124 research outputs found

    Педагогічні умови формування графічної компетентності майбутніх інженерів-педагогів комп’ютерного профілю в педагогічних університетах

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    The article analyzes the concepts of «condition» and «pedagogical condition» in the researches of domestic and foreign scientists. On the basis of the considered literary sources the notion «condition» is defined as a natural or artificially created circumstance (factor), which is the cause of positive or negative changes in the environment of its implementation. The concept of «pedagogical conditions» in the context of the formation of graphic competence is defined as a set of external and internal psychological and pedagogical factors designed to influence the educational process in order to ensure the achievement of a particular pedagogical goal, in our case to achieve a high level of the formation of graphic competence. There is insufficient number of researches on the conditions of formation of graphic competence of future engineers-teachers of the computer profile. The stages of the study of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of graphic competence and the research on the basis of expert evaluation are revealed.4 conditions are distinguished, observance of which will ensure positive influence on the educational process and the formation of graphic competence in particular: 1) the development of mental activity; 2) the integration of the pedagogical and engineering component of the specialty; 3) the purposeful formation of positive motivation of students; 4)the system monitoring of the level of formation of components of graphic competence to improve its system of formation. The implementation of the distinguished conditions in the educational process on the basis of project activity and complex monitoring of components of graphic competence such as axiological, creative, communicative, cognitive, social and psychological is grounded.У статті здійснено аналіз понять «умова» та «педагогічна умова». Проведено дослідження педагогічних умов формування графічної компетентності на основі експертного оцінювання. Виділено 4 умови, дотримання яких забезпечить позитивний вплив на навчальний процес та формування графічної компетентності зокрема: 1) розвиток мисленнєвої активності; 2) інтеграція педагогічної та інженерної складових фаху; 3) цілеспрямоване формування позитивної мотивації студентів; 4) системний моніторинг рівня сформованості компонентів графічної компетентності для вдосконалення системи її формування. Обґрунтовано реалізацію виділених умов в навчальному процесі

    Fertility and pregnancy outcomes following uterine artery embolization (UAE) for uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM)

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    A 19-year-old patient presented with intractable uterine bleeding, 11 weeks post-abortion. A pelvic ultrasound with Doppler and color imaging suggested a uterine arteriovenous malformation. Failing conservative therapies, the patient consented to uterine artery embolization (UAE). Two months later, she conceived and had an uneventful normal vaginal delivery at term. Since this is an extremely rare condition, allowing limited clinical exposure and experience, there may be an underlying reluctance by general practitioners to treat these cases with uterine artery embolization for fear of compromising future fertility and pregnancies. However, data from the 20 pregnancies embolized for uterine AVM cited in the present report and data from embolization for uterine fibroids indicate that such fears may be unfounded since pregnancy rates and outcomes may not be compromised after UAE. © 2009 Springer-Verlag


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    The principles of arrival of solar energy at the solar panel are established. This panel is permanently installed and positioned by the position system perpendicularly to the solar radiation. The dependency of energy arrival at the flat receiving terminal from the radiation arrival angle and protective glass optical properties during the day is studied. The calculations of the dynamics of changes in energy value arriving during the day at the flat surface of the solar panel in the city of Ternopil were made due to the type of permanent or automatic position systems against the position of the sun. The algorithm of calculating the relative energy consumption in permanently installed solar panels compared to the orientation of their position system was offered. It enabled to find such descent angle that proves the smallest alterations in the relative energy consumption during the year.Установленызакономерности поступления солнечной энергии на солнечную панель закрепленную стационарно и постоянно ориентированную системой позиционирования перпендикулярно солнечному излучению.Выявлено влияние защитного остекления на уменьшение количества поступления энергии на приемник солнечной панели в течение дня. Установлено относительные потери энергии в стационарно смонтированныхсолнечных панелях по сравнению с ориентацией их системой позиционирования.Встановлено закономірності поступлення сонячної енергії на сонячну панель закріплену стаціонарно та постійно орієнтовану системою позиціонування перпендикулярно сонячному випромінюванню. Виявлено вплив захисного скління на зменшення кількості поступлення енергії на приймач сонячної панелі впродовж дня. Встановлено відносні втрати енергії у стаціонарно змонтованих сонячних панелях в порівнянні із орієнтацією їх системою позиціонування

    Теоретично-експериментальний аналіз геліозахисту як частини енергоефективного будинку

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    The use of solar energy as a potential alternative source to ensure the heat supply to energy-efficient houses was explored. We have performed preliminary theoretical analysis of energy indicators for the combined heat supplying system when a solar window is used as part of the enclosure for an energy efficient house. In order to enhance operational effectiveness of the studied plant relative to existing solar collectors and to improve it in the structural aspect, the stratification of a heat carrier in the tank-accumulator of the combined heat supply system with a solar window was calculated.The study of operational efficiency of the experimental setup for using solar energy was carried out under the mode of circulation and gravitational motion of the heat carrier by the intensity of radiation of the solar energy simulator on the system of 600 W/m2 and 900 W/m2. Water was used as a heat carrier.We have analyzed changes in temperature of the heat carrier in the solar collector and in the tank-accumulator of the proposed combined solar heat supply system with a solar window as part of the external enclosure of an energy-efficient house.It was established that the heat carrier temperature under the circulation mode reached 26.5 °C. We have also presented comparative field, laboratory, and theoretical calculations of the average temperature of the heat carrier in the tank-accumulator under the mode of the heat carrier gravitation motion under various conditions.Efficiency of the experimental setup was calculated. The dynamics of change in efficiency of the solar heat supply system with a solar window were described. Efficiency was ≈55 % under the mode of heat carrier circulation for heat energy accumulation in the tank-accumulator, depending on heating duration. Under the mode of gravitational motion of the heat carrier, we calculated efficiency for the design of a solar window only, which was 53 %Исследовано использование солнечной энергии как потенциального альтернативного источника для обеспечения теплоснабжением энергоэффективных домов. Проведен предварительный теоретический анализ энергетических показателей комбинированной системы теплоснабжения за использование гелиоокна как части ограждения энергоэффективного дома. С целью повышения эффективности работы исследуемой установки относительно существующих солнечных коллекторов и улучшения ее в конструктивном аспекте было рассчитано стратификацию теплоносителя в баке-аккумуляторе комбинированной системы теплоснабжения с гелиоокном.Исследование эффективности работы экспериментальной установки в системе для использования солнечной энергии проводились в режиме движения циркуляции и гравитации теплоносителя по интенсивности излучения имитатора солнечной энергии на систему 600 Вт/м2 и 900 Вт/м2. В качестве теплоносителя использовали воду.Проанализировано изменение температуры теплоносителя в солнечном коллекторе и баке-аккумуляторе предложенной комбинированной системы солнечного теплоснабжения с гелиоокном как части внешней защиты энергоэффективного дома.Установлено, что температура теплоносителя в режиме циркуляции достигала 26,5 °С. Кроме этого, приведены сравнительные натурные, лабораторные и теоретические расчеты усредненной температуры теплоносителя в баке-аккумуляторе в режиме движения гравитации теплоносителя при различных условиях.Был рассчитан коэффициент полезного действия экспериментальной установки. Описана динамика изменения коэффициента полезного действия системы солнечного теплоснабжения с гелиоокном. В режиме движения циркуляции теплоносителя по накоплению тепловой энергии в баке-аккумуляторе, в зависимости от времени нагрева, КПД составлял ≈55 %. В режиме движения гравитации теплоносителя был подсчитан коэффициент полезного действия лишь конструкции гелиоокна, который составил 53 %Досліджено використання сонячної енергії як потенційного альтернативного джерела для забезпечення теплопостачанням енергоефективних будинків. Проведено попередній теоретичний аналіз енергетичних показників комбінованої системи теплопостачання за використання геліовікна як частини огородження енергоефективного будинку. З метою підвищення ефективності роботи досліджуваної установки відносно існуючих сонячних колекторів та покращення її в конструктивному аспекті, було розраховано стратифікацію теплоносія в баку-акумуляторі комбінованої системи теплопостачання із геліовікном.Дослідження ефективності роботи експериментальної установки в системі для використання сонячної енергії проводили в режимі руху циркуляції та гравітації теплоносія за інтенсивності випромінювання імітатора сонячної енергії на систему 600 Вт/м2 та 900 Вт/м2. Як теплоносій використовували воду.Проаналізовано зміну температури теплоносія в сонячному колекторі та в баку-акумуляторі запропонованої комбінованої системи сонячного теплопостачання із геліовікном як частини зовнішнього захисту енергоефективного будинку.Встановлено, що температура теплоносія в режимі циркуляції досягала 26,5 °С. Крім цього, наведено порівняльні натурні, лабораторні та теоретичні розрахунки усередненої температури теплоносія в баку-акумуляторі в режимі руху гравітації теплоносія за різних умов.Було розраховано коефіцієнт корисної дії експериментальної установки. Описано динаміку зміни коефіцієнта корисної дії системи сонячного теплопостачання із геліовікном. У режимі руху циркуляції теплоносія за накопиченням теплової енергії в баку-акумуляторі, залежно від часу нагріву, ККД становив ≈55 %. В режимі руху гравітації теплоносія було обраховано коефіцієнт корисної дії лише конструкції геліовікна, що становив 53

    A degenerative retinal process in HIV-associated non-infectious retinopathy

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    HIV retinopathy is the most common non-infectious complication in the eyes of HIV-positive individuals. Oncotic lesions in the retinal nerve fiber layer, referred to as cotton wool spots (CWS), and intraretinal (IR) hemorrhages are frequently observed but are not unique to this pathology. HIV-positive patients have impaired color vision and contrast sensitivity, which worsens with age. Evidence of inner-retinal lesions and damage have been documented ophthalmoscopically, however their long term structural effect has not been investigated. It has been hypothesized that they may be partially responsible for loss of visual function and visual field. In this study we utilized clinical data, retinal imaging and transcriptomics approaches to comprehensively interrogate non-infectious HIV retinopathy. The methods employed encompassed clinical examinations, fundus photography, indirect ophthalmoscopy, Farmsworth-Munsell 100 hue discrimination testing and Illumina BeadChip analyses. Here we show that changes in the outer retina, specifically in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptor outer segments (POS) contribute to vision changes in non-infectious HIV retinopathy. We find that in HIV-positive retinae there is an induction of rhodopsin and other transcripts (including PDE6A, PDE6B, PDE6G, CNGA1, CNGB1, CRX, NRL) involved in visual transduction, as well as structural components of the rod photoreceptors (ABCA4 and ROM1). This is consistent with an increased rate of renewal of rod outer segments induced via increased phagocytosis by HIV-infected RPE previously reported in culture. Cone-specific transcripts (OPN1SW, OPN1LW, PDE6C, PDE6H and GRK7) are uniformly downregulated in HIV positive retina, likely due to a partial loss of cone photoreceptors. Active cotton wool spots and intraretinal hemorrhages (IRH) may not affect photoreceptors directly and the interaction of photoreceptors with the aging RPE may be the key to the progressive vision changes in HIV-positive patients

    : Final report

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    63 p.Interest in cities is growing again in Europe. Theories of "growth poles" forgotten since the 1960s re-emerge, although in different form, without the idea of building new cities in the desert. Metropolitanisation, although sometimes difficult to grasp empirically, is recognized as a post-fordist phenomena, with a gain of the importance of large cities, linked to the increasing need for size-based agglomeration effect in the global, networked knowledge economy. And European policy makers are once again discussing the need of and the form for new urban policies at European (as witnessed by the above quote), but also at national scale. From the outset, this project has had two, complementary, but not always easily reconcilable orientations: provide a broad overview of the current and future issues relevant to urban development in all of Europe, advance scientifically beyond the established and well-known data and analyses, provide innovative research. As this report was elaborated in parallel to the new State of European Cities report to be published by DG Regio, we also aimed at complementarity with that report, not wanting to repeat the same analyses based on the same data. In this project, we, therefore, worked in three parallel strands. First, all teams went through the current literature to extract the knowledge about trends, perspectives and, most importantly, driving forces for urban development in their thematic fields. Second, each of the teams focused on one or two innovative empirical research questions, generally tapping new data sources. Finally, our scenario team has taken the work of the other teams, and substantially augmented it through additional literature review, aiming at covering an even larger horizon and to provide a complete knowledge base on urban development, necessary for integrated prospective thinking. On this basis the scenarios were developed. The structure of the report reflects these three strands, adding a fourth, new strand, which consists in an assessment of the current national policy visions on urban issues across Europe. Details of all the literature reviews and analyses are presented in the scientific report

    : Final report

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    63 p.Interest in cities is growing again in Europe. Theories of "growth poles" forgotten since the 1960s re-emerge, although in different form, without the idea of building new cities in the desert. Metropolitanisation, although sometimes difficult to grasp empirically, is recognized as a post-fordist phenomena, with a gain of the importance of large cities, linked to the increasing need for size-based agglomeration effect in the global, networked knowledge economy. And European policy makers are once again discussing the need of and the form for new urban policies at European (as witnessed by the above quote), but also at national scale. From the outset, this project has had two, complementary, but not always easily reconcilable orientations: provide a broad overview of the current and future issues relevant to urban development in all of Europe, advance scientifically beyond the established and well-known data and analyses, provide innovative research. As this report was elaborated in parallel to the new State of European Cities report to be published by DG Regio, we also aimed at complementarity with that report, not wanting to repeat the same analyses based on the same data. In this project, we, therefore, worked in three parallel strands. First, all teams went through the current literature to extract the knowledge about trends, perspectives and, most importantly, driving forces for urban development in their thematic fields. Second, each of the teams focused on one or two innovative empirical research questions, generally tapping new data sources. Finally, our scenario team has taken the work of the other teams, and substantially augmented it through additional literature review, aiming at covering an even larger horizon and to provide a complete knowledge base on urban development, necessary for integrated prospective thinking. On this basis the scenarios were developed. The structure of the report reflects these three strands, adding a fourth, new strand, which consists in an assessment of the current national policy visions on urban issues across Europe. Details of all the literature reviews and analyses are presented in the scientific report

    SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, Poland

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    The SOLARIS synchrotron located in Krakow, Poland, is a third-generation light source operating at medium electron energy. The first synchrotron light was observed in 2015, and the consequent development of infrastructure lead to the first users’ experiments at soft X-ray energies in 2018. Presently, SOLARIS expands its operation towards hard X-rays with continuous developments of the beamlines and concurrent infrastructure. In the following, we will summarize the SOLARIS synchrotron design, and describe the beamlines and research infrastructure together with the main performance parameters, upgrade, and development plans

    Quantum state preparation and macroscopic entanglement in gravitational-wave detectors

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    Long-baseline laser-interferometer gravitational-wave detectors are operating at a factor of 10 (in amplitude) above the standard quantum limit (SQL) within a broad frequency band. Such a low classical noise budget has already allowed the creation of a controlled 2.7 kg macroscopic oscillator with an effective eigenfrequency of 150 Hz and an occupation number of 200. This result, along with the prospect for further improvements, heralds the new possibility of experimentally probing macroscopic quantum mechanics (MQM) - quantum mechanical behavior of objects in the realm of everyday experience - using gravitational-wave detectors. In this paper, we provide the mathematical foundation for the first step of a MQM experiment: the preparation of a macroscopic test mass into a nearly minimum-Heisenberg-limited Gaussian quantum state, which is possible if the interferometer's classical noise beats the SQL in a broad frequency band. Our formalism, based on Wiener filtering, allows a straightforward conversion from the classical noise budget of a laser interferometer, in terms of noise spectra, into the strategy for quantum state preparation, and the quality of the prepared state. Using this formalism, we consider how Gaussian entanglement can be built among two macroscopic test masses, and the performance of the planned Advanced LIGO interferometers in quantum-state preparation