87 research outputs found

    Application of DNA from mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus for cancer biotherapy: a pilot study

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    Aim: In present work, the attempt to study immunomodulatory activity and biotherapeutical potential of DNA isolated from the fruit body of P. ostreatus was made. Methods: The efficacy of biotherapeutic application of mushroom DNA was evaluated on the BALB/c mice with subcutaneously transplanted Ehrlich carcinoma. The effect of Pleurotus ostreatus DNA on NK activity was studied in vitro using nonspecific cytotoxicity assay. Results: Application of mushroom DNA resulted in augmentation of NK cytotoxic activity in vitro and significant increase of the life span of mice with solid Ehrlich carcinoma. Conclusion: The observed effects of P. ostreatus DNA administration can be probably explained by the presence of immunostimulatory unmethylated CpG motifs in DNA.Цель: в данной работе сделана попытка исследовать иммуномодулирующее влияние ДНК из плодового тела гриба Pleurotus ostreatus на активность NK-клеток, а также возможность ее применения в экспериментальной биотерапии опухолей. Методы: эффективность терапевтического применения грибной ДНК изучали у мышей линии BALB/c с подкожно трансплантированной карциномой Эрлиха. Влияние ДНК Р. ostreatus на активность NK-клеток исследовали in vitro с помощью теста неспеинфической цитотоксичности. Результаты: установлено, что интраперитонеальное введение ДНК повышает цитотоксическую активность NK-клеток in vitro и значительно повышает выживаемость мышей с солидной карциномой Эрлиха. Выводы: наблюдаемые эффекты, вероятно, можно объяснить наличием в составе ДНК из Р ostreatus иммуностимулирующих неметилированных CpG-мотивов

    Coordinate Gene Regulation during Hematopoiesis Is Related to Genomic Organization

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    Gene loci are found in nuclear subcompartments that are related to their expression status. For instance, silent genes are often localized to heterochromatin and the nuclear periphery, whereas active genes tend to be found in the nuclear center. Evidence also suggests that chromosomes may be specifically positioned within the nucleus; however, the nature of this organization and how it is achieved are not yet fully understood. To examine whether gene regulation is related to a discernible pattern of genomic organization, we analyzed the linear arrangement of co-regulated genes along chromosomes and determined the organization of chromosomes during the differentiation of a hematopoietic progenitor to erythroid and neutrophil cell types. Our analysis reveals that there is a significant tendency for co-regulated genes to be proximal, which is related to the association of homologous chromosomes and the spatial juxtaposition of lineage-specific gene domains. We suggest that proximity in the form of chromosomal gene distribution and homolog association may be the basis for organizing the genome for coordinate gene regulation during cellular differentiation

    X-ray emission during the muonic cascade in hydrogen

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    We report our investigations of X rays emitted during the muonic cascade in hydrogen employing charge coupled devices as X-ray detectors. The density dependence of the relative X-ray yields for the muonic hydrogen lines (K_alpha, K_beta, K_gamma) has been measured at densities between 0.00115 and 0.97 of liquid hydrogen density. In this density region collisional processes dominate the cascade down to low energy levels. A comparison with recent calculations is given in order to demonstrate the influence of Coulomb deexcitation.Comment: 5 pages, Tex, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Outline of a Genome Navigation System Based on the Properties of GA-Sequences and Their Flanks

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    Introducing a new method to visualize large stretches of genomic DNA (see Appendix S1) the article reports that most GA-sequences [1] shared chains of tetra-GA-motifs and contained upstream poly(A)-segments. Although not integral parts of them, Alu-elements were found immediately upstream of all human and chimpanzee GA-sequences with an upstream poly(A)-segment. The article hypothesizes that genome navigation uses these properties of GA-sequences in the following way. (1) Poly(A) binding proteins interact with the upstream poly(A)-segments and arrange adjacent GA-sequences side-by-side (‘GA-ribbon’), while folding the intervening DNA sequences between them into loops (‘associated DNA-loops’). (2) Genome navigation uses the GA-ribbon as a search path for specific target genes that is up to 730-fold shorter than the full-length chromosome. (3) As to the specificity of the search, each molecule of a target protein is assumed to catalyze the formation of specific oligomers from a set of transcription factors that recognize tetra-GA-motifs. Their specific combinations of tetra-GA motifs are assumed to be present in the particular GA-sequence whose associated loop contains the gene for the target protein. As long as the target protein is abundant in the cell it produces sufficient numbers of such oligomers which bind to their specific GA-sequences and, thereby, inhibit locally the transcription of the target protein in the associated loop. However, if the amount of target protein drops below a certain threshold, the resultant reduction of specific oligomers leaves the corresponding GA-sequence ‘denuded’. In response, the associated DNA-loop releases its nucleosomes and allows transcription of the target protein to proceed. (4) The Alu-transcripts may help control the general background of protein synthesis proportional to the number of transcriptionally active associated loops, especially in stressed cells. (5) The model offers a new mechanism of co-regulation of protein synthesis based on the shared segments of different GA-sequences

    CAF-1 Is Essential for Heterochromatin Organization in Pluripotent Embryonic Cells

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    During mammalian development, chromatin dynamics and epigenetic marking are important for genome reprogramming. Recent data suggest an important role for the chromatin assembly machinery in this process. To analyze the role of chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF-1) during pre-implantation development, we generated a mouse line carrying a targeted mutation in the gene encoding its large subunit, p150CAF-1. Loss of p150CAF-1 in homozygous mutants leads to developmental arrest at the 16-cell stage. Absence of p150CAF-1 in these embryos results in severe alterations in the nuclear organization of constitutive heterochromatin. We provide evidence that in wild-type embryos, heterochromatin domains are extensively reorganized between the two-cell and blastocyst stages. In p150CAF-1 mutant 16-cell stage embryos, the altered organization of heterochromatin displays similarities to the structure of heterochromatin in two- to four-cell stage wild-type embryos, suggesting that CAF-1 is required for the maturation of heterochromatin during preimplantation development. In embryonic stem cells, depletion of p150CAF-1 using RNA interference results in the mislocalization, loss of clustering, and decondensation of pericentric heterochromatin domains. Furthermore, loss of CAF-1 in these cells results in the alteration of epigenetic histone methylation marks at the level of pericentric heterochromatin. These alterations of heterochromatin are not found in p150CAF-1-depleted mouse embryonic fibroblasts, which are cells that are already lineage committed, suggesting that CAF-1 is specifically required for heterochromatin organization in pluripotent embryonic cells. Our findings underline the role of the chromatin assembly machinery in controlling the spatial organization and epigenetic marking of the genome in early embryos and embryonic stem cells

    Global Chromatin Domain Organization of the Drosophila Genome

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    In eukaryotes, neighboring genes can be packaged together in specific chromatin structures that ensure their coordinated expression. Examples of such multi-gene chromatin domains are well-documented, but a global view of the chromatin organization of eukaryotic genomes is lacking. To systematically identify multi-gene chromatin domains, we constructed a compendium of genome-scale binding maps for a broad panel of chromatin-associated proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. Next, we computationally analyzed this compendium for evidence of multi-gene chromatin domains using a novel statistical segmentation algorithm. We find that at least 50% of all fly genes are organized into chromatin domains, which often consist of dozens of genes. The domains are characterized by various known and novel combinations of chromatin proteins. The genes in many of the domains are coregulated during development and tend to have similar biological functions. Furthermore, during evolution fewer chromosomal rearrangements occur inside chromatin domains than outside domains. Our results indicate that a substantial portion of the Drosophila genome is packaged into functionally coherent, multi-gene chromatin domains. This has broad mechanistic implications for gene regulation and genome evolution

    Lamin B1 regulates somatic mutations and progression of B-cell malignancies

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    Somatic hypermutation (SHM) is a pivotal process in adaptive immunity that occurs in the germinal centre and allows B cells to change their primary DNA sequence and diversify their antigen receptors. Here, we report that genome binding of Lamin B1, a component of the nuclear envelope involved in epigenetic chromatin regulation, is reduced during B-cell activation and formation of lymphoid germinal centres. Chromatin immunoprecipitation-Seq analysis showed that kappa and heavy variable immunoglobulin domains were released from the Lamin B1 suppressive environment when SHM was induced in B cells. RNA interference-mediated reduction of Lamin B1 resulted in spontaneous SHM as well as kappa-light chain aberrant surface expression. Finally, Lamin B1 expression level correlated with progression-free and overall survival in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, and was strongly involved in the transformation of follicular lymphoma. In summary, here we report that Lamin B1 is a negative epigenetic regulator of SHM in normal B-cells and a 'mutational gatekeeper', suppressing the aberrant mutations that drive lymphoid malignancy

    5C analysis of the Epidermal Differentiation Complex locus reveals distinct chromatin interaction networks between gene-rich and gene-poor TADs in skin epithelial cells

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    YesMammalian genomes contain several dozens of large (>0.5 Mbp) lineage-specific gene loci harbouring functionally related genes. However, spatial chromatin folding, organization of the enhancer-promoter networks and their relevance to Topologically Associating Domains (TADs) in these loci remain poorly understood. TADs are principle units of the genome folding and represents the DNA regions within which DNA interacts more frequently and less frequently across the TAD boundary. Here, we used Chromatin Conformation Capture Carbon Copy (5C) technology to characterize spatial chromatin interaction network in the 3.1 Mb Epidermal Differentiation Complex (EDC) locus harbouring 61 functionally related genes that show lineage-specific activation during terminal keratinocyte differentiation in the epidermis. 5C data validated by 3D-FISH demonstrate that the EDC locus is organized into several TADs showing distinct lineage-specific chromatin interaction networks based on their transcription activity and the gene-rich or gene-poor status. Correlation of the 5C results with genome-wide studies for enhancer-specific histone modifications (H3K4me1 and H3K27ac) revealed that the majority of spatial chromatin interactions that involves the gene-rich TADs at the EDC locus in keratinocytes include both intra- and inter-TAD interaction networks, connecting gene promoters and enhancers. Compared to thymocytes in which the EDC locus is mostly transcriptionally inactive, these interactions were found to be keratinocyte-specific. In keratinocytes, the promoter-enhancer anchoring regions in the gene-rich transcriptionally active TADs are enriched for the binding of chromatin architectural proteins CTCF, Rad21 and chromatin remodeler Brg1. In contrast to gene-rich TADs, gene-poor TADs show preferential spatial contacts with each other, do not contain active enhancers and show decreased binding of CTCF, Rad21 and Brg1 in keratinocytes. Thus, spatial interactions between gene promoters and enhancers at the multi-TAD EDC locus in skin epithelial cells are cell type-specific and involve extensive contacts within TADs as well as between different gene-rich TADs, forming the framework for lineage-specific transcription.This study was supported by the grants 5R01AR064580 and 1RO1AR071727 to VAB, TKS and AAS, as well as by the grants from MRC (MR/ M010015/1) and BBSRC (BB/K010050/1) to VAB


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    Operons (clusters of co-regulated genes with related functions) are common features of bacterial genomes. More recently, functional gene clustering has been reported in eukaryotes, from yeasts to filamentous fungi, plants, and animals. Gene clusters can consist of paralogous genes that have most likely arisen by gene duplication. However, there are now many examples of eukaryotic gene clusters that contain functionally related but non-homologous genes and that represent functional gene organizations with operon-like features (physical clustering and co-regulation). These include gene clusters for use of different carbon and nitrogen sources in yeasts, for production of antibiotics, toxins, and virulence determinants in filamentous fungi, for production of defense compounds in plants, and for innate and adaptive immunity in animals (the major histocompatibility locus). The aim of this article is to review features of functional gene clusters in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the significance of clustering for effective function