874 research outputs found

    The variable X-ray spectrum of Markarian 766 - I. Principal components analysis

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    Aims: We analyse a long XMM-Newton spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 766, using the marked spectral variability on timescales >20ks to separate components in the X-ray spectrum. Methods: Principal components analysis is used to identify distinct emission components in the X-ray spectrum, possible alternative physical models for those components are then compared statistically. Results: The source spectral variability is well-explained by additive variations, with smaller extra contributions most likely arising from variable absorption. The principal varying component, eigenvector one, is found to have a steep (photon index 2.4) power-law shape, affected by a low column of ionised absorption that leads to the appearance of a soft excess. Eigenvector one varies by a factor 10 in amplitude on time-scales of days and appears to have broad ionised Fe K-alpha emission associated with it: the width of the ionised line is consistent with an origin at about 100 gravitational radii. There is also a strong component of near-constant emission that dominates in the low state, whose spectrum is extremely hard above 1 keV, with a soft excess at lower energies, and with a strong edge at Fe K but remarkably little Fe K-alpha emission. Although this component may be explained as relativistically-blurred reflection from the inner accretion disc, we suggest that its spectrum and lack of variability may alternatively be explained as either (i) ionised reflection from an extended region, possibly a disc wind, or (ii) a signature of absorption by a disc wind with a variable covering fraction. Absorption features in the low state may indicate the presence of an outflow.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Enhancing access to the Bibliome: the TREC 2004 Genomics Track

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    BACKGROUND: The goal of the TREC Genomics Track is to improve information retrieval in the area of genomics by creating test collections that will allow researchers to improve and better understand failures of their systems. The 2004 track included an ad hoc retrieval task, simulating use of a search engine to obtain documents about biomedical topics. This paper describes the Genomics Track of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) 2004, a forum for evaluation of IR research systems, where retrieval in the genomics domain has recently begun to be assessed. RESULTS: A total of 27 research groups submitted 47 different runs. The most effective runs, as measured by the primary evaluation measure of mean average precision (MAP), used a combination of domain-specific and general techniques. The best MAP obtained by any run was 0.4075. Techniques that expanded queries with gene name lists as well as words from related articles had the best efficacy. However, many runs performed more poorly than a simple baseline run, indicating that careful selection of system features is essential. CONCLUSION: Various approaches to ad hoc retrieval provide a diversity of efficacy. The TREC Genomics Track and its test collection resources provide tools that allow improvement in information retrieval systems

    An absorption origin for the X-ray spectral variability of MCG-6-30-15

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    The Seyfert I galaxy MCG-6-30-15 shows one of the best examples of a broad "red wing" of emission in its X-ray spectrum at energies 2 < E < 6.4 keV, commonly interpreted as being caused by relativistically-blurred reflection close to the event horizon of the black hole. We aim to test an alternative model in which absorption creates the observed spectral shape, explains the puzzling lack of variability of the red wing and reduces the high reflection albedo, substantially greater than unity, that is otherwise inferred at energies E > 20 keV. We compiled all the available long-exposure, high-quality data for MCG-6-30-15: 522 ks of Chandra HETGS, 282 ks of XMM-Newton pn/RGS and 253 ks of Suzaku XIS/PIN data. This is the first analysis of this full dataset. We investigated the spectral variability on timescales >20 ks using principal components analysis and fitted spectral models to "flux state" and mean spectra over the energy range 0.5-45 keV (depending on detector). The absorber model was based on the zones previously identified in the high-resolution grating data. Joint fits were carried out to any data that were simultaneous. Multiple absorbing zones covering a wide range of ionisation are required by the grating data, including a highly ionised outflowing zone. A variable partial-covering zone plus absorbed low-ionisation reflection, distant from the source, provides a complete description of the variable X-ray spectrum. A single model fits all the data. We conclude that these zones are responsible for the red wing, its apparent lack of variability, the absorption structure around the Fe K-alpha line, the soft-band "excess" and the high flux seen in the hard X-ray band. A relativistically-blurred Fe line is not required in this model. We suggest the partial covering zone is a clumpy wind from the accretion disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Corrected versio

    Probing the Ionizing Continuum of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies. I.Observational Results

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    We present optical spectra and emission-line ratios of 12 Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies that we observed to study the ionizing EUV continuum. A common feature in the EUV continuum of active galactic nuclei is the big blue bump (BBB), generally associated with thermal accretion disk emission. While Galactic absorption prevents direct access to the EUV range, it can be mapped by measuring the strength of a variety of forbidden optical emission lines that respond to different EUV continuum regions. We find that narrow emission-line ratios involving [OII]3727, Hbeta, [OIII]5007, [OI]6300, Halpha,[NII]6583, and [SII]6716,6731 indicate no significant difference between NLS1s and Broad-Line Seyfert 1 (BLS1) galaxies, which suggests that the spectral energy distributions of their ionizing EUV - soft X-ray continua are similar. The relative strength of important forbidden high ionization lines like [NeV]3426 compared to HeII4686 and the relative strength of [FeX]6374 appear to show the same range as in BLS1 galaxies. However, a trend of weaker F([OI]6300)/F(Halpha) emission-line ratios is indicated for NLS1s compared to BLS1s. To recover the broad emission-line profiles we used Gaussian components. This approach indicates that the broad Hbeta profile can be well described with a broad component (FWHM = 3275 +- 800 km/s) and an intermediate broad component (FWHM = 1200 +- 300 km/s). The width of the broad component is in the typical range of normal BLS1s. The emission-line flux that is associated with the broad component in these NLS1s amounts to at least 60% of the total flux. Thus it dominates the total line flux, similar to BLS1 galaxies.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures. accepted for publication in the Astrophys.Journa

    The Spectral Energy Distribution and Emission-Line properties of the NLS1 Galaxy Arakelian 564

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    We present the intrinsic spectral energy distribution (SED) of the NLS1 Arakelian 564, constructed with contemporaneous data obtained during a multi-wavelength, multi-satellite observing campaign in 2000 and 2001. We compare it with that of the NLS1 Ton S180 and with those obtained for BLS1s to infer how the relative accretion rates vary among the Sy1 population. Although the peak of the SED is not well constrained, most of the energy is emitted in the 10-100 eV regime, constituting roughly half of the emitted energy in the optical/X-ray ranges. This is consistent with a primary spectral component peaking in the extreme UV/soft X-ray band, and disk-corona models, hence high accretion rates. Indeed, we estimate that \dot{m}~1. We examine the emission lines in its spectrum, and we constrain the physical properties of the line-emitting gas through photoionization modeling. The line-emitting gas is characterized by log n~11 and log U~0, and is stratified around log U~0. Our estimate of the radius of the H\beta-emitting region ~10 \pm 2 lt-days is consistent with the radius-luminosity relationships found for Sy1 galaxies. We also find evidence for super-solar metallicity in this NLS1. We show that the emission lines are not good diagnostics for the underlying SEDs and that the absorption line studies offer a far more powerful tool to determine the ionizing continuum of AGNs, especially if comparing the lower- and higher-ionization lines.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, LaTeX emulateapj.st

    A longer XMM-Newton look at I Zwicky 1: physical conditions and variability of the ionised absorbers

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    We present a spectral analysis of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy I Zwicky 1, focusing on the characteristics of the ionised absorbers as observed with XMM-Newton in 2005. The soft X-ray spectrum shows absorption by two components of ionised gas with a similar column density (N_H~10^{21} cm^{-2}) and ionisation parameters log\xi~0 and 2.5. Comparing this observation with a 2002 XMM-Newton data set, we see a clear anti-correlation between the X-ray ionisation parameter xi_X and the 0.1-10 keV luminosity. Viable explanations for this effect include transient clouds or filaments crossing the line of sight in a complex geometry or a gas observed in non-equilibrium. The outflow velocity of the X-ray low-ionisation absorber is consistent with the outflow of the UV absorber detected in a past Hubble Space Telescope observation. In addition, the ionic column densities of CIV and NV derived from the X-ray model are consistent with the UV values. This suggests that the low-ionisation outflowing gas may survive for many years, despite large changes in flux, and that there is a tight connection between the X-ray and UV absorbers that can only be confirmed with a simultaneous UV and X-ray observation.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of hepatitis C virus infection and HIV viral load: New insights into epidemiologic synergy

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    INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV infection frequently co-occur due to shared transmission routes. Co-infection is associated with higher HCV viral load (VL), but less is known about the effect of HCV infection on HIV VL and risk of onward transmission. METHODS: We undertook a systematic review comparing 1) HIV VL among ART-naïve, HCV co-infected individuals versus HIV mono-infected individuals and 2) HIV VL among treated versus untreated HCV co-infected individuals. We performed a random-effects meta-analysis and quantified heterogeneity using the I2 statistic. We followed Cochrane Collaboration guidelines in conducting our review and PRISMA guidelines in reporting results. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We screened 3925 articles and identified 17 relevant publications. A meta-analysis found no evidence of increased HIV VL associated with HCV co-infection or between HIV VL and HCV treatment with pegylated interferon-alpha-2a/b and ribavirin. CONCLUSIONS: This finding is in contrast to the substantial increases in HIV VL observed with several other systemic infections. It presents opportunities to elucidate the biological pathways that underpin epidemiological synergy in HIV co-infections and may enable prediction of which co-infections are most important to epidemic control

    A Novel Pectin Material: Extraction, Characterization and Gelling Properties

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    A novel pectin was acid extracted from chickpea husk (CHP). CHP presented a 67% (w/w) of galacturonic acid, an intrinsic viscosity of 374 mL/g and a viscosimetric molecular weight of 110 kDa. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectrum of CHP indicated a degree of esterification of about 10%. The CHP-calcium system formed ionic gels with a storage (G′) modulus of 40 Pa and gel set time (G′ > G″) of 3 min at 1% (w/v), and a G′ of 131 Pa and gel set time of 1 min at 2% (w/v). The G′ of CHP gels was not greatly affected by temperature. The results attained suggest that chickpea husk can be a potential source of a gelling pectin material

    Effects of different lower-limb sensory stimulation strategies on postural regulation – A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Systematic reviews of balance control have tended to only focus on the effects of single lower-limb stimulation strategies, and a current limitation is the lack of comparison between different relevant stimulation strategies. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine evidence of effects of different lower-limb sensory stimulation strategies on postural regulation and stability. Moderate- to high- pooled effect sizes (Unbiased (Hedges’ g) standardized mean differences (SMD) = 0.31 – 0.66) were observed with the addition of noise in a Stochastic Resonance Stimulation Strategy (SRSS), in three populations (i.e., healthy young adults, older adults, and individuals with lower-limb injuries), and under different task constraints (i.e., unipedal, bipedal, and eyes open). A Textured Material Stimulation Strategy (TMSS) enhanced postural control in the most challenging condition – eyes-closed on a stable surface (SMD = 0.61), and in older adults (SMD = 0.30). The Wearable Garments Stimulation Strategy (WGSS) showed no or adverse effects (SMD = -0.68 – 0.05) under all task constraints and in all populations, except in individuals with lower-limb injuries (SMD = 0.20). Results of our systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that future research could consider combining two or more stimulation strategies in intervention treatments for postural regulation and balance problems, depending on individual need
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