4,085 research outputs found

    Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).

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    Neonatal abstinence syndrome is defined by signs and symptoms of withdrawal that infants develop after intrauterine maternal drug exposure. All infants with documented in utero opioid exposure, or a high pre-test probability of exposure should have monitoring with a standard assessment instrument such as a Finnegan Score. A Finnegan score of \u3e8 is suggestive of opioid exposure, even in the absence of declared use during pregnancy. At least half of infants in most locales can be treated without the use of pharmacologic means. For this reason, symptom scores will drive the decision for pharmacologic therapy. Nevertheless, all infants, regardless of initial manifestations, should be first be managed with non-pharmacologic approaches which in turn, should not be considered as the sole alternative to drug therapy, but rather, as the base upon which all patients are treated. Those who continue to have symptoms despite supportive care should be pharmacologically treated, which in the most severe cases, is life-saving

    Neonatal abstinence syndrome: Pharmacologic strategies for the mother and infant.

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    Opioid use in pregnancy has increased dramatically over the past decade. Since prenatal opioid use is associated with numerous obstetrical and neonatal complications, this now has become a major public health problem. In particular, in utero opioid exposure can result in neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) which is a serious condition characterized by central nervous system hyperirritability and autonomic nervous system dysfunction. The present review seeks to define current practices regarding the approach to the pregnant mother and neonate with prenatal opiate exposure. Although the cornerstone of prenatal management of opioid dependence is opioid maintenance therapy, the ideal agent has yet to be definitively established. Pharmacologic management of NAS is also highly variable and may include an opioid, barbiturate, and/or α-agonist. Genetic factors appear to be associated with the incidence and severity of NAS. Establishing pharmacogenetic risk factors for the development of NAS has the potential for creating opportunities for personalized genomic medicine and novel, individualized therapeutic interventions

    Mixture of ultracold lithium and cesium atoms in an optical dipole trap

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    We present the first simultaneous trapping of two different ultracold atomic species in a conservative trap. Lithium and cesium atoms are stored in an optical dipole trap formed by the focus of a CO2_2 laser. Techniques for loading both species of atoms are discussed and observations of elastic and inelastic collisions between the two species are presented. A model for sympathetic cooling of two species with strongly different mass in the presence of slow evaporation is developed. From the observed Cs-induced evaporation of Li atoms we estimate a cross section for cold elastic Li-Cs collisions.Comment: 10 pages 9 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys. B; v2: Corrected evaporation formulas and some postscript problem

    Softwarekomponenten zur Meßdatenverarbeitung für experimentelle Untersuchungen an PTCA-Kathetern

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Ein Prüfstand für Ballonkatheter (Herzkranzgefäßmodell) ist den anatomischen Verhältnissen nachempfunden. Meßbar sind Aktions- und Reaktionskräfte an verschiedenen Positionen ebenso wie Drücke im Ballon und in Modellstenosen. Nachdem der grundlegende Aufbau der Meßdatenerfassung und Ansteuerung aktiver Prüfstandkomponenten ebenso wie ein Fuzzy-Bewertungsprogramm bereits vorgestellt wurden, liegen die Schwerpunkte dieses Beitrages auf der Beschreibung der zur Datenerfassung und Datenaufbereitung entwickelten Software

    Optimization of suppression for two-element treatment liners for turbomachinery exhaust ducts

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    Sound wave propagation in a soft-walled rectangular duct with steady uniform flow was investigated at exhaust conditions, incorporating the solution equations for sound wave propagation in a rectangular duct with multiple longitudinal wall treatment segments. Modal analysis was employed to find the solution equations and to study the effectiveness of a uniform and of a two-sectional liner in attenuating sound power in a treated rectangular duct without flow (M = 0) and with uniform flow of Mach 0.3. Two-segment liners were shown to increase the attenuation of sound as compared to a uniform liner. The predicted sound attenuation was compared with measured laboratory results for an optimized two-segment suppressor. Good correlation was obtained between the measured and predicted suppressions when practical variations in the modal content and impedance were taken into account. Two parametric studies were also completed

    MHD Simulations of AGN Jets in a Dynamic Galaxy Cluster Medium

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    We present a pair of 3-d magnetohydrodynamical simulations of intermittent jets from a central active galactic nucleus (AGN) in a galaxy cluster extracted from a high resolution cosmological simulation. The selected cluster was chosen as an apparently relatively relaxed system, not having undergone a major merger in almost 7 Gyr. Despite this characterization and history, the intra-cluster medium (ICM) contains quite active "weather". We explore the effects of this ICM weather on the morphological evolution of the AGN jets and lobes. The orientation of the jets is different in the two simulations so that they probe different aspects of the ICM structure and dynamics. We find that even for this cluster that can be characterized as relaxed by an observational standard, the large-scale, bulk ICM motions can significantly distort the jets and lobes. Synthetic X-ray observations of the simulations show that the jets produce complex cavity systems, while synthetic radio observations reveal bending of the jets and lobes similar to wide-angle tail (WAT) radio sources. The jets are cycled on and off with a 26 Myr period using a 50% duty cycle. This leads to morphological features similar to those in "double-double" radio galaxies. While the jet and ICM magnetic fields are generally too weak in the simulations to play a major role in the dynamics, Maxwell stresses can still become locally significant.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Correlative Microscopy of Morphology and Luminescence of Cu porphyrin aggregates

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    Transfer of energy and information through molecule aggregates requires as one important building block anisotropic, cable-like structures. Knowledge on the spatial correlation of luminescence and morphology represents a prerequisite in the understanding of internal processes and will be important for architecting suitable landscapes. In this context we study the morphology, fluorescence and phosphorescence of molecule aggregate structures on surfaces in a spatially correlative way. We consider as two morphologies, lengthy strands and isotropic islands. It turns out that phosphorescence is quite strong compared to fluorescence and the spatial variation of the observed intensities is largely in line with the amount of dye. However in proportion, the strands exhibit more fluorescence than the isotropic islands suggesting weaker non-radiative channels. The ratio fluorescence to phosphorescence appears to be correlated with the degree of aggregation or internal order. The heights at which luminescence saturates is explained in the context of attenuation and emission multireflection, inside the dye. This is supported by correlative photoemission electron microscopy which is more sensitive to the surface region. The lengthy structures exhibit a pronounced polarization dependence of the luminescence with a relative dichroism up to about 60%, revealing substantial perpendicular orientation preference of the molecules with respect to the substrate and parallel with respect to the strands

    Intersections of homogeneous Cantor sets and beta-expansions

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    Let Γβ,N\Gamma_{\beta,N} be the NN-part homogeneous Cantor set with β∈(1/(2N−1),1/N)\beta\in(1/(2N-1),1/N). Any string (jℓ)ℓ=1N(j_\ell)_{\ell=1}^\N with jℓ∈{0,±1,...,±(N−1)}j_\ell\in\{0,\pm 1,...,\pm(N-1)\} such that t=∑ℓ=1Njℓβℓ−1(1−β)/(N−1)t=\sum_{\ell=1}^\N j_\ell\beta^{\ell-1}(1-\beta)/(N-1) is called a code of tt. Let Uβ,±N\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} be the set of t∈[−1,1]t\in[-1,1] having a unique code, and let Sβ,±N\mathcal{S}_{\beta,\pm N} be the set of t∈Uβ,±Nt\in\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} which make the intersection Γβ,N∩(Γβ,N+t)\Gamma_{\beta,N}\cap(\Gamma_{\beta,N}+t) a self-similar set. We characterize the set Uβ,±N\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} in a geometrical and algebraical way, and give a sufficient and necessary condition for t∈Sβ,±Nt\in\mathcal{S}_{\beta,\pm N}. Using techniques from beta-expansions, we show that there is a critical point βc∈(1/(2N−1),1/N)\beta_c\in(1/(2N-1),1/N), which is a transcendental number, such that Uβ,±N\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} has positive Hausdorff dimension if β∈(1/(2N−1),βc)\beta\in(1/(2N-1),\beta_c), and contains countably infinite many elements if β∈(βc,1/N)\beta\in(\beta_c,1/N). Moreover, there exists a second critical point αc=[N+1−(N−1)(N+3) ]/2∈(1/(2N−1),βc)\alpha_c=\big[N+1-\sqrt{(N-1)(N+3)}\,\big]/2\in(1/(2N-1),\beta_c) such that Sβ,±N\mathcal{S}_{\beta,\pm N} has positive Hausdorff dimension if β∈(1/(2N−1),αc)\beta\in(1/(2N-1),\alpha_c), and contains countably infinite many elements if β∈[αc,1/N)\beta\in[\alpha_c,1/N).Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Structural Design Considerations for a 50 kW-Class Solar Array for NASA's Asteroid Redirect Mission

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    NASA is planning an Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) to take place in the 2020s. To enable this multi-year mission, a 40 kW class solar electric propulsion (SEP) system powered by an advanced 50 kW class solar array will be required. Powered by the SEP module (SEPM), the ARM vehicle will travel to a large near-Earth asteroid, descend to its surface, capture a multi-metric ton (t) asteroid boulder, ascend from the surface and return to the Earth-moon system to ultimately place the ARM vehicle and its captured asteroid boulder into a stable distant orbit. During the years that follow, astronauts flying in the Orion multipurpose crew vehicle (MPCV) will dock with the ARM vehicle and conduct extra-vehicular activity (EVA) operations to explore and sample the asteroid boulder. This paper will review the top structural design considerations to successfully implement this 50 kW class solar array that must meet unprecedented performance levels. These considerations include beyond state-of-the-art metrics for specific mass, specific volume, deployed area, deployed solar array wing (SAW) keep in zone (KIZ), deployed strength and deployed frequency. Analytical and design results are presented that support definition of stowed KIZ and launch restraint interface definition. An offset boom is defined to meet the deployed SAW KIZ. The resulting parametric impact of the offset boom length on spacecraft moment of inertias and deployed SAW quasistatic and dynamic load cases are also presented. Load cases include ARM spacecraft thruster plume impingement, asteroid surface operations and Orion docking operations which drive the required SAW deployed strength and damping. The authors conclude that to support NASA's ARM power needs, an advanced SAW is required with mass performance better than 125 W/kg, stowed volume better than 40 kW/cu m, a deployed area of 200 sq m (100 sq m for each of two SAWs), a deployed SAW offset distance of nominally 3-4 m, a deployed SAW quasistatic strength of nominally 0.1 g in any direction, a deployed loading displacement under 2 m, a deployed fundamental frequency above 0.1 Hz and deployed damping of at least 1%. These parameters must be met on top of challenging mission environments and ground testing requirements unique to the ARM project
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