1,000 research outputs found

    Metastable Se6 as a ligand for Ag+: from isolated molecular to polymeric 1D and 2D structures

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    Attempts to prepare the hitherto unknown Se6 2+ cation by the reaction of elemental selenium and Ag[A] ([A]- = [Sb(OTeF5)6]-, [Al(OC(CF3)3)4]-) in SO2 led to the formation of [(OSO)Ag(Se6)Ag(OSO)][Sb(OTeF5)6]2 1 and [(OSO)2Ag(Se6)Ag(OSO)2][Al(OC(CF3)3)4]2 2a. 1 could only be prepared by using bromine as co-oxidant, however, bulk 2b (2a with loss of SO2) was accessible from Ag[Al(OC(CF3)3)4] and grey Se in SO2 (chem. analysis). The reactions of Ag[MF6] (M= As, Sb) and elemental selenium led to crystals of 1/∞{[Ag(Se6)]∞[Ag2(SbF6)3]∞} 3 and {1/∞[Ag(Se6)Ag]∞}[AsF6]2 4. Pure bulk 4 was best prepared by the reaction of Se4[AsF6]2, silver metal and elemental selenium. Attempts to prepare bulk 1 and 3 were unsuccessful. 1–4 were characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determinations, 2b and 4 additionally by chemical analysis and 4 also by X-ray powder diffraction, FT-Raman and FT-IR pectroscopy. Application of the PRESTO III sequence allowed for the first time 109Ag MAS NMR investigations of 4 as well as AgF, AgF2, AgMF6 and {1/∞[Ag(I2)]∞}[MF6] (M= As, Sb). Compounds 1 and 2a/b, with the very large counter ions, contain isolated [Ag(Se6)Ag]2+ heterocubane units consisting of a Se6 molecule bicapped by two silver cations (local D3d sym). 3 and 4, with the smaller anions, contain close packed stacked arrays of Se6 rings with Ag+ residing in octahedral holes. Each Ag+ ion coordinates to three selenium atoms of each adjacent Se6 ring. 4 contains [Ag(Se6)+]∞ stacks additionally linked by Ag(2)+ into a two dimensional network. 3 features a remarkable 3-dimensional [Ag2(SbF6)3]- anion held together by strong Sb–F … Ag contacts between the component Ag+ and [SbF6]- ions. The hexagonal channels formed by the [Ag2(SbF6)3]- anions are filled by stacks of [Ag(Se6)+]∞ cations. Overall 1–4 are new members of the rare class of metal complexes of neutral main group elemental clusters, in which the main group element is positively polarized due to coordination to a metal ion. Notably, 1 to 4 include the commonly metastable Se6 molecule as a ligand. The structure, bonding and thermodynamics of 1 to 4 were investigated with the help of quantum chemical calculations (PBE0/TZVPP and (RI-)MP2/TZVPP, in part including COSMO solvation) and Born–Fajans–Haber-cycle calculations. From an analysis of all the available data it appears that the formation of the usually metastable Se6 molecule from grey selenium is thermodynamically driven by the coordination to the Ag+ ions

    Low-Valent Mx Al3 Cluster Salts with Tetrahedral [SiAl3 ]+ and Trigonal-Bipyramidal [M2 Al3 ]2+ Cores (M=Si/Ge)

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    Schnöckel's [(AlCp*)4] and Jutzi's [SiCp*][B(C6F5)4] (Cp*=C5Me5) are landmarks in modern main-group chemistry with diverse applications in synthesis and catalysis. Despite the isoelectronic relationship between the AlCp* and the [SiCp*]+ fragments, their mutual reactivity is hitherto unknown. Here, we report on their reaction giving the complex salts [Cp*Si(AlCp*)3][WCA] ([WCA]−=[Al(ORF)4]− and [F{Al(ORF)3}2]−; RF=C(CF3)3). The tetrahedral [SiAl3]+ core not only represents a rare example of a low-valent silicon-doped aluminium-cluster, but also—due to its facile accessibility and high stability—provides a convenient preparative entry towards low-valent Si−Al clusters in general. For example, an elusive binuclear [Si2(AlCp*)5]2+ with extremely short Al−Si bonds and a high negative partial charge at the Si atoms was structurally characterised and its bonding situation analysed by DFT. Crystals of the isostructural [Ge2(AlCp*)5]2+ dication were also obtained and represent the first mixed Al−Ge cluster

    Asymmetric Imides as Electrolyte Additive for Lithium‐Ion Batteries with NCM111 Cathode

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    The synthesis, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of Li[N(SiMe3)(SO2RF)] (RF=CF3, n‐C4F9) as well their behavior as electrolyte additive in lithium ion batteries (LIBs) is reported. The lithium salts were obtained by deprotonation of the corresponding acids HN(SiMe3)(SO2RF) with n‐butyllithium in n‐pentane. The electrochemical investigations suggested potential as additives for LIBs. Thus, NCM111/graphite cells (NCM111=Li[Ni0.33Co0.33Mn0.33]O2) with LP57 as electrolyte (LP57=1.0 M LiPF6 in EC/EMC 3 : 7) were built to test the performance. Cells with Li[N(SiMe3)(SO2RF)] as additives show coulombic efficiencies of over 99.6 %, less capacity fading over 55 cycles and a significantly lower cell impedance built up

    Propuesta de intervención en el Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo (Granada)

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    El Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo en Granada es, -en palabras de los autores de este artículo-, el edificio clave para el análisis de la arquitectura y la decoración en la transición del arte postalmohade al nazarí. Es de destacar el rigor de la investigación, la minuciosidad de los levantamientos gráficos mediante técnicas taquimétricas y fotogramétricas, así como la apuesta comprometida contenida en la propuesta de liberación y de repristinación que incluye la alberca y el jardín.Ayuntamiento de GranadaPeer reviewe

    Kupfer‐katalysierte Monooxygenierung von Phenolen: Evidenz für einen mononuklearen Reaktionsmechanismus

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    Die CuI-Salze [Cu(CH3CN)4]PF und [Cu(oDFB)2]PF mit dem sehr schwach koordinierenden Anion Al(OC(CF3)3)4− (PF), sowie [Cu(NEt3)2]PF mit dem einzigartigen, linearen Bis-Triethylamin-Komplex [Cu(NEt3)2]+ wurden synthetisiert und als Katalysatoren für die Umwandlung von Monophenolen zu o-Chinonen untersucht. Die Aktivitäten dieser CuI-Salze bei der Monooxygenierung von 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol (DTBP-H) wurden mit denen der [Cu(CH3CN)4]X-Salze mit “klassischen” Anionen (BF4−, OTf−, PF6−) verglichen, wobei ein Anioneneffekt auf die Aktivität des Katalysators und ein Ligandeneffekt auf die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit festgestellt wurden. Letztere wird durch den Einsatz von CuII-Semichinon-Komplexen als Katalysatoren drastisch erhöht, was darauf hinweist, dass die Bildung eines CuII-Komplexes dem eigentlichen katalytischen Zyklus vorausgeht. Diese und andere experimentelle Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass die Oxygenierung von Monophenolen mit den oben genannten Systemen nicht einem dinuklearen, sondern einem mononuklearen Weg folgt, analog zur Topachinon-Cofaktor-Biosynthese im Enzym Aminoxidase

    Stable salts of the hexacarbonyl chromium(I) cation and its pentacarbonyl-nitrosyl chromium(I) analogue

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    Homoleptic carbonyl radical cations are a textbook family of complexes hitherto unknown in the condensed phase, leaving their properties and applications fundamentally unexplored. Here we report on two stable 17-electron [Cr(CO)6]•+ salts that were synthesized by oxidation of Cr(CO)6 with [NO]+[Al(ORF)4]− (RF = C(CF3)3)) in CH2Cl2 and with removal of NO gas. Longer reaction times led to NO/CO ligand exchange and formation of the thermodynamically more stable 18-electron species [Cr(CO)5(NO)]+, which belongs to the family of heteroleptic chromium carbonyl/nitrosyl cations. All salts were fully characterized (IR, Raman, EPR, NMR, scXRD, pXRD, magnetics) and are stable at room temperature under inert conditions over months. The facile synthesis of these species enables the thorough investigation of their properties and applications to a broad scientific community

    Solvent-free anhydrous Li+, Na+ and K+ salts of [B(3,5-(CF3)2C6H3)4]-, [BArF4]-. Improved synthesis and solid-state structures

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    A modified, convenient, preparation of solvent-free, anhydrous, Li+, Na+ and K+ salts of the ubiquitous [BArF4]- anion is reported, that involves a simple additional recrystallisation step. Anhydrous Na[BArF4], K[BArF4], and [Li(H2O)][BArF4], were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction