216 research outputs found

    Intermixing between HfO2 and GeO2 films deposited on Ge(001) and Si(001) : role of the substrate

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    Thermally driven atomic transport in HfO2 /GeO2/substrate structures on Ge 001 and Si 001 was investigated in N2 ambient as function of annealing temperature and time. As-deposited stacks showed no detectable intermixing and no instabilities were observed on Si. On Ge, loss of O and Ge was detected in all annealed samples, presumably due to evolution of GeO from the GeO2 /Ge interface. In addition, hafnium germanate is formed at 600 °C. Our data indicate that at 500 °C and above HfO2 /GeO2 stacks are stable only if isolated from the Ge substrate

    Interaction of SiC thermal oxidation by-products with SiO2

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    We investigated oxygen incorporation and exchange during thermal growth of silicon oxide films on silicon carbide. This investigation was carried out in parallel with the thermal growth of silicon oxide films on silicon for comparison.We provide experimental evidence that oxidation by-products of silicon carbide out-diffuse and interact with the silicon oxide overlayer, incorporating C and O. This and other results are in sharp contrast to those obtained for silicon samples, constituting a key issue in the stability of any dielectric material used on silicon carbide

    Mineração de Dados Educacionais e Learning Analytics no contexto educacional brasileiro: um mapeamento sistemático

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    A partir de um mapeamento sistemático buscou-se verificar as contribuições de Learning Analytics e Mineração de Dados Educacionais no contexto educacional brasileiro. Optou-se por fontes de busca em três revistas na área de Informática na Educação e Anais de dois eventos de relevância nacional onde foram verificados 136 artigos entre janeiro de 2008 e março de 2020. Após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão e de qualidade foram selecionados 71 artigos. Os resultados apresentam a maior ocorrência de projetos com finalidade de analisar desempenho acadêmico e prevenção de evasão escolar, embora nos últimos anos os assuntos estejam apresentando diversificação temática. Grande parte são voltados ao Ensino Superior e na modalidade de Educação a Distância. Há variedade de tecnologias e recursos utilizados no desenvolvimento de soluções em LA ressaltando o uso de Linguagem R, MySQL e a ferramenta Weka

    Educational data mining and learning analytics in brazilian educational context : a systematic mapping

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    A partir de um mapeamento sistemático buscou-se verificar as contribuições de Learning Analytics e Mineração de Dados Educacionais no contexto educacional brasileiro. Optouse por fontes de busca em três revistas na área de Informática na Educação e Anais de dois eventos de relevância nacional onde foram verificados 136 artigos entre janeiro de 2008 e março de 2020. Após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão e de qualidade foram selecionados 71 artigos. Os resultados apresentam a maior ocorrência de projetos com finalidade de analisar desempenho acadêmico e prevenção de evasão escolar, embora nos últimos anos os assuntos estejam apresentando diversificação temática. Grande parte são voltados ao Ensino Superior e na modalidade de Educação a Distância. Há variedade de tecnologias e recursos utilizados no desenvolvimento de soluções em LA ressaltando o uso de Linguagem R, MySQL e a ferramenta Weka.From a systematic mapping, Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) contributions in the Brazilian educational context were verified. The sources chosen were three journals in the area of Computers in Education and annals of events of national relevance where 136 articles between 2008 and 2020 were verified. After applying exclusion and quality criteria, 71 articles were selected. Results show the highest occurrence of projects with the purpose of analyzing academic performance and prevention of school dropout, although in recent years the subjects are presenting thematic diversification. Most of them are focused on Higher and Distance Education. There are a variety of technologies and resources used in the development of solutions in Learning Analytics highlighting the use of R Language, MySQL and Weka tool

    Training during the COVID-19 lockdown : knowledge, beliefs, and practices of 12,526 athletes from 142 countries and six continents

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    OBJECTIVE Our objective was to explore the training-related knowledge, beliefs, and practices of athletes and the influence of lockdowns in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). METHODS Athletes (n = 12,526, comprising 13% world class, 21% international, 36% national, 24% state, and 6% recreational) completed an online survey that was available from 17 May to 5 July 2020 and explored their training behaviors (training knowledge, beliefs/attitudes, and practices), including specific questions on their training intensity, frequency, and session duration before and during lockdown (March–June 2020). RESULTS Overall, 85% of athletes wanted to “maintain training,” and 79% disagreed with the statement that it is “okay to not train during lockdown,” with a greater prevalence for both in higher-level athletes. In total, 60% of athletes considered “coaching by correspondence (remote coaching)” to be sufficient (highest amongst world-class athletes). During lockdown, < 40% were able to maintain sport-specific training (e.g., long endurance [39%], interval training [35%], weightlifting [33%], most (83%) training for “general fitness and health maintenance” during lockdown. Athletes trained alone (80%) and focused on bodyweight (65%) and cardiovascular (59%) exercise/training during lockdown. Compared with before lockdown, most athletes reported reduced training frequency (from between five and seven sessions per week to four or fewer), shorter training sessions (from ≥ 60 to < 60 min), and lower sport-specific intensity (~ 38% reduction), irrespective of athlete classification. CONCLUSIONS COVID-19-related lockdowns saw marked reductions in athletic training specificity, intensity, frequency, and duration, with notable within-sample differences (by athlete classification). Higher classification athletes had the strongest desire to “maintain” training and the greatest opposition to “not training” during lockdowns. These higher classification athletes retained training specificity to a greater degree than others, probably because of preferential access to limited training resources. More higher classification athletes considered “coaching by correspondence” as sufficient than did lower classification athletes. These lockdown-mediated changes in training were not conducive to maintenance or progression of athletes’ physical capacities and were also likely detrimental to athletes’ mental health. These data can be used by policy makers, athletes, and their multidisciplinary teams to modulate their practice, with a degree of individualization, in the current and continued pandemic-related scenario. Furthermore, the data may drive training-related educational resources for athletes and their multidisciplinary teams. Such upskilling would provide athletes with evidence to inform their training modifications in response to germane situations (e.g., COVID related, injury, and illness).A specific funding was provided by the National Sports Institute of Malaysia for this study.The National Sports Institute of Malaysia.https://www.springer.com/journal/40279am2023Sports Medicin

    COVID-19 lockdown : a global study investigating athletes’ sport classification and sex on training practices

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    PURPOSE : To investigate differences in athletes’ knowledge, beliefs, and training practices during COVID-19 lockdowns with reference to sport classification and sex. This work extends an initial descriptive evaluation focusing on athlete classification. METHODS : Athletes (12,526; 66% male; 142 countries) completed an online survey (May–July 2020) assessing knowledge, beliefs, and practices toward training. Sports were classified as team sports (45%), endurance (20%), power/technical (10%), combat (9%), aquatic (6%), recreational (4%), racquet (3%), precision (2%), parasports (1%), and others (1%). Further analysis by sex was performed. RESULTS : During lockdown, athletes practiced body-weight-based exercises routinely (67% females and 64% males), ranging from 50% (precision) to 78% (parasports). More sport-specific technical skills were performed in combat, parasports, and precision (∼50%) than other sports (∼35%). Most athletes (range: 50% [parasports] to 75% [endurance]) performed cardiorespiratory training (trivial sex differences). Compared to prelockdown, perceived training intensity was reduced by 29% to 41%, depending on sport (largest decline: ∼38% in team sports, unaffected by sex). Some athletes (range: 7%–49%) maintained their training intensity for strength, endurance, speed, plyometric, change-of-direction, and technical training. Athletes who previously trained ≥5 sessions per week reduced their volume (range: 18%–28%) during lockdown. The proportion of athletes (81%) training ≥60 min/session reduced by 31% to 43% during lockdown. Males and females had comparable moderate levels of training knowledge (56% vs 58%) and beliefs/attitudes (54% vs 56%). CONCLUSIONS : Changes in athletes’ training practices were sport-specific, with few or no sex differences. Team-based sports were generally more susceptible to changes than individual sports. Policy makers should provide athletes with specific training arrangements and educational resources to facilitate remote and/or home-based training during lockdown-type events.https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijspp/ijspp-overview.xmlhj2023Sports Medicin

    Superfícies porosas recobertas com metalocenos : análise multivariada envolvendo caracterização com feixes de íons

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    Implementaram-se no Laboratório de Implantação IOnica do IF-UFRGS técnicas de análise com feixes de ions paa a caracterização composiciond de sistemas cataliticos de grande interesse para a produção de polimeros sintéticos, do tipo metaloceno e organoalurninios ancorados à superficie de grãos porosos de óxido de silício (silica). Especificamente, aplicaram-se espectrometria de retroespalhamento Rutherford (RBS) e emissão gama induzida por partículas (PIGE), respectivamente, a determinação dos teores de zircônio (do metaloceno) e de alumínio imobilizados sobre a sílica. Paralelamente, utilizaram-se t4cnicas de análise multivariada (planos de Plackett-Burman e fatorial completo de dois níveis) para determinar os efeitos de pa.rimetro de preparação sobre as características composiçionais desses sistemas cataliticos. Conduziram-se os trabalhos em dois estágios: inicialmente, utilizando um plano de Plackett-Burman, estudaram-se os efeitos de (a) seqüência de imobilização (organoaiuminios seguidos de metaloceno I ou vice-versa); (b) concentração de metaloceno na etapa de ancoragem (1,5 ou 2,5% p/p Zr/Si02); (c) concentração de organoaluminios na correspondente etapa de ancoragem (2 ou 4% p/p A1/SiO2 em trimetilalumínio (TMA) mais 6 ou 12% p/p A1/Si02 em metilaluminoxana (MAO)); (dj temperatura (30 ou 80°C); e (e) tempos de tratamento da silica com rnetaloceno e com organoaluminios (1 ou 6 h). Verificou-se que a concentração de metaloceno na etapa de ancoragem e o tempo de tratamento do suporte têm efeito sobre o teor de zircônio irnobilizado, e que a concentração de MA0 e a seqiiência de imobilização têm efeito sobre o teor de alumínio imobilizado. Em uma segunda etapa, utilizando um plana fatorial completo, estudaram-se os efeitos de (a) temperatura (30 ou 80°C); (b) concentração de metaloceno (1,5 ou 2,5% pp/ Zr/SiOz); e (c) concentração de MA0 (6 ou 12% ppJ A1/SiO2). Nesse caso, verificou-se que as concentrações de rnetaloceno e de MA0 têm efeito sobre o teor de zircônio imobilizado, e que a concentração de MA0 e a interação entre as concentrações de rnetaloceno e de MA0 têm efeito sobre o teor de alumínio imobilizado. Comparam-se dados obtidos por REIS e PIGE a resultados da técnica analítica convencionalmente apIicada a catalisadores ancorados. No caso de PIGE, um estudo abrangente das condições de análise levou a considerável evolução a partir do mktodo inicialmente proposto. As técnicas de análise por feixes de ions RBS e PIGE como implementadas a partir deste trabalho vêm sendo satisfatoriamente aplicadas a caracterização dos sistemas cataliticos de interesse, com vantagens sobre os métodos convencionais.Ion beam techniques were irnplemented at the Ion Implantation Laboratory, Physics Department , WFRGS for the çompositional characterization of catalyst systems formed by anchoring metalocene and organoalurninum compounds to the surface of silica grains. Such catalyst systerns are of great interest for the prs duction of synthetic polymers. Rutherford backsçat tering spectrometry (RBS) and particfe-Indueed gamma-ray ernission (PIGE) were applied, respeçtively, to tEie quantitation of Zirconiurn (from the metalocene) and Aluminum irnrnobilized o11 the support. IR parallel, multivariate analysis was used to determine the effects of preparation parameters on çompositional aspects of t be catalyst systems. Shis psoject was conducted in t-rvo stages: in the first, a Plaçkett-Burman design was used to estimate the effects of (a) immobilization sequence (organoalurninum coinpounds followed by a metalocene or vice-versa); (b) metalocene çoncentration in the arichoring step (1.5 os 2.5 wt.-% Zr/S102); (c) organoalurninum concentration in the anchoring step (2 or 4 wt.-% Al/Si02 as trirnethylalurninum (TMA) plus 6 or 12 wt.-% A1/Si02 as rnethylalurnoxane (M-40)); (d) temperature (30 or 80°C); and (e) period of support treatment ruith metalocene or organoalurninum çompounds (1 or 6 h). Metalocene concentration in the anchoring step and corresponding pesiod of support treatment showed signifiçant effect on Zirconiurn final loading, and MA0 concentration and imrnobilization sequence showed significant effect on Aluminum final loading. Also, a full two-leve1 factorial design was used to determine the effects of (a) ternperature (30 or 80°C); (b) metalocene concentration (1.5 os 2.5 wt.-% Zr/Si02); and (c) MA0 concentration (6 or 12 wt.-% A1/SiOzj. In this case, metalocene and MA0 concentrations sbowed effect on the final Zirconium loading, and MA0 concentration and interaction between metalocene and MA0 concentrations showed eRect on the final Alurninum loading. Data obtained by RBS and PIGE were compared to results provided by the analytiçal technique usualiy applied to ançhored catalysts. Concerning PIGE, a cornprehensive study of experimental variables led to significant improvement of the methodology initially proposed. The ion bearn techniques RBS and PIGE as implemented in the present work have been sucçesfully applied to the characterization of the catalyst systems of interest, with advantages over the conventional methods

    Filmes finos dielétricos para dispositivos microeletrônicos avançados

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    Apresentamos mecanismos de formação e de degradação térmica de filmes fi- nos (espessura da ordem de 10 nm) de diferentes dielétricos sobre substrato de silício monocristalino. Tendo em vista a aplicação dessas estruturas em MOSFETs (transistores de efeito de campo metal-óxido-semicondutor), estudamos o consagrado óxido de silício (SiO2), os atuais substitutos oxinitretos de silício (SiOxNy) e o possível substituto futuro óxido de alumínio (Al2O3). Nossos resultados experimentais baseiam-se em técnicas preparativas de substituição isotópica e de caracterização física com feixes de íons (análise com reações nucleares) ou raios- X (espectroscopia de fotoelétrons). Observamos que: (a) átomos de silício não apresentam difusão de longo alcance (além de ~ 2 nm) durante o crescimento de SiO2 por oxidação térmica do silício em O2; (b) nitretação hipertérmica é capaz de produzir filmes finos de oxinitreto de silício com até dez vezes mais nitrogênio que o resultante do processamento térmico usual, sendo que esse nitrogênio tende a se acumular na interface SiOxNy/Si; e (c) átomos de oxigênio, alumínio e silício migram e promovem reações químicas durante o recozimento térmico de estruturas Al2O3/SiO2/Si em presença de O2. Desenvolvemos um modelo de difusão-reação que poderá vir a permitir o estabelecimento de condições ótimas de processamento térmico para filmes finos de Al2O3 sobre silício a serem empregados na fabricação de MOSFETs.We present mechanisms of formation and thermal degradation of thin films (thickness about 10 nm) of different dielectrics on monocrystalline silicon substrate. Having in sight the application of such structures in MOSFETs (metal-oxidesemiconductor field effect transistors), we studied the standard silicon oxide (SiO2 ), its current substitutes silicon oxynitrides (SiO xNy) and the possible future substitute aluminum oxide (Al 203 ). The experimental results in this thesis are based on preparation techniques involving isotopic substitution and on physical characterization with ion beams (nuclear reaction analysis) or X-rays (photoelectron spectroscopy). We have observed that: (a) silicon atoms do not present long range diffusion (more than 2 nm) during the growth of SiO 2 by thermal oxidation of silicon in 02 ; (b) hyperthermal nitridation can yield silicon oxynitride thin films with up to ten times more nitrogen than the resulting from conventional thermal processing, and this nitrogen tends to accumulate at the SiO xNy/Si interface (c) oxygen, aluminum, and silicon atoms migrate and promote chemical reactions during thermal annealing of Al203/Si02/Si structures in the presence of 02 . A diffusion-reaction model was developed based on these results. In the future, this model may lead to optimal thermal processing conditions for Al 203 films on silicon to be used in MOSFET fabrication

    Filmes finos dielétricos para dispositivos microeletrônicos avançados

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    Apresentamos mecanismos de formação e de degradação térmica de filmes fi- nos (espessura da ordem de 10 nm) de diferentes dielétricos sobre substrato de silício monocristalino. Tendo em vista a aplicação dessas estruturas em MOSFETs (transistores de efeito de campo metal-óxido-semicondutor), estudamos o consagrado óxido de silício (SiO2), os atuais substitutos oxinitretos de silício (SiOxNy) e o possível substituto futuro óxido de alumínio (Al2O3). Nossos resultados experimentais baseiam-se em técnicas preparativas de substituição isotópica e de caracterização física com feixes de íons (análise com reações nucleares) ou raios- X (espectroscopia de fotoelétrons). Observamos que: (a) átomos de silício não apresentam difusão de longo alcance (além de ~ 2 nm) durante o crescimento de SiO2 por oxidação térmica do silício em O2; (b) nitretação hipertérmica é capaz de produzir filmes finos de oxinitreto de silício com até dez vezes mais nitrogênio que o resultante do processamento térmico usual, sendo que esse nitrogênio tende a se acumular na interface SiOxNy/Si; e (c) átomos de oxigênio, alumínio e silício migram e promovem reações químicas durante o recozimento térmico de estruturas Al2O3/SiO2/Si em presença de O2. Desenvolvemos um modelo de difusão-reação que poderá vir a permitir o estabelecimento de condições ótimas de processamento térmico para filmes finos de Al2O3 sobre silício a serem empregados na fabricação de MOSFETs.We present mechanisms of formation and thermal degradation of thin films (thickness about 10 nm) of different dielectrics on monocrystalline silicon substrate. Having in sight the application of such structures in MOSFETs (metal-oxidesemiconductor field effect transistors), we studied the standard silicon oxide (SiO2 ), its current substitutes silicon oxynitrides (SiO xNy) and the possible future substitute aluminum oxide (Al 203 ). The experimental results in this thesis are based on preparation techniques involving isotopic substitution and on physical characterization with ion beams (nuclear reaction analysis) or X-rays (photoelectron spectroscopy). We have observed that: (a) silicon atoms do not present long range diffusion (more than 2 nm) during the growth of SiO 2 by thermal oxidation of silicon in 02 ; (b) hyperthermal nitridation can yield silicon oxynitride thin films with up to ten times more nitrogen than the resulting from conventional thermal processing, and this nitrogen tends to accumulate at the SiO xNy/Si interface (c) oxygen, aluminum, and silicon atoms migrate and promote chemical reactions during thermal annealing of Al203/Si02/Si structures in the presence of 02 . A diffusion-reaction model was developed based on these results. In the future, this model may lead to optimal thermal processing conditions for Al 203 films on silicon to be used in MOSFET fabrication