante. La determinación de los sectores más prometedores del desarrollo de las regiones, los niveles de desarrollo de las industrias contribuyen a mejorar la efectividad de la planificación estratégica de la región, así como el enfoque específico de las actividades de inversión dentro de la región. Debido a los limitados fondos presupuestarios en la región, es necesario identificar industrias inestables en la región, así como las perspectivas de desarrollo características de la Región de Belgorod, para la implementación del apoyo y la regulación. Los principales resultados se presentan en el artículo dado: el concepto de “polos de crecimiento” para la región se caracteriza, y el algoritmo para determinar los polos de crecimiento prometedores se considera utilizando el ejemplo de la región de Belgorod, los principales sectores prometedores también se identifican. Como el nivel de desarrollo de cada uno de los sectores en la actualidad.Na actual situação económica, em vez de recursos e oportunidades limitadas, bem como o número ea gravidade dos problemas sociais e econômicos não resolvidas, a possibilidade de utilizar a teoria dos "pólos de crescimento" é cada vez mais importante. A determinação dos setores mais promissores de regiões em desenvolvimento, os níveis de desenvolvimento das indústrias de contribuir para melhorar a eficácia do planeamento estratégico na região, bem como o foco específico de atividades de investimento na região. Devido aos limitados recursos orçamentários na região, é necessário identificar indústrias instáveis na região, bem como as perspectivas de desenvolvimento características da Região de Belgorod, para a implementação de apoio e regulamentação. Os principais resultados são apresentados no artigo como: o conceito de "pólos de crescimento" para a região é caracterizada, eo algoritmo para determinar os pólos de crescimento promissor é considerado usando o exemplo da região de Belgorod, os principais setores promissores também eles identificam Como o nível de desenvolvimento de cada um dos setores no presente

    Обґрунтування вибору способу попереднього охолодження плодів

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    The research is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the feasibility of combination of pre­cooling the fruits and their treatment by antioxidant compositions before prolonged storage, as well as determining the optimal modes and methods of carrying out the given technological operation. The objects of research were the fruits of apple varieties Aydared, Golden Delicious, Simirenko Renet, Florin, the fruits of pear varieties Izyuminka Crimea and Conference, the fruits of plum varieties Voloshka and Stenley. Pre­cooling was conducted in three ways: by cold air in conventional storing chambers, by cold air in the chambers of intensive cooling and hydro­cooling in the solutions of antioxidant compositions. As a result of the studies, it was found that the most intensive method of pre­cooling is cooling by air at temperature minus 2…minus 4 oC and airflow velocity 3 m/s. Under such circumstances, general period of cooling to a temperature 0 oC of the apple fruits and pear fruits is about 2 hours and the plum fruits – slightly longer than 1 hour. The velocity constant of reduction in the intensity of breathing and heat release of fruits during intensive cooling exceeded the velocity constant of the analyzed indices during slow cooling by 4.3…6.6 times and during hydro­cooling by 1.2...1.6 depending on the type of fruit. Along with this, high speed of air motion increased the natural weight loss of fruits during cooling. The quantitative value of this indicator during intensive method was maximum and varied in the range of 0.56 % for the pear fruits to 0.44 % for the plum fruits. Combined method, which implies initial pre­cooling in the working solutions of antioxidant compositions and further cooling by the intensive method, was characterized by high velocity constant of reduction in the intensity of breathing and heat release of the fruits and low level of the natural loss weight. In this case, the quantitative value of the weight loss varied in the range from 0.005 % for plum fruits to 0.014 % for the apple and pear fruits.Установлено, что комбинированный способ предварительного охлаждения плодов отличался высокой константой скорости снижения интенсивности дыхания и тепловыделения и низкими потерями массы. Их количественное значение варьировало в пределах от 0,005 % до 0,014 % в зависимости от вида плодов. Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать данный способ предварительного охлаждения плодов для использования в производственных условияхВстановлено, що комбінований спосіб попереднього охолодження плодів відрізнявся високою константою швидкості зниження інтенсивності дихання та тепловиділення і низькими втратами маси. Їх кількісне значення варіювало в межах від 0,005 % до 0,014 % залежно від виду плодів. Отримані результати дають змогу рекомендувати даний спосіб попереднього охолодження плодів для використання у виробничих умова

    Investigation of the influence of antioxidant compositions on development of microbiological spoilage in storage of fruits

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    The studies are devoted to the scientific grounding of expedience of after-harvest processing by antioxidant compositions for preventing the development of pathogenic microflora on fruit surfaces during a long storage. For the studies were used apple fruits of the varieties Aidared, Golden Dushesse, Renet Simirenka, pear fruits of the varieties Victoria, Crimea Raisin and Cure, plum fruits of the varieties Voloshka, Stanley and Italian Ugorka. Fruits were processed by immersion in the following antioxidant compositions: ACM is a mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol and polyethylene glycols; AARL – mixture of ascorbic acid, routin and lecithin; DL – mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol and lecithin. Fruits, processed by water, were used as a control. Exposition – 10 seconds. Storage was carried out at the temperature 0±1 ºС, relative air humidity 90–95 %. It was established that in the period of fruits laying for storage, the mean amount of epiphyte microflora was fixed on surfaces of plump and pear fruits of the mean ripening term. In the variety composition of epiphyte microflora prevailed spores of mesophyl aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms. Their mean number on apple fruits surface was 9,6·103 CCU/g, pear fruits – 10,6 103 CCU/g, plump fruits – 18·103C CCU/g. AOC processing of all types of fruits essentially decreased the speed of both MAFAnM and micromycetes growth. It was demonstrated that the used compositions in 2…3,5 times decreased the level of day losses from microbiological spoilage during the whole storage period. The most positive effect was received at using compositions, based on dystinol and lecithin. Multifactor analysis determined that the level of day losses from microbiological spoilage was mainly influenced by factors of raw material variety features (factor A) and antioxidant compositions processing (factor D). The shares of influence are 24 and 21 % respectively. Keywords: apple fruits, pear fruits, plump fruits, dimethyl sulfoxide, ionol, polyethylene glycols, after-harvest processing, fungal molds

    Mechanismen, die rezeptorspezifische Genregulation durch den Androgen- und Glukokortikoidrezeptor steuern

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    The androgen receptor (AR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) are closely related transcription factors that have distinct biological functions but recognize nearly identical DNA binding sites. To provide insights into this apparent paradox, I studied the role of genomic binding, the chromatin environment and cofactor interactions in driving receptor-specific gene regulation. To study differences of the receptors in an identical cellular context I generated a U2OS cell line stably expressing AR and compared it to the existing GR-expressing U2OS cell line. Activation of the receptors revealed the expression of receptor-specific as well as shared target genes. I found that receptor-specific gene expression can in part be driven by subtle binding differences of the receptors. In order to investigate whether divergent DNA binding can be a consequence of different abilities to bind to inaccessible chromatin I performed ATAC-seq in both cell lines. The analysis revealed a receptor-specific ability of GR to bind to closed chromatin which in turn directs GR-specific binding and gene regulation. Furthermore, to understand the effect of the sequence composition on differential binding, I compared the genomic loci that are selectively occupied by one of the receptors. Notably, GR showed a preference for GC-rich loci suggesting a role in local sequence composition in directing GR to its genomic binding sites and thereby contributing to GR-specific gene regulation. Remarkably, receptor-specific gene regulation was also observed near sites that are occupied by both receptors. A genomic deletion of these sites in their endogenous context indeed resulted in a loss of regulation of the nearby gene validating that these sites are essential for transcriptional activation. To investigate how the receptors direct differential gene regulation from shared binding sites I performed STARR-seq, an episomal reporter assay, and compared the activity of AR and GR at occupied genomic enhancers. I found receptor-specific enhancer activation at some shared binding sites suggesting that receptor-specific gene regulation can be driven by distinct abilities to activate genomic enhancers. Finally, to explore if differential enhancer activation can be a consequence of different interactions with transcriptional cofactors, I compared the cofactors recruited by AR and GR. The analysis revealed that proteins from the mediator complex as well as enzymes harboring acetyltransferase activity are specifically enriched among the GR interactors. This demonstrates that functional diversity at sites occupied by both receptors could be driven by differential cofactor recruitment. Together, I found that differences in gene regulation by AR and GR can be driven by the sequence composition as well as distinct abilities to bind closed chromatin. Moreover, gene regulation can be driven by mechanisms downstream of binding, such as differential enhancer activation and cofactor recruitment. These observations might potentially apply to other paralogous transcription factors and help explain how related proteins achieve functional diversification despite similar DNA sequence preferences. Moreover, the model system I have generated provides a valuable setup to further study different mechanisms of signaling by AR and GR in the future.Der Androgenrezeptor (AR) und Glukokortikoidrezeptor (GR) sind eng verwandte Transkriptionsfaktoren, die unterschiedliche biologische Funktionen haben, aber nahezu identische DNA-Bindestellen erkennen. Um dieses Paradoxon besser zu verstehen, habe ich den Einfluss der genomischen Bindung, der Chromatin-Umgebung und der Interaktionen mit Cofactoren auf die rezeptorspezifische Genregulation untersucht. Um die Unterschiede der Rezeptoren in einem identischen zellulären Kontext zu untersuchen, erzeugte ich eine U2OS-Zelllinie, die AR stabil exprimiert und verglich sie mit der bestehenden GR-exprimierenden U2OS-Zelllinie. Die Aktivierung der Rezeptoren zeigte die Expression sowohl rezeptorspezifischer als auch gemeinsamer Zielgene. Es zeigte sich, dass die rezeptorspezifische Genexpression zum Teil aus subtilen Unterschieden in der DNA-Bindung der Rezeptoren resultiert. Um zu untersuchen, ob Unterschiede in der DNA-Bindung eine Folge von unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten an geschlossenes Chromatin zu binden sind, führte ich ATAC-seq in beiden Zelllinien durch. Die Analyse ergab, dass GR die Fähigkeit besitzt an geschlossenes Chromatin zu binden, was wiederum eine GR-spezifische Bindung und Genregulation auslöst. Um zu verstehen, ob die Sequenzzusammensetzung einen Einfluss auf die differentielle Bindung hat, verglich ich außerdem die genomischen Loci, die selektiv von einem der Rezeptoren besetzt werden. GR zeigte im Vergleich zu AR eine deutliche Präferenz für GC-reiche Loci. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die lokale Sequenzzusammensetzung einen Einfluss auf die DNA-Bindung von AR und GR hat und damit zur rezeptorspezifischen Genregulation beiträgt. Bemerkenswerterweise wurde eine rezeptorspezifische Genregulation auch in der Nähe von Bindestellen beobachtet, die von beiden Rezeptoren gleichermaßen besetzt sind. Eine genomische Deletion dieser Bindestellen in ihrem endogenen Kontext führte tatsächlich zu einem Verlust der Regulation des nahegelegenen Gens, was bestätigt, dass die Bindestellen für die Aktivierung dieses Gens verantwortlich sind. Um zu untersuchen, wie die Rezeptoren eine differenzielle Genregulation von gemeinsamen Bindestellen aus erreichen, habe ich mithilfe von STARR-seq die Aktivierung genomischer Enhancer durch die beiden Rezeptoren verglichen. Ich fand heraus, dass AR und GR eine rezeptorspezifische Enhancer-Aktivierung an einigen gemeinsamen Bindestellen aufweisen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass eine rezeptorspezifische Genregulation aus unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten der Enhancer-Aktivierung resultieren kann. Um zu untersuchen ob Unterschiede bei der Enhancer-Aktivierung durch AR und GR möglicherweise eine Folge unterschiedlicher Interaktionen mit Cofaktoren sind, habe ich untersucht, ob die Rezeptoren Unterschiede bei der Cofaktorrekrutierung aufweisen. Die Analyse zeigte, dass der Mediator-Komplex sowie einige Acetyltransferasen spezifisch mit GR interagieren. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Unterschiede in der Genregulation eine Folge von unterschiedlichen Interaktionen von AR und GR mit Cofaktoren sind. Zusammenfassend habe ich herausgefunden, dass die Sequenzzusammensetzung der DNA sowie unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten geschlossenes Chromatin zu binden einen Einfluss auf die rezeptor- spezifische Genregulation von AR und GR haben. Darüber hinaus kann eine differentielle Genregulation aus unterschiedlichen Interaktionen mit Cofaktoren resultieren. Diese Beobachtungen sind möglicherweise auch auf weitere verwandte Transkriptionsfaktoren übertragbar und können dazu beitragen, zu erklären, wie Proteine trotz ähnlicher Präferenzen für die DNA-Sequenz spezifische Funktionen erreichen. Darüber hinaus bietet das von mir erzeugte Modellsystem die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Mechanismen von AR und GR in Zukunft weiter zu untersuchen

    Desalination and filling of river waters on the Don basin sandy lands: Geoecological component

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    The research purpose is to assess the mesorelief geoecological significance in the desalination and filling of the river waters of the Kazanskaya-Veshenskaya sand massif. The studies were carried out on the watercourses of the eastern (Kumylga, Khopyor, Srednaya Elan’, Sukhaya Elan’, Malaya Peskovatka, Peskovatka rivers and spring in the Shakinskaya oak grove) and western (Otrog spring and situated in Kazanskaya forestry spring; Peskovatka, Elan rivers) parts of the massif. It is established that the underground runoff is 70% of the amount runoff through open watercourses (or 89 thousands m3). In October, the total daily flow through the Kazanskaya-Veshenskaya sand massif is 216 thousand m3. The annual groundwater supply is equal to 141.6 million m3. A third of this water is discharged in two spring months. The remaining 99.1 million m3 are discharged into the groundwater during the remaining 10 months. On average, this amounts to 330 thousand m3 per day