17 research outputs found
La reescritura de los mitos en las novelas Acerca de roderer y La mujer del maestro de Guillermo Martínez
This article investigates the presence of myths in the first two novels by Argentine writer and mathematician Guillermo Martínez. Regarding Roderer is a story about the process of maturity and maladjustment to life, impregnated with universal signs and questions, with the elements of the Faustian myth in the stage of contemporary human knowledge, present at various levels of the text: exploring the limits of human knowledge, Martinez makes the narrator reject the pact with the Devil, but it takes away his life. His second novel, The Woman of the Master, deals with the myth of Prometheus inside the story, referring to such disparate themes as talent and betrayal, generosity and envy, desire and vanity, always putting the focus on literature. Therefore, our research is based not only on the aforementioned novels but also on the author’s own reflections on literature -from his first book of essays, The Formula of Immortality, until the last published, Literary Reason-, and also in the opinions of the writer expressed in the interviews we did with him on three occasions. Our goal is to show that Guillermo Martínez writes about universal themes with a new tension, proving that Faust and Prometheus are two sides of the same myth, which is still actual.Este artículo investiga la presencia de los mitos en las dos primeras novelas del escritor y matemático argentino Guillermo Martínez. Acerca de Roderer es una historia sobre el proceso de madurez e inadaptación a la vida, impregnada de signos y preguntas universales, con los elementos del mito fáustico en el estadio del conocimiento humano contemporáneo, presentes en varios niveles del texto: explorando los límites del conocimiento humano, Martínez hace al narrador rechazar el pacto con el Diablo, pero le quita la vida. Su segunda novela, La mujer del maestro, trata el mito de Prometeo dentro de la historia, refiriéndose a los temas tan dispares como talento y traición, generosidad y envidia, deseo y vanidad, siempre poniendo el enfoque en la literatura. Por consiguiente, nuestra investigación está basada no solo en las mencionadas novelas sino también en las reflexiones del propio autor sobre literatura –desde su primer libro de ensayos La fórmula de la inmortalidad hasta el último publicado, La razón literaria–, y asimismo en las opiniones del escritor expresadas en las entrevistas que le hicimos en tres ocasiones. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar que Guillermo Martínez escribe sobre los temas universales con una nueva tensión, comprobando que Fausto y Prometeo son dos caras de un mismo mito, que sigue actual
El impacto del boom latinoamericano en los escritores serbios
In this work we want to show the
strong links between Spanish-American and
Serbian writers, through the books translated
from Spanish and works written in Serbian.
Assuming that each writer is above all a good
reader, and considering the importance of translation
for literature in general, we have investigated
the influence of Borges, Cortázar, Fuentes,
García Márquez and Vargas Llosa on Serbian
writers since the 1950s until today. Through
authentic testimonies - interviews made for this
research - and the reviews and analysis of books
and particular texts influenced by the authors of
the boom, we will present a creative variety and
authentic literary creation of a small country with
many translations and dedicated writers, and
show that the great impact of Spanish-American
literature in Serbia began half a century ago and
never ceased
Los reflejos de la dictadura en la obra literaria de Zoé Valdés
Resumen: Uno de los campos donde los reflejos de la dictadura se pueden observar de la manera más vívida y palpable es el campo de la literatura, que a veces representa un testimonio todavía más evidente que la historia. Una de las escritoras más comprometidas de nuestros tiempos, la cubana residente en Francia, Zoé Valdés, sería el objeto de nuestra investigación dedicada sobre todo a la influencia y la presencia de la dictadura y la prohibición en la personalidad literaria y la obra de la autora hispanoamericana en sus años cubanos y franceses. Examinaremos la narrativa de Zoé Valdés dentro de sus novelas y los libros, estudios y artículos científicos que abarcan su obra. Nos concentraremos en su relación literaria y personal conflictiva con su isla nativa, a través de la mezcla de su adoración a Cuba con las críticas más duras al gobierno castrista. Considerando varias novelas de Zoé Valdés (La nada cotidiana, El todo cotidiano, La cazadora de astros, La mujer que llora y La Habana, mon amour) y nuestra comunicación personal con la autora, intentaremos mostrar que su literatura, además de ser ficción, es también un testimonio personal de la dictadura, un homenaje a la libertad y un recurso resucitador y terapéutico en el insilio y en el exilio de la autora, durante ese proceso largo, complejo y difícil tanto de Cuba como de toda América Latina. Palabras clave: Zoé Valdés, literatura hispanoamericana, narración cubana, dictadura, transición Abstract: One of the areas where the reflections of the dictatorship can be seen in the most vivid and palpable way is the field of literature, which sometimes is even more evident witness than the history itself. One of the most politically active writers of our time, a Cuban resident in France, Zoe Valdes, was the object of our research dedicated mainly to the influence and presence of the dictatorship and the ban in the literary personality and work of the Hispanic American author, within her Cuban and French years. We explored the narrative of Zoe Valdes in her novels and books, academic articles and studies covering her work, being concentrated on her literary, personal and conflict relationship with her native island, through her worship of Cuba and the toughest criticism of the Castro’s government. Considering several novels of Zoe Valdes (La nada cotidiana, El todo cotidiano, La cazadora de astros, La mujer que llora y La Habana, mon amour)) and our personal communication with the author, we have tried to show that her literature, besides being fiction, it is also a personal testimony of a dictatorship, a tribute to freedom and a resuscitator and therapeutic resource in the insile and exile of the author, during this complex and difficult long process, both in Cuba and throughout Latin America
A search for identity in Carlos Fuentes's oeuvre ; Поиск идентичности в работах Карлоса Фуэнтеса.
Ova doktorska disertacija obuhvata temeljno kritičko razmatranje teme identiteta kao jednog od suštinskih pitanja latioameričkog društva i pojedinca, koje predstavlja okosnicu celokupnog dela meksičkog književnika Karlosa Fuentesa (Carlos Fuentes, 1928-2012). Cilj disertacije je da temeljnim sagledavanjem istorijskih, filozofskih i književnih tokova osvešćivanja tamošnjeg čoveka i društva, kroz prizmu detaljne analize opusa Karlosa Fuentesa, ukažemo na osobenost i značaj hispanoameričkog identiteta i na doprinos meksičkog pisca traganju za njim odnosno njegovom pronalaženju. Našim istraživanjem nastojali smo takođe da sagledamo stavove ovdašnjih hispanista u vezi sa temom kojom se bavimo, kao i da nagovestimo prisustvo i uticaj dela Karlosa Fuentesa na našim prostorima...This doctoral dissertation deals with a detailed critical examination of the identity theme as one of the seminal questions when the Latin American society and a Latin American individual are concerned, which is a crucial point of the Mexican author Carlos Fuentes’s oeuvre. The aim of the dissertation is to convey the characteristics and significance of Hispanic identity, as well as the author’s contribution in the search of that identity and its forming, by the means of thorough analysis of historical, philosophical and literary emancipatory elements active both in the individual and in the society, as they are presented in Carlos Fuentes’s works. The dissertation also offers the views of Serbian scholars of Hispanic literature and culture on this topic, and aims at establishing the presence and influence of Carlos Fuentes in our country..
Los Balcanes en la obra y el pensamiento de Carlos Fuentes
This article investigates the multiple relationships, opinions and inspirations of Carlos Fuentes regarding the Balkans. From his first books until the end of his life, the Mexican writer showed a deep interest in the turbulent history and powerful cultural heritage of the countries of Eastern Europe. The objective of this work is to show the influence of different Balkan themes in the Mexican writer’s thought: historical (the turbulent 20th century began in the Balkans with the attack in Sarajevo in 1914, and it finished with the bombing of Serbia in 1999). Political: Latin America suffered a balkanized and fractured policy, but it did not lose its own national unity nor its shared Ibero-American fraternity. And artistic: the Palace of Diocletian in Spalato/ Split is present in three books of Carlos Fuentes, and the Romanian Count Dracula constitutes the axis of the Fuentesian interest in the subject of vampires). Besides, we have also examined his critical attitude towards various events, people and monuments of that part of the world. Our research covers a dozen books by Carlos Fuentes: Cumpleaños, La nueva novela hispanoamericana, Terra Nostra, La campaña, En esto creo, Vlad, Todas las familias felices, El espejo enterrado etc., from various moments of his literary career.Este artículo investiga las múltiples relaciones, opiniones e inspiraciones de Carlos Fuentes en lo que respecta a los Balcanes. Desde sus primeros libros hasta el final de su vida, el escritor mexicano mostró un profundo interés en la turbulenta historia y potente herencia cultural de los países de Europa del Este y Sudeste. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la influencia de diversos temas balcánicos en el pensamiento del escritor mexicano: históricos (en los Balcanes se inició y terminó el turbulento siglo XX, con el atentado en Sarajevo en 1914 y el bombardeo de Serbia en 1999). Políticos: América Latina sufría una política balcanizada y fracturada, pero no perdió su unidad nacional propia ni su fraternidad iberoamericana compartida. Y artísticos: el Palacio de Diocleciano, en Spalato/ Split, está presente en tres novelas de Carlos Fuentes y el conde Drácula rumano constituye el eje del interés fuentesiano en el tema de los vampiros), examinando su actitud crítica hacia varios acontecimientos, personas y monumentos de esa parte del mundo. Nuestra investigación abarca una decena de libros de Carlos Fuentes: Cumpleaños, La nueva novela hispanoamericana, Terra Nostra, La campaña, En esto creo, Vlad, Todas las familias felices, El espejo enterrado etc., de varias épocas de su carrera literaria
the wargames of Roberto Bolaño
In this paper we have investigated the presence of the World War II, the deformations of Nazism and the war strategy as obsessive themes of Roberto Bolaño from the beginning of his literary career to the novels published after his death. Focusing on his literary games and analyzing Nazi Literature in America (1996) and The Third Reich (started in the eighties under the title The Mediterranean Strategy but published in 2010, seven years after the death of the author), referring to the articles written by Roberto Bolaño and about him, as well as to the interviews and other available evidences, we have tried to show the impact of war both in his literary vigor as in his private life, and to identify war games as a metaphor for the literature and life of the Chilean writer, fond of wargames and owner of a large collection of them
La traducción del teatro y la interculturalidad
In this article we explore the inseparable connection between the translation of theatre plays and interculturality, as well as the complex task of translating a text which must function in the present as a performance directed to a target audience. In this qualitative, narrative, descriptive, interpretative and observational study, we offer an approach to the translation resources used in theatrical texts and explain how the process of translating implies the search for cultural equivalences and adaptations between the source and the target languages.En el artículo exploramos la relación indisociable que existe entre la traducción de obras de teatro y la interculturalidad, así como la compleja tarea de traducir un texto que debe funcionar en el presente de la representación dirigido a un público meta. En este estudio cualitativo, de corte narrativo y de tipo descriptivo, interpretativo y observacional, ofrecemos un acercamiento a los recursos de traducción empleados en los textos teatrales y damos cuenta de cómo el ejercicio de traducir implica la búsqueda de equivalencias y adaptaciones culturales entre la lengua de partida y la de llegada
Značaj informacionih tehnologija u modernom visokoškolskom obrazovanju
U okviru savremenog obrazovnog sistema na Univerzitetu u Beogradu značajno mesto trebalo bi da
pripada infarmacionim tehnologijama u službi sticanja i prezentacije znanja, kako studenata tako i nastavnog osoblja na
Univerzitetu. Ovaj značaj ogleda se u različitim domenima i segmentima visokoškolske nastave i kreće se od upotrebe
informacionih tehnologija ( u daljem tekstu IT) u sticanju, proveri i komunikaciji znanja izmedju studenata do pripreme,
prezentacije i provere nastavnih sadržaja od strane nastavnog osoblja na Univerzitetu – nastavnici i saradnici
Univerziteta. U tom smislu u radu je tretiran i obrađen segment značaja i koristi pojedinih sistema IT u studijama
koncipiranim prema Bolonjskom sistemu, kao sitemu definisanom akreditacijom državnih fakulteta Univerziteta u
Beogradu, a prema zahtevima modernog obrazovanja i inovacijama 21.veka u domenu svih naučnih disciplina pa i
društveno-humaničkih nauka. Cilj studije bio je ispitati stavove i mišljenje studenata Fakulteta za specijallnu edukaciju i
rehabilitaciju Univerziteta u Beogradu o značaju primene različitih segmenata IT okruženja u visokoškolskoj nastavi ove
obrazovne ustanove. Uzorkom su obuhvaćena 204 respodenta, studenta Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju,
svih nivoa studija izuzev doktorskih studija, koji su online popunjavanjem ankete pruzili podatke za realizaciju ove studije
istraživačkog tipa. Za ispitivanje stavova i mišljenja studenata o postavljenom istraživačkom problemu korišćen je merni
instrument procene stavova studenata- Set upitnik 2103, Univerziteta Glazgov ( Honeychurch, S., McCluckie, B., 2014).
Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na visok procenat ispitanika (preko polovina ispitanog uzorka) koja se izjasnila
za visoko značajno učešće tehničkih rešenja u svim ispitanim domenima izuzev u domenu kreiranja i prezentiranja video
materijala u ispitanim segmentima nastave. Takođe je ukazano na visok značaj komunikacije tehničko-tehnoloških i
društveno-humanističkih nauka u kreiranju obrazovnog ambijenta i obrazovnog sistema Univerziteta u Beogradu.Within the modern education system at the University of Belgrade, an important place should belong to
information technology in the service of acquiring and presenting knowledge of both students and teaching staff at the
University. This importance is reflected in different domains and segments of higher education and ranges from the use
of information technology (hereinafter referred to as IT) in the acquisition, assessment and communication of
knowledge between students; to the preparation, presentation and validation of teaching content by teaching staff at
the University. In this sense, this paper deals with and elaborates the segment of the importance and benefits of
individual IT systems in studies designed according to the Bologna system, as a system defined by the accreditation of
the state faculties of the University of Belgrade, and according to the requirements of modern education and
innovations of the 21st century in the field of all scientific disciplines, including social sciences and humanities. The
aim of the study was to examine the attitudes and opinions of the students of the Faculty of Special Education and
Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade on the importance of applying different segments of the IT environment in the
higher education teaching of this educational institution. The sample included 204 respondents, students of the Faculty
of Special Education and Rehabilitation, all levels of study except doctoral studies, who provided online data for
completing this research-type study by completing the survey. To measure students 'attitudes and opinions about the
research problem posed, a measurement instrument was used to assess students' attitudes - Set Questionnaire 2103,
Glasgow University (Honeychurch, S., McCluckie, B., 2014). Preliminary research results indicate a high percentage
of respondents (over half of the sample surveyed) who declared themselves to have a high participation of technical
solutions in all tested domains except in the domain of creating and presenting video materials in the examined
teaching segments. The importance of communication between the technical, technological and social sciences in the
creation of the educational environment and the educational system of the University of Belgrade was also pointed out.TREND XXVI Skup trendovi razvoja: inovacije u modernom obrazovanj
Concepción Reverte Bernal. La época colonial en la narrativa peruana contemporánea. Pamplona: EUNSA, 2020
Reseña de Bojana Kovačević Petrović sobre La época colonial en la narrativa peruana contemporánea (EUNSA, 2020) de Concepción Reverte. 290 pp. ISBN: 978-84-313-3505-2.Review of Bojana Kovačević Petrović sobre La época colonial en la narrativa peruana contemporánea (EUNSA, 2020) de Concepción Reverte. 290 pp. ISBN: 978-84-313-3505-2