75 research outputs found

    KONSEKWENCJE WPISU DÓBR NA LISTĘ UNESCO – PRESTIŻ I CO DALEJ? Postulaty de lege ferenda w zakresie prawnych konsekwencji wpisania obiektu na Listę UNESCO

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    In Poland there are 70 facilities recognised as monuments of history, 14 of which are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. From the point of view of the effects in terms of national recognition for the historical monument, it has a prestigious meaning. Given the distinction of cultural monuments as a separately governed issue by article. 7 of the Polish Act on Antiques’ Protection and Care, a question is raised debating the ratio legis of this institution. The possibility to apply for entry onto the UNESCO list is the only result of this legal regulation. However, what is the most problematic – the entry of such historic monument onto this exclusive List also does not constitute a change in terms of the legal status of such an object. The aim of this paper is to analyse the issue of the real and effective judicial protection of, both historic monuments as well as the facilities included in the list of World Heritage.In Poland there are 70 facilities recognised as monuments of history, 14 of which are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. From the point of view of the effects in terms of national recognition for the historical monument, it has a prestigious meaning. Given the distinction of cultural monuments as a separately governed issue by article. 7 of the Polish Act on Antiques’ Protection and Care, a question is raised debating the ratio legis of this institution. The possibility to apply for entry onto the UNESCO list is the only result of this legal regulation. However, what is the most problematic – the entry of such historic monument onto this exclusive List also does not constitute a change in terms of the legal status of such an object. The aim of this paper is to analyse the issue of the real and effective judicial protection of, both historic monuments as well as the facilities included in the list of World Heritage

    The past, present and future of clinical legal education in Poland

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    This paper was written by four lecturers, who are employed at different universities located in Poland's two largest Cities: Warsaw and Cracow. Two of these universities are financed by the government and the other two are financed from students' fees. Our paper critically examines the history of clinical legal education in Poland. It also assesses the economic, legal and social background to the differences and similarities between clinical legal education and legal practice. Furthermore, the paper explains how learning outcomes have led to law clinics becoming a pedagogical and professional treasure trove for individual clinical students and the wider law faculty. The results of this research will demonstrate the invaluable role of learning outcomes to clinical education and professional development. Therefore, the paper will suggest that the methodology of clinical legal education can be employed as a model for Polish higher education

    Biocompounds content in organic and conventional raspberry fruits

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    Raspberry fruits are a source of vitamin C, phenolic acids and flavonoids, including anthocyanins. There is scientific evidence that allows to assume that organic fruit and vegetables contain more bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties than plant crops from the conventional farming. The aim of the presented studies was to compare the contents of antioxidant compounds in two varieties of raspberries fruits came from certified organic and conventional production. The vitamin C content was determined using the titration method and spectrophotometry, and the content and composition of polyphenols (flavonols, anthocyanins and phenolic acids) was determined by HPLC method, with  identification of individual phenolic compounds according to the Fluca and Sigma Aldrich standards. Significant differences were found between raspberry fruits in the content of the analyzed compounds. Organic raspberries contained more flawonols, phenolic acids and anthocyanins in comparison to conventional ones. The applied method of cultivation did not impact the content of vitamin C in raspberries tested. The results show that the cultivation system is one of the factors influencing the content of certain substances with antioxidant character in raspberry fruits. However, there is a need for further detailed research, especially research carried out in similar growing conditions.Keywords: raspberries, organic fruits, flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamin

    Synthesis of unsymmetrical alkyl acetals via addition of primary alcohols to allyl ethers mediated by ruthenium complexes

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    Ru-catalyzed synthesis of mixed alkyl–alkyl acetals via addition of primary alcohols to allyl ethers has been extended to include long-chain and/or functionalized substrates. The catalytic systems for these reactions were generated from RuCl2(PPh3)3 and [RuCl2(1,5-COD)]x and phosphines [PPh3 or P(p-chlorophenyl)3] or SbPh3 . Of particular importance is the almost quantitative elimination of transacetalization. The addition proceeds through allyl complexes, not via isomerization of allyl ethers––subsequent addition of ROH to vinyl ethers

    Versatile approach for functional analysis of human proteins and efficient stable cell line generation using FLP-mediated recombination system

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    Deciphering a function of a given protein requires investigating various biological aspects. Usually, the protein of interest is expressed with a fusion tag that aids or allows subsequent analyses. Additionally, downregulation or inactivation of the studied gene enables functional studies. Development of the CRISPR/Cas9 methodology opened many possibilities but in many cases it is restricted to non-essential genes. Recombinase-dependent gene integration methods, like the Flp-In system, are very good alternatives. The system is widely used in different research areas, which calls for the existence of compatible vectors and efficient protocols that ensure straightforward DNA cloning and generation of stable cell lines. We have created and validated a robust series of 52 vectors for streamlined generation of stable mammalian cell lines using the FLP recombinase-based methodology. Using the sequence-independent DNA cloning method all constructs for a given coding-sequence can be made with just three universal PCR primers. Our collection allows tetracycline-inducible expression of proteins with various tags suitable for protein localization, FRET, bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC), protein dynamics studies (FRAP), co-immunoprecipitation, the RNA tethering assay and cell sorting. Some of the vectors contain a bidirectional promoter for concomitant expression of miRNA and mRNA, so that a gene can be silenced and its product replaced by a mutated miRNA-insensitive version. Our toolkit and protocols have allowed us to create more than 500 constructs with ease. We demonstrate the efficacy of our vectors by creating stable cell lines with various tagged proteins (numatrin, fibrillarin, coilin, centrin, THOC5, PCNA). We have analysed transgene expression over time to provide a guideline for future experiments and compared the effectiveness of commonly used inducers for tetracycline-responsive promoters. As proof of concept we examined the role of the exoribonuclease XRN2 in transcription termination by RNAseq

    Przydatność określania obecności mutacji BRAF V600E w biopsji aspiracyjnej celowanej cienkoigłowej w zmianach niezdeterminowanych

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      Introduction: Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is regarded as the gold standard method for the diagnosis of thyroid nodules, but it has its limitations. Additional methods that would improve sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer (TC), especially in indeterminate lesions. Molecular tests seem to be such a tool. BRAF V600E mutation (the most common in TC) can be detected in FNAB and can be potentially a very useful ancillary marker for FNAB practice. The aim of our study was to evaluate the usefulness of the detection of the BRAF V600E mutation in FNAC in the early diagnosis of TC in patients with indeterminate cytology. Material and method: 2290 FNAB were performed and 147 indeterminate results (group 3, 4, and 5 of the Bethesda system) were obtained. Material from these groups was submitted for molecular tests for the occurrence of BRAF V600E mutation. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of the tests were calculated. Results: Determining the presence of BRAF V600E mutation in FNAC material in groups 3 and 4 together and in group 5 is associated with sensitivity of TC diagnosis of 37.5% and 81.8%, respectively. In all cases the detection of BRAF V600E mutation was associated with histopathologically proving the presence of TC (specificity of the test — 100%). Conclusions: The presence of BRAF V600E mutation in FNAC material is always associated with the presence of TC. The usefulness of determining the presence of BRAF V600E in FNAC in cytological groups 3 and 4 is associated with low sensitivity in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Due to its high specificity BRAF V600E study may be useful in determining the scope of surgery in patients in cytological group 5. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (1): 41–47)    Wstęp: Biopsja aspiracyjna celowana cienkoigłowa (BACC) jest uznawana za złoty standard w diagnostyce guzków tarczycy. Ma ona jednak swoje ograniczenia. Poszukiwane są więc dodatkowe metody, które poprawiłyby czułość i specyficzność diagnozowania raka tarczycy, zwłaszcza w przypadku zmian niezdeterminowanych w BACC. Badania molekularne wydają się być takim narzędziem. Mutacja BRAF V600E (najczęstsza w raku tarczycy) może być wykrywana w materiale z biopsji i może wspomagać BACC w rozpoznawaniu raka tarczycy. Celem pracy była ocena przydatności wykrywania mutacji BRAF V600E w BACC w zmianach niezdeterminowanych we wczesnej diagnostyce pacjentów ze zmianami ogniskowymi w tarczycy. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono 2290 BACC, uzyskując w 147 próbkach wyniki niezdeterminowane (grupy 3, 4 i 5 wg klasyfikacji Bethesda). W grupie tej przeprowadzono badania molekularne w kierunku występowania mutacji BRAF V600E. Obliczono czułość, swoistość, wartość predykcyjną dodatnią, wartość predykcyjną ujemną i dokładność testu. Wyniki: Obecność mutacji BRAF V600E w grupach cytologicznych 3 i 4 łącznie oraz w grupie 5 wiązała się z czułością w rozpoznawaniu raka tarczycy odpowiednio 37,5% i 81,8%. W każdym przypadku wykrycia mutacji BRAF V600E w badaniu pooperacyjnym rozpoznano raka tarczycy (specyficzność testu —100%). Wnioski: Obecność mutacji BRAF V600E w materiale BACC jest zawsze związana z obecnością RT. Przydatność określenia obecności BRAF V600E w BACC w grupach cytologicznych 3 i 4 jest związana z niską czułością rozpoznania RT. Ze względu na wysoką specyficzność BRAF V600E badania mogą być przydatne w określaniu zakresu operacji u pacjentów z grupy cytologicznej 5. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (1): 41–47)

    Wiek zachorowania i płeć jako czynniki modyfikujące związek polimorfizmów zlokalizowanych na chromosomie 9q22 i 14q13 z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy

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    Introduction: Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) shows familial occurrence, and some susceptibility single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in FOXE1 and near the NKX2-1 locus. The aim of our study was to analyse the association of PTC risk with SNPs in FOXE1 (rs965513, rs1867277, rs1443434) and near the NKX2-1 locus (rs944289) in a Polish population, and, in the second step, the interac­tion between SNPs and patient-related factors (age at diagnosis and gender). Material and methods: A total of 2243 DNA samples from PTC patients and 1160 controls were included in the study. The SNP analysis was performed with the allelic discrimination technique. Results: There were significant associations of all SNPs with PTC (rs965513 odds ratio [OR] = 1.72, p = 8 × 10-7; rs1867277 OR = 1.59, p = 1 × 10-6; rs1443434 OR = 1.53, p = 1 × 10-5; rs944289 OR = 1.52, p = 4 × 10-5). Logistic regression analysis revealed an increased PTC risk in the interaction of rs944289 with age at diagnosis (OR = 1.01 per year, p = 6 × 10-4) and a decreased PTC risk in the interaction of male gender with the GGT FOXE1 protective haplotype (OR = 0.69, p = 0.01). Conclusions: the association between PTC and all analysed SNPs was confirmed. It was also shown that patient-related factors modify the predisposition to PTC by increasing the risk for rs944289 per year of age, and by enhancing the protective effect of the FOXE1 GGT haplotype in men.Wstęp: Brodawkowaty rak tarczycy należy do grupy nowotworów litych, w których uwarunkowanie genetyczne ogrywa istotną rolę. Geny odpowiedzialne za predyspozycje do raka brodawkowatego nie są dobrze znane, choć polimorfizmy rs965513 i rs944289 obecnie są uznanymi czynnikami ryzyka. Celem pracy była analiza związku polimorfizmów znajdujących się w 9q22 w locus genu FOXE1 (rs965513, rs1867277, rs1443434) oraz w 14q13 w pobliżu genu NKX2-1 (rs944289) z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy oraz ocena wpływu czynników zależnych od pacjenta (wieku zachorowania i płci). Materiał i metody. Materiał obejmował 2243 próbek DNA izolowanych z limfocytów krwi obwodowej pacjentów z rakiem brodawkowatym i 1160 próbek DNA pochodzących od osób zdrowych, stanowiących grupę kontrolną (liczba analizowanych próbek różniła się w zależności od polimorfizmu). Badania wykonano w aparacie 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System firmy Applied Biosystems techniką dyskryminacji alleli. Wyniki. Znamienny związek z rakiem brodawkowatym wykazywały wszystkie analizowane polimorfizmy (dla rs965513 wartość OR wynosiła 1,72, p = 8 × 10-7; dla rs1867277 OR = 1,58, p = 1 × 10-6; dla rs1443434 OR = 1,53, p = 1 × 10-5; rs944289 OR = 1,52, p = 4 × 10-5). Analiza regresji logistycznej wykazała wzrost ryzyka raka brodawkowatego wraz z wiekiem dla polimorfizmu rs944289 (OR = 1.01 na rok, p = 6 × 10-4) oraz obniżenie ryzyka zachorowania dla haplotypu GGT genu FOXE1 u mężczyzn (OR = 0,69, p = 0,01). Wnioski. Potwierdzony został związek badanych polimorfizmów z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy w populacji polskiej. Wykazano modyfikujący wpływ wieku zachorowania i płci męskiej na ryzyko zachorowania uwarunkowane genetycznie