87 research outputs found

    Investigating the role of the written curriculum on lesson planning for first-year elementary mathematics teachers

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    While studies have previously explored aspects of lesson planning from the perspective of experienced teachers, there is a lack of research investigating how this process is different for brand new educators. The researcher, a preservice elementary teacher studying at the University of Northern Iowa, wanted to learn more about the available resources and how she would utilize them when planning for mathematics instruction in her first elementary classroom. At the completion of this project, the researcher hoped to have a better understanding of the process first-year elementary teachers experience when transforming written textbook materials into a mathematics lesson plan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the written curriculum, pacing guide, and timing in influencing the way a first-year elementary teacher creates lesson plans. In particular, the work expected to shed light on the textbook features that teachers use to create their lesson plans, as well as how time restricts the lesson planning process (from the moment new teachers have access to their written curriculum materials to the planning of lessons to be taught in the classroom). It is hoped that the insights found through this research will help preservice elementary teachers better understand the process first-year educators experience when creating their mathematics lesson plans from the written materials

    Die Vagheit der Kultur

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    In diesem Beitrag wird der Vorschlag von Jürgen Bolten kritisch diskutiert, zur Untersuchung von Interkulturalität den Begriff der Kultur im Sinne einer fuzzy-culture zu modellieren. Die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Modell der fuzzy-culture erfolgt sowohl differenztheoretisch als auch hinsichtlich der praktischen Eignung des Modells, exemplifiziert im Rahmen der Vermittlung interkultureller Kompetenzen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Im Ergebnis erweist sich Boltens Vorschlag als theoretisch wegweisend und praktisch hilfreich

    Meta-Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Several Population Bottlenecks during Worldwide Migrations of Cattle

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    Several studies have investigated the differentiation of mitochondrial DNA in Eurasian, African and American cattle as well as archaeological bovine material. A global survey of these studies shows that haplogroup distributions are more stable in time than in space. All major migrations of cattle have shifted the haplogroup distributions considerably with a reduction of the number of haplogroups and/or an expansion of haplotypes that are rare or absent in the ancestral populations. The most extreme case is the almost exclusive colonization of Africa by the T1 haplogroup, which is rare in Southwest Asian cattle. In contrast, ancient samples invariably show continuity with present-day cattle from the same location. These findings indicate strong maternal founder effects followed by limited maternal gene flow when new territories are colonized. However, effects of adaptation to new environments may also play a rol

    Reimbursement of innovative pharmaceuticals in English and Spanish hospitals-The example of isavuconazole.

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    Funder: Pfizer; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100004319BACKGROUND: Kron et al (Mycoses, 64, 2021, 86) found cost savings for the use of the innovative pharmaceutical isavuconazole in the inpatient setting in Germany (Bismarck-based healthcare system). Little is known about the reimbursement of innovative pharmaceuticals in the inpatient setting of Beveridge-based healthcare systems. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the market access process and reimbursement of isavuconazole, exemplary for innovative pharmaceuticals, in England and Spain. PATIENTS/METHODS: Market access processes of both countries were described. Focussing on typical patient clusters for isavuconazole treatment, reimbursement data regarding inpatients with (i) allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation or (ii) acute myeloid leukaemia was considered. Data were publicly available and of high topicality (England 2020/2021, Spain 2018). Discounting and a currency conversion to Euro were applied. RESULTS: This study showed that market access processes of both countries are broadly similar. Further, full reimbursement of isavuconazole as an innovative pharmaceutical may lead to reduction in resource utilisation. Without medication costs, isavuconazole can thus result in cost savings for both patient clusters due to a reduction in length of stay. CONCLUSIONS: Expenses for innovative pharmaceuticals may be balanced or even lead to cost savings due to a reduction in length of stay. The latter contributes to a greater patient benefit. For both healthcare system, the analyses highlighted drugs' cost-effectiveness and assessing its added value into reimbursement decisions is highly relevant

    LEGU-MED: Developing Biodiversity-Based Agriculture with Legume Cropping Systems in the Mediterranean Basin

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    Environmental degradation and the decrease of ecosystem service provision are currently of major concern, with current agricultural systems being a major driver. To meet our future environmental and sustainability targets a transformation of the agro-food systems and current agricultural value chain are crucial. One approach to redesign farming systems is the concept of biodiversity-based agriculture (BBA) which relies on sustainable diversification of biological components and their natural interactions in farming systems to maximize fertility, productivity, and resilience to external perturbations. Despite minimizing anthropogenic inputs, BBA is not yet able to meet all beneficial environmental objectives. BBA applied in the Mediterranean basin requires urgent innovation in approaches, methodologies, and models for small-holder traditional farming systems to ensure a stable provision of ecosystem services and better resilience to environmental stresses linked to climate change. Legumes are the backbone of the Mediterranean agro-ecosystems from ancient times, but their unique and wide biodiversity was not sufficiently valorized, especially by North-African countries. Here, we present LEGU-MED, a three-year international project funded by PRIMA initiative 2019. An international consortium was established involving five universities, 5 research institutes, and one private company from 8 countries: Italy, Germany, Spain, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon, and Croatia. The main objective of this project is to put forward an international and well-integrated plan to valorize the legume agrobiodiversity of the Mediterranean in biodiversity-based farming systems and consequently enhance agro-ecosystem functions and services in the Mediterranean basin. The successful completion of LEGU-MED will have the following impacts on Mediterranean legume-based farming systems: (1) improve water use efficiency, (2) reduce the use of anthropogenic inputs through the maintenance of soil fertility, (3) enhance pollination and improve ecological connectivity with flora and fauna, (4) protect close-by wildland ecosystems, (5) enhance other ecosystem services (e.g., pest, disease, and weed suppression), and (6) provide healthier and safer protein-rich food. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Expression and Function of Serotonin 2A and 2B Receptors in the Mammalian Respiratory Network

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    Neurons of the respiratory network in the lower brainstem express a variety of serotonin receptors (5-HTRs) that act primarily through adenylyl cyclase. However, there is one receptor family including 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, and 5-HT2C receptors that are directed towards protein kinase C (PKC). In contrast to 5-HT2ARs, expression and function of 5-HT2BRs within the respiratory network are still unclear. 5-HT2BR utilizes a Gq-mediated signaling cascade involving calcium and leading to activation of phospholipase C and IP3/DAG pathways. Based on previous studies, this signal pathway appears to mediate excitatory actions on respiration. In the present study, we analyzed receptor expression in pontine and medullary regions of the respiratory network both at the transcriptional and translational level using quantitative RT-PCR and self-made as well as commercially available antibodies, respectively. In addition we measured effects of selective agonists and antagonists for 5-HT2ARs and 5-HT2BRs given intra-arterially on phrenic nerve discharges in juvenile rats using the perfused brainstem preparation. The drugs caused significant changes in discharge activity. Co-administration of both agonists revealed a dominance of the 5-HT2BR. Given the nature of the signaling pathways, we investigated whether intracellular calcium may explain effects observed in the respiratory network. Taken together, the results of this study suggest a significant role of both receptors in respiratory network modulation

    Materialtester i ammoniak - för motorapplikation

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    Combustion engines today are primarily powered by fossil fuels, resulting in emissions of pollutants that pose significant environmental challenges. Therefore, transitioning to alternative fuels that reduce these emissions is crucial. One promising alternative fuel is ammonia, which, in addition to being carbon-free, benefits from an already developed infrastructure. However, switching to new fuels creates a different chemical environment inside the engine, and the impact on engine materials has not been well studied. Thus, in this master’s thesis, nine different engine materials (copper, brass, aluminum, cast iron, ball bearing steel, stainless steel, titanium, titanium nitride, and diamond-like carbon (DLC)) were studied before and after ammonia exposure, as well as after a tribological test, to increase the knowledge in this field. The materials were analyzed using SEM and EDS before and after exposure, and additional techniques, LOM and XPS, were also used after the exposure. All materials showed some degree of reaction in the ammonia solution. Copper, brass, and aluminum were altered to a depth of many micrometers, and the surface layer broke under tribological contact. Cast iron also reacted, but to a lesser extent, as parts of its surface remained unchanged. Ball bearing steel, stainless steel and titanium reacted mildly, primarily superficial oxidation of the surfaces. Titanium nitride and DLC were almost unaffected by ammonia. This suggests that titanium nitride, DLC, ball bearing steel, stainless steel, and titanium are more suitable for use in an ammonia driven combustion engine than copper, brass, aluminum, and cast iron
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