433 research outputs found

    Temporary staff: benefit or loss-making

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    Temporary staff - the staff is involved to perform temporary work for a short period of time and is not included in state companies. Usually they are involved in the implementation of short-term projects or in replacement of absent workers. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3492

    Conceptual Scheme for Ensuring the Energy Efficiency Principle in Modern Container Fleet

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    As a result of the analysis of the modern merchant fleet, indicators have been revealed of an increase in the size of modern merchant vessels, which affects the overall energy efficiency. It should be noted a significant increase in the container fleet, namely, not only an increase in the number of vessels themselves, but also an increase in the average carrying capacity by almost 2.8 times. As a result, emissions to the atmosphere have also increased due to a significant increase in ship propulsion power and fuel consumption. This is due to the specifics of container traffic, namely for the rapid transportation of goods from port A to port B, for which container ships often move in all weather conditions with maximum speed, respectively, fuel consumption is enormous compared to other types of ships.Despite the fact that the goods must be delivered as soon as possible and without delay, in practice, due to the lack of effective feedback between all participants in the transportation process, this is not always possible. The inefficiency of feedback leads to wasteful resources, which in turn increases the financial costs of the shipowner by increasing fuel consumption. It also reduces the energy efficiency of the ship and increasing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.Considering the experience of the giants of maritime transport such as MAERSK, MSC, CMA CGM, it is possible to see that all participants in the process are single unit and interested in maximum efficiency of transportation. Containers of smaller companies that do not own their terminals often face ineffective feedback and are not able to influence the situation.The conceptual scheme proposed in the article should increase the efficiency of feedback between the vessel charter and the port, which, in turn, will increase the efficiency of sea freight. Constant access to information about the situation in the port will make it possible to avoid unnecessary delays of the ship

    Tasks of monitoring the state policy of ukraine in the field of international multimodal transportation

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    Genetic interactions contribute less than additive effects to quantitative trait variation in yeast.

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    Genetic mapping studies of quantitative traits typically focus on detecting loci that contribute additively to trait variation. Genetic interactions are often proposed as a contributing factor to trait variation, but the relative contribution of interactions to trait variation is a subject of debate. Here we use a very large cross between two yeast strains to accurately estimate the fraction of phenotypic variance due to pairwise QTL-QTL interactions for 20 quantitative traits. We find that this fraction is 9% on average, substantially less than the contribution of additive QTL (43%). Statistically significant QTL-QTL pairs typically have small individual effect sizes, but collectively explain 40% of the pairwise interaction variance. We show that pairwise interaction variance is largely explained by pairs of loci at least one of which has a significant additive effect. These results refine our understanding of the genetic architecture of quantitative traits and help guide future mapping studies

    Звук движущегося точечного источника

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    Одним з найбільш розповсюджених джерел шуму є транспортні потоки. В багатьох випадках транспортні потоки створюють надмірні рівні шуму, що призводить до збільшення випадків захворювання людей. Велика кількість публікацій [1-3] присвячених цій проблемі, за останній час свідчить, що остаточно дане питання не розв’язане. В статті запропонована математична модель для знаходження часової залежності звукового тиску при рівномірному русі джерела звуку. Одержані результати мають бути враховані при проектуванні шумозахисних екранів.One of the most common noise sources are traffic streams. In many cases traffic streams create excessive levels of noise resulting in an increase of human diseases. Therefore, the task of reducing the level of noise is important and vital. Many scientists have paid attention to this issue, but the large number of publications [1-3] in recent years shows that the issue is not completely resolved. This article discusses finding the time dependence of the sound pressure at the sound source moving.Одним из наиболее распространенных источников шума являются транспортные потоки. Во многих случаях транспортные потоки создают чрезмерные уровни шума, что приводит к увеличению случаев заболевание людей. Большое количество публикаций [1-3], посвященных этой теме, в последнее время показывает, что окончательно данный вопрос не решен. В статье предложена математическая модель для нахождения временной зависимости звукового давления при равномерном движении источника звука. Полученные результаты должны учитываться при проектировании шумозащитных экранов

    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of using the darbepoetin alfa to correct anemia in patients with chronic renal failure who are on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis

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    Goal: to conduct pharmacoeconomic analysis of using the darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) and other erythropoiesis-stimulating agents for anemia correction in patients on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Methodology. The study included both original medications: darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp), epoetin alfa (Eprex), methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (Mircera), and bioanalog - epoetin alfa (Eralfon). Due to the fact that data are available regarding the discrepancy between the actual dosage of darbepoetin and instructions for drug use (meta Bonafont et al.), to assess the actual practice in a national health system was conduct a retrospective observational study in 11 hospitals of different regions of Russia. Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) was used as the most informative method to identify sources to optimize budget spending allocated for drug coverage this category of patients - only direct medical cost took into account such as cost of the drugs, intravenous administration, the transfusion and the cost of unplanned hospitalization for cardiovascular reasons or due to infection. The same calculation was made changes total cost (savings budget) at a magnification of hospital purchases Aranesp share 15% (± 5% of each of the compared drugs) depending on the target value of the level of hemoglobin. One-way sensitivity analysis of the model to the price of Aranesp ± 10% and reduce the dose of Aranesp by 20% and 47% (based on expert data), as well as to changes in the cost of hospitalization was spend. Results. Data on the efficacy and safety of different types of anemia correction in patients on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis have been analyzed. In the literature review was concluded on a similar efficacy and safety of drugs included in the study. Cost analysis showed darbepoetin economic advantage for all the analyzed indicators (total costs per patient attained control, the total annual costs). Sensitivity analysis showed that the results are most sensitive to a change in dose and price of darbepoetin. Despite the fact that these actual practices indicate a possible reduction in the dose of Aranesp by 47%, the economic benefit of the drug Aranesp maintained even at reduction by 30%. Conclusions. Using Aranesp in dosages used in actual practice for correction of anemia in patients undergoing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is more cost-effective way of treatment compared with other alternative erythropoiesis-stimulating drugs