100 research outputs found

    Video-assisted transseptal cryoablation of left atrium in nonmitral cases

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    液状食品に関する流動方程式は,各種装置を設計,制御をしていく場合に必要となる。本研究では,低濃度の脱脂粉乳水溶液の流動特性に関する研究を温度を変えて行なった。流動特性の測定には圧力を変化させて操作ができる毛管形粘度計を使用した。 低流速域において,ニュートン流動方程式が適用できた。得られた粘性パラメータを次に示す。 γ=(1/K)(gcτ-gcτy)^n n=1.0,τy=0.0 K=10^0.0241S-4.94 exp(3.96×10^3/RgT)(g/cm・sec) t=30~60℃, S=0~25.3wt% ここで,(sec^-1):せん断速度, τ(gf/cm^2): せん断応力, gc=980.7g・cm/gf・sec^2: 重力換算係数, Rg=1.987cal/g-mol・°K: 気体定数である。The flow equations of liquid foods are important for the designing and controlling of various apparatuses. In this paper, we studied the flow behavior of skim milk solutions under low concentration at various temperatures. For measuring the flow behavior, we used a capillary tube viscometer operated under various pressures. For the low flow region, a Newtonian flow equation was applied. The viscometric parameters are shown as follow: γ= (1/K)(gcτ-gcτy)n, n=1.0, τy=0.0, K=10^0. 0241s-4.94 exp(3. 96×10^3'/ RgT) (g/cm・sec) t =30~60°C, S=0~25. 3 wt% where, γ(sec^-1): shear rate, τ(gf/cm^2): shear stress, gc=980.7g·cm/gf·sec^2: gravitational conversion factor and Rg=1.982 cal/g-mol·°K: gas constant


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    液状食品に関する各種装置の設計ならびに操作に関する研究を行なっていくたあには,液状食品の密度,粘度などの物性値を温度,濃度などの条件関係式として表わしておくことが必要である。本研究では,砂糖,食塩,脱脂粉乳およびこれらの混合水溶液についての密度,粘度の測定値を例として,関係式の設定について検討した。 密度関係式は,条係範囲が広い場合には,温度,濃度についてそれぞれ2~3次多項式として表わす必要があるが,条件範囲が狭い場合には,次式を近似式として利用できる結果が得られた。 ρ=aT+bS+c ここで,ρ(g/cm3):密度,T(°K):温度,S(wt%):濃度である。混合水溶液に対しては,重量混合率を用いた加成性が得られる結果となった。 粘度関係式は,次式を近似式として利用できる結果が得られた。 μ=a exp(b/T^n) ここで,μ(g/cm3・sec):粘度である。水に近いもので,条件範囲が広いものでは,n=3として表わす必要があるが,条件範囲が広くない場合には,n=1としたAndradeの式が利用できる結果が得られた。aとbは,濃度範囲が広くない範囲で,次式が適用できる結果になった。 a=10^αsn+β b=α'S^m+β'The values of the density and the viscosity are important for designing and controlling various apparatuses. In this paper, we studied the equations regarding the temperature and the concentration of the density and the viscosity of sugar, salt and skim milk solutions. For the density, the following equations were approximately obtained. p =aT+ bS+c (g/cm3) For sugar solution (T=283.2~323.2°K, S=0~30 wt%): a=-3.49×10^-4, b=4.26×10^-3, c=1.098 For salt solution (T=283.2~323.2°K, S=0~24 wt%): a=-4.11×l0^-4, b=7.46×10^-3, c=1.118 For skim milk solution (T=283.2~323.2°K, S=0~25.3 wt%): a=-3.39×10^-4 , b=3.88×10^-3 , c=1.096 For the mixed solutions: p=kSXS+kNXN+kMXM where, X(-) is weight fractions of the solid matters in the solutions and ks, kN and kM (g/cm3) are the values of the density of the solutions of solid matters S, N and M (sugar, salt and skim milk) for the concentration of St=SS + SN + SM (wt%), respectively. For the viscosity, the following equations were approximately obtained at T=283.2~323.2 °K. µ=a exp(b/T^n) (g/cm • sec) For sugar solution (S=0~30 wt%): a=10^4.58×10^-3s1.15 -3.05 b=9.90×10^4 S^1.51+6.10×10^7 n=3 For salt solution (S=0~24 wt%): a=10^3.59×10^-3s1.33 -2.00 b=5.79×10^7 n=3 For skim milk solution (S=0~15 wt%): The previous results1,2) used Andrade equation are more useful. For the mixed solutions (St=0~15 wt%): The previous results2) can be used

    Management of Acute Superior Mesenteric Artery Occlusion by Thrombolytic Therapy

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    Acute occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) causes extensive bowel necrosis, resulting in a poor prognosis with an extremely high mortality rate. An 82-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of abdominal pain. She was diagnosed as having acute SMA occlusion by enhanced CT. Five hours from onset, the first thrombolytic therapy with urokinase was performed, but failed to complete thrombolysis and recanalization of peripheral blood flow. An exploratory laparotomy following the first thrombolytic therapy showed a mild ischemic change in the affected intestine and mesentery, but no sign of necrosis. After the laparotomy, local thrombolytic therapy with angiographic evaluation of blood flow at 24, 36 and 48 h from the first thrombolysis was performed. As a result, the residual thrombus disappeared and all branches of the SMA became well visualized. The patient was discharged well without a second-look operation or major bowel resection. Sequential intermittent thrombolytic therapy with meticulous angiographic evaluation of blood flow is effective for early-stage acute SMA occlusion

    Attenuated response to liver injury in moesin-deficient mice: Impaired stellate cell migration and decreased fibrosis

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    AbstractHepatic stellate cells (HSCs) respond to injury with a coordinated set of events (termed activation), which includes migration and upregulation of matrix protein production. Cell migration requires an intact actin cytoskeleton that is linked to the plasma membrane by ezrin–radixin–moesin (ERM) proteins. We have previously found that the linker protein in HSCs is exclusively moesin. Here, we describe HSC migration and fibrogenesis in moesin-deficient mice. We developed an acute liver injury model that involved focal thermal denaturation and common bile duct ligation. HSC migration and collagen deposition were assessed by immunohistology and quantitative real-time PCR. Activated HSCs were isolated from wild-type or moesin-deficient mice for direct examination of migration. Activated HSCs from wild-type mice were positive for moesin. Migration of moesin-deficient HSCs was significantly reduced. In a culture assay, 22.1% of normal HSCs migrated across a filter in 36h. In contrast, only 1.3% of activated moesin-deficient HSCs migrated. Collagen deposition around the injury area similarly was reduced in moesin-deficient liver. The linker protein moesin is essential for HSC activation and migration in response to injury. Fibrogenesis is coupled to migration and reduced in moesin-deficient mice. Agents that target moesin may be beneficial for chronic progressive fibrosis

    Prevalence and Outcomes of Acute Hepatitis B in Okayama, Japan, 2006-2010

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the major viruses causing acute hepatitis. Recently, the incidence of acute hepatitis with genotype A has been increasing in Japan. The aim of this study was to investigate acute hepatitis B (AHB) in Okayama prefecture, with special attention to HBV genotype A. AHB patients who visited one of 12 general hospitals in Okayama prefecture between 2006 and 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. Over the course of the study period, 128 patients were diagnosed with AHB. Sexual transmission was supposed in the majority of patients (78 patients, 61%), including 59 (76%) having sex with heterosexual partners. The genotypes of HBV were assessed in 90 patients (70%), of whom 27 patients were infected with genotype A, 5 with genotype B, and 58 with genotype C. The prevalence of genotype A was significantly higher among male patients (28.7%), aged 20-29 (35.6%, p<0.01), among men who had sex with men (100%, p<0.005), and among patients having sex with unspecified partners (44.8%, p<0.005). Genotype A was not a significant factor associated with delayed HBsAg disappearance. Caution should be exercised with regard to sexually transmissible diseases in order to slow the pandemic spread of AHB due to genotype A

    四肢動脈でみるサイン (バージャー病におけるコークスクリューサイン)

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Thromboangitis obliterans (Buerger\u27s disease) is a non-atherosclerotic, segmental inflammatory disease that commonly affects small and medium-sized distal arteries, veins, and nerves of the upper and lower extremities in heavy tobacco smokers before the age of 50 years. As with atherosclerotic obliterans, manifestations of Buerger\u27s disease are intermittent claudication, leg pain at rest, and ulceration of extremities. Therefore, accurate diagnosis of Buerger\u27s disease is important to provide appropriate therapy to the patient. The presence of the corkscrew sign, collateralization around areas of occlusion, is a characteristic finding of Buerger\u27s disease. This paper presents the corkscrew sign involving both the upper and lower limbs.バージャー病は, 四肢の中, 小血管に好発し, 非特異的な原因不明の慢性血管炎により, 狭窄, 閉塞を来す疾患である. 本疾患は50歳未満の喫煙者において発症し, 虚血症状に伴う冷感, 知覚異常, 間歇性跛行, 安静時疼痛, 潰瘍等の症状を呈する. 診断は, 血管造影検査による動脈の形態学的所見が重要で, 末梢動脈の閉塞と側副血管路の所見からなされる. 特にコルク栓抜き状の側副血行路の所見はcorkscrew signと称され, 本疾患の特徴的な所見である. 本稿では, corkscrew signについて言及する. 「1. 疾患概念」バージャー病は, 四肢の中, 小血管に好発し, 非特異的な原因不明の慢性血管炎により, 狭窄, 閉塞を来す疾患である. バージャー病によって障害される血管は, 下肢では膝関節より末梢, 上肢では肘関節より末梢の動脈であり, しばしば周囲の静脈に遊走性静脈炎を合併する.出版者照会後に全文公

    C57BL/KsJ-db/db-ApcMin/+ Mice Exhibit an Increased Incidence of Intestinal Neoplasms

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    The numbers of obese people and diabetic patients are ever increasing. Obesity and diabetes are high-risk conditions for chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer (CRC). The aim of this study was to develop a novel animal model in order to clarify the pathobiology of CRC development in obese and diabetic patients. We developed an animal model of obesity and colorectal cancer by breeding the C57BL/KsJ-db/db (db/db) mouse, an animal model of obesity and type II diabetes, and the C57BL/6J-ApcMin/+ (Min/+) mouse, a model of familial adenomatous polyposis. At 15 weeks of age, the N9 backcross generation of C57BL/KsJ-db/db-ApcMin/+ (db/db-Min/+) mice developed an increased incidence and multiplicity of adenomas in the intestinal tract when compared to the db/m-Min/+ and m/m-Min/+ mice. Blood biochemical profile showed significant increases in insulin (8.3-fold to 11.7-fold), cholesterol (1.2-fold to 1.7-fold), and triglyceride (1.2-fold to 1.3-fold) in the db/db-Min/+ mice, when compared to those of the db/m-Min/+ and m/m-Min/+ mice. Increases (1.4-fold to 2.6-fold) in RNA levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, IRF-1R, and IGF-2 were also observed in the db/db- Min/+ mice. These results suggested that the IGFs, as well as hyperlipidemia and hyperinsulinemia, promoted adenoma formation in the db/db-Min/+ mice. Our results thus suggested that the db/db-Min/+ mice should be invaluable for studies on the pathogenesis of CRC in obese and diabetes patients and the therapy and prevention of CRC in these patients

    Control of endothelial quiescence by FOXO-regulated metabolites.

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    Funder: - Cancer Center Support Grant 5P30CA045508Funder: - Medical Research Council (MRC_MC_UU_12022/6)Funder: - Max Planck Society - European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant EMERGE (773047) - European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie action (814316) - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 834) - Cardio-Pulmonary Institute (EXC 2026, Project ID: 390649896) - DZHK (German Center for Cardiovascular Research) - Foundation Leducq Transatlantic Network - Stiftung Charité - European Molecular BiologyOrganization (EMBO) Young Investigator ProgrammeEndothelial cells (ECs) adapt their metabolism to enable the growth of new blood vessels, but little is known how ECs regulate metabolism to adopt a quiescent state. Here, we show that the metabolite S-2-hydroxyglutarate (S-2HG) plays a crucial role in the regulation of endothelial quiescence. We find that S-2HG is produced in ECs after activation of the transcription factor forkhead box O1 (FOXO1), where it limits cell cycle progression, metabolic activity and vascular expansion. FOXO1 stimulates S-2HG production by inhibiting the mitochondrial enzyme 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. This inhibition relies on branched-chain amino acid catabolites such as 3-methyl-2-oxovalerate, which increase in ECs with activated FOXO1. Treatment of ECs with 3-methyl-2-oxovalerate elicits S-2HG production and suppresses proliferation, causing vascular rarefaction in mice. Our findings identify a metabolic programme that promotes the acquisition of a quiescent endothelial state and highlight the role of metabolites as signalling molecules in the endothelium

    Analysis of Relating the Use of a Learning Management System to Teacher Epistemology and Course Characteristics in Higher Education

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    This study proposes appropriate methods for supporting instructors in the development of course plans by explaining how the use of a learning management system (LMS) relates to teachers’ epistemology and course characteristics. By analyzing the data, the authors identified three categories of courses taught at undergraduate levels: (1) knowledge construction, (2) knowledge transmission, and (3) mixed. In knowledge construction courses, instructors need to transform students’ conceptions of learning and the LMS must support, among other things, students’ cognition and interaction. Teaching assistants, typically graduate students who work directly with the instructor, are also needed for enhancing instruction of these courses. In knowledge transmission courses, instructors need to relate the knowledge learned in the course with the competencies required by society, and the LMS should include functions for evaluating students’ learning progress. Teaching assistants for these courses should support student learning, especially for those with poor comprehension of the content. In mixed courses, instructors need to make communication with individual students visible to the whole class and the LMS should include functions for promoting student interaction. Finally, the authors propose that an organization for supporting improved instruction should implement development learning models based on instructor’s epistemology and course characteristics in order to facilitate LMS utilization based on lesson strategies. Also they should conduct case studies with teachers who have problems fostering collaborative learning and disseminate the lessons from these case studies to other instructors