26 research outputs found

    The choice of the medium sanation in the treatment of acute widespread purulent peritonitis by the method of laparostomy in combination with programmed of the abdominal cavity sanitation

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    The accumulated clinical experience and analysis of our own results of treatment of patients with severe forms of acute widespread purulent peritonitis, speaks about the growing urgency of this problem. The aim of this study was determination of the most optimal medium sanation during execution programs of the abdominal cavity sanitation in acute diffuse purulent peritonitis.Was studied the treatment results of 79 patients with severe forms of acute widespread purulent peritonitis. After laparotomy and performing a biopsy was conducted qualitative and quantitative morphological study of the inflammatory process in the peritoneum on the background of the landmark of the abdominal cavity sanitation of  two groups of patients with acute widespread purulent peritonitis before and after carrying out the programmatic sanitation of the abdominal cavity, using a solution of octenidine dihydrochloride and saline solution.In the result of study, authors came to the conclusion, that the application, as it seemed different sanation mediums do not affect on the basic morphometric parameters of the studied biopsies of the peritoneum after sanitation of abdominal cavity.This confirms the theory of "mechanical purification" of the abdominal cavity, and sanitation of the abdominal cavity does not depend on the qualitative composition of the sanation medium

    The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record.Data Availability. Genome-wide sequence data of two Botai individuals (BAM format) are available at the European Nucleotide Archive under the accession number PRJEB31152 (ERP113669). Eigenstrat format array genotype data of 763 present-day individuals and 1240K pulldown genotype data of two ancient Botai individuals are available at the Edmond data repository of the Max Planck Society (https://edmond.mpdl.mpg.de/imeji/collection/Aoh9c69DscnxSNjm?q=).The indigenous populations of inner Eurasia, a huge geographic region covering the central Eurasian steppe and the northern Eurasian taiga and tundra, harbor tremendous diversity in their genes, cultures and languages. In this study, we report novel genome-wide data for 763 individuals from Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. We furthermore report additional damage-reduced genome-wide data of two previously published individuals from the Eneolithic Botai culture in Kazakhstan (~5,400 BP). We find that present-day inner Eurasian populations are structured into three distinct admixture clines stretching between various western and eastern Eurasian ancestries, mirroring geography. The Botai and more recent ancient genomes from Siberia show a decrease in contribution from so-called “ancient North Eurasian” ancestry over time, detectable only in the northern-most “forest-tundra” cline. The intermediate “steppe-forest” cline descends from the Late Bronze Age steppe ancestries, while the “southern steppe” cline further to the South shows a strong West/South Asian influence. Ancient genomes suggest a northward spread of the southern steppe cline in Central Asia during the first millennium BC. Finally, the genetic structure of Caucasus populations highlights a role of the Caucasus Mountains as a barrier to gene flow and suggests a post-Neolithic gene flow into North Caucasus populations from the steppe.Max Planck SocietyEuropean Research Council (ERC)Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)Russian Scientific FundNational Science FoundationU.S. National Institutes of HealthAllen Discovery CenterUniversity of OstravaCzech Ministry of EducationXiamen UniversityFundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesMES R

    The choice of the medium sanation in the treatment of acute widespread purulent peritonitis by the method of laparostomy in combination with programmed of the abdominal cavity sanitation

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    Накопленный клинический опыт и анализ собственных результатов лечения пациентов с тяжелыми формами острого распространенного гнойного перитонита, говорит о нарастающей актуальности данной проблемы. Целью данного исследования явилось определение наиболее оптимальной санационной среды при выполнении программных санаций брюшной полости при остром разлитом гнойном перитоните. Исследованы результаты лечения 79 пациентов с тяжелыми формами острого распространенного гнойного перитонита. После лапаротомии и выполнения биопсии проведено квалитативное и квантитативное морфологическое исследование воспалительного процесса в брюшине на фоне этапных санаций брюшной полости двух групп пациентов с острым распространенным гнойным перитонитом до и после проведения программных санаций брюшной полости с применением р-ра октенидина дигидрохлорида и физиологического раствора. В результате исследования авторы пришли к выводу, что применение, как бы казалось разных санирующих сред не повлияло на основные морфометрические показатели исследуемых биоптатов брюшины после санации брюшной полости. Это подтверждает теорию «механического очищения» брюшной полости, а санация брюшной полости не зависит от качественного состава санирующей среды.Накопичений клінічний досвід і аналіз власних результатів лікування пацієнтів з важкими формами гострого розповсюдженого гнійного перитоніту, говорить про збушуюся актуальність даної проблеми. Метою даного дослідження було визначення найбільш оптимального санаційного середовища при виконанні програмних санацій черевної порожнини при гострому розлитому гнійному перитоніті. Досліджено результати лікування 79 пацієнтів з важкими формами гострого поширеного гнійного перитоніту. Після лапаротомії та виконання біопсії проведено квалітативну і квантитативне морфологічне дослідження запального процесу в очеревині на тлі етапних санацій черевної порожнини двох груп пацієнтів з гострим розповсюдженим гнійним перитонітом до і після проведення програмних санацій черевної порожнини із застосуванням розчину октенідіна дигідрохлориду і фізіологічного розчину. В результаті дослідження ми прийшли до висновку, що застосування, як би здавалося різних санаційних середовищ не вплинуло на основні морфометричні показники досліджуваних біоптатів очеревини після санації черевної порожнини. Це підтверджує теорію «механічного очищення» черевної порожнини, а санація черевної порожнини не залежить від якісного складу сануючого середовища.The accumulated clinical experience and analysis of our own results of treatment of patients with severe forms of acute widespread purulent peritonitis, speaks about the growing urgency of this problem. The aim of this study was determination of the most optimal medium sanation during execution programs of the abdominal cavity sanitation in acute diffuse purulent peritonitis. Was studied the treatment results of 79 patients with severe forms of acute widespread purulent peritonitis. After laparotomy and performing a biopsy was conducted qualitative and quantitative morphological study of the inflammatory process in the peritoneum on the background of the landmark of the abdominal cavity sanitation of two groups of patients with acute widespread purulent peritonitis before and after carrying out the programmatic sanitation of the abdominal cavity, using a solution of octenidine dihydrochloride and saline solution. In the result of study, authors came to the conclusion, that the application, as it seemed different sanation mediums do not affect on the basic morphometric parameters of the studied biopsies of the peritoneum after sanitation of abdominal cavity. This confirms the theory of "mechanical purification" of the abdominal cavity, and sanitation of the abdominal cavity does not depend on the qualitative composition of the sanation medium

    Population distribution and ancestry of the cancer protective MDM2 SNP285 (rs117039649)

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    The MDM2 promoter SNP285C is located on the SNP309G allele. While SNP309G enhances Sp1 transcription factor binding and MDM2 transcription, SNP285C antagonizes Sp1 binding and reduces the risk of breast-, ovary- and endometrial cancer. Assessing SNP285 and 309 genotypes across 25 different ethnic populations (>10.000 individuals), the incidence of SNP285C was 6-8% across European populations except for Finns (1.2%) and Saami (0.3%). The incidence decreased towards the Middle-East and Eastern Russia, and SNP285C was absent among Han Chinese, Mongolians and African Americans. Interhaplotype variation analyses estimated SNP285C to have originated about 14,700 years ago (95% CI: 8,300 - 33,300). Both this estimate and the geographical distribution suggest SNP285C to have arisen after the separation between Caucasians and modern day East Asians (17,000 - 40,000 years ago). We observed a strong inverse correlation (r = -0.805; p < 0.001) between the percentage of SNP309G alleles harboring SNP285C and the MAF for SNP309G itself across different populations suggesting selection and environmental adaptation with respect to MDM2 expression in recent human evolution. In conclusion, we found SNP285C to be a pan-Caucasian variant. Ethnic variation regarding distribution of SNP285C needs to be taken into account when assessing the impact of MDM2 SNPs on cancer risk

    Toll roads in Belarus

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