209 research outputs found

    The Main Types and Centers of Tourism in Japan

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    Проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку туризму в Японії. Охарактеризовано найважливіші туристичні центри країни. Визначено основні види туризму в Японії. In this article was described current state of tourism in Japan. The main tourist centers of the country and main types of tourism in Japan were characterized

    Interaction of Li-D Films with Water Vapor

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    AbstractIn this work we investigated co-deposition of lithium-deuterium (Li-D) films in magnetron discharge and interaction of deposited films with water vapor. It was demonstrated that even at room temperature interaction with water vapor led to release of a large portion of deuterium from the deposited layers. After 30minutes exposure at the pressure about 10−1 Pa the main part of deuterium released from the sample and a characteristic peak for deuterium desorption from lithium films completely disappeared

    Сутність і зміст нервової булімії як різновиду харчової адикції

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    Проблема порушень харчової адикції в сучасній медицині та психології займає особливе місце. З кожним роком в Україні повільно, але неухильно зростає кількість людей із різноманітними варіантами патології харчової поведінки, а також кількість звернень за медичною і психологічною допомогою. До кола цієї проблеми прийнято включати різноманітні порушення функцій органів і систем, наприклад харчової поведінки. Особливу увагу необхідно приділити нервовій булімії. На сьогодні у світі різко зростає загроза збільшення випадків порушень харчової поведінки (ПХП), які у 95% випадків трапляються у дівчат і молодих жінок віком 13-23 роки

    Beryllium film deposition in cavity samples in remote areas of the JET divertor during the 2011-2012 ITER-like wall campaign

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    Beryllium film deposition was studied with cavity samples in remote areas of the inner and outer JET divertor and below divertor tile 5 during the 2011–2012 campaign with the ITER-like wall. Predominantly beryllium films were formed inside the cavities with some additional carbon, the ratio Be/C was > 2. These deposited layers had high D/(Be + C) ratios of about 0.3. The formation of these films is mainly due to sticking of beryllium-containing particles with low sticking coefficients < 0.5. The observed surface loss probabilities depend on the position in the divertor. The particles responsible for film deposition originated from the location of in the divertor strike points.EURATOM 63305


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    Purpose of study: The purpose of this research is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the military-strategic, ideological and theoretical, foreign policy and socioeconomic reasons for the defeat of the White movement. Methodology: The methodology is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity with the involvement of archival material, documentary sources, memoirs and biographical literature. Result:&nbsp; The main message of the article is to show the lack of unanimity and coordination in the actions of the internal and external forces of counter-revolution during the Russian Civil War. Significant attention is paid to the characterization and estimation of the military and ideological leaders of the counter-revolution, such as A.I. Denikin, P.N. Wrangel, I.P. Romanovsky and G.V. Florovsky, V.V. Shulgin. Originality/Novelty: The authors conclude by defining the main peculiarities of the historical development of Russia which contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War and led to the complete failure of the White Guard


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    Relevance. Acne is the most common dermatological problem, the treatment of which requires a personalized approach for each patient. However, many patients refer to self-medication. Objective. To analyze the role of pharmaceutical care in dispensing medicines for the prevention and treatment of acne according to the results of a questionnaire survey. Materials and methods. 100 pharmacy workers were surveyed according to a single specially developed protocol, considering issues related to the dispensing of anti-acne drugs. Standardization, an anonymous questionnaire, statistical and graphic methods were used. Results. It was found that 89% of the surveyed pharmacy workers recommend drugs for the treatment/prevention of acne to visitors. In particular, azelaic acid (74%), salicylic acid (31%), clindamycin (49%), and benzoyl peroxide (37%) are more frequent recommendations. More than half of the respondents, mostly employees with 4-6 years of work experience (р<0.05), recommend visitors to take sorbents in combination with anti-acne drugs. It is important to note that almost 20% of pharmaceutical workers were contacted by visitors with the appearance of side reactions after using anti-acne drugs. Visitors note such complications as dryness (31.4%) and redness of the skin (19.6%), increased rash (21.6%). It has been established that most pharmacy workers provide visitors with information on medicines for responsible self-treatment and acne prevention. However, more than 30% of pharmacists do not use the "Prevention and symptomatic treatment of acne" protocol. Conclusions. Therefore, the provision of pharmaceutical care is a necessary condition for ensuring effective and safe pharmacotherapy of acne. While high-quality pharmaceutical care is possible if the pharmacy employees follow the pharmacist's protocol. Postgraduate training of pharmacists in pharmaceutical care in dermatology is important

    Laser-based Diagnostics for Use in Ex-situ Lithium Co-deposit Analysis

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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry of laser-produced ions were tested for ex-situ analysis of lithium co-deposited layers produced by plasma deposition. It was found that LIBS provides an adequate way to observe and measure lithium content in thin co-deposited layers of about 1 µm thickness. TOF mass spectrometry data of the same layers was compared with LIBS. TOF mass spectrometry provided a better resolution; however, the simplicity of LIBS setup and the rate of measurement (less than one minute per measurement) makes it more attractive. Argon was observed in the co-deposited layers, indicating that it, and likely other inert gases, can remain trapped in lithium layers even after a prolonged exposure to and chemical reaction with atmospheric air

    A Statistical Analysis of the SOT-Hinode Observations of Solar Spicules and their Wave-like Behavior

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    We consider a first important parameter of spicules as observed above the solar visible limb: their apparent diameter as a function of the height above the limb which determines their aspect ratio and leads to the discussion of their magnetic origin using the flux tube approximation. We found that indeed spicules show a whole range of diameters, including unresolved "interacting spicules" (I-S), depending of the definition chosen to characterize this ubiquitous dynamical phenomenon occurring into a low coronal surrounding. 1-D Fourier amplitude spectra (AS) made at different heights above the limb are shown for the first time. A definite signature in the 0.18 to 0.25 Mm range exists, corresponding to the occurrence of the newly discovered type II spicules and, even more impressively, large Fourier amplitudes are observed in the 0.3 to the 1.2 Mm range of diameters and spacing, in rough agreement with what historical works were reporting. Additionally, some statistically significant behavior, based on AS computed for different heights above the limb, is discussed. "Time slice or x-t diagrams" revealing the dynamical behavior of spicules are also analyzed. They show that most of spicules have multiple structures (similarly to the doublet spicules) and they show impressive transverse periodic fluctuations which were interpreted as upward kink or Alfven waves. Evidence of the helical motion in spicules is now well evidenced, the typical periods of the apparent oscillation being around 120 sec. A fine analysis of the time-slice diagram as a function of the effective heights shows an interesting new feature near the 2 Mm height. We speculate on the interpretation of this feature as being a result of the dynamical specificities of the spicule helical motion as seen in these unprecedented high resolution HCaII line emission time series.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figurs, 1 tabl

    Deposition of impurity metals during campaigns with the JET ITER-like Wall

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    Post mortem analysis shows that mid and high atomic number metallic impurities are present in deposits on JET plasma facing components with the highest amount of Ni and W, and therefore the largest sink, being found at the top of the inner divertor. Sources are defined as “continuous” or “specific”, in that “continuous” sources arise from ongoing erosion from plasma facing surfaces and “specific” are linked with specific events which decrease over time until they no longer act as a source. This contribution evaluates the sinks and estimates sources, and the balance gives an indication of the dominating processes. Charge exchange neutral erosion is found to be the main source of nickel, whereas erosion of divertor plasma facing components is the main source of tungsten. Specific sources are shown to have little influence over the global mid- and high-Z impurity concentrations in deposits.Peer reviewe


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    To improve the quality of the educational process for students majoring in Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive at Zaporizhzhya National Technical University test machine computer control of manipulator M10P SCADA TRACE MODE system via OPC-server , USB port on your computer and controllers of VIPA was developed. It is possible to increase professional knowledge and skills to work with modern equipment of leading companies. Actuality of modernization, technical description of the stand are given. Stand consists of: mechanical manipulator parts, electrical and pneumatic drives, controllers, position sensor , control panels and computer. The block diagram of the stand, the software features of SCADA system TRACE MODE are shown, the user interface is designed as well as methods of laboratory work are given. The more detailed information as to the arm automatic mode control (setting to zero position. Cycle work ) is presented. The possibility for data encoder to track the movements of the hand pointing in panel desktop user interface is shown.Для повышения качества учебного процесса студентов специальности электромеханические системы автоматизации и электропривод в Запорожском национальном техническом университете разработан лабораторный стенд компьютерного управления манипулятором М10П от SCADA системы TRACE MODE через OPC-сервер, USB порт компьютера и контроллер фирмы VIPA. Это позволило повысить профессиональные знания и навыков работы на современном оборудовании ведущих фирм. Приведена структурная схема стенда, программное обеспечение, интерфейс пользователя в SCADA системе и методика проведения лабораторных работ.Для підвищення якості навчального процесу студентів спеціальності електромеханічні системи автоматизації та електропривод у Запорізькому національному технічному університеті розроблено лабораторний стенд комп’ютерного керування маніпулятором М10П від SCADA системи TRACE MODE через ОРС-сервер і USB порт комп’ютера та контролер фірми VIPA. Це дозволило підвищити професійні знання і навички роботи на сучасному обладнанні провідних фірм. Наведено структурну схему стенда, програмне забезпечення, інтерфейс користувача у SCADA системі та методику проведення лабораторних робіт