218 research outputs found
Meaningful Learning in Mathematics : A Research Synthesis of Teaching Approaches
The premise on which our synthesis is based is the fragmentation of research focused on teaching and learning in mathematics. Our intention is to build an aggregate synthesis from these sources in the context of school education and meaningful learning. Our research targets the links between the different approaches used in teaching, interaction during the teaching-learning process and learning outcomes. Methodologically, our dataset consists of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies and meta-analyses. An EBSCO search produced 69 analysis-eligible publications from 2007-2019. According to our findings, the use of contextual, concrete and social approaches promotes meaningful learning in mathematics, although with certain refinements. The analyses revealed that high-quality learning in mathematics requires guidance during student activities and evaluation with immediate feedback during the teaching-learning process. It also requires the skill among teachers to choose suitable contexts and learning tools, and to focus the students’ communication on what is relevant. Additional significant factors in a meaningful learning process include an affectively favourable classroom atmosphere and teachers who treat their students as individuals. Keywords: mathematics, teaching, learning, synthesis, holistic approachPeer reviewe
Tilastokeskuksen tietoliikenneverkon kehittäminen
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli parantaa Tilastokeskuksen tietoliikenneverkon teknistä luotettavuutta ja tietoturvaa. Tavoitteena oli samalla myös saattaa tietoliikenneverkon tekninen dokumentaatio vastaamaan nykytilaa.
Tietoliikenneverkon luotettavuutta parannettiin ottamalla Spanning Tree -protokolla käyttöön viraston kerrosverkoissa. Tarkoituksena oli estää esimerkiksi verkkojohtojen kytkentävirheistä johtuvat verkkomyrskyt.
Verkon tietoturvan parantamiseksi tehtiin suunnitelma porttikohtaisen todentamisen (IEEE 802.1X) käyttöönottamiseksi verkkokytkimissä. Todentamiseen käytettiin käyttäjien Active Directory –tunnuksia sekä päätelaitteiden MAC-osoitteita. Tällä hankaloitetaan merkittävästi tuntemattomien laitteiden liittämistä verkkoon.
Lisäksi suunniteltiin vanhan, vain vierailijoiden käyttöön tarkoitetun langattoman verkon tilalle ratkaisu, joka mahdollistaa verkon turvallisen käyttämisen myös viraston omille työntekijöille.
Tietoliikenneverkon dokumentointia parannettiin päivittämällä vanhentuneita verkkokuvia sekä laatimalla suunnitelma, jonka avulla dokumentit saadaan versionhallinnan piiriin.The main goal of this thesis was to improve Statistics Finland’s data network’s fault tolerance, security and documentation.
The network's fault tolerance was improved by enabling Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on the switches, which handle the traffic for all the workstations. STP protects the network from bridge loops and broadcast storms.
To improve the security of the network, a plan was developed for using port based authentication (IEEE 802.1X) on the network switches. This makes it more difficult to attach unknown devices to the network. MAC addresses from client devices (laptops and workstations) and Active Directory credentials were used for authentication.
Also, a plan was developed to replace the current wireless network solution. The proposed solution would make it possible for Statistics Finland's employees to use the wireless network in a secure way. The previous implementation was only for a limited visitor use.
The documentation of the data network was improved by updating the old network diagrams. A plan to add version controlling into the documentation process was also made
Exploring the Possibilities for Mobile Insurance Services
Due to the complex nature of insurance, customers often require the assistance of insurance officers when upgrading their insurance cover or managing other insurance related tasks. The current electronic services provided by the insurance companies are more or less product-oriented and therefore difficult to manage, or even understand by ordinary customers. As modern technology enables the development of graphical game-like approach on services and taking more benefit out of mobile device characteristics, it is more likely to persuade the customers to operate in the electronic environment in order to get themselves familiar with insurance related issues.
In this article, we are the taking the future perspective on the topic by considering what kinds of electronic insurance services could be offered in mobile service environment. More precisely, we discuss how Web-based (already existing) insurance services could be applied in mobile service context, and what kinds of new features (e.g. location information and mobile identification) could be utilized in context of mobile services to enhance the overall service
Changes in healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies among older working-age people in Finland, 2000-2017
Background Raising the statutory retirement age has been a common policy response to population ageing, but health problems may restrict labour force participation in older ages. We examined the development of healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies in Finland from 2000 to 2017 using different measures of health problems. Methods Healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies were calculated for the age range 50-65 years using the Sullivan method. The health measures were limiting long-standing illness, self-rated health, mental health problems and self-assessed work ability. Results Healthy working life expectancy was highest when health was measured by work ability. From 2000 to 2017, working years in full ability between the ages 50-65 increased from 6.2 (95% confidence interval 5.9-6.4) to 8.2 (8.0-8.5). Healthy working life expectancy increased also when measured by the other indicators. Unhealthy working years also increased, except when health problems were measured by limiting long-standing illness. The share of years in work increased both within the healthy and the unhealthy years, the increase being larger or equally large for the latter. Within the healthy and unhealthy years measured by the other three indicators, the share of working years increased irrespective of whether work ability was full or limited, but the increase was larger for limited work ability. Conclusions In Finland, healthy working life expectancy has increased irrespective of how health is measured but also working with health problems has become more prevalent. The estimates for healthy working years are highest when a direct measure of work ability is used.Peer reviewe
Adoption of incentive-based insurance applications : the perspective of psychological ownership
Incentive-based health insurance applications have been implemented to trigger lower insurance premiums when the individual follows healthy living habits. It has been recognised that this benefit notwithstanding, consumers’ perceptions related to such applications in the life-insurance field and health tracking are not necessarily positive. Recent research has recognised that psychological ownership, a mental state wherein one feels a technology or application to be his or her own, plays a crucial role in individuals’ willingness to adopt and use new technologies. It has been suggested that many digital applications and platforms possess unique empowering and co-creative features that offer special potential to facilitate the emergence of psychological ownership and satisfy the underlying needs. The aim of our study, proceeding from these premises, was to identify and thematize hurdles to take-up of incentive-based health insurance applications with regard to meeting needs that drive development of psychological ownership. We achieved this by conducting a thematic analysis of perceptions of consumers who were not willing to adopt a specific application of the relevant type. The resulting framework, which recognises 14 thematized hurdles in all, holds important implications for scientific and managerial use both.publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Association of short poor work ability measure with increased mortality risk : a prospective multicohort study
Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVES: To examine whether a single-item measure of self-rated work ability predicts all-cause mortality in three large population-based samples collected in 1978-1980, 2000 and 2017. SETTING: A representative sample of the population of Finland. PARTICIPANTS: The study population comprised 17 178 participants aged 18 to 65 from the population-based Mini-Finland, Health 2000 and FinHealth 2017 cohort studies, pooled together. In all cohorts, self-rated work ability was assessed at baseline (1978-80, 2000-2001 and 2017) using three response alternatives: completely fit (good work ability), partially disabled (limited work ability) and completely disabled (poor work ability) for work. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: All-cause mortality from national registers. Cox proportional hazards models were adjusted for socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle factors, self-rated health and mental health problems. RESULTS: Of the participants, 2219 (13%) were classified as having limited and 991 (5.8%) poor work ability and 246 individuals died during the 4 year follow-up. The age- and sex-adjusted HR for mortality risk was 7.20 (95% CI 5.15 to 10.08) for participants with poor vs good work ability and 3.22 (95% CI 2.30 to 4.43) for participants with limited vs good work ability. The excess risk associated with poor work ability was seen in both genders, all age groups, across different educational levels, self-rated health levels and in those with and without mental health problems. The associations were robust to further adjustment for education, health behaviours, self-rated health and mental health problems. In the multivariable analyses, the HR for mortality among those with poor vs good work ability was 5.75 (95% CI 3.59 to 9.20). CONCLUSIONS: One-item poor self-rated work ability -measure is a strong predictor of increased risk of all-cause mortality and may be a useful survey-measure in predicting severe health outcomes in community-based surveys.Peer reviewe
This study aims to describe the emotional dynamics of first grade students at the beginning of the lesson and at the end of the lesson of one elementary school in Singkawang City and to analyse the factors causing the emotions of the first grade students at the beginning of the lesson and at the end of the lesson on one elementary school in Singkawang City. This type of research is qualitative research. Sources of data used are class I and Teacher homeroom I. Data collection techniques that researchers use is participatory observation in the process of learning in the classroom at the beginning and end of the lesson. Interview techniques in the form of structured interviews used to obtain information as complete as possible. Data collection techniques with documents in the form of writing and photos. Data Collecting Instrument used in this research are observation sheet, interview questionnaire and activity photo. The results explain the emotional dynamics in the first grade students of Brother Singkawang Elementary School at the beginning of the lesson is 100% happy. At the end of the hour 18% happy, 18% sad, and 63% angry. Factors causing emotions happy at the beginning of the lesson because it can meet friends, play and learn together. As for sad and angry emotions are not visible. At the end of the lesson there are happy emotions caused by content to play, full because they have eaten and ready to learn again and can answer teacher questions. The sad emotion at the end of the lesson is caused by still want to play, sick, hot weather, tired or tired and fighting. Furthermore, feelings of anger caused by a friend's fight and bullied, hot weather, angry due to the teacher warned and hyperactive
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