105 research outputs found

    Corpus paralelos y enseñanza del español LE/L2 a sinohablantes. Estado de la cuestión y propuestas didácticas

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    En este capítulo pretendemos llamar la atención sobre las aplicaciones de un tipo especial de corpus multilingües, los corpus paralelos, en el contexto específico de la enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera o Segunda (en adelante, ELE) a estudiantes sinohablantes. Para ello, en el apartado 2 revisamos el estado de la cuestión en relación con los corpus paralelos y sus usos prácticos en el marco del ELE. En el apartado 3 ofrecemos una selección argumentada de corpus paralelos chino-español disponibles en línea y los analizamos a partir de una serie de criterios. Finalmente, en el apartado 4 proponemos dos actividades y otros posibles usos de los corpus paralelos para enseñar ELE a los estudiantes sinohablantes

    Language learning among higher education students: an analysis on motivation

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    Intrinsic motivation in language learning is ideal to attain successful foreign language learning according to experts (Del-Castillo, 2010; Gilakjani, Leong, & Sabouri, 2012). In order to measure its impact at university level, this paper shows the results of a quantitative study conducted at KU Leuven during the academic year 2021-2022 on motivation in foreign language learning. A total of 479 students participated in a survey designed for this purpose. The methodology was based on a multivariate analysis using the statistical package SPSS v. 25. The research findings show that university students have essentially instrumental motivation for learning foreign languages (FL), which implies that their desire to acquire a second language (L2) is limited to practical purposes. On the other hand, the study has identified a representative segment of students, referred to as “in- cidental students”, who are characterised by not having any clear motivation (neither instrumental nor integrative) for FL. The results lead to recommendations for curricular adaptation to enhance intrinsic motivation in foreign language teaching and learning at university level

    Seasonal drivers of understorey temperature buffering in temperate deciduous forests across Europe.

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    Aim:Forest understorey microclimates are often buffered against extreme heat or cold, with important implications for the organisms living in these environments. We quantified seasonal effects of understorey microclimate predictors describing canopy structure, canopy composition and topography (i.e., local factors) and the forest patch size and distance to the coast (i.e., landscape factors). Location:Temperate forests in Europe. Time period:2017-2018. Major taxa studied:Woody plants. Methods:We combined data from a microclimate sensor network with weather-station records to calculate the difference, or offset, between temperatures measured inside and outside forests. We used regression analysis to study the effects of local and landscape factors on the seasonal offset of minimum, mean and maximum temperatures. Results:The maximum temperature during the summer was on average cooler by 2.1 °C inside than outside forests, and the minimum temperatures during the winter and spring were 0.4 and 0.9 °C warmer. The local canopy cover was a strong nonlinear driver of the maximum temperature offset during summer, and we found increased cooling beneath tree species that cast the deepest shade. Seasonal offsets of minimum temperature were mainly regulated by landscape and topographic features, such as the distance to the coast and topographic position. Main conclusions:Forest organisms experience less severe temperature extremes than suggested by currently available macroclimate data; therefore, climate-species relationships and the responses of species to anthropogenic global warming cannot be modelled accurately in forests using macroclimate data alone. Changes in canopy cover and composition will strongly modulate the warming of maximum temperatures in forest understories, with important implications for understanding the responses of forest biodiversity and functioning to the combined threats of land-use change and climate change. Our predictive models are generally applicable across lowland temperate deciduous forests, providing ecologically important microclimate data for forest understories

    Stronger diversity effects with increased environmental stress : a study of multitrophic interactions between oak, powdery mildew and ladybirds

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    Recent research has suggested that increasing neighbourhood tree species diversity may mitigate the impact of pests or pathogens by supporting the activities of their natural enemies and/or reducing the density of available hosts. In this study, we attempted to assess these mechanisms in a multitrophic study system of young oak (Quercus), oak powdery mildew (PM, caused by Erysiphe spp.) and a mycophagous ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduo-punctata). We assessed ladybird mycophagy on oak PM in function of different neighbourhood tree species compositions. We also evaluated whether these species interactions were modulated by environmental conditions as suggested by the Stress Gradient Hypothesis. We adopted a complementary approach of a field experiment where we monitored oak saplings subjected to a reduced rainfall gradient in a young planted forest consisting of different tree species mixtures, as well as a lab experiment where we independently evaluated the effect of different watering treatments on PM infections and ladybird mycophagy. In the field experiment, we found effects of neighbourhood tree species richness on ladybird mycophagy becoming more positive as the target trees received less water. This effect was only found as weather conditions grew drier. In the lab experiment, we found a preference of ladybirds to graze on infected leaves from trees that received less water. We discuss potential mechanisms that might explain this preference, such as emissions of volatile leaf chemicals. Our results are in line with the expectations of the Natural Enemies Hypothesis and support the hypothesis that biodiversity effects become stronger with increased environmental stress

    Divide and Conquer: Progress in the Molecular Stratification of Cancer

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    Cancer remains an outstanding cause of global morbidity and mortality, despite intensive research and unprecedented insights into the basic mechanisms of cancer development. A plethora of clinical and experimental evidence suggests that cancers from individual patients are likely to be molecularly heterogeneous in their use of distinct oncogenic pathways and biological programs. Efforts to significantly impact cancer patient outcomes will almost certainly require the development of robust strategies to subdivide such heterogeneous panels of cancers into biologically and clinically homogenous subgroups, for the purposes of personalizing treatment protocols and identifying optimal drug targets. In this review, I describe recent progress in the development of both targeted and genome-wide approaches for the molecular stratification of cancers, drawing examples from both the haematopoietic and solid tumor malignancies

    Criterios y plantillas para la evaluación del español para fines específicos

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    Para realizar una evaluación de calidad son importantes tres criterios, a saber: la validez, la fiabilidad y la transparencia (Dochy & Gijbels 2010). Además de la transparencia y la fiabilidad —promoviendo el uso de plantillas o escalas más transparentes en un proceso de evaluación cada vez más formativo—, los últimos años se está enfatizando la validez, tomando como objetivo la simulación de auténticos contextos comunicativos en los que aplicar los conocimientos y destrezas lingüísticos adquiridos (Parrondo Rodríguez 2004), donde reside la especificidad de la enseñanza del español para fines específicos (EFE). En un número creciente de publicaciones se vienen ofreciendo al profesor modelos y pautas para simular esta realidad en la clase (e.o. Cabré & Gómez de Enterría 2006), pero sin indagar en cómo evaluar esta especificidad comunicativa. De ahí que en esta comunicación se presenten criterios y plantillas para evaluar de manera formativa y sumativa las competencias comunicativas y lingüísticas del alumno de EFE, tanto por escrito como oralmente, tomando en cuenta los objetivos de la clase de EFE y contestando a las preguntas centrales de la evaluación según Cassany, Luna y Sanz (2001), es decir: 'qué evaluar, cuándo y dónde'. Asimismo se presentarán datos cuantitativos sobre la eficacia de las plantillas. Cabré, M.T. & J. Gómez de Enterría (2006). La enseñanza de los lenguajes de especialidad. La simulación global. Madrid: Gredos. Cassany, D., M. Luna & G. Sanz (2001). Enseñar lengua. Barcelona: Grao, p. 74-79. Dochy, F. & D. Gijbels (2010). “Evaluatie". S. Janssens (eds.), Leren en onderwijzen. Leuven: Acco, p. 121-175. Parrondo Rodríguez, J.R. (2004). 'Modelos, tipos y escalas de evaluación'. J. Sánchez Lobato e I. Santos Gargallo (eds.), Vademécum para la formación de profesores. Enseñar español como segunda lengua (L2)/lengua extranjera (LE). Madrid: SGEL, p. 967-982.status: publishe

    Las variantes del español

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    En esta presentación queremos familiarizar al público con los distintos rasgos de los regiolectos del español en España y en América latina. Esto se hará mediante descripciones y ejemplos concretos.status: publishe

    La pronunciación en la clase de ELE

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    La pronunciación constituye el pasaporte del alumno de ELE, su medio para ganar la confianza del interlocutor nativo. No obstante, la mayoría de los métodos y cursos de ELE primero limitan el aprendizaje de la pronunciación a unas pocas clases introductorias, para después quejarse de la calidad de la pronunciación de sus alumnos… De ahí que en este artículo propongamos el 'abecedario P' (el abecedario para la pronunciación) para la enseñanza de la pronunciación del español, una receta con 10+1 ingredientes para conseguir un nivel aceptable de pronunciación en poco tiempo. Ejemplificaremos cada una de las pautas de la guía con una serie de estrategias sacadas de nuestros manuales de la pronunciación para neerlandófonos (Buyse & Conejo 1996, Buyse 2005 ), e inspiradas por nuestra criteriología para la elaboración de materiales de lengua, llamada M@estro .status: publishe