8 research outputs found

    Identifying cognitive distraction using steering wheel reversal rates

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    The influence of driver distraction on driving performance is not yet well understood, but it can have detrimental effects on road safety. In this study, we examined the effects of visual and non-visual distractions during driving, using a high-fidelity driving simulator. The visual task was presented either at an offset angle on an in-vehicle screen, or on the back of a moving lead vehicle. Similar to results from previous studies in this area, non-visual (cognitive) distraction resulted in improved lane keeping performance and increased gaze concentration towards the centre of the road, compared to baseline driving, and further examination of the steering control metrics indicated an increase in steering wheel reversal rates, steering wheel acceleration, and steering entropy. We show, for the first time, that when the visual task is presented centrally, drivers’ lane deviation reduces (similar to non-visual distraction), whilst measures of steering control, overall, indicated more steering activity, compared to baseline. When using a visual task that required the diversion of gaze to an in-vehicle display, but without a manual element, lane keeping performance was similar to baseline driving. Steering wheel reversal rates were found to adequately tease apart the effects of non-visual distraction (increase of 0.5 degree reversals) and visual distraction with offset gaze direction (increase of 2.5 degree reversals). These findings are discussed in terms of steering control during different types of in-vehicle distraction, and the possible role of manual interference by distracting secondary tasks

    Robot guided 'pen skill' training in children with motor difficulties

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    Motor deficits are linked to a range of negative physical, social and academic consequences. Haptic robotic interventions, based on the principles of sensorimotor learning, have been shown previously to help children with motor problems learn new movements. We therefore examined whether the training benefits of a robotic system would generalise to a standardised test of 'pen-skills', assessed using objective kinematic measures [via the Clinical Kinematic Assessment Tool, CKAT]. A counterbalanced, cross-over design was used in a group of 51 children (37 male, aged 5-11 years) with manual control difficulties. Improved performance on a novel task using the robotic device could be attributed to the intervention but there was no evidence of generalisation to any of the CKAT tasks. The robotic system appears to have the potential to support motor learning, with the technology affording numerous advantages. However, the training regime may need to target particular manual skills (e.g. letter formation) in order to obtain clinically significant improvements in specific skills such as handwriting.</p

    Presenting KAPODI – The Searchable Database of Emotional Stimuli Sets

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    Emotional stimuli such as images, words, or video clips are often used in studies researching emotion. New sets are continuously being published, creating an immense number of available sets and complicating the task for researchers who are looking for suitable stimuli. This paper presents the KAPODI-database of emotional stimuli sets that are freely available or available upon request. Over 45 aspects including over 25 key set characteristics have been extracted and listed for each set. The database facilitates finding of and comparison between individual sets. It currently contains sets published between 1963 and 2020. A searchable online version (https://airtable.com/shrnVoUZrwu6riP9b) allows users to select specific set characteristics and to find matching sets accordingly, as well as to add new published sets

    Robot Guided ‘Pen Skill’ Training in Children with Motor Difficulties

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    Motor deficits are linked to a range of negative physical, social and academic consequences. Haptic robotic interventions, based on the principles of sensorimotor learning, have been shown previously to help children with motor problems learn new movements. We therefore examined whether the training benefits of a robotic system would generalise to a standardised test of ‘pen-skills’, assessed using objective kinematic measures [via the Clinical Kinematic Assessment Tool, CKAT]. A counterbalanced, cross-over design was used in a group of 51 children (37 male, aged 5-11 years) with manual control difficulties. Improved performance on a novel task using the robotic device could be attributed to the intervention but there was no evidence of generalisation to any of the CKAT tasks. The robotic system appears to have the potential to support motor learning, with the technology affording numerous advantages. However, the training regime may need to target particular manual skills (e.g. letter formation) in order to obtain clinically significant improvements in specific skills such as handwriting

    Task performance on novel robotic arm task.

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    <p>*<i>p</i> < .05, **<i>p</i> < .001 Reciprocal average time (in seconds) to complete all paths on novel robotic arm task (with standard error bars) for each group at each time point.</p

    Set-up of the robotic arm system.

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    <p>The child traces around a 3-D path represented on the laptop screen (a), using the pen attached to the robotic device (b).</p

    Looking and thinking when driving: The impact of gaze and cognitive load on steering

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    Driving around bends at high speeds is a task performed by many on a daily basis but the underlying mechanisms of steering control remain largely unknown. Previous research has shown that when steering, gaze direction can be a critical component of success. However, with increased use of in-vehicle information systems (IVIS), there is growing competition over the same resources that are needed to steer (gaze as well as associated attentional resources). Although it can be argued that locomotor steering is an automatic task that can be performed without recourse to conscious “cognitive” control, much simpler locomotor-related tasks, such as judging one’s heading, have been shown to be affected by concurrent attentional tasks (Wann, Swapp, & Rushton, 2000). Here we examined whether an attentional task placed at an offset fixation point influenced concurrent steering performance along a computer simulated road. The experiments either used gaze-fixation points that had similar properties to real-world road signs (i.e. moved relative to the vehicle) or were more akin to IVIS (i.e. fixed to the vehicle). Results showed that gaze fixation eccentric to future path caused systematic steering biases. The degree or type of cognitive load did not change the degree of steering bias, but there was some evidence of decreased lane variability when viewing the IVIS-type displays. No differences in steering performance were found between the different types of cognitive task. We conclude that where you look is critical for safe driving, and IVIS-type displays might make drivers more susceptible to cognitive interference