96 research outputs found

    Impact of network Jitter on effective equipment impairment factor

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    The paper deals with a non-intrusive approach to the speech quality assessment and examines an impact of network jitter on effective equipment impairment factor in E-model. In order to improve currently used computational E-model (ITU-T G.107), we proposed an optimization based on numerous measurements and experiments with an objective intrusive method PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) under varying delay, packet loss, jitter and play-out buffer. Comparing achieved results in experiments and the computed values in E-model, we proposed modification which improves estimated MOS of E-model

    The profitability of millet cultivation on heavy soils

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    Between years 2013 and 2015, field treatments with millet variety Biserka was carried out in locality Milhostov, where experimental place of Agroecology Research Institute is situated. Two soil tillage technologies (conventional and reduce tillage) and two fertilization variants (control and soil conditioner PRP SOL) were examined. The economic effectiveness of individual variant of millet growing was evaluated. In experimental years 2013 – 2015 the highest costs (more than 560 € ha-1) were determined for conventional tillage at variant with soil conditioner PRP SOL. The lowest costs, on level 330 € ha-1, was on control variant under reduce tillage. In year 2015 the weather was very severe, which was the cause of the lowest millet yields and so the lowest gains were achieved, too. The highest profitability was determined for control variants under reduce tillage. Lower gains from variants with application of PRP SOL soil conditioner will be compensate in next years, when impact of this conditioner on soil environment will be more significant and will be effected of consecutive crops

    The long-term different tillage and its effect on physical properties of heavy soils

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    Article Details: Received: 2018-05-31    |    Accepted: 2018-07-09    |    Available online: 2018-09-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.03.100-107Between 2006 and 2015 years the effect of different tillage of heavy clay loamy soils on their physical properties were studied. Field treatments were carried on Experimental workplace in Milhostov, in central part of the East Slovak Lowland. Conventional tillage, reduce tillage and no-tillage practises were examined.  Soil samples were taken from topsoil in natural conditions without irrigation in spring time by Kopecky's rollers. From basic physical soil properties, the bulk density, total porosity and maximum capillary water capacity were analysed by known methods. The linear trend analysis was used for testing of long-term application of different soil tillage in relation to soil properties. Bulk density was in range 1331 – 1623 kg m-3, the lowest average values (in average 1466 kg m-3) was found for reduce tillage. Total porosity answered to bulk density and its values was from 38.12 % to 49.26 %, higher values were at conventional and reduce tillage and lower at no-tillage practise. Maximum capillary water capacity values in range 31.65 – 42.03 % reached level of values typical for heavy soils of the East Slovak Lowland. The trend analysis of 10-years-time series indicate decreasing of bulk density at conventional and reduce tillage variants, but its increasing for no-tillage variant. The time course of the total porosity had the opposite course than bulk density. Mainly for no-tillage variant, trend of decreasing of total porosity influence the possibility of air and water regimes changes for clay-loamy soil, which may result in a reduction of the transport function of soil. During observed period the changes of maximum capillary water capacity wasn’t significant. Application of soil protective technologies for heavy soils as integrated system, in long-time horizon doesn't have to mean deterioration of basic soil physical parameters.Key words: heavy soils, soil tillage, physical soil properties, long-term treatments, trend analyseReferences ALVAREZ, R., STEINBACH, H. S. 2009. A review of the effects of tillage systems on some physical properties, water content, nitrate availability and crops yield in the Argentine Pampas. In: Soil Tillage Res., vol. 104, 2009, p. 1-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2009.02.005BÜCHI, L., WENDLING, M., AMOSSÉ, C., JEANGROS, B., SINAJ, S., CHARLES, R. 2017. Long and short term changes in crop yield and soil properties induced by the reduction of soil tillage in a long experiment in Switzerland. In: Soil Tillage Res., vol. 174, 2017, p. 120-129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2017.07.002DAM, R. F., MEHDI, B. B., BURGESS, M. E. E., MADRAMOOTOO, C. A., MEHUYS, G. R. CALLUM, I. R. 2006. Soil bulk density and crop yield under eleven consecutive years of corn with different tillage and residue practices in a sandy loam soil in central Canada. In: Soil Tillage Res., vol. 84, 2006, N. 1, p. 41-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2004.08.006ELDER, J. W., LAL, R. 2008. Tillage effect on physical properties of agricultural organic soils of north central Ohio. In: Soil Tillage Res., vol. 98, 2008, N. 2,  pp. 208-210. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2007.12.002GŁĄB, T., KULIG, B. 2008. Effect of mulch and tillage system on soil porosity under wheat (Triticum aestivum). In: Soil Tillage Res., vol. 99, 2008, p. 169-178. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2008.02.004HRIVŇÁKOVÁ, K., MAKOVNÍKOVÁ, J. et al. 2011. Jednotné pracovné postupy rozborov pôd. (in Slovak)  1. vyd. Bratislava : VÚPOP, 2011. 136 s. ISBN 978-80-89128-89-1CHAJDIAK, J. 2005. Štatistické úlohy a ich riešenie v Exceli. (In Slovak) Bratislava : Statis, 2005. 268 s. ISBN 80-85659-39-5KOTOROVÁ, D. 2007. Zmeny vlastností ílovito-hlinitej pôdy pri jej rozdielnom obrábaní. (in Slovak) In: Agriculture (Poľnohospodárstvo), roč. 53, 2007, č. 4, s. 183-190.KOTOROVÁ, D., MATI, R. 2008. Properties and moisture regime of heavy soils in relation to their cultivation. In: VII. Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, Cereal Research Communications, vol. 36, 2008, Suppl., p. 1751-1754.KOTOROVÁ, D., ŠOLTYSOVÁ, B. 2011. Fyzikálno-chemické vlastnosti ťažkých pôd. (in Slovak) 1. vyd. Piešťany : CVRV – Výskumný ústav agroekológie Michalovce, 2011. 95 s. ISBN 978-80-89417-34-6KOTOROVÁ, D., ŠOLTYSOVÁ, B. 2015. Vplyv pôdnych pomocných látok na fyzikálne a chemické vlastnosti pôd. (in Slovak) 1. vyd. Lužianky : NPPC – Výskumný ústav agroekológie Michalovce, 2015. 95 s. ISBN 978-80-971644-4-7KOTOROVÁ, D., ŠOLTYSOVÁ, B., MATI, R. 2010. Vlastnosti fluvizemí na Východoslovenskej nížine pri ich rozdielnom obrábaní. (in Slovak) 1. vyd. Michalovce : CVRV – Výskumný ústav agroekológie, 2010. 160 s. ISBN 978-80-89417-25-4LAL, R., REICOSKY, D. C., HANSON, J. D. 2007. Evolution of the plow over 10.000 years and the rationale for no-till farming. Soil Tillage Res, 93, 1-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2006.11.004LEDVINA, R. et al. 2004. Půdoochranné technologie pro pěstování polních plodin. (In Czech) In: Collection of Scientific Papers. Series for Crop Sciences. České Budějovice : Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 21, 2004, N. 2, p. 61-66. ISBN 1212-0731LINKEŠ, V., PESTÚN, V., DŽATKO, M. 1996. Príručka pre používanie máp bonitovaných pôdno-ekologických jednotiek. (In Slovak) 3. vyd. Bratislava : VÚPÚ, 1996. 103 s. ISBN 80-85361-19-1MATI R., KOTOROVÁ D. 2007. The effect of soil tillage system on soil bulk density and other physical and hydrophysical characteristics of Gleyic Fluvisol. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 55: 4. 246-252.MOREIRA, W. H., TORMENA, C. A., KARLEN, D. L., PIRES da SILVA, A., KELLER, T., BETIOLI Jr., E. 2016. Seasonal changes in soil physical properties under no-tillage. Soil Tillage Res., 160, 53-64. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2016.02.007PALM, C., BLANCO-CANQUI, H., DECLERCK, F., GATERE, L., GRACE, P. 2014. Conservation agriculture and ecosystem services. Overview. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 187, 87-105. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2013.10.010SOANE, B. D., BALL, B. C., ARVIDSSON, J., BASCH, G., MORENO, F., ROGERESTRADE, J. 2012. No-till in northern, western and south-western Europe: a review of problems and opportunities for crop production and the environment. Soil Tillage Res. 118, 66-87. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2011.10.015ŠIMANSKÝ, V., TOBIAŠOVÁ, E., CHLPÍK, J. 2008. Soil tillage and fertilization of Orthic Luvisol and their influence on chemical properties, soil structure stability and carbon distribution in water-stable macro-aggregates, Soil & Tillage Research, 100 (1-2), 125-132. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2008.05.008ŠIMANSKÝ, V., POLLÁKOVÁ, N., JONCZAK, J. 2016. Is better minimum than standard mouldboard ploughing tillage from viewpoint of the pore-size distribution and soil water retention characteristic changes? Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova, 3(167), 17-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/cerce-2016-0022ŠIMANSKÝ, V.  2017. Is the period of 18 years sufficient for an evaluation of changes in soil organic carbon under a variety of different soil management practices? Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(1), 37-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2016.1253717ŠÚTOR, J., GOMBOŠ, M., MATI, R., TALL, A., IVANČO, J. 2007. Voda v zóne aerácie pôd Východoslovenskej nížiny. (In Slovak) Bratislava : ÚH SAV, Michalovce : SCPV – ÚAe, 2007, 280 s. ISBN 80-89139-10-8TÓTH, Z., DUNAI, A., JOLÁNKAI, P., 2012. Effect of soil tillage on soil water content. Növénytermelés, 61: 3. 235-238.VOGELER, I., ROGASIK, J., FUNDER, U., PANTEN, K., SCHNUG, E. 2009. Effect of tillage system and P-fertilization on soil physical and chemical properties: crop yield and nutrient uptake. Soil Tillage Res. 103, 137-143. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2008.10.00

    Positive Electrospray Ion Trap Multistage Mass Spectrometric Fragmentation of Synthetic Analogs of Saccharide Part of Lipopolysaccharides of Vibrio cholerae O:1

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    Oligosaccharides (mono- to hexamers) that mimic the terminal epitopes of O-antigens of Vibrio cholerae O:1, serotypes Ogawa and Inaba, have been studied by electrospray ion trap (ESI IT) mass spectrometry. Sodium or potassium-cationized adducts are characteristic ions under the conditions of ESI-MS analysis. The tentative pathways of fragmentation have been proven by multistage ion trap MS (MSn, n = 1–3). The predominant pathway of fragmentation of the oligomers is the neutral loss of monosaccharide residue shortening the length of the oligosaccharide. In this way, conversion of the Ogawa to Inaba fragments takes place under the conditions of measurement. ESI MS/MS provided sufficient information about molecular mass, the number of saccharide residues, and the structure of saccharides, about the C (4)-amide of 3-deoxy-L-glycero-tetronic acid (DGT) of the compounds investigated, and allows to distinguish between Ogawa and Inaba serotypes

    Jitter buffer loss estimate for effective equipment impairment factor

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    The paper deals with a proposal of original E-model modification, the new model includes improvements giving more precise results when a jitter is present in transmission channel. Our idea is based on the fact that the network jitter can affect overall delay in delivery or a packet loss due to a limitation of play-out buffer in IP phones or VoIP gateways. Delay is incorporated in an impairment factor Id of E-model whereas losses are issue of Ie-eff parameter. We examined how the estimated speech quality is affected by jitter and compared computed results with MOS values gained by PESQ objective intrusive method (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality). Experiments were performed in circumstances of varying delay, packet loss, jitter and play-out buffer. We have proved that the proposed modification improves estimated MOS computed by Emodel.Scopus7324824

    Research on chip shear angle and built-up edge of slow-rate machining EN C45 and EN 16MnCr5 steels

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    One of the phenomena that accompanies metal cutting is extensive plastic deformation and fracture. The excess material is plastically deformed, fractured, and removed from the workpiece in the form of chips, the formation of which depends on the type of crack and their propagation. Even in case of the so-called ‘continuous’ chip formation there still has to be a fracture, as the cutting process involves the separation of a chip from the workpiece. Controlling the chip separation and its patterning in a suitable form is the most important problem of the current industrial processes, which should be highly automated to achieve maximal production efficiency. The article deals with the chip root evaluation of two EN C45 and EN 16MnCr5 steels, focusing on the shear angle measuring and built-up edge observation as important factors influencing the machining process, because a repeated formation and dislodgement of built-up edge unfavorably affects changes in the rake angle, causing fluctuation in cutting forces, and thus inducing vibration, which is harmful to the cutting tool. Consequently, this leads to surface finish deterioration. The planing was selected as a slow-rate machining operation, within which orthogonal and oblique cutting has been used for the comparative chips’ root study. The planned experiment was implemented at three levels (lower, basic, and upper) for the test preparation and the statistical method, and regression function was used for the data evaluation. The mutual connections among the four considered factors (cutting speed, cutting depth, tool cutting edge inclination, and rake angle) and investigated by the shear angle were plotted in the form of graphical dependencies. Finally, chips obtained from both steels types and within both cutting methods were systematically processed from the microscopic (chip root) and macroscopic (chip pattern) points of view. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic [KEGA 007TUKE-4/2018

    Molecular recognition in the P2Y14 receptor: Probing the structurally permissive terminal sugar moiety of uridine-5′-diphosphoglucose

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    The P2Y14 receptor, a nucleotide signaling protein, is activated by uridine-5′-diphosphoglucose 1 and other uracil nucleotides. We have determined that the glucose moiety of 1 is the most structurally permissive region for designing analogues of this P2Y14 agonist. For example, the carboxylate group of uridine-5′-diphosphoglucuronic acid proved to be suitable for flexible substitution by chain extension through an amide linkage. Functionalized congeners containing terminal 2-acylaminoethylamides prepared by this stratgegy retained P2Y14 activity, and molecular modeling predicted close proximity of this chain to the 2nd extracellular loop of the receptor. In addition, replacement of glucose with other sugars did not diminish P2Y14 potency. For example, the [5″]ribose derivative had an EC50 of 0.24 μM. Selective monofluorination of the glucose moiety indicated a role for the 2″- and 6″-hydroxyl groups of 1 in receptor recognition. The β-glucoside was 2-fold less potent than the native α-isomer, but methylene replacement of the 1″-oxygen abolished activity. Replacement of the ribose ring system with cyclopentyl or rigid bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane groups abolished activity. Uridine-5′-diphosphoglucose also activates the P2Y2 receptor, but the 2-thio analogue and several of the potent modified-glucose analogues were P2Y14-selective

    Evaluation of methods for conceptual design and implementation of service-oriented aplications based on enterprise integration systems

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    Title: Evaluation of methods for conceptual design and implementation of service-oriented applications based on enterprise integration systems. Author: Pavol Kovac Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: Ing. Lucia Kapova Supervisor's e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: Service-oriented development (SOA) has become commonly used approaches for building large systems. The goal of the thesis is to evaluate of methods for conceptual design and implementation of service-oriented applications based on enterprise integration systems. In more detail, the work should analyze three frameworks for SOA development, implement a case study in these systems and based on the analysis evaluate possibilities of service coordination. The implementation of case study and introduction of steps of SOA development process is expected. Keywords: SOA, ESB, BPM, integratio

    Indirect and direct support of sports activities in Slovakia between the years 2009 – 2013

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    Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je analyzovat formy podpory sportovních aktivit na Slovensku a zároveň zhodnodit objem a vývoj veřejných výdajů na podporu sportovních aktivit na Slovensku ve sledovaném období. V rámci dílčího cíle je úkolem porovnat vývoj veřejných výdajů na podporu sportovních aktivit mezi Slovenskem a Českou republikou. Úvodní kapitola je věnována základním pojmům. Druhá a třetí kapitola se zaobírá jednotlivými formami přímé a nepřímé podpory sportovních aktivit na Slovensku. V závěrečné kapitole jsou porovnány výdaje na podporu sportovních aktivit ze státních rozpočtů Slovenska a České republiky. Druhá část poslední kapitoly je věnovaná podpoře Slovenského svazu ledního hokeje.The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to analyze the forms of support of sports activities in Slovakia and also evaluate a volume and development of expenses related to the support during the observed period. The partial aim's task is to compare development of expenses for the supporting sports activities between Slovakia and Czech Republic. The introductory chapter contains terms related to the field of the sports economics and the area of sport in general. Second and third chapter deals with the single forms of direct and indirect support of sports activities in Slovakia. Final chapter compares the sports expenses from state budgets between Slovakia and Czech Republic. Second part of final chapter is about support of Slovakia Ice Hockey Federation.Hlavným cieľom bakalárskej práce je analyzovať formy podpory športových aktivít na Slovensku a zároveň zhodnotiť objem a vývoj výdajov na podporu športových aktivít na Slovensku v sledovanom období. V rámci čiastkového cieľa je úlohou porovnať vývoj výdajov na podporu športových aktivít medzi Slovenskom a Českou republikou. Úvodná kapitola je venovaná základným pojmom, ktoré sa vyskytujú v športovej ekonómií alebo v rámci celej oblasti športu. Druhá a tretia kapitola sa zaoberá jednotlivými formami priamej a nepriamej podpory športových aktivít na Slovensku. V záverečnej kapitole sú porovnávané výdaje na podporu športových aktivít zo štátnych rozpočtov Slovenska a Českej republiky. Druhá časť poslednej kapitoly je venovaná podpore Slovenského zväzu ľadového hokeja