Biocompounds content in organic and conventional raspberry fruits


Raspberry fruits are a source of vitamin C, phenolic acids and flavonoids, including anthocyanins. There is scientific evidence that allows to assume that organic fruit and vegetables contain more bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties than plant crops from the conventional farming. The aim of the presented studies was to compare the contents of antioxidant compounds in two varieties of raspberries fruits came from certified organic and conventional production. The vitamin C content was determined using the titration method and spectrophotometry, and the content and composition of polyphenols (flavonols, anthocyanins and phenolic acids) was determined by HPLC method, with  identification of individual phenolic compounds according to the Fluca and Sigma Aldrich standards. Significant differences were found between raspberry fruits in the content of the analyzed compounds. Organic raspberries contained more flawonols, phenolic acids and anthocyanins in comparison to conventional ones. The applied method of cultivation did not impact the content of vitamin C in raspberries tested. The results show that the cultivation system is one of the factors influencing the content of certain substances with antioxidant character in raspberry fruits. However, there is a need for further detailed research, especially research carried out in similar growing conditions.Keywords: raspberries, organic fruits, flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamin

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