28 research outputs found

    Radial distribution of the inner magnetosphere plasma pressure using low-altitude satellite data during geomagnetic storm: the March 1-8, 1982 Event

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    Plasma pressure distribution in the inner magnetosphere is one of the key parameters for understanding the main magnetospheric processes including geomagnetic storms and substorms. However, the pressure profiles obtained from in-situ particle measurements by the high-altitude satellites do not allow tracking the pressure variations related to the storms and substorms, because a time interval needed to do this generally exceeds the characteristic times of them. On contrary, fast movement of low-altitude satellites makes it possible to retrieve quasi-instantaneous profiles of plasma pressure along the satellite trajectory, using the fluxes of precipitating particles. For this study, we used the Aureol-3 satellite data for plasma pressure estimation, and the IGRF, Tsyganenko 2001 and Tsyganenko 2004 storm time geomagnetic field models for the pressure mapping into the equatorial plane. It was found that during quiet geomagnetic condition the radial pressure profiles obtained coincide with the profiles, obtained previously from the high-altitude measurements. On the contrary, it was found that during geomagnetic storm the plasma pressure profiles became sharper; the position of the maximum of plasma pressure corresponds to expected one for given Dst minimum; the maximum value of inner magnetosphere static pressure correlates with the solar wind dynamic pressure. Increase in the plasma pressure profiles indicates the possibility to consider the interchange instability as one of important factors for the development of the main phase of geomagnetic storm.Comment: Accepted in Advances in Space Researc

    Alternating bursts of low energy ions and electrons near the substorm onset

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    The substorm associated behavior of the low energy particles (30 eV–28.5 keV) near the earthward edge of the plasma sheet is examined using data from CRRES during the late growth and early expansion phases of a substorm on 12 March 1991 and their significance for the substorm onset mechanism is discussed. In this substorm, the CRRES was located on <i>L</i> ~6.3 and ~20° westward of the substorm onset and observed the sequence of the alternating bursts of the low energy ions and electrons. The bursts of the 0.633–9.6 keV ions occurred 1–2 min before the (7.31–21.7 keV) electron bursts. The first ion burst happened 2min before the substorm onset, at the moment of weak brightening of the most equatorial pre-breakup arc near the latitude ~62°. The alternation of the ion and electron bursts may be a signature of a drift-Alfvén ballooning instability on the inner edge of the plasma sheet near substorm onset

    Dumping – Unfair Trade Practice

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    Research background: The Globalisation gradually has removed the protection that has existed to protect producers against unfair trade practices. Existence of imperfect competition within an international trade is presented by descending curve of average costs while increasing economies of scale; it often leads some producers not to adjust the price in relation to the marker. In this case, we speak about dumping. Purpose of the article: The article deals with dumping issue – an unfair trade practice analysing EU trade policy including antidumping, related Slovak legislation, price discrimination and dumping model. Methods: From a methodological point of view, the article is divided into four parts; description of trade policy, antidumping and its legislation, price discrimination and dumping model. Methods of synthesis, critical thinking and graphical analysis were used. Findings & Value added: In practice, accounting of different prices to the various consumers is called a price discrimination. The most common type of price discrimination in foreign trade is a dumping. It is a price practice when a company accounts lower price for exported goods compared to the same goods sale at home. World Trade Organization (WTO) allow counter such injury via trade defence instruments (TDIs). The EU TDIs are appropriate to tackle new challenges to international trade, because the Commission had done to modernise the EU’s basic Anti-Dumping (AD) Regulations

    Cellular automata model of magnetospheric-ionospheric coupling

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    We propose a cellular automata model (CAM) to describe the substorm activity of the magnetospheric-ionospheric system. The state of each cell in the model is described by two numbers that correspond to the energy content in a region of the current sheet in the magnetospheric tail and to the conductivity of the ionospheric domain that is magnetically connected with this region. The driving force of the system is supposed to be provided by the solar wind that is convected along the two boundaries of the system. The energy flux inside is ensured by the penetration of the energy from the solar wind into the array of cells (magnetospheric tail) with a finite velocity. The third boundary (near to the Earth) is closed and the fourth boundary is opened, thereby modeling the flux far away from the tail. The energy dissipation in the system is quite similar to other CAM models, when the energy in a particular cell exceeds some pre-defined threshold, and the part of the energy excess is redistributed between the neighbouring cells. The second number attributed to each cell mimics ionospheric conductivity that can allow for a part of the energy to be shed on field-aligned currents. The feedback between "ionosphere" and "magnetospheric tail" is provided by the change in a part of the energy, which is redistributed in the tail when the threshold is surpassed. The control parameter of the model is the z-component of the interplanetary magnetic field (Bz IMF), "frozen" into the solar wind. To study the internal dynamics of the system at the beginning, this control parameter is taken to be constant. The dynamics of the system undergoes several bifurcations, when the constant varies from - 0.6 to - 6.0. The Bz IMF input results in the periodic transients (activation regions) and the inter-transient period decreases with the decrease of Bz. At the same time the onset of activations in the array shifts towards the "Earth". When the modulus of the Bz IMF exceeds some threshold value, the transition takes place from periodic to chaotic dynamics. In the second part of the work we have chosen as the source the real values of the z-component of the interplanetary magnetic field taken from satellite observations. We have shown that in this case the statistical properties of the transients reproduce the characteristic features observed by Lui et al. (2000).Key words. Magnetospheric physics (magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions) – Space plasma physics (nonlinear phenomena


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    Abstract. The cellular model as an analogy of the dynamical magnetosphere-ionosphere system related with the substorm activity is presented. Each cell in the model contains two connected parts, one of which may be associated with the magnetosphere current sheet piece, and other -with the ionosphere region at the same magnetic field tube. The local positive feedback between magnetospheric and ionospheric parts of each cell has been included in the model. The magnetospheric part of the model system is organised as a rectangular cellular automation with local redistribution of the stored energy from the cells where the threshold value is exceeded. We suppose that the threshold value in each cell depends on external control parameter which influences the long boundaries of the rectangular array. The finite velocity is assumed for the influence penetration into the array and along boundaries. Internal rules in the model are fully deterministic: there is not used any random number. As an external control parameter of the model we consider the z-component of interplanetary magnetic field (B z IMF) which is «freezed» in the solar wind. Dynamics of the model for constant control parameter and for driving by real B z IMF is discussed. The model demonstrates two types of transients. The characteristics of the transients are discussed

    Observations of substorm fine structure

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